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18 Dec 2023 19:45:01
Heard a rumour about CCV wanting to return to Spurs with Ange. Ange has stated publicly that's he's on lookout for new CB. Hope they don't have a buy back clause as he would be a huge loss IMO if he does leave.
Has anyone else heard anything about this?


1.) 18 Dec 2023 21:20:41
Not heard that one but I'd be surprised if offers don't come in for a few of our players in the com8ng two transfer windows.

CCV, MOR, Kyogo and Hatate will have their admirers, as might others, but as their on long term contracts we should be in a strong position to name our price.

It's who they replace them with that concerns me ?

Time will tell.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.



15 Jul 2023 12:21:07
Easy 4-1 win in 2nd game against that Portuguese side. Hatate penalty, Abada, young Ben Summers and Oh with the goals.
Good workout for the Bhoys.


1.) 15 Jul 2023 12:59:24
A Great scoreline.
The game crossed my mind last night and I still forgot about it this morning.

2.) 15 Jul 2023 15:14:57
That goalie we were linked with away to Fernabace.

3.) 15 Jul 2023 19:50:17
Hart also saved a penalty.



15 Jul 2023 11:07:59
Stuart Armstrong available in cut price deal after Saints relegation. Scotland international who done well here before would be ideal replacement for Mooy.


1.) 15 Jul 2023 13:36:23
We’ve moved on from that should be looking for better.



06 Jul 2023 11:12:26
Yang Hyun-Jun deal looks to agreed with Gangwon. Reports today state that their Chief Exec met with their players and lifted their internal ban on selling players this window.
He the club have positively considered our proposal so expect the deal to be concluded shortly for around £2.5m.
Another exciting dynamic player incoming.


1.) 07 Jul 2023 09:27:43
Only seen clips on-line, hopefully he comes and adds to our blossoming squad.



05 Jul 2023 12:17:41
Hearing Rodgers is considering Ross Barkley on a free transfer. The 29 year old who can play anywhere in centre of park is currently without a club after a spell in Ligue 1 in France last season.
I heard he had a bad attitude and wouldn't want him to upset dressing room at Paradise but if he's matured then at 29 he would be a better option than McCarthy who is sure to leave.
Wages wouldn't be an issue and if he can discover anything like the previous form he had he could be a good addition to the squad.


1.) 05 Jul 2023 12:52:18
I would rather leave this type of signing to the other mob, it's a definite no from me.

2.) 05 Jul 2023 13:43:55
Ross Barclay is an easy no thanks from me too ?.

3.) 05 Jul 2023 21:09:19
No no no no no no no, there is a reason he was sent to France. In the Joey Barton mould.




GGGG's banter posts with other poster's replies to GGGG's banter posts


01 Jun 2023 16:42:39
I think the biggest sign of all that Ange is off is that there is no new signings due to arrive so far. That mob have 2 or 3 already announced before it opens and Ange in previous 3 windows was the same.
12 month rolling contract means we will get nothing in terms of compensation.
Got a feeling Rodgers will be brought back with plan B being David Moyes if he doesn't stick around with West Ham.


1.) 01 Jun 2023 16:58:54
Feck me we're preparing for a final, and the window is open till the end of August.

2.) 01 Jun 2023 17:19:45
That mob have made 2/ 3 signings so far as they “need” to, and they’re all pre contracts at that ie freebies. Ange has built a team that yes will definitely get improved but needs nowhere near the work required at that mob across the city, so I wouldn’t gauge the lack of activity in terms of transfers from us as a sign on what ange will or won’t do.

3.) 01 Jun 2023 17:21:01
I personally think Ange will want a crack at the CL so staying put is his best option.

4.) 01 Jun 2023 17:26:00
Mally the window isn't even open yet . Only bosmans and frees are able to sign now . Yes if money is passing hands? And clubs agree a sale it can be announced. But it's the free market that mob are operating in at present. To upgrade our squad will cost actual money and after the trial players past few weeks and Cup final . Then we will see who is surplus to requirements and where needs upgraded . They are filling empty jerseys just now .

