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To Chinks67's last 5 banter replies


Chinks67's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Chinks67's rumours posts


30 Jan 2024 12:52:37
Strong rumours that BR had fallout with Board over Owen Beck. Contact with Liverpool stalled and Klopp felt disrespected hence why he played him for a few mins in a game that was already in the bag. Probably a lot of mince but story I've seen blames baby L for it.


{Ed007's Note - Why would anyone from Celtic be talking to Klopp about signing a Liverpool player let alone disrespect him?}

1.) 30 Jan 2024 13:41:21
I smell sh@te.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 13:56:22
Was rather strange playing Beck now he's getting loaned back to Dundee after being recalled back ?.

{Ed007's Note - Both of Liverpool's LBs Andy Robertson and Kostas Tsimikas were injured so it was either Beck or Luke Chambers - who is on loan at Wigan that - were being recalled and it was felt Beck had been performing better at Dundee so they chose him.
There was never any chance of Celtic - or anyone else - buying Beck during this window.}

3.) 30 Jan 2024 14:15:57
Beck isn't at celtic because we wanted to use him as a back up and dundee are going to play him week in week out.

4.) 30 Jan 2024 14:42:54
Robertson is back playing and tsimikas is fit. i don't think we were ever interested.

5.) 30 Jan 2024 17:20:13
This rumour may be wide of the mark, but I'm certain BR will not have long to wait to look for excuses to have a fall-out with our Board.

6.) 30 Jan 2024 18:27:06
OAB the board are to blame for all our failings. I detest them at the moment.

7.) 31 Jan 2024 09:22:51
Join the queue Ken, they are always our biggest threat. I feckin detest every single one of them. Every year at the AGM they get an easy ride by the happy clapping, Lawell&s a good businessman, deluded. We lose this league they should be slaughtered. Their team ncompetence is off the charts and they do more harm to us than any feckin Sevconian ever has or ever will.



31 May 2023 19:38:27
Seems more than a rumour this time. Hopefully Ange decides against it as it seems they want him. If he goes we will be gutted but can we really blame him? I will hold no grudge at all, he will leave with head held high, probably 5 trophies in the bag and a strong squad. And the chance to manage a team with potential to truly compete in CL with a 4 or 5 fold increase in salary might be hard to resist. We are a club like no other though, and big man gets it so u never can tell. ??.


1.) 31 May 2023 19:45:14
The writing is on the wall I'm afraid ? but he'll be leaving us in a far stronger position than he found us. I wish him all the best if he does go. Our club will always go onwards and upwards.

2.) 01 Jun 2023 00:56:03
Back in February, the man himself said that “people will be surprised” how long he stays with us.

Things can change but hopefully he meant that and the new contract will be announced on Saturday night.

3.) 01 Jun 2023 07:53:03
I’m a bit unsure how I feel about this to be honest, on one hand he can go, treble his wages, play in a much better league with possibly the best stadium and training ground in Europe.
On the other after making comments about the press being surprised how long he will be with us, job to do in Europe and only started his project with us, is there much difference between him and Rogers? First opportunity to go when a big club comes in he’s off?
Like I said, a bit split on this .

4.) 01 Jun 2023 12:43:33
Quinn I think Tottenham are significantly better team long term than Leicester and at the same point we weren't sold by Ange "he was the biggest Celtic fan ever".

In saying that he'll be with technically a regular top 6 team. Probably have in excess of £150 transfer budget a team where there are players that can play his brand of attacking football. The only downside is Tottenham would sack you in minutes and at the same point Levy seems as though he interferes to much. Will Ange want that risk? Again once your in that money league the gems of players he has found who would cost £10 million will be closer to 30-40 his budget will go down quicker than expected.

What ever he chooses as long as he gets that treble I wish him all the best. He's left us in a stronger position and a team that will get stronger than any manager I can recall. I hope he stays.

5.) 01 Jun 2023 14:18:57
Spurs ate a basket case with tyrant at the helm, kane wants out and they've no chance of competing with city utd or Liverpool who will spend big then thers chelsea who have a decent manager now, nice stadium right enough.

