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BRIAN.G's rumours posts with other poster's replies to BRIAN.G's rumours posts


23 Jun 2024 13:07:21
Afternoon All

Was having a general chat with a couple of my Celtic workmates who are STH.

When renewing there tickets, and then accessing there online Celtic accounts they said there was something different showing. along the lines of credit with Celtic store, merchandise etc.

1 of them phoned Celtic to find out what this was and he was told that "we are going to introducing a STH resale scheme". "There will be a trial in a certain section of the stadium to start with" and "STH will receive credit to purchase items within superstore, tickets, etc".

Apparently no exact date was given but my mate thought the lady he spoke to was hinting it was going to happen quite soon.



1.) 23 Jun 2024 14:39:04
Not before time brian it was a crazy rule Not being able to fill empty seats.

2.) 23 Jun 2024 19:25:59
That's excellent news hopefully eveeyone backs it.

3.) 23 Jun 2024 21:08:49
Might eventually be able to take the kids to a game ?.

4.) 24 Jun 2024 16:19:15
I wonder what the argument is for our club not having a resale option. I think there must be a reason, maybe not a good reason, but at the same time some reason why our Board hasn’t adopted a season book resale previously. Anything that improves the attendance, particularly after full house notices has been issued . A few seasons ago a man sat down next to me, he said he was from Linwood, and he calls at TO just after KO and can buy a ticket .
Mustn’t be a widespread practice.



05 Oct 2022 12:28:57
Afternoon All

Have read that Ange has confirmed and been quoted as saying they won't be appealing Calmac red card as it "was fair enough having reviewed video".



1.) 05 Oct 2022 13:16:49
He is right too. It was a red card for me. One can't see welsh getting back he's not that fast and second Hart is way off his line and never getting back if the motherwell player shoots.

2.) 06 Oct 2022 14:44:23
I think Harts positioning is key, it makes it a clear goal scoring opportunity. Had he been on his line then there’s an argument to say covering defender might have got across in time.



02 Aug 2022 12:24:31
Hi Ed.

Charlie Nicholas (yes our very fav ex Celt ??) is doing the rounds saying we should or will be signing an Arsenal player called Pablo Mari.

What's your thoughts?

Ps. No sweary words lol



{Ed007's Note - I really don't know much about him to be honest Brian.

Pablo Mari (CB) Has made it clear he wants to be playing. An initial loan to Udinese may have been made permanent at the right price, but that did not happen. Hellas Verona and A.C. Monza offer him an option as a starter - perhaps Milan as cover.

Has anyone else noticed that Charlie Nicholas is more publicly supportive and vocally positive about Celtic since Sly ditched him? I've admitted that I was in tears when Nicholas left Celtic in '83 - he should have went to Liverpool btw - but since the fall out with the old board he just seemed to turn into a soup-taking bam.}

1.) 02 Aug 2022 13:32:09
He's a bam alright ed, loved him as a player and was heart broken when he left, but some of the sh@t he comes out with is embarrassing.

{Ed007's Note - Definitely but he just seems to be a bit more pro-Celtic since he left Sly.}

2.) 02 Aug 2022 13:46:17
Nicholas is as bad a judas as Mojo imo and that is a hill I am willing to die on.
If the money is right he will crucify the club or our players without second thought.

One of the first thing Martin O'neill done was sort that clown out. Banned him from wandering about like he owned the place.

The only reason he is talking us up is he wants to make money going in to supporters clubs to give talks.

Guys like him, Walker, Proven and Commons should never be allowed back in Parkhead.

{Ed007's Note - ??

3.) 02 Aug 2022 14:00:02
Since he left sly he's definitely more pro us, but he's still coming out with mince.

{Ed007's Note - ??

4.) 02 Aug 2022 14:02:48

Perhaps I've opened up some unhealed scars about Nicholas.

Personally am not sure what to make of him?.


5.) 02 Aug 2022 14:04:11
I think, wait for it, Nicolas has a point (I never thought I'd type that) ?

