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24 Mar 2024 09:37:09
With baby lawell going last month and his head of scouting, is there any rumours or news of them being replaced. Surely we need someone in with fresh eyes asap as we obviously need to replace quite a few players in the next window. The most part of why he was pushed out was that players he had put forward were not good enough, so it would surely be silly for the club to still work on his list of potential signings. I would like us to possibly look to someone like the lad rangers got from Holland, someone with a complete new list of targets . Dutch teams always seems to find players and it’s a market that isn’t too overinflated in price. Either way we need to find someone quick in my opinion.


1.) 24 Mar 2024 14:07:45
Hopefully the loss of ML will mean the manager has a bit more autonomy in the summer regarding transfers.

2.) 24 Mar 2024 17:19:05
Daddy L will just give his mate Duhan a call.

But seriously, we need to get a DOF in pronto, and someone that will be here after BR is gone.
It's crazy that every time a manager leaves, we go into meltdown.



02 Sep 2023 10:52:42
Did haskabanovic turn down paok as we agreed a few of 1.7 million for him then we loaned him? We had the chance to recoup our initial outlay ?‍♂️.


1.) 02 Sep 2023 14:02:22
If he does well we might make more.



26 Jul 2023 06:24:38
Rumours breaking last night on Twitter that we are still keen on the Croatian keeper who after a week, still hasn’t signed for Fenerbahce. App we are looking at a larger up front fee for him. Personally I’d welcome this even though Joe has been great for the team and squad for the last two years, I feel his better saves are becoming less regular as he’s ageing .


1.) 26 Jul 2023 11:11:12
On the back of rocki signing get him in.

2.) 26 Jul 2023 14:50:14
Other reports say we aren't interested.

3.) 26 Jul 2023 15:09:43
I've read that but don't understand what the point would be in us offering them a bigger up-front fee if they've already accepted a bid from Fenerbahce.

4.) 26 Jul 2023 15:38:21
Would love this goalie, but can’t see it.

5.) 26 Jul 2023 15:55:21
naw were no.



07 Jun 2023 15:29:52
A new name has landed at second favourite with the bookies, with photos of him at Glasgow airport.
Des Buckingham, the manager of the giants who are Mumbai . Surely this has to be a joke.


1.) 07 Jun 2023 15:45:50
Literally just looked him up Quinn. No thanks. Even more leftfield than Ange was.

2.) 07 Jun 2023 15:55:38
Compared to the giants that are Yokohama F. Marinos?

3.) 07 Jun 2023 15:57:48
Maybe Kennedy replacement! the city group seem to have a big part to play in celtic.

4.) 07 Jun 2023 15:59:51
Apparently won their league with a record points and goal tally I heard. Very high risk but it wouldn't break the bank which is the board all over. A lot more of these cropping up that ain't very overwhelming.

5.) 07 Jun 2023 16:00:41
Surely that can’t be true, ange was unheard of by most but if you looked him up he had years of experience, including as a national team manager . This lad has barely been an assistant and had a season in Mumbai . With all the managers available surely this can’t be the best we could do if true.
We were supposed to have 30 million to spend to bring is up another level, could you imagine the club doing that with him.

6.) 07 Jun 2023 16:43:22
It better not be total embarrassment.

7.) 07 Jun 2023 16:47:08
Assistant! .

8.) 07 Jun 2023 17:18:54
My brother is saying he is being considered as assistant to marresca.

9.) 07 Jun 2023 17:19:25
Would imagine if he’s in Glasgow for talks would be for assistant. Makes me feel like maresca will be manager and someone will come in as director of football. The city group link grows. Don’t know why we would be speaking to him for assistant before we appoint a manager….

{Ed007's Note - It's being reported he is in Glasgow to visit friends and it's nothing to do with any job at Celtic.}

10.) 07 Jun 2023 17:21:20
If Man Unt'd had went for Fergie, before he went to Aberdeen, I wonder how that would have turned out.

11.) 07 Jun 2023 17:41:42
Thanks for the update Ed. Hope you’re coping with all the rumours going around.

