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SmkmeAkipper's rumours posts with other poster's replies to SmkmeAkipper's rumours posts


24 Aug 2021 01:00:25
I think Sunday is a free hit. We are miles in front of where we thought we'd be and they have stalled- which is a bonus. Honestly if we lose its no big deal as I think come the window closing and 3 new first team starters to come in, we will motor and catch up the 3 points easily. We need tested at the back and on the break and maybe AZ and Sunday will test us. Then I have no doubt we will win more than them so losing Sunday is not a disaster.


1.) 24 Aug 2021 09:06:33
I would rather beat AX than sevco if I had to choose one and the reason I say that is. I think we will easily make the points up but if we don't get into the europa league that would have major consequences further down the line with signings.

2.) 24 Aug 2021 09:08:36
I'm not to sure to that extent of a free hit or no big deal if we lose but no doubt about it IF we do lose there's still no doubt we are on the right path there's no doubt we are back, I've said to a few people that mob are lucky the first derby isn't at Celtic park if it was we would have skelped them.

3.) 24 Aug 2021 11:43:00
The day playing they bar stewards becomes a free hit will never arrive. We need to go in and show we can beat them with no fear. We cannot accept that after our start we go there and lose, think what that will do to our confidence and how the Sevco press will play it. No way a free hit against them should ever even be considered. We need to put down a marker and if we go there and sh it it then that will be a hammer blow to us all. I am not saying we will definitely win as our defence isn't fit for purpose yet, but we must believe from mid to front we can run them ragged snd go out there believing that and delivering. We need at the bare minimum a draw, but I think we can go there and do them. I want our players to get away from the chronic rabbits in headlights displays we have endured too long. Go out there with belief and take these cants to the feckin cleaners. COYBIG.

{Ed007's Note - That defence that "isn't fit for purpose" has kept 4 clean sheets in their last 5 games.}

4.) 24 Aug 2021 12:03:49
I know that and appreciate they have been better, but going forward in the league and hopefully in the EL, I think we need another CB and LB as options. It is still vulnerable and this week will be their biggest test. I think you would be hard pressed to find any supporter who thinks we have it sorted. The Croatian looks the business and if we actually sign Scales he might be better, he looks good to me, but you never know. We definitely need another CB as waiting for Sterfelt to come good isn't an option for me. Wether we do bring in reinforcements is still not clear, but we need to. The defence have done better against home teams but against Alkmaar they looked vulnerable at times and that is my worry against teams who have better players. Im delighted we are going for Lovric nd the Greek guy, but, our main weakness is in the defence and we need to address that before it fecks us up.

{Ed007's Note - We haven't conceded in the league since the opening game against Hearts and after seeing the turnaround in the team since then I see no reason why that won't continue on Sunday.
So that's Starfelt written off already? 🤦‍♂️ Isn't him and Taylor part of that defence that kept clean sheets against Dundee, Jablonec, AZ and St Mirren, what did Starfelt do that was so bad in any of those games?
Paul said on the pod last night that TRIFC and their support are $hitting themselves for Sunday but some Celtic fans are getting their Tena in a tangle and losing focus on reality - have you watched us recently? Have you watched them?
I've not been this confident going to Ibrox since we were allowed in the Free Broomloan and they couldn't bear to see us party.}

5.) 24 Aug 2021 12:28:32
are we in for lovric or just wishing we are.

6.) 24 Aug 2021 12:45:50
I am not getting anything in a twist. I have watched them and so far mid to front we are better than under Rogers, however, Stefelt looks the weakest link. Would you disagree with that? As for confidence, I am too more confident of a win than I have been for too long, but to deny we still have problems at the back is nonsense. We do, I haven't written Sterfelt off, I don't have a crystal ball, but I do have eyes that he, so far, he isn't at it and is prone to mistakes. I want him to be brilliant, but so far, he just isn't. I also know they are rubbishting it, they have gone from 56 a cert, to feck all. We were all over them there last year then a defensive balls up derailed us. Self inflicted. I do want better than Taylor, who can't be faulted for effort and I would have him as back up, but if we really want to do well in Europe and at home, we need better. So another CB is a must, even if Sterfelt finds his game and is brilliant. One injury one suspension and its wheel out Bitton. And we all know how that turns out. No harm to Bitton, he is a midfielder, he is only played because we are never prepared and don't have actual Cb's, that needs to end. Maybe Scales is in for that, but that still leaves the need for a LB as we have no one part from the disaster that is Boli.