In European terms, I think we need better than shat we presently have to partner CCV and an experienced, quality, left sided CB fits the bill.

Whether that's the big Spaniard at Arsenal I couldn't say.

☘️ ? ☘️.

6.) 02 Aug 2022 14:06:23
I think Champagne Charlie has a good bit to go Kev before he is as bad as Judas ?.

Agree though that him and the rest you've listed should be banned for life from setting foot inside paradise.

☘️ ? ☘️.

7.) 02 Aug 2022 14:20:27
I don’t really understand this ‘anti’ feeling re Walker, Provan, Nicholas and Commons. They all played some really great games for Celtic and scored some really great goals. If they give/ have given an honest appraisal re Celtic which is not over flattering, so be it. Better that than being surrounded by sycophants like Kris Boyd or Kenny Millar.
No, they were good players who served Celtic well, and whilst I don’t always agree with what they say, they are alright by me.

{Ed007's Note - Commons was leaking stories to the press.}

8.) 02 Aug 2022 15:07:30
I didn’t know that. Presumably they were harmful stories betraying a trust?
He was still a good player though, and some of the goals he scored (and set up) were immense.

{Ed007's Note - Hugh Keevins was getting a lot of information about Celtic from Commons.}

9.) 02 Aug 2022 15:56:14
Probably via his missus Mark, she was trying to become a social media figure. HH.

{Ed007's Note - ?

10.) 02 Aug 2022 18:39:19
On the same thread about previous leaks at Celtic.

Did we ever find out who was leaking the starting team line ups during Lennon's last stint?

Were leaks actually happening regarding that or was it Lennon trying to cover up when / if team were playing bad or got bad result?


11.) 02 Aug 2022 23:48:21
Commons should’ve been booted in the baws and let go after the way he acted when deila subbed him he’s a wee ****.

12.) 03 Aug 2022 14:18:55
@ BRIAN G, probably Lennon as the leaks stopped when he left.

13.) 04 Aug 2022 12:23:25
Nope Pedro he is just as bad. Mojo done what he done then had the good grace to **** off. Charlie who is one of us takes his 30 pieces of silver time and time again to stab us in the back.
Hes made more money betraying our club than MOJO ever did.

14.) 04 Aug 2022 15:02:20
I was just sitting thinking, Charlie has never been the sharpest tool in the box and some of his utterances are awful. Some things he’s attacked I agreed with, most are hard to fathom. He was a great player for us and I too never understand Tims being so critical when it’s unwarranted. When it is crack on, but defend when it’s clear sevconuans are at it and don’t he scared to. That effs me off.



21 Jul 2022 15:57:18
Afternoon All

I have tried to find some update on Carl Starfelt injury.

I have looked through some main stream media outlets, newspaper websites etc to see if there is any update from Celtic, media interviews etc however can't seem to find anything recent.

Is his injury more serious than we have been led to believe?

Has anyone read or heard anything of any relevance?



{Ed007's Note - Ange has stopped the Club talking about players injuries as it is a breach of the data protection laws that's why there's no regular updates but he did preciously say that he was confident that Starfelt would be fit for the Aberdeen game.
We haven't really been led to believe anything about the seriousness of Starfelt's - or any players injuries - and we've basically been told by Ange that it's none of our business.}

1.) 21 Jul 2022 16:34:01
That's me told then. lol?

Am fairly confident that Starfelt won't play or be in squad for Aberdeen game as he's not played in any pre season games so far .
(I have been very wrong previously) .


{Ed007's Note - ?

2.) 22 Jul 2022 09:02:30
Great if he’s getting fit, but no way can he start against the Dons. He hasn’t kicked a baw yet. Watched young Jenz again and he looks good so if he traps form wise Sterfelt could have an extended spell out of the team. And the bottom line is we need to sign the real deal at CB. If we don’t then the CL will be tougher than it already is. Front to mid I think we can score against anybody, but you just need to look at the type of goals we have lost in the games so far to know we are weak at the back and it does my feckin head in we never solve that area of the pitch. The mid to front deserve a strong defence to back them up. Hopefully Jenz and Barney can improve us because if they don’t then there is something seriously wrong with how we recruit defenders.

