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04 Jul 2024 10:05:49
We seem to be quite close with the idah deal. Idah wants the move and apparantly only few minor details between the clubs to sort out. What ever we end up playing i think it will prove to be a steal.
Also we have approached burnley about oshea but they seem reluctant to sell and value him at 10m+. One to watch but don't expect anything imminently.

If we managed to get them 2 in plus ndidi it would definitely signal a change in direction in transfer policy
Ed have you any info on ndidi and weather or not we have approached him. Or anyone else for that matter?




02 Jul 2024 00:11:40
We have apparantly approached burnley about dara oshea.
Good defender, good age, scores from corners and was clocked as the 6th fastest player in the PL last season.
Probably burnleys best player last season.
Ill be happy if true.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 07:28:23
He'd be a great signing but Burnley don't want to lose him. could turn into another saga.

2.) 02 Jul 2024 09:25:28
Good player but when the Press print it gives me the fear as they usually don't have a clue about our signings, hopefully got this 1 right.

3.) 02 Jul 2024 09:35:11
We won’t entertain his wages so why bother? Will this be another, we really tried but they wouldn't accept £5k a week?

4.) 02 Jul 2024 10:18:54
I believe he is on approx 25k per week, His wage wouldn't be as high as you may think.
I do agree with you though that we would probably offer him 5k a week lol.

5.) 02 Jul 2024 12:33:22
Burnley signed him for 7 million last season and he was one of their best players, I can’t see them taking a loss on him in regards to the fee. Be a good signing if it could happen though.

6.) 02 Jul 2024 14:34:50
I'm sure Burnley have a very strict wage cap in place (less than ours) so we should be more than capable of bettering is current wage, however if he has a sniff that epl or championship teams are in for him then his own demands may increase to more than our cap.

7.) 03 Jul 2024 07:28:47
According to Salary Sport,
Dara O’Shea is currently on £37K a week which is the same as our top earner Calmac.
It also mentions that only 2 years ago his wage was £4,400 a week with WBA.

8.) 12 Jul 2024 00:19:10
Don’t forget that the only source for our alleged interest in Dara O’Shea is the SMSM . It’s very likely we have very little interest if any in Dara
As is normal we don’t have a notion on what wage he is currently on, as it isn’t something that his club, his agent or himself are going to make public for the craic of it.



22 Jun 2024 13:23:20
The latest Gk to be linked is 25year old Mark Travers from Bournmouth. Has played 77 games for them incl 19 in the PL.
Has acted mainly as bournmouths backup keeper last season.
Has also been capped a few times for ireland.
Hes a pretty decent keeper but with bournmouth reportedly wanting 10m i can't see this move happening.




16 Jun 2024 13:21:47
We have apparently bid E8m for Livakovic of fenerbahce. We were in for him 12 months ago but ended up in turkey.




13 Jun 2024 16:24:18
Latest talk is Oh could be off to genk for 3.5m.
If we get that even in installments would be great business. Oh has potential and needs game time. Too much pressure at celtic to give him enough game time. His gpm played is actually very good.

Haksabanovic linked with parma for around 3m also. If we could get that again great business.

Lagerbielke also linked with move to italy with lecce albiet on loan.

Legia are interested in re signing nawrocki. Most likely on loan.

Mikey J has an asking price of 6m which i think is a bit over the top. Although 6m is nothing to english clubs even in the championship. Id bite your hand off for 3m never mind 6.
If all the dead wood is moved on we could get 20-30m back which is incredible really considering the dross we will be trying to flog.

On incomings it still seems quite quiet.
All i have come across is vindahl jensen from sparta prague.
Adamo Nagalo from midjaelland
And Flavius Daniliuc. An austrian CB
I don't know anything about any of them.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 18:04:13
Also 8 million for Abada.
About 7 million if Frimpong gets a move. Plenty cash to get in the quality that BR wants not projects!

2.) 13 Jun 2024 18:26:47
4m for oh stick another couple of mill on that and get idah.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 18:55:49
DerryTim. Oh has potential? I musta missed that game.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 19:42:59
Oh is an unusual one. He has never really had a chance or a run of games but in spite of this he has scored a goal every 109 minutes on average. Considering he has only started 7 games it’s not the worst reading. I hope he goes on to have an excellent career.

