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To Timalloy's last 5 banter replies


Timalloy's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Timalloy's rumours posts


09 Jul 2024 12:11:03
Apparently Idah will cost us £6m plus add ons
If we want the Sparta Prague keeper they want £8m+
If the keeper story is true it shows once again our Board are scrambling at last minute for a keeper we knew we had to replace MONTHS ago.
Are not our Board wonderful.


1.) 09 Jul 2024 13:27:45
Last minute? I presume you'd rather sign any old keeper as long as its done immediately then, Tim?

2.) 09 Jul 2024 16:11:57
Agree with HT. Just because we knew we needed a keeper doesn't mean we could or should have had a deal done by now. The international window opened a week ago so if we get him in soon we've actually acted pretty quickly on that one.

3.) 09 Jul 2024 17:09:17
When exactly do we need our new goalkeeper, was it when we knew that Joe Hart told manager last Jan / Feb that he was retiring at the end of his contract and wouldn’t be playing next season . Was it Jan/ Feb or start of August . Which is more important, that we sign in July a goalkeeper that our manager wants or in April a goalkeeper that a fan wants.

4.) 09 Jul 2024 17:59:25
Totally agree, I know it’s sometimes not as simple as just making a deal happen and sometimes there’s a bit of back and forth and I’ve no doubt we have a shortlist of targets but the fact a new number 1 goalkeeper isn’t signed a month into the window is a shambles from the club.

The thing is right, you can still negotiate with a club when the window is closed, the transfer then becomes official when the window opens, pretty much the way maeda and hatate joined.

Since Joe hart announced he was retiring we’ve had months to get this sorted but it now seems we’ll end up scrambling just to get a slightly better goalkeeper in than the likes of Bain for the sake of it, it isn’t a coincidence that when big ange was here and in control the deals were done quick.

5.) 09 Jul 2024 22:06:07
If indeed it is Jensen then we have to wait. Sparta had him on loan with an option to buy which wudnt kick in till July 1st I would imagine. They opted to buy maybe with the intention to make instant money. So a lot of negotiation will be necessary.

6.) 10 Jul 2024 07:18:30
Doesn't suit the narrative Rayman. Seems odd when we can stick the boot into the club for countless other things they've actually got wrong.

7.) 10 Jul 2024 10:14:49
There are a lot of things that can make a negotiation take time but some on here complain no matter what ourclub do. As BR said last eek we coul have had 9 in the door by now but we haven't as rhey would not be the right 9. It takes time, like us teams don't want to sell or want more than teams want to pay.

We tell the club not to accept less than 30 million for MOR when teams consider he is worth 20 million but when a club asks 8 million for a player and we value him at 5 million, we get the biscuit tin mentality card out and moan about the board not spending.

Their job, like it is not is to get the best deal for the club, like every other board butbour gt a kicking for carrying out due diligence.

Don't get me wrong, I will be ladies the complaints if they don't make signings but I am prepared to give them time to get it right or would some on here be happy with doing what we did last time and what we are laughing at sevco doing this time, project after project.

You can't have it both ways.

8.) 10 Jul 2024 10:40:28
just the usual desperadoes moaning.

9.) 10 Jul 2024 11:55:56
Not a single supporter should be surprised nothing has happened. In fact, the vast majority were expecting it. That sums the board up. Dithering, Cheapskate cowards.

10.) 10 Jul 2024 20:36:17

you'd be better off not paying any attention to the media when it comes to them reporting on all the players 'Celtic are in for'

☘️ ? ☘️.

11.) 11 Jul 2024 10:32:06
People talking like it's the boards job to go out and find these players always baffles me.



08 Jul 2024 18:21:25
Guys read that Atletico are back in for MOR as Chelsea want £50m for Connor Gallagher.
I was thinking their keeper Moldovan wants away could Celtic not try and do some sort of deal with both players.


1.) 08 Jul 2024 19:35:25
A would be very surprised if Celtic were not far down the line on the GK position mate, hopefully within nxt wk sumit will be announced.