5.) 01 Jun 2023 17:30:34
I thought the writing was on the wall after his comments on flag day. There was no combative edge to his response and he was much more no comment than usual. MON has been around the club a lot recently, just saying. It would not surprise me to see him back in some capacity with a younger manager.

6.) 01 Jun 2023 18:22:08
Aw are we back to saying they signed this that and the next thing ??.



14 Jun 2022 19:21:18
Alright Ed? Have you heard anything regarding Jota? Seems to be taking a bit longer than I would have thought to conclude deal if fee has already been agreed and player wanting to come back.


{Ed007's Note - No, there's nothing changed with Jota.}

1.) 14 Jun 2022 22:14:18
Hi Ed, not sure if this has been mentioned but it does appear that we usually wait till a Friday before announcing new signings. I know that we sometimes sign players on deadline day which isn't a Friday. is it a coincidence or to do with the stock market. The 3 japanese boys signed on the 31st of Dec which was also a Friday.

{Ed007's Note - I've never thought about that, David. It might have some bearing on it but I honestly don't know mate.}

2.) 15 Jun 2022 12:03:15
I don't think there is anything to worry about regarding Jota, if there was any hint of him not signing for us the Scottish MSM would take great pleasure in having it splashed all over there back pages.

{Ed007's Note - I'm 99.9% confident that Jota will be signed permanently, it's just the small details in his contract that need to worked out as far as I know.}

3.) 15 Jun 2022 14:08:22
I was thinking the same Ed and also I think the boy is still on holiday.

{Ed007's Note - I'm thinking that Jota's transfer won't be allowed to be completed until the 1st of July when the international transfer window opens - technically Jota is still under (his loan) contract to Celtic until the 30th June.}



26 Sep 2021 17:34:47
We all want to give manager time to get his own squad together and most accept that we probably won't win title this season during rebuild.
I'm looking at October's fixtures and if we don't start winning games away from home we could find ourselves in danger of not even finishing 2nd.
That mob are bang average and we are 6 points behind them already, if we end up 10 points or more behind come November I can see our fans starting to turn.
Don't want to be all doom and gloom but our squad looks thread bare just now with 3-4 injuries to key players, hopefully as they start to return our form does too but I think Europa league games are too much aswell with the current state of squad.


1.) 26 Sep 2021 17:53:58
It was criminal going into the transfer window with 4 strikers and coming out of the transfer window with only 3 strikers.
It’s came back to bite Celtic big time and it’s the main reason we’ve dropped 5 points in a week.



08 Aug 2021 07:57:55
Watched Mulgrew yesterday and thought why didn't we sign him he is vastly experienced, versatile and still a very capable defender.
He's better than any of our current LB's and was free.
I'm sure his best years are behind him but at this moment in time surely he was worth a 12 month deal?
Delighted with McCarthy deal and know there's others out there like Cahill where you don't need any fee so can offer a decent wage and signing on fee.
If we get McCart from St Johnstone and Cahill that gives us 4 good CB's, then get Doig and Nesbit in from Hibs and let them all gel before getting in more in Winter window.
If Christie leaves before then I would add another but squad it's starting to look better.


1.) 08 Aug 2021 08:23:53
We let Mccart go for nothing can't see him coming back.

2.) 08 Aug 2021 10:28:15
He was playing against rangers he would have uped his game like most do against us.



21 Jun 2021 07:35:26
Club has triggered 1 year extension on Anthony Ralstons contract for next season.
With Laxalt and Kenny returning to parent clubs it makes sense to have a RB on the books with another more than likely coming in during transfer window.


1.) 21 Jun 2021 08:18:54
We'll need a 1st choice RB in as Ralston isn't the answer.

2.) 21 Jun 2021 08:24:24
pedro the answer is in the post buddy. ralston will be for depth in the squad a option encase of injury's.