{Ed007's Note - Taylor is the weakest link in the defence and you're the first person I've heard saying anything else.
"waiting for Sterfelt to come good isn't an option for me" sounds awfully like you're writing him and off after only a handful of games.
I know you like a moan and looking for negatives in everything but your opinion on Starfelt is quite frankly ludicrous.
"Celtic players will be judged on their last touch of the ball or the last mistake they made" has never been more evident.}

7.) 24 Aug 2021 13:03:51
I'm hoping we go there and smash them. There is negativity in their camp already and I've seen a few "Gerrard Out" tweets already. If we hammer them then they'll be under pressure, something they never had to deal with last season as they got to build up a healthy lead we couldn't catch up. For all the gloating they done they're rubbishing it now after our start let's go out there and gub them and put them back in their box.

8.) 24 Aug 2021 14:35:48
I cn assure you I am not the only person who has commented that right now Sterfelt s the weakest link. Maybe you haven't heard or read the similar comments, one was, If you look at / welsh and Sterfelt, you would think Welsh was the £4m signing. there have been loads of others, including most of the podcast, but, if you think he is playing in a way that gives the support confidence you're in a minority of one. As for moaning, its not moving its highlighting areas that need addressed. You might not agree, nutlike me, you're only one Celtic fan, you may have people jumping on here to back you up, but that's the way it goes. every single Celtic outlet have raised concerns about the guy, your the first to say he's doing ok. He isn't, and even if he was, is ok for £4m ok? If he does come good that doesn't change right now he doesn't inspire confidence. We need another CB even if he turns into Maldini.

{Ed007's Note - So you and all these Celtic supporters I've not heard or read are ANYONE except you saying that Starfelt is performing worse worse than Taylor is? I don't think anyone on the podcast has said that either because I would have challenged it there and then.
Oh and byw I don't need anyone to back me up up mate, you're the one blabbing on about what other people are saying trying to gain traction for your own ludicrous opinions.
As I said, you're always moaning about something and looking for negatives but you've made yourself look a complete fool on here - again.}

9.) 24 Aug 2021 15:54:41
So anybody that doesn't agree with you, is making themselves look foolish? As I said your opinion is no better or worse than mine, Sterfelt has been a worry, Taylor is always a worry and he would never be first pick for me, but we have spent £4m on a guy who hasn't inspired confidence and looks shaky and vulnerable. To deny that is unbelievable. I never said he won't come good, I said up until now and the way we have been playing a the back Ralston and Welsh have saved his arse a few times, especially against Alkmaar where he was all over the place too often. As for looking for negatives, that's garbage, saying something isn't right or good enough isn't negative, kidding on its all great is far worse. We all know our weakest part of the team is our defence. Unless you think differently, then obviously its not. we need better defenders to make Anges philosophy work. We are still light at the back and an injury could see Bitton back. Right now Sterfelt has no competition fr the jersey and to keep everyone their toes you need that. I sincerely hope he turns out brilliant but that doesn't mean you can't say he has failed to inspire. Because he hasn't, regardless of how you see it.

{Ed007's Note - You said Starfelt was the weakest link in the defence - you said there is plenty of people who agree, where are they? You also said - although bizarrely you claimed you aren't writing him off - that waiting for him to settle and improve isn't an option for you even though you can't pinpoint what's he done wrong in the last few games where we have kept 4 clean sheets in 5 games.
It's not having a different opinion that makes you foolish, it's the unknown people that seemingly agree with you that makes you look foolish, you're obviosuly not confident enough to back your own opinion, I mean what absolute nonsense is this:

"I cn assure you I am not the only person who has commented that right now Sterfelt s the weakest link. Maybe you haven't heard or read the similar comments, one was, If you look at / welsh and Sterfelt, you would think Welsh was the £4m signing."