{Ed007's Note - It's still pretty tame & sane - well apart from the Phil Neville one ? - but I think it's going to be a busy summer and it's great to see some new posters on the forum, welcome aboard to you all ??

12.) 07 Jun 2023 18:12:12
Here's a good one for you @Ed007, Alan Thompson is suggesting Henrik Larsson.

{Ed007's Note -


13.) 07 Jun 2023 19:12:18

{Ed007's Note - ??

14.) 07 Jun 2023 20:56:53
Wee Joe Larsson must be a free transfer again this season surely ed? so perfect double act.

{Ed007's Note - Jordan Larsson has 2 years to go on his deal at Schalke 04 but he's been on loan at FC Copenhagen.
Moussa Demeble is available on a free.}

15.) 08 Jun 2023 11:53:48
If kyogo went I would take big moussa back.



10 Jan 2022 14:21:42
With the news filtering through that the Aussie has signed, now we are reporting that a bid for an Iranian forward has been rebuffed, but we are going back in for him .
Point 1 is where are we going to fit in al these forward thinking players
Point 2 is who are we selling to level the spending up a bit?


1.) 10 Jan 2022 14:48:13
I was thinking the same. Doesn't look good for us signing Jota permanently IMO.

2.) 10 Jan 2022 15:25:56
These players are costing nothing compared to the outlay for Jota and CCV -
If we move 3 or 4 players out, our net spend will be less than £10 Million.

3.) 10 Jan 2022 15:35:00
They're different players there's no huge outlay and we have been cursed all season with Injuries, better having too many as not enough.

4.) 10 Jan 2022 15:56:52
It's worth remembering the size of the squad rebuild that Ange faced in the summer and I'm delighted he's wasted no time in continuing this.

The J-League bhoys combined cost was less than 2.5M.

Barkas, Bolingoli, Soro, Ajeti will hopefully be moved on soon. Tunrbull is out for the foreseeable and for months we've been saying how poor the bench is.

I've also read that we were close to completing a deal for Jota - hopefully that goes through.

☘ ? ☘ ? ☘.

5.) 10 Jan 2022 16:12:20
I totally agree mally as we have been crippled with injuries, just not sure where they are all going to fit in. I don’t think we are signing these as we aren’t getting jota by the way, maybe ange is seeing a couple of the Japanese lads might need a bit of time to settle in and was potentially easing them in for next season.
Either way hopefully when qualifiers come around we won’t be searching around for players as most have been signed this season.

6.) 10 Jan 2022 15:45:55
Jota will sign. What player have we signed that can play Jota position.

7.) 10 Jan 2022 16:32:31
We don't really work on net spend we work on amortization. With everyone we have at the moment our annual amortization sits at £14.5m APPROX. If we get rid of Soro, Ajeti, Barkas and Boli. We reduce this by £3.4m per season. Interestingly with Jullien entering the final year of his contract we would reduce this by a further 1.5m if he resigns.

Given the historical accounts we seem happy with the amortization figure being between 13-15.5m per season. So if needed i think we still have a few quid we could spend.

8.) 10 Jan 2022 16:33:29
I should have mentioned the £14.5m figure incorporates Jota, CCV and McGree as permanent transfers.

9.) 10 Jan 2022 16:48:24
I honestly think they are planing life without Forrest and going to bin Mikey Johnstone nobody is safe no matter how long you've been at the club Ange clearly wants players that can step up and be called on right now Forrest and Johnstone are bringing nothing to the table right now in the way of injury prone or just under performing it's not got anything to do with not signing Jota on a permanent basis Ange wants his own lads in.

10.) 10 Jan 2022 17:25:02
I really hope we can and will get Jota and CCV on permanent contracts. And we do have something like 35 players now if that happens but there is a few that shouldn't be at the club and I hope we can shift them out in this window.

11.) 10 Jan 2022 18:24:04
I don’t really think we could bin Forrest AND Johnston. We need 4 homegrown and 4 association players in our 25 man Euro squad or we lose a place.

