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United ireland's rumours posts with other poster's replies to United ireland's rumours posts


25 Feb 2024 10:00:03
hearing the 2 lawells had maresca aw lined up done deal to take over and desmond stepped in and brought rodgers back instead.

United ireland

1.) 25 Feb 2024 11:00:05
Where are you hearing that from?

2.) 25 Feb 2024 11:54:37
dont know how much truth is in it mate but my cousin was saying today and he usely got good info on celtic mate.

3.) 25 Feb 2024 11:54:37
dont know how much truth is in it mate but my cousin was saying today and he usely got good info on celtic mate.

4.) 25 Feb 2024 12:04:10
I've heard it myself but never from an official source. Was just curious if you had heard anything official. ?.



12 Jan 2024 17:26:56
adam Montgomery been recalled from his loan at Fleetwood. i think he should be gave a chance every time he played he impressed me and you could see the potential.

he is either recalled as time at fleetwood wasn't doing any good or bernabi is off and he is back up.

United ireland

1.) 12 Jan 2024 18:17:17
Or he’s getting sold? Or being used in another transfer? Did I hear kwon is away to st mirren.

2.) 12 Jan 2024 18:51:54
aye hese signed for them mate.

3.) 12 Jan 2024 19:06:18
Just heard that about Kwon too Big P!

4.) 12 Jan 2024 19:07:20
Yes Kwon to St Mirren confirmed by Celtic on social platforms.

5.) 12 Jan 2024 19:57:55
I have never been impressed at any time that I have seen Montgomery play. A fringe player who is not fit to play for the Celtic first team, Fleetwood is his level.

6.) 12 Jan 2024 22:25:39
Hopefully playing in a Stephen Robinson side can help develop Kwon into the physical, hard tackling CDM we was hoping for when he initially signed.

7.) 13 Jan 2024 08:13:15
Monty did not play much for Fleetwood. Might bbe just a stop back home before going somewhere else.

8.) 13 Jan 2024 11:55:51
I’m all for giving young players a chance, the only fly in the ointment is the academy produces hee haw. If a single one of them had the ability to hold down a first team shirt they would be in. They aren’t. KT, Calum and Forrest in 20 years. A complete waste of time and money. It needs a rocket up its arse. Be cheaper stealing the best academy players from elsewhere.

9.) 13 Jan 2024 18:18:43
He’s 21 he’s no a youth player.

10.) 13 Jan 2024 19:21:31
Any idea how it goes so wrong for many of the academy players? At certain levels for many years now Celtic do well in many prestige tournaments they've entered, then as you all say nothing comes through to first team quality.

Do many of the lads end up playing in lower leagues in Scotland?

I had a course up in paisley couple years ago the instructors son had been released as the youth GK same age group as MJ and Ralston, he said his son quit football after leaving as he'd lost interest due to being at celtic and not wanting to drop down as the standards at lower clubs were amateur.



05 Aug 2023 18:36:39
think its celta vigo starfelt is going to.

United ireland

1.) 05 Aug 2023 19:21:51
Apparently deal worth 9.5 million. Decent fee which we can add to pot and spend on a couple of additions, CB, keeper and left back.

2.) 06 Aug 2023 08:29:18
Jacinta calling.

3.) 06 Aug 2023 11:15:12
I think the majority of us would move abroad if she asked! ?.



14 Jul 2023 13:18:26
hearing we will be signing tete on a free contract done deal.

United ireland

1.) 14 Jul 2023 18:30:02
Fingers crossed.

2.) 14 Jul 2023 18:45:05
Hope this one is true.



09 Jun 2023 09:50:37
rumours of slavia prague manager jindrich trpisovsky having had a meeting with our board about taking over not sure how much truth is in this as many names being says.

what youse say to this one lads.

United ireland

1.) 09 Jun 2023 09:57:59
He's been linked in the past I'm sure, highly rated back then if I remember but his name has gone quiet since then. I haven't looked at him since so I'm unsure on this one? ?.

2.) 09 Jun 2023 11:47:45
I'm 99% sure notorious Twitter troll Kev Murray started this one ?.




United ireland's banter posts with other poster's replies to United ireland's banter posts


25 May 2024 18:43:42
i wonder if that mob will still keep that big sign up worlds most successful club well we all know they love a lie anyway.

United ireland

1.) 25 May 2024 19:11:14
United Ireland - They claim half a League Title (with Dumbarton) as a full win for them. And, remember the Asterisk 'Wins'. EBT 'wins' whitewashed as OK by Nimmo.
We know who has the clean unblemished victories Bhoys.

2.) 25 May 2024 20:00:48
So between both their clubs they have *117.5 major honours whereas we have 118, so does that make us the most successful club in the world?

3.) 25 May 2024 23:32:21
Bhoy88, no it doesn't unfortunately. The whole thing about them being the most successful club in the world was/ is a complete lie. Who would have guessed.



