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BigBubs's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BigBubs's rumours posts


26 Jul 2020 10:13:20
Apparently in talks with Toney now.


1.) 26 Jul 2020 13:26:00
I thought he was off to Sevco to replace Morelos.



05 Jun 2020 11:33:42
Gordon talking to St. Mirren. Would have thought Hearts would have been looking at him. Good luck to him. Done a decent job for us.


1.) 06 Jun 2020 22:42:32
Hearts have some serious money issues because of relegation.



03 Apr 2020 23:51:55
UEFA have lifted restrictions in England and Scotland that will allow games to be broadcast at 3pm. Looks like games will be played behind closed doors.


1.) 05 Apr 2020 00:01:36
When? And I don't mean 3pm haha havnt seen anything saying otherwise.

2.) 05 Apr 2020 00:17:54
If it were my decision I just want the season played out any way it can even if it's late. Open doors/ closed doors doesn't matter, let's just win it officially and mathematically. The Sevs can't have any genuine complaint although the most important thing is that we all say safe to celebrate the inevitable. Stay safe bhoys, think of others and be responsible. HH.

3.) 05 Apr 2020 01:27:46
Nothing official from the FAs but its thought this is the first step towards playing games behind closed doors.

4.) 06 Apr 2020 17:08:17
No danger of thus as players union is against it, it’s a contact sport.

5.) 07 Apr 2020 00:23:32
Unions of most work forces are against working just now. Hasn't stopped whiskey bonds, post office, Amazon etc.

6.) 08 Apr 2020 09:54:27
Think a lot if whiskey bonds are making hand sanitizer.

7.) 09 Apr 2020 00:44:35
Yeah I think they are. For some reason the alcohol industry is classed as essential. Says it all really 😂.



26 Jan 2020 14:23:12
Rumour that Monaco have bid for Edouard. We've rejected it apparently.




10 Jan 2020 01:55:30
Rumours of Benkovic plus cash for Ajer. Not sure how I feel about this one.


1.) 10 Jan 2020 08:25:20
Why would we swap a player who is rarely injured for one who is constantly injured.

2.) 10 Jan 2020 08:27:04
No happening we might bring in one or two players permanently and if we need to an experienced one too am thinking that maybe Bayo and griff are there we might only get in loan striker.

3.) 10 Jan 2020 12:01:22
Av said on here before ajer needs to be better imo defending still suspect.

4.) 10 Jan 2020 13:42:57
Agree with that Mally would like to see Elhamed (if we can get him fit) getting a shot beside Jullian and pushing Big Ajer into the midfield to rotate with Broony and Calmac. It would give us a much needed bit of muscle in there.

5.) 10 Jan 2020 14:03:34
Why does a lot of celtic fans want benkovic back?

6.) 10 Jan 2020 15:58:19
Kev, cause he's good. That's it.

7.) 10 Jan 2020 17:56:35
I don't Kev. Was just relaying a rumour I heard. Jury is still out on Ajer for me. Think he still needs time to develop. If we had another decent CB at the club would he play every week?

8.) 10 Jan 2020 21:03:03
Ajer for the height and build of him should be better in the air especially at set pieces, something we are needing.
Benkovik although a good plater may have issues with injuries however waynamas injuries record over the past few years has been pretty dire as well.

9.) 10 Jan 2020 22:01:07
Great player but his fitness is the biggest concern. Already got one Croat sick note on the books who can't be depended on, Although his knee injury against Wigan didn't last long as he was back on the bench against Villa a few days later.




BigBubs's banter posts with other poster's replies to BigBubs's banter posts


21 Apr 2024 14:03:59
If we win the league this year it will be the worst Celtic squad I've seen win the title since the Delia days. There's talent in the first 11 but the squad is incredibly weak in my opinion.

Seen a lot of debate over Scales. It's like Turnbull and to a lesser extent Soro during the 10 season. He stood out in the first half of the season because of how bad the rest where. He's an Aberdeen level player. On the same level as Welsh but the difference being Welsh is homegrown hence why he's still here.

Massive changes needed in the Summer. Question is do you back the manager and blame the board or blame Rodgers for not improving these players and showing consistency throughout the season?


1.) 21 Apr 2024 16:43:15
Here is our team from 2014/ 15 season.


Lustig VVD denayer Tierney

Brown McGregor

Forrest Johansen commons


We had a good team back then and most of them would start this season.

2.) 21 Apr 2024 17:14:19
Good team Weejoe,
No players in their 30s in that lineup.
None were past their best.

Half that team were at their peak best and the other half had still to peak.

3.) 21 Apr 2024 17:22:43
If u name our best 11 in any season, there wouldn’t be an awful lot between them . This season we seem to have a long list of key players missing at different times. Take out players of calibre of Hatate, CCV, Mc Gregor, Maeda, Scales, our 2 new centre backs . Many of these played when not fully fit for team and many returned before completely ready . As our season isn’t over we cannot fully assess their worth and even more important, whether our team is as good as other yrs, and with 6 games left, surely it is far more important for Celtic to win league and maybe even the double . If we happen to manage to do that maybe this years team may be viewed better than now during season.



07 Apr 2024 14:22:27
Seen a lot of comments before and after the game saying we'd take a draw. I disagree. We've been massively inconsistent against the rest all season with the exception of Sevco. To be 2 nil up at half time and walk away with a draw is poor. I have no faith that this squad can win every remaining game. Sevco on the other hand can go top of the league next week and only need to not get beat at Celtic Park. They are rotten but have been fairly consistent since the new manager came in. Add in the refs and they must still be favourites.

