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Malika20's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Malika20's rumours posts


30 Jun 2024 15:47:08
Are we really bringing back Stuart Armstrong? Anybody think this is a solid story?


1.) 30 Jun 2024 18:34:45
Absolutely not his best years are way behind him.

2.) 30 Jun 2024 22:12:02
No thank you.

3.) 01 Jul 2024 13:34:54
I would certainly have him back, i agree with kenlikeh but i still think we would get 3 years from him, superb on the ball and brings calm.

4.) 01 Jul 2024 14:19:23
This wouldn't be a Stuart Armstrong plus cash for MOR rumour, is it?

5.) 01 Jul 2024 15:42:20
I don't think so OAB4, I'm sure Armstrong is a free agent so wouldn't be part of any deal.

6.) 01 Jul 2024 16:44:52
Armstrong coming off the bench will get double figures in goals. Iwata coming off the bench will hit double figures in telling passes. That's per season. Armstrong all day long. Would be great buisness.

7.) 01 Jul 2024 18:07:22
32 year old Armstrong who would be as good a signing as James McCarthy! Aye great shout! I’ll chime back in a year when he’s making 15k a week n has played 3 games for us. Talk about regressing.

8.) 01 Jul 2024 20:18:10
I think you would be getting a better player. 1 year deal with option of 2nd depending on appearances. Look at Moy?



16 Jan 2024 15:20:55
What’s going on today? Lyndon Dykes and Owen Beck both on the way? . Loans until end of season.


1.) 16 Jan 2024 17:36:01
The Dykes thing was sparked by that moron Kenny Miller stating he'd go to Celtic if asked. Non starter.

Might be something in the Beck one depending on Liverpool's stance with the injuries they have.

2.) 16 Jan 2024 17:40:29
There are so many rumours and has been so much wild speculation, I have no idea who we are trying to sign and where we are looking?
I never build my hopes up or have any wish-list as for the last decade or more we have signed plenty of players I hadn't heard of! Just want the 'window' to close asap without losing any star players and coming out of it stronger than when we went in?

3.) 16 Jan 2024 18:03:47
Don't think we'd get dykes on a loan.

4.) 17 Jan 2024 08:04:48
I would take Dykes, definitely something different from what we have.

5.) 18 Jan 2024 08:17:16
We already have a big guy who can’t control a baw.

6.) 19 Jan 2024 04:46:00
I don't think CCV would pass a EPL medical right now, so he'll be with us for the run-in. MOR is a worry though, however, Gerona have never paid even half the money that we would want for any player in the past. They are also under the City Group, who are under great scrutiny for financial irregularities, therefore, we should be safe here too.



31 Dec 2023 13:25:27
Mc Kenna on loan? Only a rentive rumour.


1.) 31 Dec 2023 14:13:32
I like McKenna.

2.) 31 Dec 2023 14:56:58
Well phillips is away and lager looks like he's off. that just leaves ccv scales Welsh and nawrocki.

3.) 31 Dec 2023 15:03:02
Would definitely bring McKenna in, he is out of contract in May so could probably get him for 1m perhaps.

4.) 01 Jan 2024 11:21:12
Was never his biggest fan at Aberdeen but he's been playing regularly for Scotland and played premierleague level. Not sure on the extent of Welsh's injury but we don't want to be left short. Will he replace Scales in the starting 11 though or end up another Phillips signing?



15 Aug 2023 13:24:37
Medicals tomorrow for Largerbeike and Frazer?


1.) 15 Aug 2023 13:35:37
Hopefully just the first one. Fraser is crap.

2.) 15 Aug 2023 13:52:54
Magicpole, is he worse than our current wingers - by that I include those on the bench? As a free he is worth a short term deal imo.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 14:02:19
Same Magicpole ?.

4.) 15 Aug 2023 14:29:21
I think he's going to be as successful as McCarthy ?‍♂️.

5.) 15 Aug 2023 14:47:37
I think Fraser would perform quite well for us but a lot of fans are rightfully displeased about the optics of selling your star player for megabucks and then bringing in a free transfer with 59 apps and 3 goals in the past 3 seasons.

6.) 15 Aug 2023 15:17:27
He not good enough for me. He is another McCarthy, will cost us a lot in wages and play now and again. He isn't better than Maeda or our new Japanese player. He is not going to turn out like sinclair but if he does I'll eat my shorts but I can't see it. He may be an international player but he hasn't stood out in any game I have watched.

The young swede will be a very good signing I think.

7.) 15 Aug 2023 16:11:53
Why are we not looking for another younger Jota or Roberts type?

{Ed007's Note - Marco Tilio?}

8.) 15 Aug 2023 16:39:36
He's forgotten about already Ed ?.

{Ed007's Note - That Yang looks like another dud as well doesn't he? ??

