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10 Jul 2024 22:53:12
: The Rangers International Have stated they will take Matt O'Riley on loan this season as long as we pay his wages. They have given us 48 hours to decide.


1.) 11 Jul 2024 09:21:21
Maybe Celtic could also give them Free money, similar to the comical Tillman deal from Bayern Munich ?.

2.) 11 Jul 2024 10:28:33
How did that go? Have they another court case in the offing, suing Bayern Munich?



01 Jul 2024 20:23:46
I asked AI about any transfer rumours/ activity

As of July 1, 2024, there are a few Celtic transfer rumors circulating:
Celtic are reportedly interested in Swedish teenage midfielder Pontus Dahbo. The 18-year-old is valued at around £3.4 million.
The club has set a non-negotiable price tag for Matt O'Riley, as Southampton are considering a record-breaking deal for the Danish international.
Celtic are said to be tracking Mathias Kvistgaarden, with Brondby having set a price for the player.
The Hoops are in the market for a new goalkeeper following Joe Hart's retirement. However, two potential options are now off the table, including Dominik Livakovic, who was linked with a move to Fenerbahce.
There are rumors about Paulo Bernardo from Benfica, though details are limited.
Atletico Madrid are reportedly interested in Matt O'Riley, who played against them in last season's Champions League.
It's worth noting that Celtic have yet to make their first signing of the summer, but transfer activity could be picking up soon at Celtic Park.

Hail hail, keep the faith.


1.) 02 Jul 2024 00:08:43
Livakovic is already at fenerbache . Has been for a year.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 10:37:27
Another day of inaction from the board. To be fair, they are probably away on an expensive holiday, paid for by the wage rises they awarded themselves and a bumper dividend, through spending no money. Bless.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 00:22:52
Celtic Board have a habit in not issuing rumours about possible future purchases. They don’t like the selling club or agent releasing rumours either .
Although sometimes selling club / agent release information to try to get a bidding war going.



11 Jun 2024 15:06:37
Is Patrick Roberrs not available on a free transfer?


{Ed007's Note - Thankfully not, he has another year on his Sunderland contract and a years option next summer.}

1.) 11 Jun 2024 18:31:45
Please no, I think a poor Sunderland team is his limit. That ship sailed many years ago.

2.) 12 Jun 2024 08:29:33
He would still be the best winger at the club. Yang, Palma and Khun are p ish. Khun will need to push on because the other two are not good enough.



19 May 2024 14:21:02
Sure was posted before but heard we are interested in Sammy Szmodics. I know he older than model we go for.?


1.) 21 May 2024 17:24:30
Kwan, he is a lot older and appears to have a higher value than we are likely to want to play for a player of his age.



27 Aug 2023 13:53:58
Heard we ate still in for Croation keeper's our bid was higher, , has he not signed with Fernebache?


1.) 27 Aug 2023 14:24:48
Kwaj I hope you are correct mate that transfer has been a three part trilogy.

2.) 27 Aug 2023 14:52:21
I thought he'd already signed a 5 year deal with Fenerbahce a few days ago?

3.) 27 Aug 2023 16:08:44
He signed for them on Friday,5 year deal 55k a week, we would never go near that kind of salary.

4.) 27 Aug 2023 18:57:50
£55K a week, ooft

☘️ ? ☘️.

5.) 28 Aug 2023 08:44:07
That will be that then!




Kwaj's banter posts with other poster's replies to Kwaj's banter posts


15 Jul 2024 19:54:13
Surely we all know by now announcements of magnitude are always Thursday for the stock exchange. ? So wouldn't expect anything official until then.




15 Jul 2024 02:11:07
I'm going to go put on a limb here and say we will sign players before the end of the window. controversial I know! Don't hate on me!


1.) 15 Jul 2024 06:57:57
When we make signings what's the bet they won't be announced for a while . If KS has signed which it looks like he has why hasn't it been announced. Pretty sure the Idah deal will be done soon as big Oh is away so can't see us leaving ourself short so we can only assume a deal is very close. Bernard deal should be completed soon . I would like to see another lb and rb and a 3rd cf and I would be happy with that unless someone like hatatae leaves then we need another mid player or Mor leaves.



30 Jun 2024 12:05:07
We must be one of the worst supports for moaning during close season. We have the Euros and Copa America on top of the international window not opening until 1stI believe. Yes we are all hoping for a good window but to be moaning about PL who has nowt to do with transfers. I'm pretty certain BR has learnt a few lessons and surely has earned the trust from the supporters to keep the faith. if it comes down to last day and still the same you can say told you so. Otherwise let's all just chill a bit, enjoy the Euros, been crap really. Or copa USA Uraguay should be a cracker. Roll on SpFL kick off?.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 12:43:59
@Kwaj last season our Board signed 10 (TEN ) project players and NONE made a significant contribution to the season, Brendan had to rely on the players already on the books.
This season we have extra CL games and once again this Board look unprepared to give us a chance in the CL
We will probably go down the cheaper options on signings again.
Be honest, do you really trust this current Board of directors to fund Brendan with decent CL ready players.