At moment we have

Welsh - if we don’t sell currently qualifies as B squad but won’t next year


Bain - who arguably time may be up

So we’re pretty thin on the homegrown players. And from the looks not sure if we have anyone ready to make the big step in the B team and don’t think there much association talent within our reach. I thought Hickey may have been a good answer but way out our price range now.

12.) 11 Jan 2022 00:17:01
Tbhoy - another reason to bring Ferguson in? Lad would add a bit of steel to the midfield.

13.) 11 Jan 2022 07:03:30
We fit some in 1st half and some in second half. allowing us to play fast pace for 90 mins

Nearly every game i've watched we've blasted teams for at least 30 mins in 1st half with not much goal penetration, exception hibs away. we seem to naturally take a dip in levels during game also.

If these players can do whst ange wants then we have a bench capable of coming on and frightening teams when 1st 11 is hitting the natural dip in energy levels. not to mention cover for the injuries our intensity of play can cause.

14.) 11 Jan 2022 13:40:01
I think McGree if he comes will add steel and pace to our midfield, we don't need Ferguson imo.




Quinn1888's banter posts with other poster's replies to Quinn1888's banter posts


27 Jun 2024 12:58:43
I was just reading comments John kenned y made, I wouldn’t be expecting many players in the next couple of weeks. He supposedly said they are still in various negotiations with a keeper but it obviously has issues (. I presume the league and wages ) . Also said loads of “plates spinning but players are still on holiday. You would have thought most of groundwork would already been done, as in approaching clubs to see if they would be open to selling a certain player, speaking to agents to see if their player would come and ball park figures involved . Apart from that purple patch with Ange we always seem so slow to get stuff done. I know people will say the window isn’t properly open yet, but Everton signed some lad for 20 million yesterday . It would be quite a shift for us to sign players form the euros as well.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 13:49:39
There's still 2 months left.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 14:52:38
Still need too get our finger out Malley, should be looking for a gk rb cb lb dm winger and cf.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 16:38:56
Negativity rears its head. All John Kennedy seem to do was tell the truth, as the international transfer isn’t. open until next week, why should Celtic close deal on say their 4th/ 5th choice when maybe still a good chance of signing a higher up choice . Similarly plates spinning, is as far as Celtic can go without actually closing deal . A deal is up in air until deal is signed. I would be most disappointed if I heard Celtic signed some lad yesterday for £20m . That’s extravagance, name unknown, position on team unknown, yet it’s meant to be seen as something good . Didn’t Everton have points deducted last season because they overspent in the past, they certainly seem to be slow learners .
Let us start on our Board when the International Transfer window is open 2/ 3 weeks and we haven’t bought any . There should be no need for competition to be first negative poster in window.

4.) 28 Jun 2024 07:18:12
Here we go, 2 months to go, window not officially opened yet and 'we haven't signed anyone yet' starts.

If anyone on here seriously thinks the club haven't been working hard and doing their homework on players, then they have sevco and their malicious media living in their heads.

The players we are after, other teams will also be interested in and they will cost decent money, not the bargain basement galacticos they are buying and who no one else were interested in.

It takes time, it takes will on the part of the players to want to come here and players, their agents are either at Euros or on holiday.

John Kennedy said they are talking to players and their agents and things should probably start happening in the next week, so have patience.



19 Jun 2024 21:20:59
Slightly worrying that Roger’s said that ralston will be a main player for us next season, he is a shocking player and footballer.
Also tierney going off injured again, hits it home that we can’t take any risk with him in signing him . In fairness we probably ruined him playing so many games when he was young and he was being singled out in every game by hatchet men and now he’s obviously paying the price. Shame for the lad that his injuries will prob finish his career.


1.) 19 Jun 2024 22:32:54

Your comments about Ralston make me sick.

Hold off until tomorrow there will be plenty slaughtering 'the Celtic right back' and you can join in with Souness and the rest of the MSSM.

How many ragers players let us down Graeme? You’re a disgrace.

Ralston was excellent in the second half as was attested to by Andy Robertson but what does he know compared to you.

Switzerland are a top side who've qualified for the last five tournaments.