3.) 21 Jun 2021 08:38:23
A lot of 'white-noise' regarding the squad that doesn't really alter a thing; but so far no BOOM to get the support excited and confident.

4.) 21 Jun 2021 12:10:27
Ralston isn't good enough to even be back up in my opinion. Stupid use of resources.




GGGG's rumour replies


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18 Jun 2024 16:08:20
There isn’t as much money kicking about as previous seasons with many clubs needing to balance the books for FFP and being cautious after what’s happened to Everton and Forest with the bill of cash coming from EPL.
Is Atletico wanted a loan to buy in January at €20m I can’t see where they would be pulling out €40m or £33m to make it happen in this window.
I think we might get to keep him for another season especially that he’s not involved in Euros as there will be more attention on players who have a good tournament. Would be great to have him for another 12 months.




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18 Jun 2024 16:01:30
Anyone know why this deal hasn’t yet been concluded? If we have agreed the reduced fee and player is on a more than affordable wage what’s the delay?




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02 Jun 2024 22:16:28
I doubt we would get £10m for a 29 year old and if we were offered that I would sell as his value is only going to plummet once he hits 30. If it’s £5m or less I’d keep him, he’s unplayable when he’s playing on the shoulder of last man and his movement is as good as I’ve seen so I’d be sorry to see him leave but if it’s 8 figures and it funds Edouard deal then fair enough.




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02 Jun 2024 22:11:43
He would be a smashing signing. Give him a cpl of £m signing on fee, Champions league Football and silverware even if it takes inserting a release clause into contract.




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02 Jun 2024 22:09:38
I have to be honest and say he had a spell around Christmas for 4 or 5 games when he looked a class act but his overall contribution was 6.5/ 10.
It’s the fact that he was 8 and 9 out of 10 during that purple patch that makes me torn as u could not pay £5-6m and he ends up in that form again but if we do pay it and he plays like he did in many other games when he was average the fee may look excessive.
Talk about Sutton on the fence I know it’s just a tricky 1 for me.





GGGG's banter replies


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06 Apr 2024 09:24:56
I prefer Welsh to Scales tbh if he’s fit I’d start him over Scales. We need to target their LB area as they either play a returning from injury midget or a dodgy in defence Barasic.




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06 Apr 2024 09:22:25
Don’t want to be doom and gloom but I’m not nearly as confident as you guys. I’d happily take a draw right now and know we will beat them at Paradise.
Diamonde looks like a good addition in their midfield I’m just praying CalMac is match fit as we all know midfield is crucial.
I predict 1-1 Kyogo with usual goal, if we score 1st though their fans will turn and we might manage the win.




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29 Dec 2023 12:53:30
I’m taking Cantwell and McGregor to be booked and MOR a goal or assist 26/ 1 with Paddy Power
It won’t let me add Celtic win though which is a pain but 26/ 1 when Cantwell and McGregor get booked in most derbies with MOR banging then in and with 4 or 5 assists too looks good value.




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24 Aug 2023 01:21:24
We may or may not retain title, with a 3 point advantage a win at Ibrox and they will struggle to catch us even that early on especially with the next round of fixtures they have including away to Aberdeen and us.
The league cups gone but could still win Scottish cup again which would be another good season.
My biggest worry is Champions League I just don’t see us being any better than last season where we played well but didn’t have a lot to show for it.
We could get a much harder group this time aswell and losing and heavily against the top sides is never good for Morale.
I hope I’m wrong and BR surprises us all in final week of window with 1 or 2 Marquee type signings because I feel we need a shot in the arm before the Champions league starts and before we play that mob.




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04 Jul 2023 15:44:25
Ohs average at best and shouldn’t be anywhere near a new deal at this point. He might become a better player now he’s settled in but for me the jury is still very much out on him.
As for CCV he should be rewarded with bumper new deal the guys a rock at the back.




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