19 May 2024 10:23:17
well were champions again. with them drawing yesterday and hearts 90 min equaliser. if my math is right if they had beaten us and dundee wee would have win the league on goal difference when hearts scored there 3rd yesterday

would anybody have preferd it this way it would have destroyed them more i think.

United ireland

1.) 19 May 2024 10:54:21
This already destroyed them. They were all buzzing and genuinely thought we had crumbled and they had the league in the bag.

As they began to stumble you could see their confidence slowly drain, to be replaced with total gloom.

It is the crushing of hope that has cost them long lasting psychological damage. I bet you would be hard pushed to find a Sevco fan and who is confident about next week and most of them are just hoping they don't get pumped.

All the people I know that support them, have gone from talking way more about football this season, back to not mentioning it again. ?.

2.) 19 May 2024 14:37:22
UI if they had a chance of winning the league yesterday on goals, Hearts wouldn’t have scored any at all.

3.) 19 May 2024 14:40:29
Can you see us now? . Eh naw
Can you hear us now? . Whit

The balance in the Universe has been restored. Normal service has been resumed. Back under your rocks ?.

4.) 19 May 2024 14:48:19
Why would we want to win the league on goal difference after losing to them? I don't want it on GD. I want to pummel them into submission.

5.) 20 May 2024 12:29:29
Oldkelly, it would have been a completely different game at Tynecastle . Two penalties and two other Sevco first half goals would have had the Rangers2012 fans dancing for joy at ht, instead of fighting among themselves before end.



11 May 2024 15:37:53
glasgow celtic champions.

Phillipe the flipflop clement came in.

United ireland

1.) 11 May 2024 16:40:29
he was on the march to a quadruple the mighty Phillipe.

benfica saw to the quad

we have seen to there treble

he really is a proper manager.



17 Apr 2024 19:49:04
any the lads on here have a tentbox for there car. looking for some info on them if there worth getting.

United ireland

1.) 18 Apr 2024 07:02:24
I don't have one but I have seen them on camp sites. I spoke to a woman who used one for her and her daughter and she said they were good. Sorry, I couldn't be more help.



13 Apr 2024 17:05:27
one of the eds can wee have a poll on our ed about not being allowed to go to the games as i came on here to day to see the line up as our ed is spot on with getting it up on time but him attending the game today has got in the way of that haha.

United ireland

{Ed007's Note - ???


1.) 13 Apr 2024 20:31:26
i tried.

{Ed007's Note - ???

2.) 14 Apr 2024 13:25:25
i running one on here. i vote no games anymore mark haha.

{Ed007's Note - That'll be me for the season anyway lol.}




United ireland's rumour replies


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05 Jun 2024 20:20:08
work with a liverpool fan he says kelleher is a bombscare alsorts a mistakes in him.

United ireland

{Ed007's Note - Fraser Forster was a kid playing for Newcastle reserves, Craig Gordon came here with the knees of 60-year old man, Joe Hart thought the best move he would get was as a benchwarmer for Jose in Italy and one of the top Greek GKs that we scouted extensively turned out to be a dud for us who then went on to become one of the best GK's in Holland - every single one of them made plenty of mistakes
Kelleher has wasted a lot of years being Liverpool's No.2 when he should have been out playing and learning to iron out the mistakes in his game.
People that know more about football than me and you, John say Kelleher will become a top 'keeper, he needs a manager to put faith in him as his No.1 choice.
Does anyone ever hear good things about players we are linked with?}



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25 Feb 2024 11:54:37
dont know how much truth is in it mate but my cousin was saying today and he usely got good info on celtic mate.

United ireland



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25 Feb 2024 11:54:37
dont know how much truth is in it mate but my cousin was saying today and he usely got good info on celtic mate.

United ireland



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12 Jan 2024 18:51:54
aye hese signed for them mate.

United ireland



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25 Nov 2023 14:16:00
tilio on the bench.

United ireland




United ireland's banter replies


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30 Jun 2024 10:19:27
some man brian keep the positivity coming mate. the negativity wears me down mate.

United ireland



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26 Jun 2024 16:55:42
my mates can of irn bru tested positive aswell.

United ireland



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15 Jun 2024 18:05:40
work with a guy who is a season book holder sat there since new stadium was built and says he won't be giving his seat up.

United ireland

{Ed007's Note - It's not HIS seat though, it's Celtic's seat and if the Club want to move people then they can and there's nothing anyone can do to stop them.
Man Utd have told a number of season ticket holders that they will be moved for next season to accommodate their academy & women players (some reports say players families/friends will be in there too) to make sure they have prime seats to watch the match to help their development and understanding of the game.}



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08 Jun 2024 10:23:05
billy was actually in the celtic youth set up to start with. due to him staying in aryshire and his dad working he was always caught in the traffic going to training and always late he started to get embarrassed by this. ibrox was easier to get to was the reason he ended up at that lot.

United ireland



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05 Jun 2024 20:21:42
brilliant man is the full hing up.

United ireland



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