3.) 22 Jul 2022 11:04:03
A rumour we are after a loan with option to buy Claudio Gomez from Man City. Usual dose of salt warning but the lad looks tidy.

4.) 22 Jul 2022 13:14:14
Magicpole, this topic drives me nuts. When people say we need top defenders for the CL and we never sort defence out and mid to front we are great. Newsflash- we attack as a team and defend ad a team. We have the best defence we've had since MON. WGS got us last 16 with mcmanus and Caldwell so your saying current defenders are not as good as them. Our defenders right now are light years better that those guys but WGS had us defending as a team. This one is purely on Ange. Bring back van diyk but unless he changes tact, we will leave our good defenders exposed. Mid to front need to protect them. It's simple but unfortunately our way is not to do this, that's why we get gubbed.



08 Jul 2022 17:30:40
Afternoon All

We are still being linked with Jordan Larsson ?.

Let's assume it's true and we sign him.
Would we be signing him coz of his name or for his talent?



1.) 08 Jul 2022 18:47:00
I don't think Ange is the type to bring in players because of the name.
If Lawwell Snr was still around then we probably would but I honestly can't see it happening.

2.) 08 Jul 2022 19:03:48
Brian the times I have seen Jordan play which in truth is only a handful of times, he has looked like he has something but I don’t expect him to hit the heights of his dad, but he is only 25 and still has time on his side with his best years still ahead of him so I could be proven wrong. I don’t think Ange does sentiment in the sense he would be interested just because of his name or who his dad is (we are not sevco) Ange would want him to be able to offer something to the team and squad, aswell as be able to play the way we now play. On a free transfer I’d take a punt as he will offer far more than Ajeti and I feel he would be far more committed to the cause than Ajeti due to wanting to prove himself to the faithful.

3.) 08 Jul 2022 19:06:53
Larsson Jnr can play and won't be short of offers especially given he's on a free transfer.

I agree with Jonbhoy in that Ange doesn't do sentiment when it comes to signing players.

I'm hoping Johnny Kenny continues his form in the remaining 5 pre season games and gets the nod as 3rd striker.

As for Jordan, we could well come up against him in a CL game before too long.

☘️ ? ☘️.

4.) 08 Jul 2022 19:22:26
Free transfer good player what's not to like.

5.) 08 Jul 2022 20:28:49
His record is decent and but for putin he'd be commanding a hefty fee.

6.) 08 Jul 2022 22:05:05
Why are so many hoping Johnny Kenny becomes out 3rd striker? If that happens then we have fallen back 2 years and complacency has set in. An injury to kyogo or GG then Kenny potentially comes on in a big game after 65mins. Is that what we really want. Yes I'm all for promoting and giving the kids a chance but we NEED 3 strikers competing for 1 place. Not 2 strikers with a league of Ireland kid as next option. Should we not have signed Hartson when we had Sutton and Larrson? There will be times when both kyogo and GG are out. Complacency is our biggest downfall.

{Ed007's Note - And if Kyogo and Giakoumakis don't get injured at the same time, how much game time are you offering any potential signing? You can't build a squad on ifs and buts, you need two quality players for every position then after that you should be looking at youth or veterans to cover, preferably youth for the good of the Club.
When we had Larsson, Sutton and Hartson we played with 2 up top, so you needed 3/4 strikers in your squad - Sutton also played in midfield and even CB - we only play with one striker now so only really need 3.}

7.) 08 Jul 2022 22:33:13
I think Celtic are covered in the forward areas and we can assess the situation in January.
Young Larsson would be a bonus.

{Ed007's Note - ??

8.) 08 Jul 2022 22:38:28
I agree 2 players for every position but for me striker position needs 3 first team ready strikers to compete. if Kenny is good enough he can become one of the 3 in a season or 2. Nowhere near ready now. Strikers are most substituted and it's all about confidence and who's on fire.

