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16 Jun 2024 20:24:42
Rumour going round on X that we have signed the Turkish keeper from Man United, don't know how true it is but if it is I would be happy with that.


1.) 17 Jun 2024 16:06:06
On the evidence of his performance today for Ukraine against Romania then Real Madrid can keep Andriy Lunin ?.

2.) 17 Jun 2024 16:59:40
Aye there was never any chance we were getting him anyway bud.



20 May 2024 18:32:19
So I just read there that Adam Idah is away back to Norwich, is this true? Does anyone know?
Seems strange that we would have him tied down till after the Scottish cup final just in case we got there, which of course we have ?.


1.) 20 May 2024 18:52:08
Transfermarkt have his loan contract with Celtic expiring on June 30th 2024.

His Norwich contract expires on June 30th 2028.

2.) 20 May 2024 23:16:43
So he is there for the cup final?
Thank god for that!

3.) 21 May 2024 11:49:02
Norwich have confirmed Idah has one game left with Celtic. ?.

4.) 26 May 2024 08:57:31
Adam Idah was brought in on loan to provide support and a challenge up front to Kyogo. For whatever reason there was no clause put into the contract to buy him. Once his loan contract ends at Celtic he returns to his parent club Norwich.
Personally I wasn’t initially enamoured with his signing but he has proved me wrong and now I’d be happy for Celtic to sign him permanently - a £5m offer would seal the deal imo.



05 Apr 2024 09:00:00
I see we are being linked with the Panathanikos striker Fotis Ionnidis again, well for me he is a fantastic player similar in style to GG but better. If there is any chance to get this guy then get him in, although Idah has been a good signing this guy is levels above.


1.) 05 Apr 2024 16:27:37
I agree royjac. It's the easy comparison due to nationality but you can certainly draw parallels in the way he can play with his back to goal, link up and provide a bit of physicality. Yet capable of a bit of class. What I'd do for GG in our squad right now. I know Kyogo was fab under Ange but I wish he rotated them more. GG never really disappointed and it's understandeable he wanted to do one.

2.) 06 Apr 2024 22:38:17
Aye the great GG. Couldn't be arsed fighting for his place and Couldn't wait to jump ship to end his very average career in the US. Good riddance.



19 Mar 2024 21:12:56
I really hope we sign the kid Lennon Millar in the summer

A few weeks I seen loads of people saying sign him and loan him out and I was thinking why would we do that!

Did they guy's not watch him make a mug of our midfield? I say buy him and get him in the squad, him and Kelly give them games and watch them improve.

That boy Millar is a fantastic footballer and in my opinion we have to sign him no matter what.


1.) 20 Mar 2024 07:41:45
Agree he's a decent prospect. Can hold his own in our league. Better than Bernardo.

2.) 20 Mar 2024 07:59:01
This is a bit like when we had interest in McGinn, people on here saying he wasn't good enough for us, or we had Brown, so he would just be sitting on the bench, while a past it Brown was allowed to hold the team back, as he was hero worshipped by the same people who had previously, and seemingly, still do, worshipped Ronnie.

3.) 20 Mar 2024 12:40:39
Ronnie did plenty for celtic a lot more than rodgers ever has in terms of the academy and under severe financial restrictions rodgers got edouard our record signing where as Ronnie got boerrigter no contest Ronnie much better at running a club on a budget rodgers football also terrible if not worse than Ronnie’s.

4.) 20 Mar 2024 13:57:51
Ronnies was brutal as well.

5.) 24 Mar 2024 17:20:05
I think we should bring Ronnie in to be the Head of the academy.

6.) 29 Mar 2024 05:45:33
Lennon signed Boeriggter not Ronnie.



31 Jan 2024 22:21:45
Just read there that Kurzawa of PSG has been offered to the hoops on loan, same report also states that we were knocked back for Hugo Beuno of Wolves.


1.) 01 Feb 2024 00:10:37
He's played o ce this season. Offered means they want rid.

2.) 01 Feb 2024 06:47:59
Kurzawa has only played 9 minutes for PSG since August 2021.

His current back injury is his 10th injury, in the last 2 years and 2 months.

Not worth the risk.

3.) 01 Feb 2024 11:22:48
With all the issues with his fitness means we are definitely going to sign him.

4.) 01 Feb 2024 17:00:18
Think that’s deals dead PSG want his €100k wages paid in full. Hopefully all the outgoings are freeing up wages for someone good to be brought in…. It’s the hope that kills you as they say.
Last window we were busy last day hopefully that’s a sign of things to come tonight SSN on till 1130pm for me lol.