6.) 01 Jun 2023 15:12:07
Quinn, there's a staggering difference between this and Rodgers. If he wins a Treble and leaves with us already qualified for the CL, we'll be one of the most attractive jobs in Europe this summer. For me, if Ange does go, I'd be hoping for somebody with a track record of getting results in Europe.

7.) 01 Jun 2023 17:26:49
And who knows if its the first chance to jump. I doubt that and he has not gone mid season when title and cup were still to be won - like BR. Absolutely gutted if/ when he goes but 100% no hard feelings. He came, conquered, bought into the club but unfortunately the draw of playing Man City and Arsenal et Al is more attractive than Ross County and Motherwell, especially on the back of a treble. Can he do much more with us? Not really, possible CL qualification to knock out at a stretch. Is that enough for Ange, doubt it.

8.) 01 Jun 2023 19:56:15
Folks - If Ange leaves we will have a few issues sure we are in a better place than we were when he came in . However would we them get a new manager that plays the way this team have been customised to play?
Would we still be shopping in the Asian market or move to a more European market place?
But that’s all irrelevant because .

9.) 01 Jun 2023 23:12:18
Feck me. Can we stop with the eulogies?

10.) 01 Jun 2023 23:22:30
Part of the rumours are true . The part that says Ange is leaving, he will leave some time hopefully, not for 3 or 4 seasons .
Most of us will be sad to see Ange go, he will be badly missed . However we have one consolation before Ange we won 51 League Titles 40 Scottish Cup and
20 League Cups . Before and during Ange’s time we have never been as successful, after Ange eventually leaves we will continue to be successful.



25 Aug 2022 12:29:29
Signing will be announced today, guaranteed.


{Ed007's Note - Sead Haksabanovic, 5-year deal.}

1.) 25 Aug 2022 13:04:29
He’s signed, brilliant, here’s me worrying he might have failed his medical, welcome to our club Sead.

{Ed007's Note - ?

2.) 25 Aug 2022 13:07:57
I thought a loan to buy was the option.

{Ed007's Note - I thought it was going to be a loan with an obligation to buy to help ease the "difficulties with financial transactions" that originally scuppered the deal but I do have a theory.... ?
Could it be that the difficulties would be with any transfer fee paid by the usual by instalments - who knows what the situation will be in a year's time, it could be better or it could be worse - and €2million is the highest we would go with a one-off payment?}

3.) 25 Aug 2022 13:10:20
Bang on the money @ed007.
Hope he shines. 5 years ooft well done him.

Heard he's fit and rerin to go.

Mikey j next
Julian is off
Ajeti next
Forrest not sure what he can improve. So we wait and see.

{Ed007's Note - ?

4.) 25 Aug 2022 13:20:20
And not a loan but a knocked down price due to Ruben being skint.

5.) 25 Aug 2022 13:27:08
@ The Poet apparently the delay was caused by the proper paperwork not being delivered on time due to striking postmen.

6.) 25 Aug 2022 13:35:05
Sounds like a deal was going one way then boom it all changed direction.
Cant wait to see what he can do.

7.) 25 Aug 2022 13:40:26
Afternoon All

The Daily Ranger as we all know always try and put negative spin on anything to do with our football club.

Recently including today. There negative spin re transfer fee for Haksabanovic instead of reporting it's a transfer coup at the fee we paid they report it's a low fee and his value has plummeted.
Nothing to do with Ruban Kazan financial troubles.

I'm over moon that we have signed a £5m / £6m player for the fee we are paying.

Excellent piece of business imo.


8.) 25 Aug 2022 13:48:35
The board would have known about strike tomorrow, got paperwork next day delivery, taken the lid off the biscuit tin to pay for it, because that costs a bit more, maybe they were secretly hoping they would have been knocked out last night, double whammy.

9.) 25 Aug 2022 13:58:57
The Poet.