9.) 15 Aug 2023 17:13:09
The optics of selling Jota was that it wasn’t exactly a voluntary or a forced sale by Board . To try harder to hold on to Jota would probably have led too further stars forcing their way out it’s hardly fair to reflect on the optics of selling Jota.

10.) 15 Aug 2023 17:31:29
I didn't say there was anything wrong with selling Jota. I said the optics of replacing him with Ryan Fraser wouldn't go down well with some fans.

11.) 15 Aug 2023 17:55:58
Ed ??.

{Ed007's Note - ??

12.) 15 Aug 2023 18:38:27
It would be crazy to pay any more than a fraction of the price rec’d for Jota into buying a replacement. Celtic like all clubs from small leagues with little broadcasting revenue just have to be frugal.

13.) 15 Aug 2023 20:07:45
We don't have to be frugal all the time mate. We can afford to spend a bit more on proven quality when the time is right. Like I said, I think Fraser would do well but be honest, it doesn't get you dreaming. Podence has a very similar record and he'll be better received because he's a more exotic name. Tilio is one Ed mentioned and I'm looking forward to seeing him as he seems in the Jota mould.

14.) 15 Aug 2023 21:38:41
Maybe we are bringing in Fraser to replace Forrest.

15.) 15 Aug 2023 23:42:33
Maybe we are bringing in Fraser because you actually need some Scottish players in your squad, just a thought like.

16.) 16 Aug 2023 17:09:53
The proven quality for a position we need is very hard to get at the right time . We as a club should be able to complete in buying proven quality at right time, we should also be able to match wages and bonuses . However on the negative side is the poor quality of our SPL and our seemingly worsening climatical conditions, girlfriend/ wife often seek better climate and this all add up to the difficulty in getting proven quality at the right time at a competitive price.



19 Jul 2023 17:08:53
Benie Traore who we were talking to for a while has signed for Sheffield Utd,7 million.


1.) 19 Jul 2023 17:24:43
Were we really talking to him or were we just linked to him in the SMSM due to Sevco being linked to him.

2.) 19 Jul 2023 19:10:07
@jonbhoy71,we were talking to him since last season and BR continued that, The rabble were linked because we were talking to him. Their budget doesn’t stretch that far.




Malika20's banter posts with other poster's replies to Malika20's banter posts


26 Jan 2024 11:32:36
Juergen Klopp has signed a pre contract agreement with Glasgow Celtic. He will join commencing 25/ 26 season, until then he will study meticulously the environment he will enter.
He says he already know what drinking Buckie and eating square sausage will do to his metabolism, Andy Robinson told him to try and balance his diet with some Fash, and he has been told by Virgil to prioritize learning the language. Welcome Jurgen.


1.) 26 Jan 2024 12:58:30
Is he any good in goals.

2.) 26 Jan 2024 13:49:02
You can’t bring a manager to the west of Scotland that’s a ringer for Deirdre Barlow.



22 Dec 2023 07:52:19
Welcome Back GB. your stance on the values of everything our Club stands for is appreciated and applauded by many. by your leadership you create our 12th man in the Ground. We need your leadership and defense of all that this club stands for more than ever now. Fcuk the Board.


1.) 22 Dec 2023 09:50:00
The board are in a lose-lose situation here and it's beautiful to see. If they didn't let the GB back in they'd be under serious pressure from other supporters and you just know their first game back in the anti-board stuff will be stronger and louder than ever.

2.) 22 Dec 2023 10:19:03
I hope the GB behave from now on because we can’t afford to see them getting another ban.

They need to put Celtic first and pull everyone together in this title fight.

3.) 22 Dec 2023 11:20:26
Hail Hail.

4.) 22 Dec 2023 11:34:55
Buzz. Behave is a multifaced point of view . I Hope the don't get arrogant and taunt the board for the sake of it.

5.) 22 Dec 2023 11:52:00
I agree DRB,
We need to move forward together.

6.) 22 Dec 2023 13:15:35
Kev bhoy, we are still in the process of getting relationships back together and I think we should build on the feel good factor, that we are now starting to build again . I don’t think gloating about our Board in a lose lose situation and it’s good t see is appropriate for fans who want and need wins . IMO there is nothing to lose by getting on same Hymn sheet.