5.) 01 Feb 2024 17:30:50
Yea he probably isn't, however the other lad from Wolves is a different story although few reports saying they don't want to let him leave.




royjac73's banter posts with other poster's replies to royjac73's banter posts


29 Jun 2024 00:11:26
Been thinking about the GK situation quite a bit and was listening to someone on the radio referring to the disaster with Barkas not settling and it got me thinking about the risk in bringing someone from abroad and them having to settle in a new country and all that, this led me to the conclusion that for the time being we should bring in Dubravka as he obviously won't take much settling in as already been in the UK for a number of years.

So there you have it I think we should bring in Dubravka and I think we probably will and the reason it hasn't been announced is for the simple fact he is at the Euro's.


1.) 29 Jun 2024 06:33:35
Barkas is not a good example.

He came in the season we were pushing for 10 in a row, so was under massive pressure.

It was during COVID so he could not integrate with his team mates due to restrictions (that Sevco broke without punishment)

2.) 29 Jun 2024 11:22:27
We need 2 Gks with siegrist likely moving on. Id be looking at an experienced Gk (even on loan) and a young Gk with the young gk happy to fight for no1 longterm
We also have the young lad Tobi who has been getting good reviews.

3.) 29 Jun 2024 12:08:21
I also think it is imperative that our next GK can speak the language as he obviously has to be able to communicate with his team mates.

4.) 29 Jun 2024 14:42:15
It will be the most important decision and signing of the season, so we have to get it spot-on. What big Joe lacked in agility, he more than made up for in presence, influence and experience and he was instrumental in our play from the back with good passing and awareness. Hopefully we get someone of similar ilk ASAP.



24 May 2024 21:14:52
For me it is imperative we win tomorrow a defeat just won't cut it,

We have to beat them so they lose their claim of being the most successful club in the worl or Scotland or whatever it is they claim.

We win and we draw level on trophies won which will set it up nicely for next season to finally go ahead of them, something I have waited years and years for. Now it is finally here we must take this chance. No messing it up Celtic ????????? Hail Hail.


1.) 24 May 2024 21:50:53
Amen brother.

2.) 24 May 2024 21:51:52
We’re already ahead of them, they died.

3.) 24 May 2024 21:53:26
We already passed them last year when we won our 116 trophy. They are currently 113 trophies behind us.

Regardless of trophy count we were already they most successful team in Scotland as we are the only team here, to have won the European Cup.

4.) 24 May 2024 23:12:27
They will always dispute this though and the point I am trying to make is win the next couple or few trophies and there can be no arguments from them.

5.) 25 May 2024 12:57:01
Leeds City were thrown out of the Football League in 1919 and club dissolved for making illegal payments to players.
I wonder why the Scottish Authorities took such a lenient approach to one of their clubs in 2012, Surely standards involving cheating shouldn’t be allowed to drift so far.



21 May 2024 14:31:27
I still think we have the problem of needing more Scots in the squad, if Welsh is to be let go then I don't see any other option other than he has to be replaced with a Scot. I know there is a clamour for big signings but how many are achievable if they aren't Scottish?

Bain - 4 Scottish trained.


1.) 21 May 2024 15:30:56

2.) 21 May 2024 16:17:13
We also have Kelly and possibly vata, as well as Ralston and Johnston.

However, I do think we should. be looking at the spfl and seeing if there is anyone worth signing and snap them up.

3.) 21 May 2024 17:29:34
Vatas irish although home grown.

4.) 21 May 2024 18:32:44
I think the rule is 8 homegrown players in the 25 man squad

Current players at the club that I'd keep, who qualify;-

Bain, Ralston, Taylor, Calmac, Forrest

Vata and Kelly if they sign
new deals.

Possible signings who are Scottish;-

Josh Doig (LB) , Scott McKenna (CB) , Lennon Miller (MF)

Mally, Vata is from Hamilton but plays for Ireland ?

☘️ ? ☘️

Josh Doig
CB - Scott McKenna.

5.) 21 May 2024 18:35:27
Chinks for me McKenna on a free should be a no brainer for the club for sure.

Forgot we have the Brickie too
Kelly will most likely be here but not so sure about Vata and Johnson though.

So this is something that definitely has to be considered during the summer by the looks of it.

6.) 22 May 2024 21:54:39
I don’t think we should sign a Scottish trained player, just to make up quota . For that reason I wouldn’t sign McKenna . He would be a primary source of penalties for opposing teams in Domestic football . He has been available to sign a pre- contract all year and there has been no big rush.



18 May 2024 07:51:24
Wow, watched the Joe Hart interview with Gerry on Celtic TV and I have absolutely loved that man at our club and it will really sadden me to see him leave to hang up his gloves, what a guy an absolute great guy who wears his heart on his sleeve.

And for me apart from Ange aside he has been our most important signing for a long time probably our most important since Henrik, he was what we really needed at that time. Calum was a new captain and I'm sure Joe being around was massive help to him.

I'll never forget one of his first European matches can't remember which one and the guy took a very decent shot and big Joe dived down to his side and saved it and pushed it out for a corner, there was a massive pause from the support and then everyone started celebrating like we had scored a goal.