How can you possibly say that the board have taken lid of biscuit tin to pay for Haksabanovic?

Ange (right and proper) has been backed in transfer windows since he has become our manager.

At least give them credit when it's due?


{Ed007's Note - I think he meant taking the lid off the biscuit tin to pay the postage, Brian.}

10.) 25 Aug 2022 14:00:46
Think that one slipped by timalloy HH.

11.) 25 Aug 2022 14:07:22
Thats another one in could there be one more?

12.) 25 Aug 2022 14:18:48
It was just a joke about biscuits, the board have backed the manager a 100%, the difference from boards in the past compared to now is like comparing old clubs to new clubs, completely different, if I was to think like old board I’d be saying who are we selling.

13.) 25 Aug 2022 14:20:44
Thats a great price ed everyone and their granny saying he's a right good player.

{Ed007's Note - ?

14.) 25 Aug 2022 14:31:56
I heard there is going to be 1 or 2 more deadline day signings once MJ, Ajeti n Forrest deals are sorted out.

{Ed007's Note - I think anyone expecting Forrest to go anywhere are going to be massively disappointed. Do you think the Club would have given him - or Forrest accepted - a 3-year deal in May (only three months ago) if they were planning on him going out on loan?
At the time Ange said:

"James is my kind of player and has that attacking intent that can open up defences to make goals, not only for himself, but for others as well.
He’s been a great servant to the football club thanks to his brilliant quality and attributes, and those have made him a proven contributor to the club’s success – you only have to look at his medal collection to see that.
I know we will get more of this from him next season and beyond, and I’m delighted that this deal has been finalised."

15.) 25 Aug 2022 15:22:21
While I think this will turn out to be a great signing my only reservation is, player has not played much football either in Russia or Sweden so he may take time to get up to speed.
@Jic you should know by now how I joke about things, re the Postmen we all know these transfers are done electronically these days and
@ The Poet I knew what you meant with the biscuit tin reference
Oh and by the way, I hope you all get a decent pay rise, but I would not count on it coming by POST lol.

16.) 25 Aug 2022 15:30:22
Great signing, will definitely add even more quality to our forward line. I can’t help but see the possible
Irony in this signing though, I read a good report the other day on how it’s predicted that ange likes to plan well in advance for future player sales, hatate and o’riley brought in on January to offset the departures of rogic and bitton, Jenz for jullien as examples.

Absolutely love jota, like most of us I’ll enjoy him while he’s here and dismiss all notion of the exit talk and rumours but if he carries on the way he’s started this season then it’s likely we will receive an offer the club or player can’t refuse, I can’t help but think haksabanovic is his ready made replacement in waiting when that time comes.

Like I said though, exit talk is for another time and hopefully this group of players can stay for another few seasons at least.

17.) 25 Aug 2022 15:52:36
Timalloy, thanks for your support.

18.) 25 Aug 2022 16:38:50
we have to keep hold of Forrest for the champions league squad numbers. Him, CalMac, Welsh and Ralston are our only home grown players.

19.) 25 Aug 2022 17:30:03
It doesn't take long to get up to speed the same thing happened with jenz and was straight in.

20.) 25 Aug 2022 18:12:02
I think we held up announcing his deal was to take a shine off of sevco beating psv last night so there was a feel good story about us in the paper too. Maybe I am just a synical guy I don't know but that's my thoughts.

21.) 25 Aug 2022 22:32:40
Can Turnbull not be in there brumbhoy or do they have to be from academy .

22.) 26 Aug 2022 08:45:46
Like his final ball, Forrest is going nowhere.

23.) 26 Aug 2022 10:40:52
Pretty surprised so many people have an issue with Forrest staying. A one club man who has contributed to every success the club has had in the last 13 odd years. I don't doubt there were times he could have left to chase the money when he was younger and never took that path. Loyalty in football these days is hard to come by and he's been an exemplary professional throughout bi's career, the exact type of player any fan should be happy to have at their club.