{Ed007's Note - So we turn round to Baby Larsson and say Kyogo/Gio will be rotating but IF one of them are injured or IF one of them lose form you'll make the bench. I can't see him swimming the north sea for that.
I'm not arguing with you Kipper mate and I'd be delighted if we did sign Baby Larsson but I've said all along I didn't think it would happen and just explaining why, I also think the shadow of his dad would be over him constantly and he would become known more as being Henrik Larsson's son rather than Jordan Larsson, everything would be constantly compared to his dad in the media and between fans on forums and social media - oh he's not as quick as his dad, his dad would've scored that etc.}

9.) 08 Jul 2022 22:48:43
Not to put too much pressure on the lad but Kenny looked good and would be an ideal 3rd choice striker as he's still young and developing and game time will be limited due to the quality in front of him. We moan we never give youth a chance. We aren't going to sign a top quality striker for our 3rd choice striker so why not promote Kenny up the the first team it may turn out to be shrewd move. The same goes with Lawal too in defence.

10.) 09 Jul 2022 10:50:23
The tempo at which Ange wants to play means he could get 30 minutes every game. And from there it’s up to him to prove he should start. Two strikers isn’t enough.




BRIAN.G's banter posts with other poster's replies to BRIAN.G's banter posts


19 Jun 2024 13:50:46
Afternoon All

I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that we will break our transfer records (both in and out) .

Be patient. Quality transfer additions are on there way.



1.) 19 Jun 2024 16:28:55
There's no doubt we 'got out of jail' last season and The Board must learn lessons from last year and recruitment in the door has to be more selective and players brought in must be proper quality.
We have plenty money and several surplus for even player + cash deals on top of the manager's primary targets.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 16:38:35
If we really do get 4m for Oh who couldn't make a match day squad then we should be spending 3x that on a first xi player. Doesn't guarantee success but it helps.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 18:29:47
People need to stop getting bogged down with the cost of a transfer!

That absolute pathetic striker the deluded bunch had on loan cost wolves €40m, they are happy to sell for €20m, he's is as good as OH at best, so what we may spend on a player has no relevance, we just need to buy the right players, if we invest in recruitment and scouting with the money we have we could be getting players from around the globe that are quality and don't have to cost much.
As long as the club stays financially sound we have the means to stay well ahead of the mob across the water, winning the CL or even the latter stages in this day and age is a pipe dream for an SPL club, we are a platform club for the mega wages of top leagues, we should be capitalising on it, just like top teams from lower rank nations do, the only benefit we have to be slightly more greedy is the land beneath inflates all buying and selling, our target selling should be there!



25 May 2024 19:26:15
Evening All

Just a wee stat about Adam Idah since he came to us on loan.

He has the highest goals to shot percentage in the league.

Evening higher than Miovski and Shankland.

BR must get some credit for this "project" loan signing.

Adam has credited BR with improving him as a player even in this (so far) short period at club.

Hope everyone has a great weekend celebrating but try spare a thought for some of our fellow fans who may live alone or have no one to celebrate with.



1.) 25 May 2024 20:16:12
Good post Brian ?

A personal thank you for your continued positivity on this forum, no matter what, you always stuck to your guns and credit to you for that.


☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

2.) 25 May 2024 20:46:02
Thanks Pedro for that?

It genuinely wasn't blind faith coz look at our injuries to 1st team starters and loss of form at various parts of season.

So it proved once we got everyone fit and back on form we would see better results and performances.

A few of us including Ed kept the faith.

Not sure what excuse I would have had to make if we didn't win league. I would have looked a wee bit sheepish?.

I have no doubt whatsoever that BR will be backed in the next few transfer windows and am confident we will break our transfer record.

Thanks Again


3.) 25 May 2024 21:12:39
Great sentiments Brian, thank you so much, sometimes we just don’t see the wood for the trees.