{Ed007's Note - He'll end up a £20m player in 2 years - I hope Daddy Lawell has included a sell-on clause ??

5.) 13 Jun 2024 20:39:26
lol I think that was another post praising Lawwel for the deal!

{Ed007's Note - Well if he's still running the show he's doing a great job just now, even better than he done when he was CEO. It's still a worry how Pedro will get into the SPFL board meetings to tell Nicholson what to say/do but I'm sure the Controller Emeritus of the Unseen Fenian Hand will have a cunning plan.}

6.) 13 Jun 2024 22:14:49
Am actually upset that Oh is leaving on a permanent tbh.
I have been a fan of his since he arrived. For the amount of game time he's had his goal rate is good. I really believe there is a player there and we will be kicking ourselves in a few years time.

7.) 14 Jun 2024 00:44:02
I really like Oh and personally I think he has the potential to be a better striker/ No.9 than Kyogo, I think once he calms down a bit he will do the business. I wish him all the best when he goes as he give his all in a hoops shirt.

8.) 14 Jun 2024 15:41:35
Oh has been here a year and a half and hasn’t been good enough or he would have started more games . I think we have done well if we get 4m for him as he is nowhere near good enough.




DerryTim's banter posts with other poster's replies to DerryTim's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 09:07:20
Rodgers apparently told nicholson he wants the boat pushed out for both idah and oshea.
I expect idah to be signed but will probably be later in the window once norwich will be a bit easier to deal with. They will be desperate to keep hold of their main striker sargent, this will probably be on norwich managements mind making them reluctant to part with him just yet.
Oshea is probably the 1st name on burnleys teamsheet and wouldn't come cheap.
£12-£15m likely which will make it very difficult to happen unless the board are seriously willing to back rodgers.
CCV and oshea would be a very good CB partnership and with our Goalkeeping position sorted with johnston at RB we would just need a quality LB to have a potentially very solid defensive unit.

KS/ Sinisalo
Johnston CCV OShea?

Interestingly aswell Johnston, CCV and Oshea are all 25/ 26 so at perfect ages. Good experience but haven't reached peak potential.
Hopefully we can make it happen.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 09:47:14
Oshea would be a great signing and a real statement if we could pull it off but the pessimist in me thinks It won't happen.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 10:22:42
Id like a CB who's better than ccv not one who is on a par with scales . hardly pushing the boat out. might be doing the bhoy a disservice Irish fans correct me or agree? I can also see Idah situation running till 11-30 on 30 th Aug then the usual we couldn't get it over the line .

3.) 25 Jul 2024 10:23:21
Cant see it either mally, as you say would be a huge statement of intent and would need us to take a massive step forward with our signing policy and i can't see us taking that big a step.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 12:11:19
DRB OShea is an upgrade on CCV, never mind scales, and i like CCV. I think a better player next to CCV will only improve him also.
OShea's only real weakness is he makes the odd rash decision but most will. He has ridiculous pace, a goalscoring CB, excellent in the air and comfortable with the ball at his feet. Comes with valuable experience but still young enough to improve.
I read a ridiculous stat from him last season that he cost his side 0 goals from individual errors, there were only 4 or 5 defenders in the EPL to do so.

5.) 25 Jul 2024 12:41:23
Would be great to get O’Shea. And we could easily, but will we? Also, if he’s as good as he is, why would he come to Scotland? He could earn three times the salary, even in the bottom half of the Prem. there are other CB’s out there who aren’t on or could get his level of wages.

6.) 25 Jul 2024 13:31:16
Oshea for me would be an excellent signing and as sum have mentioned would make CCv better and help out GT more so who i rate better than Johnson at RB.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 14:59:47
I do think either of these deals will happen. previously we waited late in the window to see if we had CL money and then bought a couple of 2 million prospects. Now we have the money, we just won’t spend 12/ 14 million on 2 players. The Celtic board are fiscal masters who just want to be the best in Scotland, that’s it, they have no other ambition. BR could be gone at the end of this window as nothing promised, will be delivered. He’s given them the timeline by stating that he’s had his meeting with Nicholson and expects everything in place by end Aug, that’s a warning shot, not an explanation of transfer policy.