And Tim, Turnbull counts towards our 'Association Trained' players but 'Homegrown' refers to academy graduates.

24.) 26 Aug 2022 11:01:40
Well said rdb21, Jamesie has been a great servant for CFC, he has set up many goals and scored a few important ones too, I for 1 was happy he got his new contract, HH.



20 Jan 2022 09:16:28
Seems to have gone quiet on the CCV and Jota front. Read somewhere that Jota might not be as keen as Celtic to do the deal. Anyone heard anything similar or better still, to the contarary?


1.) 20 Jan 2022 09:55:35
Celtic can wait until the end of the season and use the CL group stage money, that will be coming our way.



14 Jan 2020 23:34:50
have you heard of we are actually interested in Tyrese Campbell. If we are and they have already made a bid that would be a sign of intent and "one upmanship " if we got him. No idea if he is good enough admittedly.


1.) 14 Jan 2020 23:57:45
That's how we ended up with Allan and Morgan.

2.) 15 Jan 2020 07:52:13
And Scott Brown😉.

3.) 15 Jan 2020 09:50:18
And glen loovens.

4.) 15 Jan 2020 13:22:52
But at least we missed out on that rat novo.

5.) 15 Jan 2020 13:40:20
Poor rat being compared to that poor excuse of a human being.




Chinks67's banter posts with other poster's replies to Chinks67's banter posts


27 Jun 2024 21:45:59
If we sell Oh and don't get Idah we will be scrambling about trying to get someone last minute and that usually ends up bad. We need 3 strikers with 2 that can Rotate and a back up. The backup ideally is an up and coming youngster wiling to learn or alternatively a seasoned reliable pro to nick goals in tight games. Saying all that, I'd keep Oh. Are we going to get better back up for the money we will spend on a 3rd choice striker?


1.) 27 Jun 2024 22:43:34
A think we got Idah in at the last minute but a know we’re your coming from, hopefully come Monday we will have a clearer picture of what’s happening.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 23:43:56
I can't see anything being done in terms of incomings until after the Euros. What's everyone flapping for lol.

3.) 28 Jun 2024 11:54:46
The reason people are getting anxious is because our board monumentally screwed up the last two.

4.) 28 Jun 2024 12:06:57
If we had a Board we trust, I'm all for seeing how things play out but.
The only saving grace for me to cut them slack is I trust BR. I see where folks are coming from.
Looking at the bigger picture, there's not much happening anywhere TBF. Sit tight till the Euros are over and see what ripple effect happens when activity in the bigger picture starts.
All that said, Miovski from the sheep would be a start.

5.) 28 Jun 2024 12:31:32
To many of us expect the usual rinse and repeat transfer window. We tried to sign so and so, plates spinning, work behind the scenes etc. No excuses this time so the quality required must be for GK, CH, Midfield enforcer, LB,2 strikers for starters. RB needs an upgrade as well.

6.) 28 Jun 2024 13:03:19
The simplest thing in the world is to say that our Board messed up the last two transfer windows. It’s easy to say that, especially when you are only saying what your fellow negative posters agree with and you don’t have to prove it .
Outside of the control of the transfer window there were many factors that Board and club had to overcome and win the double . We had prolonged injuries to key players, CCV, Hatate and McGregor, amongst others . Most clubs would have great difficulty overcoming these injuries over such a long period. We had referees and VAr officials blatantly cheating us so much, their Head felt it necessary to step down . Authorities arranged our games in such a way that they made it more difficult to win .
The type of Celtic supporter, I try to be is one that looks to investigate the reason for our struggles and try to change what is adversely affecting us, instead of blaming Board irrespective if they carry blame or not .
20 yrs of people blaming the Board has changed nothing, why not try to spend 20 yrs supporting club, like the vast majority of our fans, who renew season books, snap. Up any tickets available, increase spending on club merchandise and yet what must be a negative few, claim board make monumental failure every transfer windows.

7.) 28 Jun 2024 13:29:00
As it stands we have Baine Taylor Scales CCV AJ or Ralston. We will be ripped to shreds in a CL game with that defence!

