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Timalloy's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Timalloy's rumours posts


25 Jun 2024 16:39:00
Apparently the Celtic Park Tour has been voted one of the best tourist attractions not just in Scotland but worldwide
Well done the people who run these tours.


1.) 25 Jun 2024 19:51:33
That lot seen it and are now putting up fake reviews. Pathetic aren't they.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 20:15:46
Celtic FC have broken that Sevco Support.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 21:41:04
Couldn't get a sniff of a ticket last season for me and the kids but the stadium tour was a great consolation prize, took my father and the kids they loved it, would recommend to anyone that has never done the tour.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 22:33:04
Tour was great but must admit I was shocked at the size of the dressing rooms, then was told that’s why Celtic park couldn’t hold a European final bcoz dressing rooms too small. tour guides know there stuff and good company.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 10:29:54
Troy, like you I can’t believe they haven’t upgraded the changing rooms, they are embarrassing . I’ve changed in better ones in Saturday football I’ve played at.



19 Jun 2024 08:51:44
The Daily Record ( I Know ) say Madrid not willing to go above £25m for O'Riley according to their "contacts" in Spain, aye right
They say it's "bad news" for Celtic
Why, as club do not want or need to sell him.
First club that offers £33m+ can talk to player but not before.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 10:13:22
I value him more than Jota but Jota had that added element of squeezing some extra Saudi money out of the buying club. Needless to say I want him to stay but I think I said at the end of the season I'd be happy with 25m. Of course though, if we are confident we can get more and the player isn't going to be going mental then we keep him for now.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 10:48:47
If history is anything to go by, the people running the club will be terrified of missing out on the O'Riley payday. £25m + sell-on probably gets him. Although the higher the fee, the less chance of benefiting from any future sell-on.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 12:05:07
I doubt any club will pay €40M for a player earning his trade in Scottish football.

I reckon Celtic will accept £25M plus the usual add ons.

4.) 19 Jun 2024 12:30:42
Agreed Buzz. I'm normally against previous players returning and that includes Ajer (we can debate how Lenny managed them during the COVID season but was he not one of a few players who stopped playing that year) ? But I'd make an exception for Jota. I guess the money he is on now would make that unrealistic.

5.) 19 Jun 2024 12:57:34
I agree our location and standard of the SPL will always hamper any bargaining strength at Celtic, especially while guys like Kyogo and O'Riley are snubbed by their International team selectors.
I also blame our Board for the way we have deteriorated in stature across Europe thanks to the downsizing and repeated sale of our top players, especially when there has been plenty cash in the bank.

6.) 19 Jun 2024 13:53:46
Buzz I'd hunt them if they want him pay what we want if not jog on. get your point but av said many times we are cash rich and its prob the best position we've ever been in financially.

7.) 19 Jun 2024 14:59:46
I think it’s only fair to give O’Riley another pay rise considering he’s our biggest asset.

I know it’s maybe O’Riley’s own fault for accepting a below average Celtic wage, when he signed a new contract in October.

I read it’s £14k a week and he could multiply that wage by 5 or 6 times in a better league.

If Matt decides to stay,
We want the best out of him and to make him feel like he’s wanted.
The best way to show our appreciation, would be to make him one of our higher earners at our club.

I remember Morelos got a few pay rises in a short space of time at Ibrox when his valuation increased.

And like Mally highlighted,
Celtic are in our best ever position financially, so we should be spending it on our own.

8.) 19 Jun 2024 15:41:20
If CMG is on 2m per year then MOR is easily worth the same if not more.

9.) 20 Jun 2024 09:29:38
9iar I don't think the Jota wage will have any bearing on his next move. If he leaves Saudi the standard of club he ends up at will dictate his wage, it will be nothing to do with how much he was earning over there and I expect he understands that.

10.) 23 Jun 2024 14:00:47
Do we honestly know whether M O’R accepted a below average wage when he signed a new Contract last September/ October. I can’t believe such a wise sensible model professional footballer would have inept agent representing him in contract talks . It seems to suit the SMSM agenda that Matt is on a very poor salary at Celtic, but I have seen no proof from a credible source to back that submission.



17 Jun 2024 12:05:07
Just read that with the transfer of big GG to a Mexican club Celtic earn about £900k not too shabby.


1.) 17 Jun 2024 14:11:25
We have more money than ever so the Board must get around 6 quality players in and back Rodgers to the hilt. The pessimist in me is saying another rinse and repeat summer window.



14 Jun 2024 10:59:34
According to latest nreports Norwich want £8m for Idah
Celtic cannot complain as we are asking £6m for Mikey
All selling clubs play this game to get as much money as possible for their player.