03 Jul 2024 15:25:33
Apparently we are now in talks to sign Idah on a permanent basis.
Let;s see how true this rumour is.


1.) 03 Jul 2024 16:27:34
Fingers crossed think he'd be even better and settled if signed ?.

2.) 03 Jul 2024 17:50:29
We have bid 4mil plus add ons, has been rejected straight away, no surprise.

3.) 03 Jul 2024 19:08:52
It's about time we started paying the going rate for players instead of penny pinching and dragging transfers out for weeks and end up losing them. We have history of this. Wouldn't mind, but we expect top dollar for players we sell but penny pinch for players we want.

4.) 03 Jul 2024 19:14:53
PL offered 6 used footballs as the add on.

5.) 03 Jul 2024 20:31:40
Everyone needs to give it a rest with the PL rubbish.
Also why would we offer more than £4m in initial negotiations? Before Idha joined us he was going to a team in Italy that had a transfer fee of £3m included in that deal.
Do you expect Celtic to go and offer £8m straight away because the SMSM says that's what Norwich are looking for.

6.) 03 Jul 2024 20:45:12
PL has held back the club for years.

7.) 03 Jul 2024 20:51:59
Now just following up on my last post, if according to MSM reports and our £4m was kicked out.
We should offer £5m and Johnston with a 15% sell on.

8.) 03 Jul 2024 23:09:53
Jonbhoy, the problem is we've all seen this movie before and the trust I have with the club in the transfer market is zero.

9.) 04 Jul 2024 00:15:04
We have seen this but I get a bit annoyed when the first thing or person that gets the blame is PL.
Jesus it's only the 3rd July and everyone is having a meltdown.
Our own players that were involved in the Euro's are still on holiday so if we are bringing in a couple of players that were involved there, would we pull them in off there holiday to parade them in front of a tv screen?
Our USA tour doesn't kick off until the 21st July, from what I'm hearing, we have at least 2 major deals already done with a few more to follow and I'm betting a few of them are on the plane to the States.

10.) 04 Jul 2024 09:47:20
All the Lawell apologists make me laugh. Go back and look at all the times we missed out in CL qualification due to his policy of waiting until we qualified before spending. Nir bitton anyone? We lost out on circa £150m due to his bull s hit. We had desperately needed a CB and never got one. Then defensive howlers cost us. If you want to prayer the record of winning our rubbish ieague, fine, but we have been an embarrassment in Europe since he came in.

11.) 04 Jul 2024 10:02:30
The reason people are anxious is solely down to our board and their track record. We were here last year thinking we would strengthen, we didn’t, that coupled by our form for most of the season, showed two things, we needed the quality Rogers talked about, but didn’t get and Rigers couldn’t get a tune out of them. Turgid slow play drive us all mad. We got it together when it mattered. We don’t need that. We have the money to move up a level. All we are hearing is haggling over price and wages. The has Lawell written all over it. And if he has nothing to do with it, then whoever is in charge needs to get their effin finger out. Fast.

12.) 04 Jul 2024 10:45:44
Hi all,

hope you are doing well

I'm sure if we lose the "rubbish" league this season Magicpole, the blame will be on PL too.
The PL stuff is as predictable as Robbie Keane signing every summer used to be. Yeah the board make mistakes but so do every club. Our success since the year 2000 has been unreal. The idah deal at Christmas is a good example of the board working well. The deal for him to go to Verona fella through as Verona wanted an option to buy and Norwich didn't. We were able to swoop in agree terms as Brendan wanted him, and negotiate now. The board didn't huff and walk away, we got the guy and it made the difference for the season.
There are some real myths that get peddled out too like John mcginn saga, but sometimes players don't choose us. Sometimes players are on holiday in early July. Sometimes we won't be shoehorned into signing players with unrealistic price tags. We should play hard ball with signing as much as we do selling.

13.) 09 Jul 2024 17:28:52
I have never heard of any footballer like PL He played in a number of positions for us in Europe over a period of about 15 yrs or more . But no matter where or managers picked him from right back to left wing, he managed to make mistakes that caused us to lose nearly every match. We had different managers over the years who still picked PL and they weren’t blamed.