Why are you comparing Starfelt to Welsh when the entire thread is about Taylor and Starfelt? In fact don't even bother answering, I'm bored and you can go back to just trolling posts with negativity - how come you never pull me up about posts not going up, the trolling ones I just delete? Maybe the posters that don't think you're a Celtic supporter are right - see how easy it is to just to say something and say others have said it?}

10.) 24 Aug 2021 17:40:50
Don't put a stop to this - I still have a 1/ 3 of my popcorn bucket left and my 3D glasses have never had such a run out in a long time!

The boy Starfelt has, in my opinion, got some confidence/ settling in issues but he has not been horrendous. We could go through our whole team and find find fault with all of our players if we want to. Starfelt is no diddy and his performances will improve as he gets games under him and learns the system Ange wants better.
Starfelt can be seen in the same initial phases of his Celtic tenure as VVD or Larsson et al so let's all get behind him and give him the chance an international deserves.

The future's bright, it's swathed in green and white.

{Ed007's Note - 👍👍

11.) 24 Aug 2021 18:23:30
Magicpole you drove me up the pole never a positive comment enjoy the football and maybe win lose or draw support your team and the manager instead of slagging players who have played 4 games Glasgow’s green and white.

12.) 24 Aug 2021 19:45:33
can i ask again are we in for lovric as the op said and if christie stays do we need a lw as much as a lb or cb.

13.) 24 Aug 2021 20:35:58
FFS Magic! The boy came in and got thrown straight into the team and has played something like 7 games in 21 days.
Not everyone hits the ground running.

14.) 24 Aug 2021 22:28:02
Frank, read the bottom of the thread below and you'll see a positive post by Magicpole today.
There was a bit of a contradiction in what he finished off with though - "let's focus on the future with Ange and his team, no matter who they are".

15.) 25 Aug 2021 01:21:31
Must say I was half expecting Anne Robinson to make a post on this thread. If I think back, as someone else has said, anyone of our players could at some stage or other been considered the weakest link. It is true that at the moment the backline is weakest but ceertainly since Jow Hart came in that has been changing. In the game against hearts Celtic had 74% possession with 19 shots but only 7 were on target resulting in 1 goal for Anthony Ralston. Perhaps the forwards are the weakest links because if they scored with their shots the fact that hearts got two goals wouldn't have mattered as we would have scored more. Interesting that our goal came from a defender that until his recent performances most would have considered not good enough for Celtic.

16.) 25 Aug 2021 02:34:59
Got bored reading this thread after 1st few comments. Last season we lost to them cos we weren’t up for it not cos they were better players but they had fight and a will to win. Now we’re going to be up for it ange won’t treat them differently to anyone we play or where we play those mutants won’t know what’s hit them. We’re a much different animal now. These games used to be won or lost in midfield I don’t see this one being the same they won’t play a high line and flood the midfield cos our front 3 will rip them apart. Last season we were so predictable and easy to play against not this season. I’m going for -2 Celtic this time I’m that confident.

17.) 25 Aug 2021 08:04:35
Hail Hail Welshy88.

18.) 25 Aug 2021 08:29:02
Well Big Ange isn't concerned about clean sheets although they are nice aslong as we out score our opponents we will always win the game and Ange has us set up for that. So I couldn't care if we concede 2, 3 or 4 goals as long as we score 1 more than them I will be happy. Scotland or the UK are the only countries in Europe that are obsessed with clean sheets. I could not care as I say aslong as we out score the opposition we will always win. Rant over.

19.) 25 Aug 2021 09:28:26
Let this one go lads we are improving in the defence. Big Ange is showing our under performing players a better way. Starfelt yes hot and cold it's getting better Taylor Ralston huge difference. Well done Ange for the turnaround. Taking players who could do better and showing a better way. Loving your work. Big man.

20.) 25 Aug 2021 09:33:51
So we bring in another cb who also needs time to adjust to his team mates? Central defence is by far the hardest position to settle in. You need stability. Chopping and changing it isn't going to help anyone. And while I'm here, i don't get all this negativity towards taylor either. He apparently has some sort of rangers connection which seems to blur peoples opinion of him. I'm sure he had more touches in the last game than every other player except turnbull. And something like 90% pass completion. I'm sure someone on here will have exact figures.