7.) 22 Dec 2023 13:49:35
I knew they would be back in time for the sevco game. As Shankly said
'At a football club there's a Holy Trinity-The players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They are only there to sign the cheques"
I personally liked this one on What makes a team-"A football team is like a piano. You need 8 men to carry it and 3 who can play the damn thing"

8.) 22 Dec 2023 13:53:10
I’m really glad they are back as like it or not the atmosphere has been dreadful since they have been banned. It does lift the crowd and as such the players and we definitely need to pull together now. Like it or not we have a serious title challenge on now, and we need to be pulling in the same direction . My hope would be that we push on from here, hopefully win the title and the Scottish cup, and then protest against the board/ lawell / Desmond .
To say we are entitled as we complain but to be in this position with circa 80 million in the bank is foolhardy,
I’ve said it before if the Sevconian had us in this position they would put the foot down on us and pull further away. I feel the relationship between the fans and the board / lawell is irreparable now, and will resurface anytime we do not improve or play badly for a concerted period. Bringing lawell back after so many of us were finally happy to get rid of him smacks of jobs for the boys at best and not caring of the fans at worst. It’s not a forward thinking option, and we obviously need new blood, new ideas and a more modern approach to the club. But like I say now it not the time to try and force change .

9.) 22 Dec 2023 14:06:08

Absolutely Directors should only be there to write cheques and run the business a football man should run the football side which is where Celtics structure is wanting.

The need for a DOF to oversee recruitment and coaching and to ensure continuity when managers come and go has never been more evident.

The problem at the minute isn’t just the lack of quality but the lack of coherence with players brought in to suit the previous managers system unable to adapt to the new managers and not having the right players to let us change system.

We don’t have wingers to play 4-4-3 and we don’t have wing backs to play 3-5-2.

10.) 22 Dec 2023 15:19:23
Celtic Calling, there's no feel good factor, we've been poor for the majority of the season so far and have just been seen off twice on the bounce. If they want to stick to the football songs then great, if not I support that as well but I suspect it will be the latter.

11.) 22 Dec 2023 18:09:04
Well said Buzz. No one can disagree with that, no matter which side they are on.

Have a great christmas and look forward to getting educated by you with your stats in 2024.

12.) 22 Dec 2023 19:34:03
The people I have contact with all say that the GB back in will improve the atmosphere at games . I was stupid enough to think that a better atmosphere would bring about at least some feel good factor .
I am sorry Kev. I got it so wrong.

13.) 22 Dec 2023 20:21:46
A win tomorrow might do the trick mate.

14.) 22 Dec 2023 23:52:18
Of course. Kevbhoy, anything else and Christmas will have to be cancelled .
I think we will get win ok.



03 Sep 2023 11:53:51
Hi Ed, is there Live Chat today? Or am I doing something senile again ?.


{Ed007's Note - Sorry, Mal it's not working mate.}

1.) 03 Sep 2023 12:02:30
Thanks Ed, keep the faith. The only thing that matters is that the Celtic are working today.

{Ed007's Note - Click HERE Mal, that's our discord and most of the lads are on there

Or use this link https://discord.com/invite/ECZ5GBEWj7



26 Jul 2023 21:15:24
RIP Sinead.
We can all remember her position on woman’s rights, Palestine and Irish republican prisioners abroad.
Really someone who embraced the whole ethic of how to put your conscience before anything else.
Ta Si faoi shiochain anois.


{Ed007's Note - The news is just so sad, Mal. I don't think there is anyone around my age that didn't love Nothing Compares 2 U and doesn't think of a past girlfriend whenever it comes on. It came out in 1990 - the year I first met Grotbags - and was one of the first songs played at our wedding after our first dance, Grace.

1.) 26 Jul 2023 21:36:54
We Wife is a massive fan.
She just watched a few of Sinead’s documentaries and interviews yesterday for hours.

2.) 26 Jul 2023 21:37:23
Sinead’s no away anywhere we’ll aw need tae go but she’s away far far too early. What a talent.

Her version of the Foggy Dew with the Chieftans will be hard tae beat.

That world did gaze in deep amaze at those gallant men but few.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory. ?????????☘️?.

3.) 26 Jul 2023 21:55:26
Just found out through you guys so sad. I remember being at house parties with the lads and in the early hours after the drinks were flowing sinead nothing compares and Tracey Chapman fast car would be on for a sing song. R. I. P.

{Ed007's Note - She was one of the best voices of her generation but her internal demons were always just bubbling way under in her life.
She also done a fantastic cover of Pink Floyd's "Mother" at the live in Berlin concert when the Berlin Wall came down and I challenge any man to listen to her singing Danny Boy without welling up.}

4.) 26 Jul 2023 22:51:39
2 classics there mate also live version of special cases massive attack cover one of my favourite bands.

5.) 26 Jul 2023 23:27:56
A really special talent. who suffered a troubled life RIP.

6.) 27 Jul 2023 02:06:22
RIP Sinead, my favourite was a song she did called "Famine" an amazing song!
A troubled soul who is at peace now!

7.) 27 Jul 2023 07:43:52
I think people will look back at her life, the things she said and the narrative she was pushing and will realise she was correct and ahead of her time in relation to subjects like mental health and abuse. R. I. P Sinead.