14.) 11 Jul 2024 19:46:52
I cannot sleep at night laughing at the doom merchants who use to blame PL for all our problems but even more hilarious is the odd one who thinks PL has any influence at this moment in time .
When Pl was CEO he was given a transfer budget every year which he had to keep inside . He just couldn’t go on a solo run doing his own thing.



25 Jun 2024 16:39:00
Apparently the Celtic Park Tour has been voted one of the best tourist attractions not just in Scotland but worldwide
Well done the people who run these tours.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 19:51:33
That lot seen it and are now putting up fake reviews. Pathetic aren't they.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 20:15:46
Celtic FC have broken that Sevco Support.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 21:41:04
Couldn't get a sniff of a ticket last season for me and the kids but the stadium tour was a great consolation prize, took my father and the kids they loved it, would recommend to anyone that has never done the tour.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 22:33:04
Tour was great but must admit I was shocked at the size of the dressing rooms, then was told that’s why Celtic park couldn’t hold a European final bcoz dressing rooms too small. tour guides know there stuff and good company.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 10:29:54
Troy, like you I can’t believe they haven’t upgraded the changing rooms, they are embarrassing . I’ve changed in better ones in Saturday football I’ve played at.



19 Jun 2024 08:51:44
The Daily Record ( I Know ) say Madrid not willing to go above £25m for O'Riley according to their "contacts" in Spain, aye right
They say it's "bad news" for Celtic
Why, as club do not want or need to sell him.
First club that offers £33m+ can talk to player but not before.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 10:13:22
I value him more than Jota but Jota had that added element of squeezing some extra Saudi money out of the buying club. Needless to say I want him to stay but I think I said at the end of the season I'd be happy with 25m. Of course though, if we are confident we can get more and the player isn't going to be going mental then we keep him for now.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 10:48:47
If history is anything to go by, the people running the club will be terrified of missing out on the O'Riley payday. £25m + sell-on probably gets him. Although the higher the fee, the less chance of benefiting from any future sell-on.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 12:05:07
I doubt any club will pay €40M for a player earning his trade in Scottish football.

I reckon Celtic will accept £25M plus the usual add ons.

4.) 19 Jun 2024 12:30:42
Agreed Buzz. I'm normally against previous players returning and that includes Ajer (we can debate how Lenny managed them during the COVID season but was he not one of a few players who stopped playing that year) ? But I'd make an exception for Jota. I guess the money he is on now would make that unrealistic.

5.) 19 Jun 2024 12:57:34
I agree our location and standard of the SPL will always hamper any bargaining strength at Celtic, especially while guys like Kyogo and O'Riley are snubbed by their International team selectors.
I also blame our Board for the way we have deteriorated in stature across Europe thanks to the downsizing and repeated sale of our top players, especially when there has been plenty cash in the bank.

6.) 19 Jun 2024 13:53:46
Buzz I'd hunt them if they want him pay what we want if not jog on. get your point but av said many times we are cash rich and its prob the best position we've ever been in financially.

7.) 19 Jun 2024 14:59:46
I think it’s only fair to give O’Riley another pay rise considering he’s our biggest asset.

I know it’s maybe O’Riley’s own fault for accepting a below average Celtic wage, when he signed a new contract in October.

I read it’s £14k a week and he could multiply that wage by 5 or 6 times in a better league.

If Matt decides to stay,
We want the best out of him and to make him feel like he’s wanted.
The best way to show our appreciation, would be to make him one of our higher earners at our club.

I remember Morelos got a few pay rises in a short space of time at Ibrox when his valuation increased.

And like Mally highlighted,
Celtic are in our best ever position financially, so we should be spending it on our own.

8.) 19 Jun 2024 15:41:20
If CMG is on 2m per year then MOR is easily worth the same if not more.

9.) 20 Jun 2024 09:29:38
9iar I don't think the Jota wage will have any bearing on his next move. If he leaves Saudi the standard of club he ends up at will dictate his wage, it will be nothing to do with how much he was earning over there and I expect he understands that.