21.) 25 Aug 2021 14:01:24
Starfelt has had hairy moments at times since he came in but so have all the rest. Ralston's been fantastic but made a poor error which could easily have led to a goal against AZ when he tried to be cute and skin the winger. Starfelt hasn't done what Kyogo or Abada have done so far and had a "big game" where he's a complete standout but that's not to say he's been particularly bad either. He could have been slightly quicker in his decision making and more accurate in his distribution at times but so could any of the back four.

22.) 26 Aug 2021 20:23:02
Sterfelt is s feckin nightmare. Like i said he was, and plenty of others, you might have missed it, but if you say he's ok, then you're wrong. Admit it. If he is ok, how bad do you want us to become? Are you going to post this, or do a Pravada? We need another CB. End of.

{Ed007's Note - Where did I say we didn't need another CB? Can you actually read, can you understand what you read or are you going to just make more stuff up?}



15 Aug 2021 01:37:11
I reckon the thing with the Brazilian boy on loan fae City rather than the Croatian RB is that the inverted FB style we are playing is same as Peps and the Young lad may be familiar with how to play it. If Peps taught him we just need to put that into practice. Might actually be a good shout. Maybe try a 2yr loan?


1.) 15 Aug 2021 08:39:39
He hasn't played for Pep yet though, they bought him and sent him on loan to Spain last year. We really need to get away from developing other teams young talent, if we are going to develop anyone it should be our own talent. In my opinion we should only be using the loan system in an emergency or with a loan to buy deal, I know things are difficult for everyone right now in terms of bringing players in but we have now had ample time to bring people in. I am still confident we will have another 2 or 3 players in before the window shuts.

2.) 15 Aug 2021 08:45:39
In my opinion a few loans is to be expected. We can’t expect such a large rebuild to be done in one window with every player coming in to be purchased. Loans are fine by me as the amount of players needed for the entire rebuild is much more than your average season. This will take a few windows to be fully rebuilt and if we need loans to cover positions till more funds are made available next summer then I’m all for it as long as the players brought in on loan improve the team even if it is only for 12 months.

3.) 15 Aug 2021 09:12:30
As long as there better loans than last year.

4.) 15 Aug 2021 21:10:57
Loans are a great idea if they’re used correctly, it can give you the chance of seeing how someone fits into our club or the system we are trying to play without splashing out on a huge fee first . Although I agree there’s no point in loaning someone that there is no realistic chance of signing permanently…… maybe an idea is to only use loans that have the option to buy clause In them.



28 Feb 2021 20:38:14
Confirmed by a very good source that the reason manager hasn't been announced yet is that once Crystal Palace guarantee safety Roy Hodgson will be announced Sporting Director with Eddie Howe manager. Hodgson contract ends in June. Deal for Howe done.


1.) 28 Feb 2021 22:06:10
Can’t see it but I think that would be great.

2.) 28 Feb 2021 22:35:55
At Palace, that isn't stopping us getting a Sporting Director and manager.

3.) 01 Mar 2021 01:04:56
Why would he give up a managers position for a DOF one? Why would he come to Scotland? Howe I can see but no change Hodgson.

4.) 01 Mar 2021 17:20:03
He is about 75 and could make a good dof.




SmkmeAkipper's banter posts with other poster's replies to SmkmeAkipper's banter posts


07 Jul 2024 02:25:16
I've watched the Euros and I'm about to suggest the craziest thing ever. Where is Pepe these days? 41 yrs old and was fekin amazing. Give him 45G pw and he'll get us through these 8 CL games beside CCV. I was never a big fan but geez he impressed so much.


1.) 07 Jul 2024 09:46:16
That's a tremendous shout mate, and absolute scoundrel of a player but extremely talented. I thought he was still at Porto but looks like he's a free agent now. He was on €55k a week there so definitely not impossible either. Sadly, I reckon he's the perfect profile for a Saudi-bound pension top up.

2.) 07 Jul 2024 10:29:49
He's with Porto and prob on about £60k a week.

3.) 07 Jul 2024 11:12:19
Fantastic professional and as much as i hate him, fair play to ronaldo for keeping himself fit too.

