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29 Jun 2024 16:40:23
It's not often that I change my mind completely on the Celtic Board and their recruitment policy, However I have made a 360 degree take on board's policy .
I use to read that our Board were guilty of providing manager with players just capable of domestic success.
I thought that was a terrible negative opinion that no decent Celtic supporter could hold .
However whilst studying the Board's Primary responsibility, to make money for investors by increase share price and paying dividends. This has altered my thinking and I now realise that the Board have a responsibility to make sure manager and coaches are forced to push their players to the limit to get the very best out of players to be victorious domestically. It isn't fair on the players in the first team squad, if they can stroll through year and win their domestic league at ease and even a double or treble without been pushed completely.
No surer way of creating player unrest amongst players and supporters than having players who think they are too good for league they are playing in .
We can't have European standard players if they aren't pushed to limit week- in week out in their own league . It's very difficult to pick SPL level footballers to be capable of starring in Europe.

Wee des 1

1.) 29 Jun 2024 18:00:06
It is even more difficult if you are not prepared to pay the going rate for them.

2.) 29 Jun 2024 18:11:55
Naw mate we won’t have European standard players if Peter Lawwell and co continue to dilly dally and don’t invest in better quality players than they have been, I honestly feel we will be done over again this time like we always do ?.

3.) 29 Jun 2024 22:22:30
Drewzybhoy .
Maybe u should consider joining us in 2024 . YOUR MATE P. Lawwell. Is no longer able to dilly dally.

4.) 29 Jun 2024 22:48:40
Ridiculous post. No one was complaining in '94 when Fergus and John Keane saved us. Since then we have splashed money a few times. most notably to find the MON era. We are a great club run properly. Lots of money being spent on infrastructure. I have no doubt we will spend big this window (By our/ Scottish standards) . Lawwell has to go. Not going to bore people but the man should just go!



27 Jun 2024 12:16:39
The fixtures are out for SPL 2024/ 2025 and I am sure the Scottish Masons are delighted that without any unusual Programming the computer has done a brilliant bigoted job, creating Celtic fixtures at times that are unsuitable, Opening Flag Day, usually first fixture of News season, pushed back until 4.30 pm Sunday. Celtic, currently, only SPL team playing in Champions League, have almost all post C L matches away .

Of Course W Collum is still busily working his balls off, trying to make a difference . His predecessor Crawford Allan, had all elite refs either Sevco supporters or making their decisions like Sevco supporters., Willie is trying to end. all this . Won't it be great to have a season of W Collum's impartiality.

Wee des 1

1.) 27 Jun 2024 18:36:03
It's the same every year Des no ones even surprised anymore. It'll be the usual Killie, Hearts, Rangers, Aberdeen or Hibs games that are the selected away games for potential European hangovers. With tjat being said, It hasn't worked in Sevcos favour much before but it at least keeps the title race tight for them.



25 Jun 2024 16:48:39
How long does this bloody Covid last? I thought I was doing brilliantly not having a dose of at all and I thought I had beat it off, but it hit me 7/ 8 days ago and to be honest I wouldn't wish it on Clements or any one of them . It's a really harsh, you think it's lifting and it comes back and downs u again .
Stay healthy .

Wee des 1

1.) 25 Jun 2024 17:20:41
It won't be going away although there will be different variants as it mutates.

2.) 25 Jun 2024 19:10:31
Joe, I am selfishly wanting it to leave me, for now . I was stupid enough to think that as I and the wife had avoided so long that it had forgotten about us and we were safe . I have to say it’s bad enough and needs to move on.

3.) 25 Jun 2024 19:58:25
Hope it clears for you soon mate as it can really floor you.

4.) 25 Jun 2024 21:41:08
My mate's had it for about a week, still positive. Hang tough Des, you'll be out the woods soon and back to better health.

5.) 25 Jun 2024 22:08:00
How do ye know you’ve got it?

6.) 26 Jun 2024 16:55:42
my mates can of irn bru tested positive aswell.



13 Jun 2024 13:50:06
We are almost there, just like Christmas Eve, but this time it's the older children and adults who can't sleep tonight with the excitement tomorrow, the opening of the transfer window brings . Tomorrow morning we will have people keeping an eye on Ross Hall, checking to see what times Celtic have booked medicals .
We need to locate Dermot Desmond's Private Jet and watch for any movement.
Nothing wrong on keeping an eye on Lennoxtown but more important Celtic Park . Hopefully one person isn't seen and that is Peter L.

Wee des 1

1.) 13 Jun 2024 17:45:38
And this window will determine how frugal the pockets are with this Board.

2.) 14 Jun 2024 07:11:33
I hope and expect how generous yet spending wisely the Board are . They have started off wisely if the Oh report is accurate . Pointless loaning him out if a decent offer has been made, if he didn’t have a good season we would have a problem selling him after that.



10 Jun 2024 18:07:36
Many of us are concerned about our younger professionals under 21 for example getting enough games . We are also bored during the close season and don't believe international football fulfil our Interest .
I wonder if we had a condensed under aged league played from start of May until end July start of August . Ten team league playing home and away with Celtic and Rangers playing under 21 and other teams under 22. No team can play a player who has started 4 SpL or took part as starter and substitute 6 times . Games played home and away with £10 admission and £3 under 18;Young referees + assistants and VAR could obtain valuable experience.