4.) 25 May 2024 23:59:48
Brian you and Ed007 kept the faith when others fell by the wayside . IMO it is important to always have a few positive posters on our forum to help when nerves and doubts enter our minds.



24 May 2024 12:51:51
Afternoon All

Are we resigned to losing MOR?

Will tomorrow be his last game for Celtic?

Has he been 1 of the so called project players that some fans have been so critical of?

Unfortunately I think he will move on to a so called top team in England or Europe.

My gut feeling is the transfer fee will be in excess of £30 million.

He will definitely break the Scottish transfer record imo.

However. As our Ed has said on numerous occasions Celtic at very least should do all they can and try to persuade MOR to stay for another season.



1.) 24 May 2024 14:02:52
I think O’Riley will leave in the summer and triple his wages in a much bigger league.
I would expect Celtic to receive about £25M.

I’ve never read anywhere about MK Dons having a clause in any future O’Riley transfers.

2.) 24 May 2024 14:45:46
Good luck to him whatever he decides. His goals, assists and all-round contribution for the majority of the season helped Celtic win another title. I only hope we have several similar or better quality coming in during the summer.

3.) 24 May 2024 17:10:55
If he goes he goes, but I won’t give him any encouragement, but of course he won’t heed anything I write . I would be surprised if he trebled his Celtic wage within the first few years of his new contract where ever it will be . Coming from a lower wage Leagur I think the wages are top loaded towards the last yr or two of contract to discourage Matt from leaving
Having said that I don’t think we have any idea of what ages he is on at Celtic . i would expect Celtic to pay him approximately £2 m per year and with bonuses for our annual league wins ??& occasional cup triumph
The wages he should earn at Celtic will make Matt and family exceptionally rich, but he can earn an awful lot more elsewhere.

4.) 24 May 2024 22:10:57
The only thing that will keep MOR at Celtic is MOR. If, he thinks 8 CL games and more trophies are better than more money and EPL mid table mediocrity. Obvs depends on who comes for him. If we make a real effort to improve our European standing, he may just give us a bit longer.



17 May 2024 17:28:20
Afternoon All

I copied and pasted this article regarding MOR.

"There is a lesson for us all in title winner Matt O'Riley's inspiring journey of faith, perseverance and fulfilment.

His advocacy of new-age approaches including meditation and other forms of self-help have seen him develop into Parkhead club's most prized asset".

My mum always asks me "are you going to your gobbledy gook exercise classes today". My reply to her is if it's good enough for MOR then I'm all in ?.





16 May 2024 14:33:38
Afternoon All

Some of us Always Kept the Faith. Did You?

League was always a marathon and not a sprint.



1.) 16 May 2024 15:12:23
I was confident Celtic would win the Marathon because the extra games Sevco have played this season, although I wasn’t expecting such a collapse from them.

I admit I was worried when they went top of the league for the 1st time in 2 years.

At that stage,
Sevco had kept 10 clean sheets in their first 12 away matches which is Championship material.
Their only exceptions was 1-0 away to Killie on the opening day and a 1-1 draw at Aberdeen.

Celtic were struggling to keep clean sheets and we knew we had to score at least 2 goals to win games.
I suppose that has always been the Celtic Way.

I did however feel that Celtic had still to hit top form and we’ve done that at the right time.

I know you were never worried and always had faith in Brendan and his players ?.

2.) 16 May 2024 15:33:05
That u did Brian. Very glad l was so wrong.

3.) 16 May 2024 15:36:59
Whoopee for you.

4.) 16 May 2024 16:29:22
Ter / Buzz / DRB

Equally some of us could have looked very sheepish if we didn't win league.

I'm now even more confident than ever that BR will be substantially backed in upcoming transfer windows.


5.) 16 May 2024 16:47:04
Like many of us I was worried about our terrible recruitment, the long term injuries to key players and the difficult transition and aftermath of one manager to another. Then we had the early cup exit and disappointing CL group because of our inconsistency.

It wasn't until key players came back and others found their form that I felt confident, even with controversial VAR decisions.
Even after the winter break our form was up and down but our results against TRIFC 2012 always reminded me that we were the better team.