2.) 19 Jun 2024 23:13:58
Did Rodgers not just say that he would play more?
If we have at least 8 CL games then we would expect to see more of a rotation. Especially in cup games and after a European game.

3.) 19 Jun 2024 23:44:24
Spot on JFP he had a great 2nd half against a top side. bad enough the pundits giving celtic players a doing never mind our own.

4.) 20 Jun 2024 07:01:28
Just my opinion to be fair, but he’s just not a very good player, regardless that he plays for Celtic . I’m not Scottish so tbh I don’t care if he plays well or not for Scotland, my opinion is that he isn’t good enough for us as I’ve stated before. For us to improve we need better players and he’s not at the level to improve us. He gets found out, I appreciate he’s living his dream and ours of playing for his team, but he is targeted every game he plays for a reason. Just going forward we need a better option at right back. Sorry to make you feel ill with My opinion .

5.) 20 Jun 2024 07:55:18
Who targets Ralston? Is it the boo boys who regularly pick on players and not for lack of ability, just for boos boys perceived lack of ability.
We must have built a good team, as u are now criticising, back up players letting us down in Europe.

6.) 20 Jun 2024 08:31:27
Ralston isn't good enough to be our main Rb but we certainly won't find a better more reliable back up than him. he's a very important squad player and will be for years to come i feel.
His graft is only exceeded by maeda and i wouldn't be surprised to see ralston at celtic til he retires. Hed be nailed on future captain if he just had a little bit more quality.

7.) 20 Jun 2024 14:48:05
I’m not picking on him for no other reason in that I don’t think he’s the quality we need. I have no doubt he will be at Celtic for an awful long time as there isn’t a club in England or Scotland who would give him a contract as big as what we have gave him.

To improve as a team and squad we need a decent 11 and decent subs, who when called upon there isn’t any difference. That’s what big teams do, when other so called big teams bring subs in against us in Europe, they don’t say it’s ok he’s not as good as the other player but he’s good around the squad.

There subs normally make a difference in games as they are good players and normally come on against tired players. I appreciate it seems like I’m picking on him but I just feel for our team to grow we needed a better squad, I know the majority won’t agree with me . It’s also no fault of his as he’s living every one of our dreams, so I can’t slag him off for that.

8.) 22 Jun 2024 21:22:14
Our squad is good enough to dominate domestically, paying more money to some players in key positions won’t necessarily bridge the gap between our current squad and a team that are regularly going to win in Europe . To win regularly in Europe we have to get our squad to mentally become confident of winning . We can beat Rangers2012 even with many of our top players missing and we need to be able to overcome set backs in Europe and win games we are currently losing .
Bringing in European experienced players may benefit in a few European games but break the togetherness that have us succeeding domestically.



29 Apr 2024 12:53:49
Does anyone think a conversation needs to be had regarding McGregor . Apart from the ibrox game early in the season, I’m finding it difficult to remember a really good game he’s had . Whilst he has been a great servant to Celtic, approaching 31 and with the amount of games he puts his body on the line for us with, could he be starting to slow up?
When we play. European level teams he struggles to break up play and defend play as it’s not his natural role.
Do we need to move him forward a bit with a proper mobile defensive midfielder behind him or do we start using him more sporadically to get the best out of him? I feel he needs to be playing regularly to keep his tempo up as we have seen recently with his performances .
Or is it in fact not a position we need to look at imminently with the other positions we need to improve on more important? Or I is he just having an average season and it’s noticeable as he normally is one of our better players and this season has dipped?


1.) 29 Apr 2024 13:34:04
It’s the most important position on the pitch in my opinion. As soon as Iwata came on yesterday all the pressure on our back line was almost mitigated. It’s been the same all season, he is an empty shirt at the moment and shouldn’t play again this season.

Give the man a rest and see where he is at in pre-season. Have to remember he will be away to the euros as well.