{Ed007's Note - Then it's a good job we aren't playing CL games until mid-September, that's about 12 weeks away.}

8.) 28 Jun 2024 13:50:36
Wee des

I always read your posts and contributions much of which I fully agree with.

Quality transfer additions are on there way. Some fans need to be patient.

Keep up the positivity.


9.) 28 Jun 2024 14:28:22
Brian, I guess I’m a glass half full poster but why do you presume quality signings are incoming? What has the board done to back that up recently? Even Roger’s was noticeably peed off with the last two windows, as a mantra the board use. We come out of every window stronger, I can’t remember the last time we have done that. And whilst des is correct in saying other factors affected us last season, apart from Idah on loan, how many of the new signings contributed to the league and cup win in the end. For me it all came about due to established players coming back from injury. Like everyone else I’m praying we do get quality in but the board have let us down now too many times for me to believe them, until they are holding the scarf at parkhead. ( I do believe we will sign players but will they be the experienced ready made players Roger’s has alluded to ) . I know it’s 6 weeks until kick off and there is still time for me it’s not a timing issue it’s a quality issue.

10.) 28 Jun 2024 16:14:24

I think you have answered your own question.


11.) 28 Jun 2024 16:39:34
Quinn, I wonder when someone who has had a few negatives about the Board before the transfer season even opens up feels it necessary to say that they are a glass half full poster, readers should be able to judge without prompting.
Every season, every transfer window over last 20 yrs. and more, a number of posters start on the Board as if it the only reason we haven’t won 10 of the last 20 Champions League . To these posters, half glass full or empty winning 12/ 13 SPL’s are not worth mentioning, winning 5 Trebles are just a nuisance that is reported in Celtic View . But the year we don’t win the SPL was the worse act of treachery ever carried out by any Board . All Board members should have been expelled from being within 10 miles radius of a Celtic Domestic game for life, for not winning this title . Our Board members must have a good laugh on face- time the number of posts from the same posters ridiculing and abusing the Board
We take Celtic Board for granted, we accuse them of having a monumental cock -up if we lose 2/ 3 domestic games on way to double or treble . We blame the Board for allowing cheating refs and VAR officials from giving bias pro Sevco decisions and anti Celtic decisions. Board was to blame for almost all our home matches played last season, in horrendous weather conditions effecting the surface . . Some of these fans even blames Scales for playing well and keeping his place on team . Ex League of Ireland player should know better than keep playing for Celtic . Surely a Polish or Swedish player must be better.

12.) 28 Jun 2024 21:50:13
Personally des, I don’t give the board much credit for the trophy wins to be honest, in my eyes it’s purely down to players and management, and in some years poor competition . Whilst the league is the bread and butter as a fan that invests quite a bit of money into supporting the club travelling from England every home game as loads do from Ireland and England as well surely we can want a bit more from our board regarding being the best we can be. How many transfers have fallen through just because the board won’t go that extra bit, we had toney in the building and pushed him aside for a cheaper option who failed drastically. That’s just one of a few, personally I would just want us to come out with a deficit instead of breaking even and banking more money to be embarrassed in Europe year after year. Would ange have stayed possibly if he thought we would back him for the season , who knows . I really hope they go that bit further this season though, and I’ve had a few beers after football so maybe it’s a longer post than it should be . So don’t mean to sound argumentative, this group is all about opinions and we won’t always agree on stuff anyway. But it would be boring if we all agreed ?.

13.) 29 Jun 2024 00:05:35
Quinn, I am so glad for the sake of the club I have supported since the mid 60’s that apart from the terrible 90’s when our whole club was in danger of been swept away with the illegal Murray storm . In his hurricane D Murray tried to erode all of Celtic and for once the Board was rocky and needed good men;like John Keane, who was buried ths week, F McCann and others including many thousands Celtic supporters invested their money to get the club firmly on feet and able to stand up to all Sevco ‘s cheating and continue to out grow . The Board knows that there maybe a few pen warriors who fault every move Board makes but Board is happy the vast majority of supporters who matter, season book holders, regular match attenders, club merchandise buyers, all are happy or they wouldn’t invest so much extra money every season in club . These are the sophisticated Celtic supporters, who know when club is been well run, and knows when Board are spending money foolishly, they are a better barometer than any supporters forum.