1.) 14 Jun 2024 13:23:45
Hopefully Norwich want Mickey and £2M for Idah. ?.

2.) 14 Jun 2024 13:48:18
Tin, as far as I'm aware Norwich haven't set a price for Adam Idah and why would they?

Celtic will k ow what they value the ayer at, a player who 6 months ago was in the reserves at Norwich.

If the price is silly then Norwich could well be left with an unhappy player and no takers.

Hopefully common sense will prevail.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

3.) 14 Jun 2024 15:14:51
All just rumours at this point but if true, it's a dangerous game to play. The higher the asking price goes, the more likely clubs are to look elsewhere to ensure best value for money. There's a real possibility you price clubs out of a move and end up stuck with a player you'd rather move on.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 16:30:27
Guys the EFL clubs have bigger budgets than Celtic also higher wage structure.
£8m in England is middle of the road as down there players go for twice that.
Even Norwich with their 20,000 ground have a bigger budget than us, and they know EFL clubs watched Idah last season and could take a punt at £8m.



30 May 2024 06:55:34
Read some posters on here want to sell Kyogo for £3m
Well reports today say that two J League teams preparing £10m bids (yes TEN MILLION)
I like Kyogo but he has been hibdered by shoulder problems (hope he gets it looked at during close season) and also by way team plays under Brendan
If we sell him, we must use all of that money to bring in a better replacement EDOUARD?


1.) 30 May 2024 07:55:17
To get someone of kyogos quality would cost significantly more than what we would recoup for him even if we got 10m for him he is only 29 and is easily one of the best finishers we've had at the club. He is the only established striker at the club so we simply can't risk losing him.

And if I'm being totally honest 10m isn't enough to sell kyogo when he is on form he's almost unplayable, if I were BR I would be ignoring those sort of bids.

I hope we are still in the Jleague market there are some crackers in that league, Kuryu Matsuki, riku yamane, Mao hosoya (just as quick as maeda)

2.) 30 May 2024 09:22:10
Kyogo worth more in squad than sold. We already need at least one but imo two strikers without losing him.

3.) 30 May 2024 10:34:06
3m is a joke his record since his time with us is very good and he's scored in big games especially sevco. yes he misses a fair few but so do most strikers ad be looking for double figures.

4.) 30 May 2024 11:55:49
29, contract until '27, if anyone wants him we should ask for £15m
If we got that it would cover Idah and Miovski.

5.) 30 May 2024 18:43:02
I said yesterday that I think we would only get around 3m for Kyogo if he went to europe or back home. 10m+ is just nonsense for a 29 Yr old playing in spfl. Today's game is all about bank balance as we continue to find to our detriment. FFP and balancing books and all that nonsense. If he was 26 with 1 more sell on value then aye, 10m. At 29 no chance.

6.) 31 May 2024 12:49:57
Even if we look at the Championship in England. A 29yr old striker who has scored over 70 goals in 3 season would go for a hell of a lot more than £3m.
Now I don't want him to go but if a team from Japan, England or even Saudi comes in for him then we need to stop selling our players for buttons.

7.) 01 Jun 2024 09:23:38
Maybe kyogo wants to move on to another league to try his luck there. He isn't suited to Rodgers sideways and backwards football he needs to be in a ast attacking side.

8.) 02 Jun 2024 22:16:28
I doubt we would get £10m for a 29 year old and if we were offered that I would sell as his value is only going to plummet once he hits 30. If it’s £5m or less I’d keep him, he’s unplayable when he’s playing on the shoulder of last man and his movement is as good as I’ve seen so I’d be sorry to see him leave but if it’s 8 figures and it funds Edouard deal then fair enough.




Timalloy's banter posts with other poster's replies to Timalloy's banter posts


30 Jun 2024 15:51:31
In the "quasi sevco" match tonight
I fancy extra time

Slovakia are as big as 28/ 1 to win in extra time
Quasi Sevco are 8/ 1 that tells me bookies think extra time is a possibility.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 17:48:13
I bet a £2 double on Slovakia and Georgia £180 if it comes up.

2.) 30 Jun 2024 19:06:09
After my 20/ 1 winner yesterday I have followed it up with my 8/ 1 extra time winner (they just went 2-1 up and will win tie now.

3.) 30 Jun 2024 19:43:34
Bellingham should have been sent off but extra time winner was the easiest bet of this tournament.

4.) 30 Jun 2024 20:34:46
How poor were England it was like watching Sevco play lol.

5.) 30 Jun 2024 22:13:56
It was like watching us play ?.