It was mental because it was like we all actually felt that we had a very decent keeper, the first for a good while. When I think back about that it makes me laugh, it was hilarious.

A proper gent of a man, It has been a pleasure watching him become one of the bhoys and I really hope he can help to deliver a double for us before he goes on his merry way.


1.) 18 May 2024 08:25:42
He came in at a time we needed a character, a leader and a voice. And what words he has here:

"I don't (want to sell the club) , I'm very protective over that. I don't want to sell this place, I don't have to. Because you don't have to. You either want to come and experience it and feel it, and realise why people say the things they do, or if you don't, that's fine. Live your own life, do your own thing, have your own feelings. I don't even think I could do it justice, I think the smile on my face when the place gets mentioned, I'll light up. The smile on my family's face.

"I've got a close-knit family and friends group who have been everywhere with me in football, experienced everything I have and every single one of them that's come up here has had their head blown off! I'm grateful and proud of that but I don't think you need to fight for people to understand who don't. It's for people to come and experience, it's a feeling, not words, not examples. And you either feel it or you don't. "

Nailed it, Joe.

2.) 18 May 2024 10:43:33
Just got to see Joe interacting with his opposite number—whether at Ross County or Real Madrid—to see how much he is respected in the game. You can’t quantify that, and you can’t replace it. What a guy.

3.) 18 May 2024 10:46:18
Henke the part he said when he said about the smile on my face will say it all totally reminded me of the Ange interview from yesterday or day before or whenever it was when the guy mentioned about Celtic winning the league and it reminding himself of all the things he no longer has at the club he is at, the smile on Ange's face when talking about all the stuff about Celtic he quite obviously misses.

4.) 18 May 2024 11:07:19
He came in after Barkas, and we were surprised that we had a goalie that could actually make a save, vastly overrated as a goalkeeper, but a good character for the team, I hope his replacement is able to handle European football level, which was a level just a bit above Joe's present day capabilities.

5.) 18 May 2024 11:43:28
Aindoh I'd agree he's done at the top, top level. But overrated I'm not sure. That's subjective anyway. We're able to go out and replace him as a goalkeeper, but replacing him as a figure - we'll do well to. Being a winner isn't always about your physical abilities, it's about the man.

royjac, when he talks about it as a feeling, not words or examples, he get's it.

6.) 18 May 2024 11:54:41
Deffo bud ??????????.



15 May 2024 03:08:18
In order to make the required changes we all want at the club in terms of modernisation first and foremost there has to be changes at the top, the board that is in place now just won't implement the changes we all want in my opinion, so taking that into consideration if there isn't any movement at board room level well I think it will be more of the same.


1.) 15 May 2024 13:50:51
Royjac, I agree, but how can we impress upon the Board to make the necessary changes . The last thing I think fans want is a. long protracted dispute between a group of fans and our Board escalating to major boycotts and insult trading to the enjoyment of the SMSM and the Rangers2012 club and fans .
I would be all for exploratory talks with the view of having both sides compromising and coming up with solution. A dispute like this should never have one over- all winner, both sides must give way.




royjac73's rumour replies


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03 Jul 2024 10:22:50
Ndidi ?.




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17 Jun 2024 16:59:40
Aye there was never any chance we were getting him anyway bud.




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14 Jun 2024 00:44:02
I really like Oh and personally I think he has the potential to be a better striker/ No.9 than Kyogo, I think once he calms down a bit he will do the business. I wish him all the best when he goes as he give his all in a hoops shirt.




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03 Jun 2024 23:05:55
Don't know much about him apart from the fact he was the Fenerbahce GK and that he has 8 Caps or so for Turkey and is 6'3 or something like that, without seeing him play you would have to think he is a very decent keeper.




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30 May 2024 20:56:45
Would love that Tony I just can't see it though, a player like this means breaking the wage structure. Are Celtic ready to do that? Personally I just don't think they are, we can however live in hope ?????????.





royjac73's banter replies


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03 Jul 2024 10:24:50
I thought Palma was really good the first third of last season, it seemed to be when the cold weather arrived his form went off a cliff.




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29 Jun 2024 21:07:27
Is that the 20minute tims one when he says loosing their fake accolade of the being the most successful club in the world is like their imaginary girlfriend is breaking up with them?


{Ed007's Note - I found it, cheers RJ



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29 Jun 2024 12:08:21
I also think it is imperative that our next GK can speak the language as he obviously has to be able to communicate with his team mates.




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26 Jun 2024 16:57:17
Tony I was just looking at Transfermarkt there and apparently we already have a Head of scouting in Jay Le Vevre, I was under the impression that he just worked for us as a scout.

Unless he has had a promotion that none of us are aware of?




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23 Jun 2024 20:34:13
Sure he is on around 50k a week.




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