Wee des 1

1.) 10 Jun 2024 19:58:35
Sorry repeat post.




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29 Jun 2024 22:14:47
And remember the Board would be within their rights.

Wee des 1



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29 Jun 2024 21:37:07
It’s a good job the Celtic Board gave some of us nameless posters a fools errand as if the Board gave everyone equal treatment, I would expect some would have to explain themselves in a court of law . It maybe debated that our Board could spend more money on players, However although spending more money on players would be an important part of Board’s duty it isn’t their most important which is. earning money for investors
So Our Board may not be made up of the type of people magicpole writes about.

Wee des 1



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29 Jun 2024 21:43:19
When will our fans understand that the SMSM, possibly has one true story about Celtic every year . The rest are either lies or damned lies.

Wee des 1



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24 Jun 2024 21:18:16
The amazing thing as regular as clockwork our Board are blamed every year for our team not progressing in Europe as far as many of our fans would like . i agree that our results in Europe over the last 10 yrs have been disappointing, but what I don’t accept is that it’s all down to the Board . I can recall many matches when we had players who played badly and took the wrong options during the game . In fact for days after these calamities, many fans haven’t been slow to let their feelings been known . However when it comes towards the transfer window player (s) forgiven and Board has to carry the can . Our recruitment may do a better job, if there was some recognition of job they have done, other than down right condemnation window after window, especially as usually the recruiter blamed wasn’t responsible at all.

Wee des 1



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24 Jun 2024 16:20:30
Big Victor is 33 on Tuesday the 25th June.

Wee des 1




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30 Jun 2024 13:00:18
Well done Brian, United Ireland and Kwaj . You certainly have your hands and minds, you and a few others keeping everyone on hear getting some semblance of truth . Our fans have to put up with the Sevco motivated SMSM who continues to poor out nonsense ridiculing Celtic and whatever part the media decide deserve the most abuse at any given time .
It’s difficult enough for our fans to try to pick through lies and damned lies to get some little glimpses of the truth about our fine club . Our club has only committed one wrong, it has becomer, richer, won more trophies and lasted
I36 years and counting. It is unbelievable that despite the media doing its utmost to destroy us, some our fans, they think they are fans, but quote Daily Record about heated drive ways etc, and others base their entire arguments on lies about PL continuing influence, skin flint Celtic not affording £5K wages etc . These “fan” probably damage our club more than Sevco fans and Sevco’s media, but I suppose the glass “Half full” can excuse himself next day by admitting too much alcohol taken .
Well Brian, and other quality Celtic. honest fans, I am sorry, I am now in my mid 70’s and I take to much to my heart the Despicable, nasty lied filled posts. by some in here, I just can no longer attempt to counter act some of the actrocious allegations, not presented by Sevco or media, but by people who claim to be Celtic fans . I am, for the good of my health opting out, probably seen by many as cowards .
I hope Brian, United Ireland, Kwaj and the others, please keep up your good work and not let this place become a complete anti Board medium.

Wee des 1



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29 Jun 2024 22:22:30
Drewzybhoy .
Maybe u should consider joining us in 2024 . YOUR MATE P. Lawwell. Is no longer able to dilly dally.

Wee des 1



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29 Jun 2024 12:23:54
Quinn, We don’t know why players that SMSM tells us we were interested in, were actual true at all . We certainly have no idea why they fell through . .
If, I should be so cheeky to offer you advice, , u may have more enjoyment following your club if u ignore absolutely everything in SMSM .

Wee des 1



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29 Jun 2024 00:05:35
Quinn, I am so glad for the sake of the club I have supported since the mid 60’s that apart from the terrible 90’s when our whole club was in danger of been swept away with the illegal Murray storm . In his hurricane D Murray tried to erode all of Celtic and for once the Board was rocky and needed good men;like John Keane, who was buried ths week, F McCann and others including many thousands Celtic supporters invested their money to get the club firmly on feet and able to stand up to all Sevco ‘s cheating and continue to out grow . The Board knows that there maybe a few pen warriors who fault every move Board makes but Board is happy the vast majority of supporters who matter, season book holders, regular match attenders, club merchandise buyers, all are happy or they wouldn’t invest so much extra money every season in club . These are the sophisticated Celtic supporters, who know when club is been well run, and knows when Board are spending money foolishly, they are a better barometer than any supporters forum.

Wee des 1



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28 Jun 2024 23:51:54
I hope we see a big improvement in not only Holm but many more of the young players at the club who disappointed last season . We have enough quality youngsters at the club, who if they knuckled down could become very good first team players . I think they are not lacking in ability but could well be lacking in the commitment and work rate necessary to become the stars their ability indicates they should .
BR can coach and develop young players better than most, however he cannot make them become great players, that’s up to individual themselves . Over the last 5/ 5 yrs too many Celtic youngsters have been lured to different leagues with promises of success. Self opinionated players with doting parents have gone abroad and to date very few have achieved anything . Most are not getting first team football, surely the exodus of our top youth has a very adverse affect on our ist team squad, as much, if not more so than “bad” recruitment.

Wee des 1



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