Celtic rumours 2


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17 Jul 2024 20:46:43
Any updates on Kasper Schmeichel?

{Ed007's Note - Word is he passed his medical in Italy today and is on his way to the US.}

Agree1 5Disagree

17 Jul 2024 21:39:41
That's encouraging, glad to hear this ed 👍.

{Ed007's Note - 👍👍

17 Jul 2024 23:21:20
ED…. What’s your thoughts on the KS signing?

{Ed007's Note - Kasper Schmeichel certainly wasn't my first choice to be our new No.1 but I'm more than happy about it, I think it could turn out to be a shrewd/inspired move by Rodgers.}

18 Jul 2024 15:32:12
I think we have just signed a keeper better than Hart and if the young boy who we just brought in works out, we could have secured the Goalkeeping position for the next 10 years.

{Ed007's Note - 👍👍

18 Jul 2024 20:26:58
Schmeichel deal done and confirmed in last 20 mins… good signing … a couple more to go tho 🍀.

19 Jul 2024 10:00:27
Inspired move by Rodgers if it works out. Dittering and penny pinching board if it does not.

I am first to bag ownership of the normal thinking brian of a large slice of Celtic support.

16 Jul 2024 13:28:11
New GK from Villa pictured in a Celtic tracksuit boarding the plan for USA before signing has been announced.

Agree9 0Disagree

16 Jul 2024 16:21:14
You were correct about the 2 GKs Ed I never thought we would be able to bring in 2,and as far as I have looked up the young lad is a decent player.

{Ed007's Note - I even told you his name! 😁

16 Jul 2024 17:51:47
Is he a quality player ed? Can't take anymore project/ quality player stuff any longer 🤣 love the content. Hail Hail 🍀.

{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate HH 👍🏻👍🏻I've seen Sinisalo's name pop up on some of the English forums and he's definitely highly rated, he was being scouted by teams like Bayern a couple of years back.}

16 Jul 2024 18:56:46

my memory is slightly hazy but I seem to recall, not so long ago, that you may have mentioned a cetain Turkish GK who plays in Manchester had signed for us 🤔

At any rate, I'm delighted with Schmeichel and Sinisalo and I'm looking forward to getting a few more first team ready players through the door.

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.

{Ed007's Note - Nah, I never said that Ped.}

16 Jul 2024 19:35:35
Great bit of business by the club to bring both in.
Forward thinking for once.
Credit where its due.

17 Jul 2024 13:38:43
Great minds think alike ed my friend 🍀🍀👍.

{Ed007's Note - 👍👍

19 Jul 2024 10:39:21
I heard a rumour from a very good source that the will be rumours any day now. More later…. Maybe.

16 Jul 2024 12:15:27
According to Sly Sports deals for the Villa GK, Sinisalo, and Bernardo have been completed 👍

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.

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15 Jul 2024 13:00:00

I've uploaded the latest episode of The Bawz & Bovril Podcast in the Podcast Talk section on here and you can also listen to it on Spotify etc HERE.

If you haven't subscribed then please do and feel free to share it on your social media etc, and if you do listen or watch through YouTube please hit the like button and leave a comment if you know how. Thanks and HH 🍀

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15 Jul 2024 11:19:55
Apparently we've made contact with the representatives of 23yr old, Antwerp winger, Michel-Ange Balikwisha and have held initial talks on signing the player.

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.

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15 Jul 2024 12:25:53
Keeper from Aston villa also. winger quoted 5m. maybe that's us started 🙏.

15 Jul 2024 17:31:03
A few of us were saying it would all kickoff when the Euro's finished.
It looks like that's how it's playing out.

15 Jul 2024 20:51:34
Couple of French team's after that Belgium winger 😪.

15 Jul 2024 20:59:17
Sinisola could be a great bit of business. I hope it happens. Antwerp want a strong price but if this is us getting going then I like these stories.

16 Jul 2024 00:01:50
Surely somebody in the ranks that'd sweeten a deal.

16 Jul 2024 07:47:35
We've got about 20 odd to pick from 😄 🤣 😂

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

16 Jul 2024 12:01:23
Quality over quantity though pedro, it has to be. 🤣 for me we’ve realistically got 3 wingers who are worth relying on, maeda, forrest and kuhn, who the jury’s still out on since he only came in January. I’ve seen enough of palma, yang and mikey Johnston to say they’ve failed to impress enough and won’t take us further.

17 Jul 2024 07:53:34
Palma is better than maeda. Although I'd rather try palma through the middle.

15 Jul 2024 08:55:46
Barnardo has left the Benfica training camp.

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15 Jul 2024 10:26:00
Is that the same as Elvis has left the building?

Asking for a friend.

