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16 Jun 2024 17:23:06
Ed, I see that commercial director Filby is leaving, is this possibly the start of the boardroom reshuffle that you mentioned a while ago.


{Ed007's Note - It may well be Jon but with Adrian Filby meant to be going to Aston Villa it looks like he's chosen to move on.}

1.) 16 Jun 2024 18:09:31
He was responsible for the Adidas deal.



16 Jun 2024 13:11:31
I see it's been reported that we are looking at Livakovic, I know he lost 3 to Spain but I would be very happy if we signed the boy.
He is also miles better than Gunn.




13 Jun 2024 14:11:36
Genk bid £4m for Oh, I hope we bite there hand off.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 14:55:47
Just heard that and it would be good business, although I'm disappointed he never quite made it at Celtic as the potential was there as I've seen watching various highlights.
Think the impact Idah made pushed him down the order and out of the managers favour - like a few others that may well depart soon.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 16:36:30
We will need to bring in at least 2 strikers if/ when Oh leaves, unless BR sees something in one of the young boys to make them forward No:3.
I'm looking forward to this window.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 16:52:19
No brainer.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 13:52:07
Johnbhoy, I've a feeling we'll need at least two strikers as I can see Kyogo being sold before this window closes ?

☘️ ? ☘️.



04 Jun 2024 20:08:50
Just wanted to ask if you have heard anything regarding the staff recruitment, is there any further news regarding the head of recruitment and head scout?
Also do you think there is anything in the Kelleher rumour.


{Ed007's Note - Most of the footballing world are on their summer holidays, I'm hoping there are people lined up to take up official posts on the 1st of July but there's no gossip of who Celtic are bringing in or their plans, it's a bit concerning for me tbh but enough to panic about considering the season and contracts are only officially up by a couple of days.
There's definitely been contact with Kelleher's agents in the past and I wouldn't pay too much attention to the £15m talk, if Kelleher wants the move to Celtic it will come down to negotiations over a fee, Liverpool wouldn't have the premium of selling to an opposition club that could cost them points or a cup run.
I honestly wouldn't completely write it off - would another CL team offer him their No.1 shirt - but I would be surprised if it happened.
Does he not play golf with Baby Desmond and his wee brigade??

1.) 05 Jun 2024 13:36:28
Thanks for the reply Ed
Keep up the great work.

{Ed007's Note - No probs Jon ????

2.) 05 Jun 2024 20:20:08
work with a liverpool fan he says kelleher is a bombscare alsorts a mistakes in him.

{Ed007's Note - Fraser Forster was a kid playing for Newcastle reserves, Craig Gordon came here with the knees of 60-year old man, Joe Hart thought the best move he would get was as a benchwarmer for Jose in Italy and one of the top Greek GKs that we scouted extensively turned out to be a dud for us who then went on to become one of the best GK's in Holland - every single one of them made plenty of mistakes
Kelleher has wasted a lot of years being Liverpool's No.2 when he should have been out playing and learning to iron out the mistakes in his game.
People that know more about football than me and you, John say Kelleher will become a top 'keeper, he needs a manager to put faith in him as his No.1 choice.
Does anyone ever hear good things about players we are linked with?}

3.) 06 Jun 2024 03:14:13
Id take kelleher all day long. Fantastic shot stopper but does need to work with distribution. he's Definetly my top choice from the Gks mentioned.
It probably pie in the sky but if de gea fancied it for maybe 40k a week i wouldn't say no either.

4.) 06 Jun 2024 07:29:19
De Vries was poor.

5.) 06 Jun 2024 10:36:04
I wasn't overly impressed with Kelleher when he was playing the odd game for Liverpool but when he got a proper run due to Allison's injury he really came on to a game. Not sure he'll be within our price range, even without the PL premium.



03 May 2024 08:33:50
Rumours saying Jon Moss taking over as head of refs.
What are Sevco going to do with someone who isn't a season ticket holder taking over.


1.) 03 May 2024 09:13:27
Lets not forget the OO and Masons go a long way, won't count my chickens just yet ?.

2.) 03 May 2024 11:54:05
I would welcome that appointment.
Better than Bobby Madden or Andrew Dallas.

3.) 06 May 2024 18:38:20
They can’t give it to Andrew Dallas as even the SFA couldn’t except an “X” as signature on important papers concerning the Head Scottish Referees.