8.) 25 Jul 2024 15:49:44
Don't know much about the lad. Although I'd like us to shop in a higher bracket but £12-15m is a bit of a stretch for us. We could get 2 quality starting 11 players for that price.

9.) 25 Jul 2024 18:01:01
Burnley spent a reported £7M on O’Shea and was then one of their best players last year. I really don’t see them being willing to sell for less than £20m so think this is a non starter.



24 Jul 2024 09:57:59
I know only a friendly but a great run out and result against one of the worlds best.
I laugh at english fans on social media playing it down as citys b team against our best.
We were missing johnston and ccv and give a large portion of our b/ youth team most of 2nd half. they'll slate our game every opportunity they get but always have excuses and play it down when they struggle against us. and more often than not they do.
Now im not deluded if we come up against them in this CL they could easily maul is in 3rd gear but their arrogance still makes me sick.
Big shout out to KS and Kuhn. Some great saves and Kuhn actually looked like messi. Hopefully City were impressed enough to bid £80m ?
On another note i hope brendan enquired about taking the young lad bobb for a bit. Looks a serious player but still unlikely to be 1st pick there.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 10:45:17
Very pleased we won, if we had lost by 4 or 5 goals, well what do you expect when we play 1 million players versus 50 million players. Does our team's confidence no harm to get a good result. If we can top this display with the transfer business we all crave I will be very happy.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 10:58:42
Positive message from BR after the game confirming meeting with MN and saying they know positions we need to strengthen and who we want and he is confident we will get them done by end of August.

What he has done with players over last few weeks and how they played in last 2 games, if he gets the ones he wants, it could be a really good season and also good to watch.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 11:03:39
Exactly they're arrogant feckers. were closer to our league opener so obviously we're playing a strong starting team but they'll not recognise that.

4.) 24 Jul 2024 11:17:33
Wont get carried away with a friendly result, same as I wasn't disappointed in drawing with Ayr. Results don't matter, but 2 things did matter;
1. The performance of Kuhn - the guy looks a different player in the last two games, I know he had some health problems when he signed and clearly looks stronger and faster now so that bodes well
2. Some of the saves Schmeichel made in the first half were incredible - friendly or not, I've never a Celtic goalie command a box like that and charge down shots, a great signing.

5.) 24 Jul 2024 12:40:48
I read a comment somewhere about us not getting carried away as it was their u21 team we played.

Unlike Man U, Man City had a few first team picks playing and if you seriously look at how much the team we played cost them, compared to our team, it was still a very good performance.

Unlike the dead, we played fast flowing, attractive football against a team, much, much better than the Man U team they played, and differnce was we won.

So I for one am positive about the season ahead.

6.) 24 Jul 2024 19:21:35
Yes maedainparadise. Yes it was the style of play in both matches in the US that was most impressive .



18 Jul 2024 06:28:54
I think at least another 5 needs to be brought in and that's after KS idah and bernardo

AT LEAST 1 CB is a must
LB is a must
DM is a must
WINGER is a must
AM is a must
A 3rd CF is a probability (didnt rogers say vata would have been 3rd before he left which would mean he would need replaced)

I honestly think we will bring in a total of about 10 players. Its shaping up well

I also can see another 8or so players move on at least

Lagerbielke or nawrocki
Possibly kyogo
Oriley (unfortunatley)
Yang and holm on loan
Bernabei when his loan is up.


1.) 18 Jul 2024 07:18:06
Deffo a cb a lb a winger and another midfielder on top of bernardo and possibly a 3rd striker.

2.) 18 Jul 2024 07:29:57
I am not convinced Idah will come in. His Manager may be saying all the right things about keeping him, it could be to ensure they get the right price but will we pay that price, I am not sure.

We cannot let Kygo go, he is the best natural striker we have and we would need to replace him, even if we get Idah.

Thete has been no mention of any other CB other than O'Dara from Burnley and that has went cold.

Same with midfield, no mention of anyone.

I know the club like to keep things tight but even the media guessers are not suggesting we are after anyone other than Idah and the Belguim winger.

I think Bernardo will be the only midfielder we buy, even if MOR leaves, hopefully that doesn't happen. I think he may be seen as his successor.

BR said at the outset of the window, there will only be a few coming in and at this point I think that may be the case.