13 Jul 2023 19:04:12
Jesus. This is boring, Any News!
@Chinkks, how was your week in Derry?
@ JFP how's it going down the Caravan?
@ Calvacanti, what the story in Japan.
@ Buzz, give me something to chew the fat on.
@ Ed. Where's the James Forest Meet Up.
It's 40 degrees here in Marbella and us old sad men don't go to the beach, we just sit indoors with the air on on.
Ed between me and you, and you knowing I'm a widow man, the old Arfield mother in law is catching my eye.
I'm thinking of going to confession tomorrow ?.


{Ed007's Note - We'll arrange something nearer the time for Forrest's testimonial, are you coming over for it?
I told you, I feckin knew you would be sniffing about her before long ya dirty dog! ??

1.) 13 Jul 2023 20:35:40
Ed, I think I will try and come alright, on the other thing, my bat is ready to give it out ?.

{Ed007's Note - We'll get a meet up before the game and then back to yours on your private jet for a party with the Sevco GILF's ???

2.) 13 Jul 2023 20:57:53
Quick quiz for you Malika.

Where did Paul McStay score his 1st goal for Celtic?

Same question for Leigh Griffiths, Phil O’Donnell,
Samaras and Di Canio.

Enjoy your Holiday ?.

3.) 13 Jul 2023 21:40:46
Buzz . What record was broken on the day griffiths scored his first goal.

4.) 13 Jul 2023 21:41:02
Mcstay was Aberdeen. samaras rugby park. the other 2 without goggling am not sure. di cannot maybe easter road. and phil firhill but not sure.

5.) 13 Jul 2023 22:02:17
Mc Stay Aberdeen, I googled. That
LG, I always had that, I loved that he came and defended him on here till the last Hearts.
Phil, I think Killie
Georgio, Killie as well I think
Di canio I’ll take stab and say Hearts.

6.) 13 Jul 2023 22:21:12
McStay - @ Aberdeen
Griffiths - @ Hearts
O’Donnell- @ Patrick Thistle
Samaras - @ Kilmarnock
Di Canio - @ Kilmarnock

DRB - I cheated and looked it up.
Forster broke the record without conceding a goal.

Johnny Hayes eventually scored a screamer against him away at Aberdeen and then they scored a quick double.

Leigh Griffiths scored a consolation goal in our 2-1 midweek defeat away to Aberdeen. (2014)

Griffiths has scored 2 injury time goals at Pittodrie, to keep our impressive record of scoring in every game at Aberdeen, since we lost 2-0 in December 2001.

His other injury time goal was during lockdown when Griffiths scored an injury time equaliser.

7.) 14 Jul 2023 07:42:56
Hi Buzz.
Though not sure about Di Canio, was hard to find ?.




Malika20's rumour replies


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31 Jan 2024 07:45:38
Adam Adah is a very decent player, he has been hit by a spate of injuries over the last 2 seasons, but by all accounts in I the Irish camp and his inclusion in the first team squad at Norwich he is back to full fitness. He may not be the marquee signing that many want, but he could just prove to be the added firepower to get us over the line for the league. He’s quick, strong, gets past defenders and can finish.
We are going to have another loan or 2 in the next 2 days.
We will spend in the summer and in the meantime the salary structure is under review, once that is out of the way the bank account will be open.
Keep the Faith.




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27 Aug 2023 16:08:44
He signed for them on Friday,5 year deal 55k a week, we would never go near that kind of salary.




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17 Aug 2023 08:36:55
That would be outstanding business, we should have had him for a lot less of course in 2020 when Lenny was chasing him from the Greek side, can’t remember which one. We were close then so I hope we can do it now.




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09 Aug 2023 08:51:38
I think he’d smash our wage structure, but the fee wouldn’t be much, I read he’s in or going into his last year, he’s an animal and just what we need up front. Saying all that, it’s probably just paper talk.




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23 Jul 2023 09:14:59
Tim Vickery who seems to be the go to person on South American football has cautioned against his injury prone reputation, said if he had a consistent level of fitness he would be a 50 million player.





Malika20's banter replies


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25 May 2024 21:12:39
Great sentiments Brian, thank you so much, sometimes we just don’t see the wood for the trees.




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22 May 2024 21:11:13
There’s nobody paying 50million for Frimpong after this.




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19 May 2024 21:25:51
Well, they are our brothers, stood by us for so many years, they never forget or give up on the socialist principles on which both clubs were formed. I remember in the 90’s when we were struggling, The lads from St Pauli always looked to come. I still have a Christmas Card relationship with Stefan alburg, if your reading this Steffie, HAil Hail.


{Ed007's Note - St Pauli let themselves down over the Palestine/Israel situation and a lot of friendships have been strained and even broken over that.}



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10 May 2024 17:56:30




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02 May 2024 06:43:28
HH JFP, we’re missing you and hope that you can get back on track soon. my thoughts and prayer are with you.




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