14.) 29 Jun 2024 12:23:54
Quinn, We don’t know why players that SMSM tells us we were interested in, were actual true at all . We certainly have no idea why they fell through . .
If, I should be so cheeky to offer you advice, , u may have more enjoyment following your club if u ignore absolutely everything in SMSM .



27 Jun 2024 08:39:04
Read a brilliant quote from Keane the other day. Along the lines of "players are tricked into thinking they are fantastic footballers because of what they can do with a ball. In the game 23 other players don't have the ball and it's what you do then that matters just as much. " That's why guys like Maeda are always ahead of ball players like Haksa and Holm. The guys with talent need to show the same commitment and discipline or they are no good to a team.


1.) 27 Jun 2024 18:43:00
To be fair they aren't as bad away games as they could've and usually have been.

2.) 27 Jun 2024 19:27:08
Ferguson’s uTd had many advantages, Fergie time was well known, but Keane has extra players 23 + player on ball.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 19:37:40
Don’t look back in anger, I don’t know why we should be fair to that lot, every season, they cheat us.



13 Jun 2024 18:17:06
I'd be disappointed to see Oh leave in some respects but fee quoted is decent and probably good for both parties. Have only seen Conway's cameo for Scotland but didn't look out of depth and heard a Bristol journo raving about his potential. As a 3rd choice behind Kyogo (Idah? ) he seems like a gamble worth taking.


1.) 13 Jun 2024 19:09:07
It would be brilliant money for a player who only played 27 minutes in the 2nd half of the season.

OH also wasn’t included in our last 10 playing Squads of the season.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 21:21:07


3.) 14 Jun 2024 07:05:08
There is no point in buying Conway if we are going to regard him as third place behind Kyogo and possibly Idah . Get him in and by his training and pre and early season force himself into whatever order he can achieve within our strikers.

4.) 14 Jun 2024 07:38:44
Personally I don't think Conway is any better than what we have and that includes Oh, who's now heading out the door.

I really think we can do a lot better.

Idah is a better player, so I hope we can do business there.

I am not taking the HTC stoy that they want 8 million as a real story. Until Norwich say what they want, we are still in with a chance if he is who BR wants.

I am sure he has other players in mind, in case teams don't want to sell.

5.) 14 Jun 2024 14:25:15
If the rumours are correct ( there is always a first time for everything ) it looks like we have a first class start to transfer window with moves afoot to move on two players that manager doesn’t want . Loans are really last resort, as basically all we are doing is sweeping the problem under the mat for another year . When a player is with us a year or longer, surely. the manager should have responsibility to decide whether he wants player or not, so if it is a no, he should be sold right away when many clubs haven’t filled their squad . Loan players should be reserved to youngsters that manager likes but needs a year or more development. It’s should only be at end of window for other unwanted players that club didn’t manage to sell are loaned out .



10 Jun 2024 20:56:33
If Idah wants the move he just goes through the motions with Norwich. Perhaps unprofessional but it happens.


1.) 11 Jun 2024 08:03:30
It certainly happened to us during the 'Lockdown League'.

2.) 11 Jun 2024 08:22:35
Wouldn't want him anywhere near the club if he did that .

3.) 11 Jun 2024 12:13:18
He does that to Norwich has great season then does it to us to get into an epl club . hope you'd fully back him.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 13:41:51
Aindoh, i agree with you, we don’t want or need players who have that type of attitude. If Celtic and Norwich cannot agree a transfer, then we move on and try our next option.