4.) 07 Jul 2024 14:35:52
Pepe is out of contract.
He was the best paid Porto player last season on £48K a week and the next highest wages was £35K a week.

Those figures are from Salary Sport.
I thought Porto would’ve paid higher wages, considering their turnover is about £70M a year higher than Sevco.



02 Jul 2024 18:58:09
This window is massive. I'm not surprised we're taking our time. We need-
2 GKs at least 1 better than super Joe
1 RB better than AJ
1 LB better than GT
2 CB to be first choice pairing
1 midfield general better than Cal
1 midfielder that can last 90 mins unlike Reo
2 Midfield replacements for turnbull/ bernardo/ fingers crossed also Iwata (offers zilch)
1 LW better than Palma
1 RW better than Kuhn
2 strikers to compete with Kyogo

That's 14 players just to move our squad in a progressive direction. The task BR faces is massive. Let's not be kidded.

If anyone disagrees please comment.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 19:47:48
You’re basically wanting a better player in every single position in the Celtic team and a few better subs added in for good measure.
Our fans need to be realistic.

I would be happy with 5 signings competing for a regular start in the team.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 14:35:39
Agree with you Buzz.

5 first team ready players (better than we currently have in the starting 11) would be a very good window and nothing less than BR and the supporters deserve.

If this took place then we should then aim for 2 first team ready players each summer window.

There are out of contract players available that we can afford who would improve our starting 11.

Given the cash reserves we have banked and the funds that will be generated with player sales, this is the window to move the team forward.

Time will tell.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 15:17:22
Buzz - you say you'd be happy with 5 new players? If that includes replacements for Hart, Idah and Bernardo then you're only getting 2 other new players. We've lost 2 GKs, 2 midfielders (including turnbull) and looks like 2 strikers (oh and idah). That's 6 players just to STAND STILL.

Everyone of us on here knows only CCV is good enough (well maybe not Ed), so at LEAST 1 CB needs to come in. That's 7. We have 38 league games, 8 CL games and hopefully 2 cup finals to play, so if we think we are going the distance with Kuhn, Palma, Jamsey and Yang then expectation is really low.

Only maeda of our wide men may be deemed even close to be good enough. 2 new wingers are a must. That's 9. Top this off with a real quality midfielder to make 10 and IMO that barely moves us forward. It's a step in right direction then win a treble and then add the 3-5 real quality next year. If we want better FBs then it's 12.



21 Jun 2024 17:50:04
Finding a goalie might be tough. The ones at euros are pants.


1.) 21 Jun 2024 21:38:02
I was going to say dubravic was a good option as he rarely makes mistakes but he was shocking today. To be honest Joe hart gave the club ample time to find a keeper, they should be well down the line now. Kellerher was always a pipe dream as the money Liverpool would want for him will be well out of our reach, I actually don’t even think he’s that great. Either tbh.

2.) 21 Jun 2024 22:49:08
I still think Livakovic would be a good signing.
Saw him a few times for Zagreb and Croatia.
The boy knows how to save a penalty.

3.) 22 Jun 2024 08:26:12
He might know someone who can take one.

4.) 22 Jun 2024 13:38:53
We shouldn’t be too worried about the goalkeeping position, just yet . It appears we may not have went to our domestic market to fill this position as that window has been open for approximately a week . However International transfer window doesn’t open until July the ist . So we could have our goalkeeper sitting With his bagged packed ready to become a Celt.



15 May 2024 20:12:16
Don't even wait until half time. Get on the blower to Deliah Smith at Norwich and lodge 4m bid. The guy has bags of potential and finally looks like we are playing with a full 11 players. Moose like performance.


1.) 15 May 2024 20:30:09
Better than the Moose.



12 May 2024 17:19:03
Hands down MOR will scoop all POTY awards. at least our own ones. But really special mention to Scales because if he went back to the SS or if he was not in contention, then we would have had Welsh, Nawrocki, LagerB, all rotating and missing games through injury or pi*hness. He deserves a seat on the bench and part of the squad for the duration of his new contract but for this year, well done son.


1.) 12 May 2024 17:28:38
I agree.
Matt is easily our POTY but Scales clearly gets the Silver Medal.
Joe Hart gets the Bronze Medal.

