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30 Aug 2023 15:16:06
Nat Phillips coming in as a loan CB until our ones are back from injury. Good player to bring in. Now let's get a goalie a LB and a CF to see us through until the next window ?.


1.) 30 Aug 2023 16:04:47
Podence deal back on I’m hearing.

2.) 30 Aug 2023 16:10:57
Nat Phillips would be a great signing.

3.) 30 Aug 2023 16:19:30
I sent that too early.

Calmac didn’t look comfortable when Iwata came on last season and he moved further forward.

He’s now 30 and I don’t think he’s got the legs to play further forward.

4.) 30 Aug 2023 16:38:35
Phillips set for Celtic medical
Liverpool defender Nat Phillips is due to arrive in Glasgow tonight to finalise a season-long loan move to Celtic.



18 Aug 2023 17:36:30
So Brendan has shot down suggestions that we are in for Fraser and Podence. Thank goodness for that. I don't think at any point during this transfer window has the MSM been on point over who Celtic are going for until right at the end of negotiations. Long may it continue ?.


1.) 18 Aug 2023 18:18:47
We still have a couple of weeks left of the transfer window.

I reckon the most Celtic have spent on wages with our new 7 signings is about £12K per week.

It’s looking like our recruitment team, are praying our projects will stand up to be counted.

2.) 18 Aug 2023 18:36:27
It was good to read about how the transfer business is done and reads like Baby Lawwell is almost like a defacto Director of Football.
This is good if managers leave the football and scouting side won't be to disrupted.

3.) 18 Aug 2023 19:06:17
Rodgers said he’s working with the players he’s been given, so has no say in them whatsoever then, the Fraser rumours are way off, whoever put them on rumours, he knows nothing, it’s seems a very strange way of managing he’s signed up for, in the recruitment team we trust.

{Ed007's Note - I thought Rodgers said he had nothing to say when asked about Podence and Fraser?}

4.) 18 Aug 2023 19:48:49
It’s only because I thought Fraser was a definite, I was only trying to get 1 rumour right.

5.) 18 Aug 2023 20:01:49
He didn't say he has no say in them whatsoever, he said he had a role the type of player and who suited his system and the scouting network had lists of players they had scouted over the last years/ months and we can then go straight after a player if someone leaves.
This is the way it should be at big clubs because we can then lose a manager/ coach without it disruping the whole club.

ED, you are correct in regards to what BR said about Fraser and Podence.
He was asked “There’s been speculation surrounding Daniel Podence at Wolves, is there anything to bring us up to speed on that?
And he answered No.

I took that as he had No update on the players, he never said we weren't interested in the players.

6.) 18 Aug 2023 23:56:37
This is how most clubs operate the days of a manager jumping on a plane to go scout a player himself are king gone…. The manager and scouts will probably discuss I need a first pick centre half and the scouting team will have numerous options already scouted.

7.) 20 Aug 2023 10:07:09
JB, absolutely correct on both counts, he just said he had nothing to say, not we are not interested.

He is part of a team around recruitment, he will advise on the type of player that suits his style of play and our team will identify players. He may have a say in who we ultimately make offers for but he doesn't need to, he will have trust in the people like baby L. That's how it should work and provide longevity even when a Manager leaves.



18 Jul 2023 20:14:53
Ferreira a striker from Gremio is being reported that we are interested in. 6m fee and is described as a flair player. Is a tricky winger but can also play in the forward line.


1.) 18 Jul 2023 23:05:00
Mark Hendry from Football Scotland is the guy reporting it. Apparently was the first to break news about us being after Bernabei. Also on Twitter saying no contact made about Reider but we're meant to be monitoring Mohamed Reda Egyptian player, Anthony Joeseph also said the same.

2.) 20 Jul 2023 08:12:06
Guys BR said yesterday that he had not heard of any the players we are being linked with, so I am not hanging on any names put out there in he click bait sites and will wait until club puts seomething out, otherwise it just feeds these nonsense sites. As for the game, it was a friendly and a warm up for us, so again not excited by it, however we are all aware that we need to strengthen our defence as we cannot cover AJ and CCV when they are out. What I will say is it isn't easy being in the bench for nearly all season and then being thrown into a competitive game, no matter how fit you are, game time is important for players. I would spend heavily on an experienced defender and goalkeeper as we have sufficient cover elsewhere. We will need experience in defence in Europe.




Lawman68's banter posts with other poster's replies to Lawman68's banter posts


29 May 2024 22:49:52
I've just watched the European Conference final and oh my goodness how bad were both teams. Now as much as I want Celtic to progress in the Champions league set up, I am a realist, but if we can't produce a team for the European stage that is significantly better than the dross on show tonight or even the teams in the Europa League, then we need to take a long look at our recruitment team as something isn't right. Let's pay the money get the right players in early and have a good go at the European stage.


1.) 30 May 2024 08:47:40
Final was very boring and poor quality on show but to a neutral how good was the standard of the Scottish cup final? I haven’t watched either of those teams but I imagine being in a European final probably made the game more tense for both teams. Doesn’t detract from the fact you are correct regarding us improving in Europe. Hopefully this is the summer the board completely go against the grain and show ambition.