07 Jun 2024 18:00:57
McKenna freed by Forest, Scottish, left footed, 27 and imo a better defender than Scales. As a free transfer why not offer 2 year deal and see what Brendan can get out of him. I know folk will say we should be getting better (I agree) but we have Lager, Rocki who are not rated so need some competition as they will surely be moved on.


1.) 07 Jun 2024 18:52:38
McKenna is definitely worth the low risk.
He’s a good age for a CB with his best years ahead of him.

2.) 07 Jun 2024 19:28:32
If we don't snap him up the other side will.

{Ed007's Note - I would be amazed if McKenna would even consider a move to Ibrox, to say he dislikes everything about them is a massive under statement,}

3.) 07 Jun 2024 19:37:43
I don’t think there is anything definite about McKenna, he has been available on a pre - contract all year and nobody rushed in to sign him . I honestly don’t think that he is a Celtic type centre half . He is fond of putting in a hard tackle which could lead to many cards in domestic football
We will find many Celtic fans will claim he is better than Scales, but these fans have spent the whole season criticising Scales and Taylor and are hardly going to give them a break now.

4.) 07 Jun 2024 19:41:03
This system needs a fast CB and as CCV isnt, it is important we get someone with speed and aerial prowess. Therefore, I hope we don't go for him unless we are ditching scales.

5.) 07 Jun 2024 20:49:34
Thought we where bringing back Tierney to play left cb.

6.) 07 Jun 2024 21:42:08
He had a few ding dongs with a fit and peak Morelos.
McKenna likes a challenge and I would give him his chance to play for his boyhood club.

7.) 07 Jun 2024 22:13:34
I reckon KT could only play in a back 3.
He would get found out on the left in a flat back 4 because that isn’t his position.

Plus he’s too small to play that position.

8.) 07 Jun 2024 22:42:04
Spot on weejoe, av been saying it past few yrs we need a bono mk11 fast great in the air and can tackle, but a suppose that type of CB would now cost a few bob.

9.) 07 Jun 2024 23:57:36
Why would we ditch Scales, probably played the most in back 4 in a League and Cup double winning team . Imagine how even better he could have been if he and Taylor hadn’t drawn the short straws amongst our supporters and had been praised and encouraged instead of harshly critIcised by group of fans.

10.) 08 Jun 2024 07:48:09
Mckenha is better than lagerbielke and rocki and on a free there's no gamble. I'd say he was probably better than scales and a lot more physical. do we need better yes but he'd be good back up.

11.) 08 Jun 2024 12:59:10
McKenna as a back up CB would work well, certainly domestically.

It also means, in terms of the homegrown quota, we could get rid of Welsh, who should never get close to the first team again.

☘️ ? ☘️.




Chinks67's rumour replies


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18 Jan 2024 22:50:20
Hi is a Player.




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29 Sep 2023 18:52:58
Fantastic news, when he plays we play. Best midfielder in the country when he is on it. I think this will kick start his season. HH.




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27 Aug 2023 22:05:45
just heard same story from someone who added Rogers told £x available to bring players in and he is now getting £y. He won't accept being the scapegoat.


{Ed007's Note - Phone him back and tell him I said he"s a liar and just making stuff up. Was it the same guy that told me David de Gea would be in goal for us at Ibrox?



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26 Aug 2023 11:48:32
100%, he was ahead of CCV for Spurs and would cruise it in our league.




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22 Aug 2023 09:19:50
Out of adversity comes opportunity.





Chinks67's banter replies


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10 Jun 2024 20:55:31
Attitude and discipline issues I'm sure I read somewhere.




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21 May 2024 15:30:56




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17 May 2024 08:23:50
Anyone think the big man should tap up his pal Jack? They are strapped for cash, he is allegedly unsettled and wants to play at a higher level. Id ask the question.




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10 May 2024 21:54:59
Mally, ask urself this, how many of them would get a game for us? Goalie maybe and that's it. Now is our time, minim 2 goal victory. Keep the faith. HH.




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16 Apr 2024 19:34:37
Win the first 3 games and the Killie surface will be immaterial.




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