I mentioned Medals because Celtic players are not second best. ?.

2.) 12 May 2024 18:43:54
I'd agree that Scales took his chance this season given the injuries and lack of confidence in other CB's, but, irrespective of the new deal he's just signed, I'd be far happier if he was on the bench next season.

His positional sense is non existent and there is no way he should be a first 11 player for Celtic Football Club.

3.) 12 May 2024 19:17:20
Pedro that's exactly what I said.

4.) 12 May 2024 20:06:10
Scales distribution and positioning yesterday was not good enough, not a big fan of Taylor either, all teams aim for that back post and it’s been our undoing all season.

5.) 13 May 2024 00:53:31
People like myself getting a small angle view from a TV camera has a very poor chance to judge a players positional strengths or weaknesses. I couldn’t assess how good or bad Scales positional sense was overall, but I do remember him on different occasions been in exactly the right position to stop danger
Why does our support always have to have at least one player to be a scrape coat . Usually like Scales it has absolutely nothing to do with ability or effort . There is no way a quality manager like BR would play Scales in every game he is fit to play, if he wasn’t good enough . No manager picks any player just for the craic of it.




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20 Jul 2024 20:31:53
I'd like to see Tomoki on a plane back to Japan. Offers nothing in any role.




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01 Jul 2024 16:44:52
Armstrong coming off the bench will get double figures in goals. Iwata coming off the bench will hit double figures in telling passes. That's per season. Armstrong all day long. Would be great buisness.




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25 Jun 2024 08:50:46
Do you believe the nonsense the media report each day? I know we have a sell on clause but Barcelona haven't been able to buy a bean in 5 years. They are skint. The have same bank manager as Asbestos FC.




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13 Jun 2024 18:55:49
DerryTim. Oh has potential? I musta missed that game.




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11 Jun 2024 19:08:11
SMSM are guessing. They are flapping. They have no clue. They are desperate for info but unlike the walking dead we are giving nothing away. Don't believe ANYTHING you read. It'll happen when it happens.





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13 Jul 2024 21:49:16
And how di we know that as soon as Joe said he was done, BR didn't go straight the board and tell then that KS contract expires in the summer, he's his countries no1, going to the euros, ticks every box that needs ticking to be a celtib goalie, he's the guy I want? Why are we assuming he wasn't first choice? Because he's free? There's plenty of goalies playing until into their 40s at good levels.




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13 Jul 2024 21:33:43
Ability wise, he has it, but stamina is an issue. Not just because of the injuries. Kyogo and Maeda will run all day but i think it shows that Hatate didn't play in top tier in Japan until the season before we bought him. I think I remember reading this. I don't think he has the stamina to last 90 mins all that often and if we got a big offer id take it.




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13 Jul 2024 03:39:06
I watched him during Euros as I thought he'd be on the list. Maybe he's 3rd or 4th choice but this guy will help us get another treble. Mark my words. Top class signing.




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11 Jul 2024 04:29:24
I honestly can't believe what I'm reading. No matter how great, good or average he is. Are we so desperate that we'd have one of THEM as OUR no1? I'm flabbergasted people would consider it. An actual zombie dancing to zombie nation and we applaude? I'd rather have Carl muggleton in goals than butland.




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03 Jul 2024 15:17:22
Buzz - you say you'd be happy with 5 new players? If that includes replacements for Hart, Idah and Bernardo then you're only getting 2 other new players. We've lost 2 GKs, 2 midfielders (including turnbull) and looks like 2 strikers (oh and idah). That's 6 players just to STAND STILL.

Everyone of us on here knows only CCV is good enough (well maybe not Ed), so at LEAST 1 CB needs to come in. That's 7. We have 38 league games, 8 CL games and hopefully 2 cup finals to play, so if we think we are going the distance with Kuhn, Palma, Jamsey and Yang then expectation is really low.

Only maeda of our wide men may be deemed even close to be good enough. 2 new wingers are a must. That's 9. Top this off with a real quality midfielder to make 10 and IMO that barely moves us forward. It's a step in right direction then win a treble and then add the 3-5 real quality next year. If we want better FBs then it's 12.




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