6.) 16 May 2024 17:17:41
I will be honest and thought once we lost the 8 point lead and they were 5 in front that it was over.
Nothing to do with Brendan as a manager but because of our very poor recruitment and the injuries we had this seas.
I'm delighted I was wrong.

7.) 16 May 2024 18:18:07
Brian you lived up to your name as
“Mr Positive”
Thanks for helping keeping the heads up. ?.

8.) 16 May 2024 18:30:59
Was never in doubt.

9.) 16 May 2024 18:49:54
I was confident most of the time because I knew even at our worse crippled with injuries we were better than Rangers2012 The Rangers2012 were too reliant on having penalties awarded to them and stonewall penalties not given against .
For some reason I was confident there would come two / three games over a short period that the referees and VAR official couldn’t rescue Sevco with their penalty cheat . That happened against Ross County and Dundee. We were always a better team, results against them last season and this proved that . We played them in Ibrox in the first Derby game with absolutely the worse possible back four we could imagine. By winning that it looked as if they couldn’t beat us in a game that mattered . We won 3 and drew 1 against them and if honest we were a bit disappointed that we hadn’t won by more each time.




BRIAN.G's rumour replies


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13 Jul 2024 14:48:46

As usual I'm under valuing his worth.

What's a few thousand amongst friends ?





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13 Jul 2024 13:21:01

What was your opinion when we signed the project "MOR" for around £250,000 from MK Dons?

It's amazing how quickly some fans write off our potential signings. eg Bernardo even before they get a fair chance in 1st team, not just a few sub appearances etc.





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04 Jul 2024 06:53:35
Mick the Tim 83

Don't fall into the true blue media narrative.

Was it PL fault we only got £25 million for Jota?





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25 May 2024 14:02:12
Afternoon All

Good, Strong and Positive Line Up.





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15 May 2024 18:39:14
Evening All

Excellent, Strong and Positive Line Up.

Kyogo❤️ will play his part.






BRIAN.G's banter replies


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16 Jul 2024 13:11:21




{Ed007's Note - ????



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15 Jul 2024 12:38:30
Afternoon All

Once again this "Board Apologist" urges patience. Or should it be bored apologist?

Excluding Idah, Bernardo and Schmeikel 1st team ready signings are on there way.

Also as I posted on podcast last night it's highly likely we will be signing another younger decent goalkeeper as back up to KS but who will likely takeover more long term.

I am even more confident that the fact there are no real leaks or the usual mountain of players we are allegedly linked with being reported. I'm more sure than not that BR has players identified and we are just waiting on the right time to get deals done and dusted.

In this ever changing football world PR is massive.

Always Keep the Faith





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11 Jul 2024 14:49:23
Wee des

I agree with most of your post.

As I've posted on numerous occasions some fans will never be happy regarding anything Celtic do or don't do.

Most of us know that some issues clearly need to be resolved but I will let Celtic PLC and football department resolve them. (I'm not an expert) .

Eg-: Either we haven't signed anyone quick enough or we haven't paid enough for a player and that makes them not very good.

Or maybe the pies are not big enough, wrong shape or too expensive (I jest) but hopefully most no what I mean.

I'm sure we all want the same positive outcome for our team and club.

The last time I looked I think we have won 12 / 13 league titles. Yes, we need to and must improve in Europe.

1st team ready, better quality signings are on there way.

Always Keep the Faith.





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08 Jul 2024 14:22:55
Afternoon All

Some fan's need to calm down regarding no transfers so far this window.

I urge patience.

Direct your frustration at the true blue media lack of reporting on the issue that is currently engulfing over at "Asbestos Towers".

As I posted on most recent podcast. There is a complete cover up happening right in front of everyone's eyes.






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07 Jul 2024 12:42:49
Tim alloy

Not sure why we only have 5 days to make signings?

1st team ready signings are on there way. Just need to be patient.

I'm very confident that Idah will be the first.





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