30 Jun 2024 08:38:36
Guys is anyone else on here worried about the lack of transfer activity.
We all know, despite denials, that Pedro is still wielding power, our invisible chairman Nicholson is wrapped around Lawwell's finger the coward.
No I am afraid it's going to be more cheap signings while selling our assets like O'Riley.
The only person to benefit is Pedro and his bank balance.


1.) 30 Jun 2024 09:27:38
I'm not worried at present but do agree that our transfer strategy is not about to change.

2.) 30 Jun 2024 09:37:47

I am not worried about lack of transfer activity at present.

The vast majority of the top football teams have currently not made any signings. (Is PL also in charge of there transfer activity? )

Some fans need to stop worrying about what's happening over at Asbestos Castle re who or how many they have signed.

1st team ready signings are on there way. Just need to be patient and block out the noise.


3.) 30 Jun 2024 10:10:41
The window doesn't open till tomorrow?

4.) 30 Jun 2024 10:19:27
some man brian keep the positivity coming mate. the negativity wears me down mate.

5.) 30 Jun 2024 11:20:23
Guys I try to be positive
But we have been let down so many times by this Board, and Pedro is only interested in preserving his big bonuses
I hope Brendan can loosen the purse strings but I DO NOT trust Lawwell (who still wields power despite what others say)
Only time will tell if this Board will back the manager and us fans.

6.) 30 Jun 2024 11:52:27
Isn’t Lawwell now on the same wage as the rest of the board? 40k a year.

7.) 30 Jun 2024 11:57:00
Celtic have made a profit of approximately £14M from the transfer market in the last 3 seasons.

Celtic have won 7 domestic trophies from 9 in those seasons.

Our board will probably sell Matt O’Riley for £30M and then we will reinvest about £25M of that money on new arrivals.

That’s how the Celtic board operate.
They like to make a small profit every year in the transfer market.

It will be enough to win another title and hopefully more domestic cups but Celtic will struggle badly in Europe once again.

Today is the end of the year accounts date June 30th.

In September,
Celtic will announce we have between £100M to £120M in the Bank and that’s not counting the more lucrative Champions League money from this season coming.

Celtic are in a magnificent position to dominate domestically for the foreseeable future but the CL is on another level altogether to compete against.

Maybe when Celtic are not participating in the CL, we can then compete at our own level of Europa League football.

Personally I would rather Celtic used this extra cash we’re receiving in the next 12 months, to open the Celtic Hotel which was previously being talked about.

It would give Celtic extra income forevermore.

8.) 30 Jun 2024 12:23:04
Any incoming and outgoing cash after today will be in the December 31st 2024 Accounts.

Celtic had £67M in the Bank from the December 31st 2023 Accounts.

Celtic then made more money in the January window with the sale of Abada and Turnbull Etc.
We brought in Khun and loan deals.

More transfer profit from January window of about £7M
Season ticket money of approximately £25M
Champions League profit of approximately £35M

In the accounts from December 31st 2023 to June 30th 2024 is -

£67M in the bank
£7M from transfers
£25M season tickets
£35M Champions League
Approx Total of £144M in the bank.
Minus how much it costs to run our club over a 6 month period.

It’s a phenomenal amount of cash and that’s not including the guaranteed lucrative CL cash this season.
Loadsamoney ?.

9.) 30 Jun 2024 13:00:18
Well done Brian, United Ireland and Kwaj . You certainly have your hands and minds, you and a few others keeping everyone on hear getting some semblance of truth . Our fans have to put up with the Sevco motivated SMSM who continues to poor out nonsense ridiculing Celtic and whatever part the media decide deserve the most abuse at any given time .
It’s difficult enough for our fans to try to pick through lies and damned lies to get some little glimpses of the truth about our fine club . Our club has only committed one wrong, it has becomer, richer, won more trophies and lasted
I36 years and counting. It is unbelievable that despite the media doing its utmost to destroy us, some our fans, they think they are fans, but quote Daily Record about heated drive ways etc, and others base their entire arguments on lies about PL continuing influence, skin flint Celtic not affording £5K wages etc . These “fan” probably damage our club more than Sevco fans and Sevco’s media, but I suppose the glass “Half full” can excuse himself next day by admitting too much alcohol taken .
Well Brian, and other quality Celtic. honest fans, I am sorry, I am now in my mid 70’s and I take to much to my heart the Despicable, nasty lied filled posts. by some in here, I just can no longer attempt to counter act some of the actrocious allegations, not presented by Sevco or media, but by people who claim to be Celtic fans . I am, for the good of my health opting out, probably seen by many as cowards .
I hope Brian, United Ireland, Kwaj and the others, please keep up your good work and not let this place become a complete anti Board medium.