2.) 30 May 2024 09:24:19
The Champions League has been manipulated and 'doctored' so much that our most realistic and beneficial priority has to be third place in a group and unfortunately we have found that beyond us recently, so The Board must back the manager and the manager has to learn form previous experience.

3.) 30 May 2024 10:30:23
You need the right players to mould a good team together. Otherwise you end up keeping Kobayashi, Bernabei, Mcarthy and bringing in similar players who won’t contribute.

4.) 30 May 2024 13:15:57
It is quite a big call, building your team with quality players to cover alleged weak links . Overcoming the loss of at least your very best player and maybe 2nd and 3rd best as well, keep winning domestic titles especially the league as well as progressing in Europe. . Many Boards, manager and fans may prioritise some of these challenges and can regard season as a success if one or two are not achieved .
There are many Celtic supporters who go absolutely crazy if Celtic lose two domestic games in a row or don’t qualify for the next stage in Europe. We have no devine right to win every game. For Celtic every game is a battle, even when we play so called weaker teams domestically, ref and VAR usually turns these games into a struggle to the end.



17 Feb 2024 17:23:09
Pathetic. I wouldn't mind if we were playing decent football and not getting the breaks but our football has been terrible for weeks. At the start of the season I thought we flattered to deceive and its coming back to bite us hard. The team just isn't good enough.


1.) 17 Feb 2024 17:46:51
The manager just isn't good enough.



27 Jan 2024 17:14:56
Alexandro Bernabei has had more than enough chances to impress or certainly show that he is a capable player but time and time again he just doesn't look convincing.
It will be criminal of the board to not pull out all the stops to sign another left back but personally I think if we are playing Bernabei deep into the window then he will be our left back until Taylor returns from injury.
Not good enough.


1.) 27 Jan 2024 17:46:10
I don’t think we can blame Bernabei anymore because we all know he isn’t good enough and never has been.

Usually then,
We would blame the manager for picking Bernabei but we can’t this time because Brendan’s hands are tied.

It’s back to blaming the Celtic Board and our Recruitment team, I’m afraid.

Laxalt came in and wasn’t better than Taylor.
Bolingoli was a disaster of a signing for more reasons than being rubbish.
Juranovic was tried at left back but wasn’t better than Taylor.
Now Bernabei was been another poor signing.

Celtic have had 4 seasons to sign a player to challenge Taylor at left back but now we find ourselves in a poor position because he’s injured.

2.) 27 Jan 2024 18:23:09
When hatate gets back I would play him but would prefer we signed someone.



16 Dec 2023 17:46:50
Our team flattered to deceive at the beginning of the season. The team was obviously weaker than seasons before. It's now catching up with us, and if quality players are not forthcoming in January, we will struggle.


1.) 16 Dec 2023 18:50:47
Don't think it's that much that the team is so much weaker than before, it's the jenesaisquois, the Joie de Vivre, that has been lost from the team, I think it was Maeda that was quoted as saying it took him a while to get used to the new system.

2.) 18 Dec 2023 13:40:28
When did we sign Joie De Vivre, what position does he play?



04 Nov 2023 17:47:37
Karamoko Dembele playing for Blackpool in the FA Cup against Bromely just now on BBC 2. It will be interesting to see if he has developed since leaving us ?.


1.) 04 Nov 2023 18:38:42
He's scored a cracking goal. Playing well but the standard is pretty poor.

2.) 04 Nov 2023 19:07:39
The fact he's playing for Blackpool would suggest he hasn't.

3.) 04 Nov 2023 21:28:23
True Henke and sad as he had so much potential.

4.) 05 Nov 2023 03:56:48
Being pedantic, Lawman, he will have developed. And there's still time for him to have a good career, he's obviously got some ability. He was running rings around Barcelona players and playing International football though, he isn't doing that anymore. So certainly hasn't developed to the player many of us hoped at one point.




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18 May 2024 13:06:57
Sorry but Welsh is a bombscare ?‍♂️.




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24 Jan 2024 13:23:30
No way will he be let go this window however it will be difficult to hold onto him in the summer if Athletico or any other club come back in for him ?.




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24 Jan 2024 13:21:05
Where's my car keys ?.




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18 Aug 2023 09:39:34
Mally - Myles was replying to his earlier post not about you ?.




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23 Jul 2023 17:08:30
Apparently sevcos move for Danilo is dependant on whether Feyenoord get Sydney van Hooijdonk first although I'm thinking it will be more dependant if sevco can stump up the cash ?.





Lawman68's banter replies


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22 Jun 2024 12:29:53
Do you work for the bookies Tim. That horse finished 27th out of 28. ??????.




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02 Mar 2024 17:01:00
Get well soon Timalloy. Hopefully you'll see the Bhoys back at the top by tomorrow ☺️.




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31 Jan 2024 14:06:31
It's being reported that there is no option to buy at the end of the loan deal. If that is the case then it says it all for our transfer policy this window ??‍♂️.




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27 Jan 2024 13:32:17
Arrow. Can you clear up your word salad and tell us exactly what you mean ?.




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04 Nov 2023 21:28:23
True Henke and sad as he had so much potential.




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