We still have a lot on the books that need to go and getting rid of them, sold or on loan is a lot of time and effort. We have a bloated squad and a clear out needs to happen before others can come in.

3.) 18 Jul 2024 07:50:07
Would not be surprised in the least if Norwich open up offers for Idah. He's their player and could do whatever they want. It would be great getting him but who knows.

4.) 18 Jul 2024 09:02:26
I wouldn’t get to despondent simply because there are no rumours out there. surely it’s better to keep everything under wraps until the deals done. that's what happened with both keepers. it’s easier for us to do this as we won’t be in the market for many players who are the finished article. Brendan commented recently that there is a togetherness at the club which indicates an agreed plan and purpose. regarding Idah I would purchase at no more than 5 million and if agreement can’t be reach move on to the next option. Does Brendan strike you as the type who has put all his eggs in the idah basket.

5.) 18 Jul 2024 08:11:48
According to Bhoys88,
Fans don’t know what clubs want especially supporters on our page.

Any fan with a decent knowledge of football, will know what can strengthen their team.
But fans with limited football knowledge, won’t have a clue what they’re looking for.

6.) 18 Jul 2024 09:50:04
He obviously wants to come so from Norwich point of view why keep an unhappy player. If we're willing to match their fee they've got to sell.

7.) 18 Jul 2024 09:53:50
If Idah wants to come he will be a celtic player. Its not like he's being hunted by EPL teams. he's made it clear to Norwich that he wants the move so its only a matter of clubs agreeing a fee. Norwich reportedly want £8m, we have reportedly offered £4m so its easy to figure £6m will be settled on. Rogers wants him and won't allow a couple of mil to stand in the way.

8.) 18 Jul 2024 13:09:42
Mccarthy will earn a new 5 year contract more likely such is the board's indifference to getting new players in well in advance of the new season.

9.) 18 Jul 2024 13:15:51
I would be very reluctant to let Kyogo go . He has shown us in the past. that he can score goals, maybe BR wasn’t able to get the best out of him season just past but, that doesn’t mean he won’t be a regular scorer this season . We would need to be signing a couple of strikers both of whom would need to be better than we ever signed in the one window, before we get rid of Kyogo.

10.) 18 Jul 2024 14:28:48
You missed out rb we definitely need an improvement from Johnston.

11.) 18 Jul 2024 14:36:00
I’ll be Very surprised if we get anywhere near that amount of signings this window let alone before the season starts. We are historically slow at getting players in especially on permanent deals. I’m not sure how others feel about this but any signings I think will be offset by the sale of Mor unfortunately . I’m really confused as to why our board is so fixated on net spend being really low and not spending a larger amount to be as good as we possibly could be, especially when we are cash rich at the minute . If we can’t spend another 15-20 million on top of what we bring in now we never will with circa 100 million in the bank.

12.) 18 Jul 2024 14:37:48
We could do with an improvement in every position Jamie but RB is probably our least priority. Id love an improvement over mcgregor but that's me being greedy and unrealistic.



15 Jul 2024 14:11:29
Do you see us making a move for the young lad miller from Motherwell or if we have ever approached them?
Looks a great prospect and i think it's imperative we keep on top of the best young local talent for homegrown rules if nothing else.
He definitely seems top of the list in terms of potential.


1.) 15 Jul 2024 14:27:14
I would like to sign him as well.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 14:31:01
A project player? How dare you!

3.) 15 Jul 2024 15:09:19
We should be all over Lennon Miller Derrytim.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 16:41:33
On board with this defo. The flip side is suppose the club via our scouting has identified an overseas prospect who may have potential. Do we turn up our noses at another project given our recent recruitment record? Any signing has risk. Without thinking too long, Derek Riordon a few years back springs to mind. Lewis Morgan, dare I say David Turnbull as well? I'm going round the houses as usual (succinctness isn't my strong point) . My point is for every project success whether from home or abroad, we're going to have one or 2 who don't cut it.

5.) 15 Jul 2024 17:12:36
Lennon Miller is unlikely to sign for Celtic unless he is pretty sure BR is going to play him regularly .
People with a close interest in Scottish football know how difficult it is for a young Scottish player to break into Celtic ‘s first team . Even Celtic fans discuss the lack of clear route to regular first team football.
Young Miller’s advisers will weigh up pros and cons very carefully.