Jonbhoy71's banter posts with other poster's replies to Jonbhoy71's banter posts


17 Jun 2024 21:04:09
Only in the Scottish MSM can they consistently come out with negative stories regarding Celtic whilst making out the team across the city are signing up all the next Ronaldo, Mbappe and Co.
Today's Celtic story is that Bernardo currently earns around 5k a week and we will struggle to match that, do these people who come out with this rubbish just sit in there bedrooms making stories up whilst waiting on the mummy changing their nappies.?


1.) 17 Jun 2024 22:14:09
Is that all he's on? Surely we can't be haggling over giving him £5k a week.

2.) 18 Jun 2024 00:07:46
I don't think we would but as there is very little coming from Celtic the SMSM like to try and cause as much panic within the Celtic support as they can by coming out with stories like this.

3.) 18 Jun 2024 05:43:07
Our imagined difficulty in meet Bernardo’s wage demands, brig succour to rangers 2012,Rangers2012 Board is split with Directors who have thrown millions in pot now wanting money returned from a club with no money.

4.) 18 Jun 2024 09:39:11
Would be interesting reading Baldemort's mind when he sees the budget he'll be working with.

5.) 18 Jun 2024 16:22:37
A guy that's played 25 games in the Cypriot league. A guy that's not played first team football and a guy that's done his national service in the army. It seems they are starting to cut their cloth to suit and downsizing big time.

6.) 18 Jun 2024 21:02:57
Bernardo I imagine will want a lot more than 5k.

7.) 18 Jun 2024 21:33:48
Embarrassing that our media are jumping up and down with joy about a guy who's played football for the army, who hasn't played for any team of repute or in any league but he is going to take the SPFL by storm.

They have bought a handful of mediocre players, who are projects to say the least but when we do it the media laugh and pour scorn on our signings.

Once we start announcing players they will get little media reference or if they do, it will be negative.

They cannot get rid of the dross losers they currently have, Cantwell, Goldson, Tavaneir but will spin it they fought hard to keep them to help develop the new starlets.

Ibrox is like TK Max, full of dross but advertised as boutique clothing shop.

8.) 19 Jun 2024 05:53:44
Let them spout their nonsense.

It gets their fans excited before they see them. Then when they see them it is a major disappointment as they are pish. This makes the fall to earth that much harder. ?.



07 Jun 2024 20:26:40
If we do lose MOR this summer, how much would you think young Gilmour would cost.
I know there was all that carry-on with his mum not touching the Norwich scarf due to the green but I've always thought the boy was a great wee player.


1.) 07 Jun 2024 21:16:09
His mum is obviously a bitter Bluenose who can’t touch the colour Green.
She would put a stop to any chance of him signing for the Champions.
I read his Dad is a Celtic Fan.

2.) 07 Jun 2024 21:23:06
He epitomises flattering to decieve.

3.) 07 Jun 2024 21:33:27
Really don’t see it with Gilmour. Offers nothing for me.

4.) 07 Jun 2024 21:57:38
Buzz, you're right, his dad is a Celtic fan but what an absolute wet blanket of a man watching that howler of a wife refuse to touch green while he cowers at the side whimpering that she doesn’t like that colour, what a pussy.

5.) 07 Jun 2024 22:44:40
It was embarrassing Vin ?.

6.) 08 Jun 2024 10:23:05
billy was actually in the celtic youth set up to start with. due to him staying in aryshire and his dad working he was always caught in the traffic going to training and always late he started to get embarrassed by this. ibrox was easier to get to was the reason he ended up at that lot.

7.) 08 Jun 2024 12:36:00
Gilmour plays a very different style of football from the style MO’R plays and I couldn’t see how he could be a replacement. Gilmour’s first thought when ball comes to him is to play ball back towards own goal, playing safety first defensively . MO’R on the other hand looks to play ball forward or carry ball towards opponent’s goal
Both players read game differently.

8.) 08 Jun 2024 12:55:19
He'd definitely make our bench ?

☘️ ? ☘️.

9.) 08 Jun 2024 10:57:52
I definitely think we can do a lot better than him. I also think he flatters to deceive.

Who would he replace, definitely not Cal Mac or Hatate on his day, which hopefully he'll get back to next season and is he any better than Bernardo, who has so much potential.

Not one for me and that has nothing to do with his 'hating' mother.



06 Jun 2024 16:30:05
I see Ryan Sessegnon has been released by Spurs, I know there was talk of us being interested in him the past couple of windows, to be honest I don't know anything about the boy so i'm not sure if he is any better than what we have.