10.) 30 Jun 2024 15:44:03
Maybe we could use some of our annual profits to buy some steel every year and store it to build the main stand when we’re ready. In between times, we could sell some off at a greater profit to any desperate people. ?.

11.) 01 Jul 2024 12:49:59
Wee Des I hope you continue to post. We need you to restore the balance in the universe lol. Keep the chin up, keep the faith, hail hail!



29 Jun 2024 12:12:23
Got two horses for the "Cavalry charge" at Newcastle today

This first one is for football fans of a certain age (ie ME)
YASHIN 17/ 2 Celtic need a good goalkeeper and Yashin was the best

My other horse is

Sly pay 7 places.


1.) 29 Jun 2024 16:13:18
Onesmoothoperator wins @12/ 1 (I got 20/ 1)

Hope some of you guys were on

I take some stick on here for my tips but every now and then a BIG one comes in lol.

2.) 29 Jun 2024 17:27:56
Well Done Timalloy ?.

3.) 29 Jun 2024 19:41:12
An infinite number of monkeys on typewriters will eventually pick a winnner. Well done Timbo.

4.) 29 Jun 2024 19:48:07
Henke thanks for the compliment ( I Think ) lol.



22 Jun 2024 17:03:38
Just saw on Celts are hear pictures of the new pitch being laid
It looks fabulous.


1.) 22 Jun 2024 18:47:06
Whatever became of they big mobile heating lamp things that where all the rage a few seasons ago, . another useless fad?

2.) 22 Jun 2024 20:54:23
Brendans using them topping up his perma tan.

3.) 22 Jun 2024 21:46:59
Grass a will always look good when fresh in a soggy summer. Its what its like after a heavy autumn and poor winter that's where your groundsperson needs to earn the wage.

4.) 23 Jun 2024 08:03:17
They were used all last season.

5.) 23 Jun 2024 12:39:51
Mobile heating lamps are used extensively, it help to keep grass growth throughout the year . They are far from a fad and will play a very important role in the growing and maintaining growth of grass on our pitch.



21 Jun 2024 11:05:47
Got given this big priced horse tip

TOCA MADERA 6.15 Ascot 50/ 1

A long shot but sly go 7 places even a place gives decent return.


1.) 22 Jun 2024 12:29:53
Do you work for the bookies Tim. That horse finished 27th out of 28. ??????.

2.) 22 Jun 2024 21:11:12
How much would u get back for a £10 each way.




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24 Jun 2024 14:36:36
Guys I know it's only paper talk and you take what you want from it, but apparently Aberdeen want around £7m for Miovski, I think boy is worth it so I would take a punt.




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14 Jun 2024 16:30:27
Guys the EFL clubs have bigger budgets than Celtic also higher wage structure.
£8m in England is middle of the road as down there players go for twice that.
Even Norwich with their 20,000 ground have a bigger budget than us, and they know EFL clubs watched Idah last season and could take a punt at £8m.




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29 May 2024 13:03:26
Guys only point I was making was Norwich were happy to sell him for £4m plus but now they see a way of doubling their asking price, they are chancing their arm
Edouard is a good shout as is Miovski
We have options tell Norwich to take a hike.




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08 May 2024 10:46:19
Guys the report I read said the boy and his agent were still keen on signing new contract and were still negotiating.




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09 Jan 2024 13:09:12
Well it IS the january sales after all lol.





Timalloy's banter replies


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30 Jun 2024 20:34:46
How poor were England it was like watching Sevco play lol.




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30 Jun 2024 19:06:09
After my 20/ 1 winner yesterday I have followed it up with my 8/ 1 extra time winner (they just went 2-1 up and will win tie now.




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30 Jun 2024 12:43:59
@Kwaj last season our Board signed 10 (TEN ) project players and NONE made a significant contribution to the season, Brendan had to rely on the players already on the books.
This season we have extra CL games and once again this Board look unprepared to give us a chance in the CL
We will probably go down the cheaper options on signings again.
Be honest, do you really trust this current Board of directors to fund Brendan with decent CL ready players.




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30 Jun 2024 11:20:23
Guys I try to be positive
But we have been let down so many times by this Board, and Pedro is only interested in preserving his big bonuses
I hope Brendan can loosen the purse strings but I DO NOT trust Lawwell (who still wields power despite what others say)
Only time will tell if this Board will back the manager and us fans.




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29 Jun 2024 19:48:07
Henke thanks for the compliment ( I Think ) lol.




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