10.) 23 Jun 2024 14:00:47
Do we honestly know whether M O’R accepted a below average wage when he signed a new Contract last September/ October. I can’t believe such a wise sensible model professional footballer would have inept agent representing him in contract talks . It seems to suit the SMSM agenda that Matt is on a very poor salary at Celtic, but I have seen no proof from a credible source to back that submission.




Timalloy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Timalloy's banter posts


25 Jul 2024 18:45:23
I saw the third strip and thought it looked great, particularly liked the bigger four leaf clover badge, think they took idea from the Euros where most of the badges were bigger.

I saw one blogger asking the question, should all future Celtic tops carry the bigger Four Leaf Clover badge and do away with the circle badge, I vote YES.


1.) 25 Jul 2024 19:32:53
Not for me, Tim. OK for training tops but badge all the way.

2.) 25 Jul 2024 22:54:00
I like the Hoops with our Traditional Badge.
I don’t mind the manufacturers experimenting with the away strip.

{Ed007's Note - Bring back collars!! I don't mind crew necks in sitting about gear but if your going outside you need a collar.

3.) 26 Jul 2024 08:23:15
Dear god has anyone seen the sevco 3rd kit. its like an explosion in a paint factory it's hideous.

4.) 26 Jul 2024 09:41:33
It's one of the how many triangles in this picture puzzles.

5.) 26 Jul 2024 10:59:47
Can someone post a picture of it please.

6.) 26 Jul 2024 09:31:29
ahl gie ye a collar ya bugger or ill get big sammy the sarge fae sprinburn polis office tae who ye know well.

7.) 25 Jul 2024 23:28:42
I agree Ed.
My favourite away top was from the early 1990s when we didn’t have a sponsor.
Black with Green strips and the big badge and the big collar.

{Ed007's Note - The last top I bought was the St. Patrick's Day one that came out last year(?) I'm not forking out £70 for tops to sit about the house!

8.) 26 Jul 2024 17:36:22
mark. aye awrite. calm down danny dyer.

{Ed007's Note - ?? I certainly am not a collar popper!



24 Jul 2024 08:52:12
As we beat a Champions League "bigwig" in Manchester City can Celtic now ask to carry these three points with us into the group stages lol.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 09:13:01
Hi Timalloy, hope you’re doing grand, I laughed when I saw your comment.
We always do well against lying, cheating, morally corrupt, teams that have a penchant for cheating their governments.
Man City will have their titles stripped from them, the establishment team in Scotland will not.



24 Jul 2024 08:45:53
Pedro will be Celebrating

After last night's victory over Manchester City Lawwell and our Board will now say we do not need any new players and put away the chequebook.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 09:59:04
Joking aside that's my big worry. Hate friendlies and never look too much into them.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 19:23:25
Timalloy, is becoming friendlier with PL, than the suit.



23 Jul 2024 09:18:14
Atlanta playing silly beggars
Apparently their latest "improved" offer does not even reach £20m even with add ons
This is what Italian teams do, put in low ball offers and claim "poverty".


1.) 23 Jul 2024 11:06:59
Just like the team who want Adam idah.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 11:27:58
Sounds a bit like Celtic!

3.) 23 Jul 2024 12:04:28
Atlanta, like most if not all clubs have their transfer buying tactics . The important people involved in either the ownership or transfers to the club, if they are continuing something they have done other years must think this works for them . It’s quite normal for clubs to initially bid low, as I think Celtic haven’t given the exact amount they want as it appears Atlanta are too far below Celtic’s valuation. If Atlanta constantly bid low for many players, they are likely to get lucky every so often and able to buy cheap .
Atlanta don’t see a problem with a couple of cheap bids as it registers an interest and they if interested can raise bid to closer to what they think the selling club’s valuation is, and if club is desperate to sell and aren’t getting firm bids from elsewhere, Atlanta may get a good player very cheap.

4.) 23 Jul 2024 12:13:30
Celtic are doing the same with Norwich.

5.) 23 Jul 2024 13:50:07
That is what most clubs outwith top 5 leagues top half a dozen teams do, these top clubs just pay silly money, look at spurs paying 40 million for an 18 year old with 8 appearances in Championship.