20 Apr 2024 12:03:28
At the minute the season is turning back in our favour, and obviously we are putting our feelings to one side for a bit. But was there not strong rumours that lawell was meant to be leaving, ? He’s prob kept his head down, hoped it turned around and will carry on. For us to move to a higher level we need him gone . We need more modern thinking people on our board not the dinosaurs that we have and I’d hate for us winning the league to gloss over the way they treat fans .


1.) 20 Apr 2024 12:10:56
So is Lawwell getting the blame for potentially winning a double?.



08 Feb 2024 07:21:49
Two terrible teams going for the title this year, let’s be honest it’s a different narrative from the press regarding sevco, but they aren’t exactly hammering teams with some lovely brand of football. Just arm the press aren’t highlighting it as they never do and their fans are behind them so they are playing without pressure. We know they fold if we can turn around the pressure onto them. But like I say both teams are poor.





Quinn1888's rumour replies


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26 Jun 2024 10:29:54
Troy, like you I can’t believe they haven’t upgraded the changing rooms, they are embarrassing . I’ve changed in better ones in Saturday football I’ve played at.




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26 Jun 2024 10:27:34
I’m with you magicpole, it’s happened to us too often .
Even though Br said he wanted to change the structure of the transfer, it’s no surprise that hart was leaving so we should be well down the line with a keeper. We kept getting linked with Kellerher but for the price tag and wages we know that was a non starter. Stories going about saying we won’t sign Bernardo due to wages, we need to cut the squad by 7 . The squad id agree with but it’s never easy getting rid of players who are poor and wouldn’t get the same wages that we are giving them, not saying we pay massive wages but we are paying high wages for the standard of some of them and what they contribute. We probably all agree Mor is going to be sold, and he will negate the spend as we never seem to have a big net spend . Surely with what we have in the bank plus the champions league money we can afford to have an out lay of 30 million . If we can’t do it now we never will, I just don’t trust the board to spend . Hanging on for their bonuses again, and just do enough to keep the common folk quiet for a while.




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25 Jun 2024 14:40:10
Would people be happy if we sold oh and replaced him with miovski, and signed Idah . Front 3 options of that would be decent tbf.




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19 Jun 2024 07:31:16
Welcome back Hoops, I’ll take any rumours at the minute. Especially since rangers are signing world class players, i mean even Conor Barron has become the best midfielder in Scotland now since he’s agreed to a move there .




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18 Jun 2024 22:16:26
I wouldn’t mind dupravka to be fair, getting on a bit but rarely makes mistakes . We never seem to be able to go out and sign a first team keeper from a team. We need to be stronger in defence this season.





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01 Jul 2024 10:14:56
Hopefully a keeper in asap, there’s stories of Dubravka, who I admit I didn’t mind. However, loads of geordies are calling him a hologram, and he hasn’t played well at the euros from what I’ve seen him. Especially in one of the group games, he was shocking. Hopefully we go and buy a no 1. From a team and not a reserve keeper, such an important position for us especially in Europe .




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01 Jul 2024 10:12:10
He also played for their manager at Mk.




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30 Jun 2024 21:25:32
Yeah the midweek game was because of covid call offs, but I can’t remember a league game for ages at 3.




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30 Jun 2024 20:41:52
Buzz, when was the last 3 o clock ko for the derby game.




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28 Jun 2024 21:50:13
Personally des, I don’t give the board much credit for the trophy wins to be honest, in my eyes it’s purely down to players and management, and in some years poor competition . Whilst the league is the bread and butter as a fan that invests quite a bit of money into supporting the club travelling from England every home game as loads do from Ireland and England as well surely we can want a bit more from our board regarding being the best we can be. How many transfers have fallen through just because the board won’t go that extra bit, we had toney in the building and pushed him aside for a cheaper option who failed drastically. That’s just one of a few, personally I would just want us to come out with a deficit instead of breaking even and banking more money to be embarrassed in Europe year after year. Would ange have stayed possibly if he thought we would back him for the season , who knows . I really hope they go that bit further this season though, and I’ve had a few beers after football so maybe it’s a longer post than it should be . So don’t mean to sound argumentative, this group is all about opinions and we won’t always agree on stuff anyway. But it would be boring if we all agreed ?.




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