6.) 15 Jul 2024 17:54:31
Sign him and loan him back to Motherwell, then buy someone better than Taylor.



14 Jul 2024 12:17:21
Anyone else miss playing with 2 CFs.
Seems to be a dying tactic in football with teams opting for 1 up top with 2 out wide.
433 and 451 are everywhere. can't remember the last time i saw a 442.

Worked well in the past and some strikers thrive with a partner.
Larsson with sutton/ hartson. Yorke/ cole was another of the top of my head.
I honestly think we would maul teams in scotland with 2 up top. Would allow us to be more direct instead of sideways passing all the time.
It won't happen i know but idah miovski and kyogo rotating could be interesting
My thoughts anyway.


1.) 14 Jul 2024 14:03:46
That would work under the Ange lateral passing game bit I think under the Brendan side to side ball protecting system it would struggle.

2.) 14 Jul 2024 15:18:08
Every game of every season we don't play it.

3.) 15 Jul 2024 07:04:44
We sould try playing Idah and Kyogo if idah signs in time for thr USA tour.

4.) 15 Jul 2024 12:46:47
BR said the last time he was here that he didn’t see how he could play 2 up without weakening team elsewhere .

He could maybe play either Idah or Kyogo as an advanced midfielder, not exactly 2 up but at least gave the 1 quick and constant support.




DerryTim's rumour replies


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20 Jul 2024 20:42:30
Kevy that's a much weaker midfield than the one we just finished with.
I hope to god that's not our preferred mid3 for the season. Has pistol pete been whispering in your ear. Need upgrades on all of them.




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16 Jul 2024 19:35:35
Great bit of business by the club to bring both in.
Forward thinking for once.
Credit where its due.




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12 Jul 2024 22:22:54
Starfelt was decent but left and we simply need to bring in much better.




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02 Jul 2024 10:18:54
I believe he is on approx 25k per week, His wage wouldn't be as high as you may think.
I do agree with you though that we would probably offer him 5k a week lol.




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26 Jun 2024 10:48:09
If he was available for the reported 7.5m as mentioned in the press then i would imagine half of europe would be in for him. Because the reported price for an international keeper of his calibre is so low makes me sceptical. I think we obviously hold an interest but i doubt very much we have had a bid accepted for 7.5m.
I personally haven't seen much of him other than the world cup but he must be decent to be croatia No1.





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25 Jul 2024 12:11:19
DRB OShea is an upgrade on CCV, never mind scales, and i like CCV. I think a better player next to CCV will only improve him also.
OShea's only real weakness is he makes the odd rash decision but most will. He has ridiculous pace, a goalscoring CB, excellent in the air and comfortable with the ball at his feet. Comes with valuable experience but still young enough to improve.
I read a ridiculous stat from him last season that he cost his side 0 goals from individual errors, there were only 4 or 5 defenders in the EPL to do so.




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25 Jul 2024 10:23:21
Cant see it either mally, as you say would be a huge statement of intent and would need us to take a massive step forward with our signing policy and i can't see us taking that big a step.




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24 Jul 2024 15:06:02
Taylor gets a lot of unnessesary flak from sections of the support but he is a very solid player domestically and rarely let's us down.
Problem with taylor is his lack of aerial ability and gets beaten too easy against better opposition.
I think its probably best for every party for taylor to move on this window as we do need to bring in a better LB going forward and if we are being honest he is too good to play back up. he's a step up from ralston, hence why ralston will probably see out his days as our no2 RB.
Taylor is good enough to go play at a decent level probably for more money in the likes of the English Championship.
Hes just short on a bit of pace and better awareness at the back post from being a top LB.




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24 Jul 2024 11:23:32
Yes Its only a friendly ken but they had haaland (arguably the worlds best player) ortega, ederson, grealish, and phillips all seasoned veterans play at least a half. Rico lewis, bobb and mcatee all had decent experience playing EPL and or CL football last season and are all very very highly rated.
Dont forget ken we were missing CCV and johnston and had 1 striker available. Not to mention some of our own kids getting a run.
Take the win mate, might not mean much but will be a very valuable experience to some of our players and great for confidence.




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23 Jul 2024 01:57:01
No no and no.




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