It is madness, how do they justify it to their shareholders or boards when a player doesn't really make the grade and 2 years later they loan or sell them for 15 million.

It must be great to have that guaranteed 150 million in TV money each season.



21 Jul 2024 09:09:40
It's all gone quiet over there

Before last night's game, my two ex bears and The Suit were boasting they got 11/ 4 on DC United.

All 3 put £50 on, they reasoned that DC were match fit, Celtic were still in early pre season and they felt DC would be quicker and sharper.

Result DC United 0 Celtic 4

I am looking forward to my bets with them during the new season lol.


1.) 21 Jul 2024 11:02:10
Timalloy you seriously can't be going on about friendly games surely? that team we played actually had a league match on Thursday.

2.) 21 Jul 2024 13:01:09
DC United played on Wednesday night in the USA and then again on Saturday night.
Nothing unusual about the time between both matches.
There wasn’t any advantage to Celtic.

3.) 21 Jul 2024 13:43:03
Not saying advantage but fans read far to much into nothing buzz.

4.) 21 Jul 2024 14:18:47
@jwmie I am just glad to rob them of their pre-season cup. Win the league cup next and we rob them of their last trophy to become the "most successful club in the world".

5.) 21 Jul 2024 14:24:29
Friendly matches not a true sign of season success . i just hope we don’t have a broken crest .
The match last night was a brilliant performance from a Celtic side which wouldn’t be very successful in SpL . What I admired was the slick passing, running off the ball and easily moving ball up the pitch with little risk . We need to get all our first team players back and playing so effortlessly.

6.) 21 Jul 2024 15:32:32
Cool weejoe✌️pre season is only for getting players match fit nothing else, but if some take interest in results that's fine but not for me and never has been but each to thier own.




Timalloy's rumour replies


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21 Jul 2024 10:43:12
Mally I thought he was desperate to join his model girlfriend in Australia.




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20 Jul 2024 09:17:03
I saw his cousin play "Tanner baw player" lol.




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12 Jul 2024 12:18:09
Pedro Mally this time I am with our Board

Apparently both Kelly and Vata were offered first team wages but they want to chase the bigger wages in the EPL
We may be disappointed that two young talents are leaving club but they may have done us a favour in revealing their money grabbing character, ie wanting big wages WITHOUT workng for or earning them.




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24 Jun 2024 14:36:36
Guys I know it's only paper talk and you take what you want from it, but apparently Aberdeen want around £7m for Miovski, I think boy is worth it so I would take a punt.




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14 Jun 2024 16:30:27
Guys the EFL clubs have bigger budgets than Celtic also higher wage structure.
£8m in England is middle of the road as down there players go for twice that.
Even Norwich with their 20,000 ground have a bigger budget than us, and they know EFL clubs watched Idah last season and could take a punt at £8m.





Timalloy's banter replies


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21 Jul 2024 11:40:46
Guys a PROFESSIONALLY RUN CLUB (which our board are NOT) would have signed new players and took them to USA to bed in before season starts.




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16 Jul 2024 14:40:14
Buzz do you think Kaspar will be on a higher wage than our captain.




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15 Jul 2024 11:13:38
@ Greentree the apologists for the Board on here will just come on and moan at you or I for daring to ask Board to do their job, "it takes time to sign players" they will tell us, yet when SELLING a player they move quick there, our Board ar HYPOCRITES.




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14 Jul 2024 16:09:05
Johnston will need a decent break as he was playing right up to last night with Canada.
I hope he gets at least 4 weeks to rest and recover from his long season, his fitness will not be a problem when he returns but he needs to rest mentally and physically.


{Ed007's Note - Rodgers said he won't be available until August.}



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13 Jul 2024 13:42:13
ED007 my "Joe Biden" mind cannot remember if Schmechiel was at leicester when Rodgers was.
If so Brendan will know all about the keeper.


{Ed007's Note - Yes, Schmeichel was Rodger's No.1 apart from his last season managing them.}



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