1.) 06 Jun 2024 23:18:20
Fantastic player but has serious injury/ fitness problems. Id take him if the medical team were confident about his condition. Then again im not sure he's fit for a medical. No doubting his ability a left sided player who we have been crying out for.

{Ed007's Note - But we should bring KT back....

2.) 06 Jun 2024 23:44:52
Still only 24yrs of age but injuries have been an issue in recent times.

☘️ ? ☘️.

3.) 07 Jun 2024 07:42:13
I'm never that keen on players coming back.
For me, they left to move UP so coming back is like a step down.
Also, they will always be compared to the younger player that left us and that can affect their attitude etc.

It's like all those last pay check signings who love Celtic and have always had a dream to one day play for us.
Not while they are at the top of their game they won't sign though!

4.) 07 Jun 2024 10:13:44
Ed, if we bring in Sessegnon and KT we could get at least 15-20 games out of them. That's a CL campaign and the derbies. Let Taylor take care of the rest. Fool proof.

{Ed007's Note - ??

5.) 07 Jun 2024 12:46:26
I didn't realise Sessegnon only played 1 game last season due to injury when I posted this.

6.) 07 Jun 2024 12:54:34
I hope he is joking .



01 Jun 2024 02:06:58
I see the usual reports are starting to hit the press.
"Celtic wanting Bernardo but not willing to pay the already agreed fee"
Meanwhile across the city.
"Rangers looking to bring Kalvin Phillips in with Man City happy to pay his £150k a week salary in full"

Where do these people get it from?




30 May 2024 15:42:46
MO'R left out of Denmark squad, they must have some midfield if he didn't make it.





Jonbhoy71's rumour replies


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01 Jul 2024 15:42:20
I don't think so OAB4, I'm sure Armstrong is a free agent so wouldn't be part of any deal.




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28 Jun 2024 13:07:26
Oh look, look is it? Can it possibly be? Is that the Rangers coming over the hill?
No its just Nibiru!




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26 Jun 2024 11:15:20
We just need to wait until next week to see if it's true or not.
One report says we've had a bid accepted and we were all happy, one report from a guy on x says its not happening and everyone believes it.
The truth is, No one knows what's happening.




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25 Jun 2024 18:46:22
That's what I was talking about ED, by the time a team bid for a player or agree a loan to buy. We would already know what type of deal the player would be on.


{Ed007's Note - ????



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25 Jun 2024 18:25:10
Big P, I'm sure we will already know what wages and kind of contract the boy will be after before we made a bid.
I'm sure ED mentioned a while ago that deal are usually done when clubs contact agents and ask IF we were to make a bid, would your player be interested and what would he be after.
No point in making a bid if the player isn't even interested in coming and he is looking for 4 or 5 times the salary that we would be offering.


{Ed007's Note - The story yesterday about Bernardo's wages was just the same story that was out a couple of weeks agio and that was rubbish. Celtic would have known exactly how much he was on at Benfica.
Does anyone really think Michael Nicholson brokered a season-long loan deal with a reported (at the time) £6million fee and didn't know what it it would take to at least match or better Bernardo's Benfica Salary?
Why would we even enter negotiations with Benfica over the fee if we knew his wages were going to be a problem, we would know how much he was wanting long before that stage.}




Jonbhoy71's banter replies


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01 Jul 2024 15:49:41
According to reports Newcastle, Chelsea, Brighton, Southampton and A Madrid along with a few other foreign clubs are all interested, given the teams listed I think we will get nearer £30m which will probably fund our own transfer window along with the Abada, Haksa and Oh funds.




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28 Jun 2024 13:08:28
Just more paper talk rubbish.




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26 Jun 2024 15:07:10
If they were the first 3 players announced at the beginning of July then yes I would be happy but, we still need a first choice CB, a first choice LB, another RB to compete with Johnston.
I would also be looking for another Stiker, a DM and another CM for when MO'R leaves.




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25 Jun 2024 09:28:26
Weejoe, I don't know where you get the figures from, I've looked again and every website quotes €17k a week (around £15k).




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25 Jun 2024 02:19:59
That's down to the tactics and training that the boys are getting, we need a total shakeup from grass roots.
When Germany failed to qualify for a tournament they had a total overhaul, Japan put into motion a 100 year plan to grow a very successful league and win the world cup.
We need something like that in Scotland but the SFA are only interested in keeping everything in house.
We need better youth coaches that nurture natural talent and we need clubs to play young Scottish players instead of bringing in players for 1 or 2 million.




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