15 Jul 2024 17:32:12
I honestly think the boy will play a huge part in the team.

15 Jul 2024 19:40:29
Me too.

14 Jul 2024 17:23:36
Thats oh away but fee being youted as 2.5m to 3m which is still decent.

Agree2 0Disagree

14 Jul 2024 20:58:14
Being reported 4.5m.

15 Jul 2024 04:48:35
I'd expect Idah to be done over the coming days and surely a third striker brought in.

15 Jul 2024 11:06:30
Idah and Bernardo hopefully signed asap and en route to the U. S A with the team.

After that, back up GK, starting CB and a CDM would be nice.

Media saying that Leicester, Southampton, Everton and Atalanta in for MOR.

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.

15 Jul 2024 11:56:12
I am happy he is going, shame he didn't work out but he is not Celtic quality.

14 Jul 2024 17:37:52
Sky reporting that Oh away for 4 mill.

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14 Jul 2024 16:30:00

We are recording a new podcast at 6:30 p.m (18:30 CPT) tonight and it would be great if you could join us by clicking HERE

Apart from the usual gossip & news etc will be discussing:-

• The transfer window.
• Euro 2024 so far.
• Topics & questions from the live chat.

We're now at 1k+ subscribers so thanks very much to everyone who has subscribed to the channel and if you haven't yet then please do and share it on your social media.

You can find links to all our platforms, social media, Paypal etc HERE HH 🍀

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13 Jul 2024 22:50:49
Heard Norwich knocked back 4.5m for idah think they want 6m 😭😭.

Agree1 0Disagree

14 Jul 2024 00:18:36
Think 5.25 with 1.5 mill in add ons will seal the deal.

14 Jul 2024 08:56:41
If £6 million is the fee Norwich want, and its a player Rodgers clearly wants, then stop the messing around and go pay the fee. if we get the reported £4.5 million for Oh, coupled with the fee for Haksabanovic it surely covers the cost of buying Idah. its almost like the club are only ever capable of doing single deals one at a time these days. my big concern is outwith a GK, Bernardo and idah the silence is deafening on other fronts. even signing those 3 doesn't strengthen the squad on last seasons. Rodgers has had a full season basically working with what ange left him as what was signed last summer not 1 out of around a dozen signings are deemed good enough to start week in week out, surely Rodgers and the club have had ample time to source players for this window? And whilst all deals may not be straight forward, we always seem to be that club that struggles big time to get deals done, especially when it comes to the "quality and experienced" players Rodgers has continually spoke about.

14 Jul 2024 10:50:43
A said that last week and one or two shot me down. we want him on the plane to America so get it done soon as.

{Ed001's Note - were you at a Trump rally at the time by any chance? At least now we know who the target was....

Too soon?}

14 Jul 2024 11:16:14
Ear 👂 I heard he was lol.

14 Jul 2024 11:33:57
Can't see the fee being less than £8m.

14 Jul 2024 13:05:58
Hate rallys 🤣🤣.

14 Jul 2024 14:28:20
my first bike was a raleigh.

14 Jul 2024 15:44:48
Same dillits, Griffter.

14 Jul 2024 17:11:17
They grifters gave you tree trunks as legs, had the boxer first and then the grifter. Was a size 28 on the waist at 10 years old just to cover the legs 🤣.

14 Jul 2024 17:26:26
It's a done deal, both Idah and Bernardo will be on the plane.

14 Jul 2024 17:26:26
It's a done deal, both Idah and Bernardo will be on the plane.

14 Jul 2024 18:10:34
Yeah I totally agree Garry, I made the same point in a post not long ago that we seem to be somewhat hesitant when it comes to transfer dealings lately, especially the last 12 months. I’m not going to name any names in particular incase I get in trouble 🤣 but it seems that there’s certain people within the club that have an influence on either transfer dealings or is wrongly advising those who have more control of transfers.

I’ve no doubt the club have been looking at targets, but right now a month into the transfer window were considerably weaker than the team that finished last season, I understand there is still a long way to go in the transfer window but I just feel since Ange left we’ve went backwards, it isn’t a coincidence that when he was here he seemed to get the signings in sharpish as if he was in total control of transfer dealings. Take aside we knew Hart was retiring, bernardo and Idah won’t make us any better, we all know we need another good centre back, a left back and possibly one or two midfield/ forward players if we’re not to get embarrassed in Europe again.

14 Jul 2024 18:26:32
I had a Striker, the back pedal brake was the business 👍

☘️ 🍀 ☘️.

15 Jul 2024 22:49:57
I also had the strikes but wanted a chopper. 🤣

Lived in red road flats at the time and it was brutal carrying it up the stairs when the lift was broke.


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