I know I'm sounding negative. This whole season has been a kick in the baws and today feels like another one.


1.) 07 Apr 2024 14:29:48
We shouldn't be drawing or holding on for a draw at 2-0 up. Yes they got a lift from the pen. They were always going to come at us in the 2nd half. We just weren't up to it.

I feel we over played things at the back and certainly contrabuted to our own problems which gave them hope.



25 Dec 2023 11:55:28
Merry Christmas to Ed and all the posters.

I don't comment often but I enjoy reading everyone's opinions at the end of the night.

Here's to a return to form in 2024!


{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas, BB.}

1.) 25 Dec 2023 12:16:13
Merry Christmas all. Don't have a happy Christmas. Have a Hoopy Christmas. Sorry all, I've been itching to say that all day ??.

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas mate.}



23 Dec 2023 14:20:45
When we signed Siegrist I seriously thought he'd replace Hart after a year. I'm sure his stats were excellent when at Utd. Considering two managers now don't rate him was this just another Allan or Morgan where we just didn't want Sevco getting him?

If so do we do the same with Shankland?


1.) 23 Dec 2023 17:23:25
His stats were brilliant against Celtic but unfortunately he’s been another Zaluska.

2.) 23 Dec 2023 17:51:40
How many 'Keepers play 'blinders' against us but can't reproduce that form week-in, week-out? Barkas was another I think.

3.) 23 Dec 2023 18:17:09
I’d sign Shankland in a heartbeat, he’s exactly the type of striker we need, big strong, skilful, can play with his back to goal, hold the ball up, link the play and most importantly he knows where the goals are and scores all kinds of goals, he’d be a great signing for Celtic, he’d be a big step up from Oh .

4.) 23 Dec 2023 19:03:55
Siegrest wasn't allowed to produce any kind of form week in, week out, because both managers and the support were in the throes of the Joe Hart fan club cult, big Joe is not as good a goalkeeper as Siegrest, and would have proved it if he had been played when first signed, week in, week out.

5.) 23 Dec 2023 19:42:45
Think he's distracted by someone in Australia ?.

6.) 23 Dec 2023 21:11:19
When I speak about his stats I don't mean just against us. I'm sure he was the stand out keeper in the league for a couple of years. Zaluska was a bomb scare!

Can't say I've seen much of Shankland but the fact he's late 20's and still never played for a decent side gives me doubts.

7.) 24 Dec 2023 12:41:58
I used to think years ago when we signed a player from another Scottish team, some of them thought just signing. for Celtic made then great and they stopped working hard on their game.



04 Apr 2022 00:54:18
Funny how all the wee laughing emojis on everyones posts are missing. No Sevco visitors tonight? ?.


1.) 04 Apr 2022 01:08:22
There are very serious and meaningful howls at the moon taking place over their own place tonight. No time to congratulate us here.

2.) 04 Apr 2022 08:12:26
They are too busy watching 40 million heading towards the horizon and fire sale and administration passing it on their way in. HH.




BigBubs's rumour replies


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07 Jun 2024 00:40:37
Pedro there's 2 criteria for the homegrown rule. 4 players that came through the youth system and an additional 4 trained in Scotland. I expect both Welsh and MJ to be around because of it.




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17 Jan 2024 15:27:13
This one gets mentioned every window.




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16 Jan 2024 17:36:01
The Dykes thing was sparked by that moron Kenny Miller stating he'd go to Celtic if asked. Non starter.

Might be something in the Beck one depending on Liverpool's stance with the injuries they have.




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14 Jan 2024 16:09:13
I remember Barkley being touted and a lot of our fans not being happy. He's done a trick for Luton. Always a risk but the guy has good pedigree and might just re find his form.




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23 Dec 2023 14:17:12
I've gave BR the benefit of the doubt from not being backed by the board to having to deal with an injury crisis but his refusal to change a system that isn't working and doesn't suit the players at his disposal is all on him. Nothing but 9 points in the next 3 games is acceptable. I'd seriously consider sacking him if not.





BigBubs's banter replies


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29 May 2024 00:49:35
Aindoh are you ever happy? Honestly you wouldn't think we'd won a double. BR was hamstrung from the minute he came back with two poor transfer windows. The fact we walked away with a double shows what a good manager he is. Back him snd he'll walk the league every year he's here.




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13 Apr 2024 00:47:38
Mikey has found his level. Let him go and enjoy the rest of his career at a club with less pressure. Scales deserves credit for stepping up but he needs replaced in the summer. Not even half the player Starfelt was unfortunately.




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18 Mar 2024 23:32:07
Clancy is 100% a Thistle fan. His Dad wouldn't let him support Celtic.




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03 Mar 2024 14:31:56
I have zero confidence this side can go to Ibrox and win. They are not anything special but this is the worst Celtic side I've seen in quite a while. Zero consistency all season. Just hope the fact they've failed to beat us this season messes with the players heads.




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26 Feb 2024 22:35:42
Scales is having the Turnbull effect. Looking like he is having a great season because of how bad the rest are. While not quite NL territory we've been pretty poor this year and while Scales deserves credit for taking his shot, in a strong Celtic side he doesn't make the bench. There's a reason Ange didn't want him.

Agree with you though BB - there's more pressing issues than a LCB.




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