2.) 30 Jun 2024 13:55:37
I trust BR. I'm just tired of all the negativity Tim that comes from outside noise so when it continually comes from supporters too, I'm just like oooft. We are all entitled to opinions that's fine. We've won a treble year before and a double this season. Not foregoing what's gone before. Its only Europe that let's us down. Fingers crossed next week will be telling.

3.) 30 Jun 2024 14:03:19
At least wait till end of month before judgement. No point trying to second guess our board. It's not as easy as just buying players . Things takes time to get right players . Too early to judge . But we do really need goalkeeper in first of all.

4.) 30 Jun 2024 14:18:28
Kwaj my friend Enrico agree with all you say here you know.

Enrico keen to seem some new guys come in to but happy to wait as trust is in BR.

Enrico think more players will be leaving to trim down team and some good experienced guys will come in.

It is big season next year see one more treble coming and good run in new champions league guys.

Hail Hail.

5.) 30 Jun 2024 14:35:06
The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour.
Until our useless board put the product on the park before the bank balance then the majority of our support will be negative during any transfer window.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 04:48:03
As has been shown over the years, the manager has little to no impact on our transfer policy and wage structure.

Our biggest outlay last season was circa 3.5 million and our wage bill was circa 21 million. This was despite Rodgers saying he wanted to bring in quality players who were ready for the first team and us having an abundance of cash.

@kwaj - do you have faith in our business and and our recruitment after last season's debacle?

Talking solely from a personal point of view, I find it disrespectful when you say that my feelings about transfers are a result of the media. I can assure you that my opinion and I would guess many others feel the same, is a consequence of the boards recent ineptitude.

By all means have your own opinion but you shouldn't try to undermine your fellow supporters.

7.) 01 Jul 2024 11:59:38
Disrespectful really OK then. I think you have it twisted.
Talking solely from a personal point of view, I find it disrespectful when you say that my feelings about transfers are a result of the media. I can assure you that my opinion.
Where did I say that about you personally? I was merely having my opinion about negativity, feel free to have any viewpoint you like. To come on and state personally I'm not getting that, sorry.

We are all entitled to opinions, however to drum this is ironic impo.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 14:24:14
Apologies if I have picked you up wrong mate. ?.



16 May 2024 11:56:13
Saturday 18th May - Party Time
Saturday 25th May - Sevco Tears Hopefully- Party ?? Time

I can't wait for build up to this one as we are rocking. Reckon sevvies will be under theirs.




14 May 2024 14:33:23
Anyone checked out Paddy Power Fan Denial. pmsl it's relentlessly funny.


1.) 14 May 2024 15:17:40
Another Classic ?.

2.) 14 May 2024 16:46:34
Nice one Ed ?.

{Ed007's Note - ?

3.) 14 May 2024 19:00:14
absolutely brilliant.

4.) 14 May 2024 19:13:37
guessing a lot of the mouth breathers ain't paddy betters?




Kwaj's rumour replies


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14 Jul 2024 11:16:14
Ear ? I heard he was lol.




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01 Jul 2024 20:18:10
I think you would be getting a better player. 1 year deal with option of 2nd depending on appearances. Look at Moy?




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01 Jul 2024 20:15:30
I reckon we will sign two kerpers.




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13 May 2024 19:29:05
Should have let AJ take the penalty. For the stats ?.




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13 May 2024 16:25:00
I like Eddy you have to be sure his reasons for not seeming to care so much towards the end have been addressed? Also that his dissapointing change in form wasn't down to lack of effort! I don't care if you are leaving this great club whenever you put the strip on, the honour is you get to bust a nut for whom you are honoured to represent. When he was up for it he was amazing for us.





Kwaj's banter replies


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22 Jul 2024 16:53:29
They are lucky they are not playing at Ibrokes. Once they start playing to empty stadiums they will probably play better, like Covid season. So maybe they might pose a challenge ???????.




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21 Jul 2024 13:11:21
He stopped playing to be a painter guessing the wages he gets and to be in and around this great club along with the trips abroad and medals beats the painting game. Getting paid to keep in shape not bad at all.




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15 Jul 2024 02:14:14
Scotland pumped Spain now they are champs who knew. England are pish and haven't beaten anyone of merit that I can remember generally haven't been pumped but poor loses, mum goes to Iceland. who cares ha ha Spain won their done 66 is even further away now .




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15 Jul 2024 01:58:10
Really enjoyed a. b. e. have to say enjoyment was on the amount of hope dashed. Anyway football gods or sporting integrity it hadcto be Espanol .




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07 Jul 2024 20:51:03
Surely the american tour is about minutes against decent opposition results are not a neasure at this point? It's q chance to see what we have coming through? Surely players will come!




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