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Maedainparadise's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Maedainparadise's rumours posts


04 Dec 2023 14:17:45
Ed any truth in rumours we are interested in Tiago Araujo. He looks a decent player and can play in several left sided positions.

Looks athletic, has good technique and is experienced.


{Ed007's Note - I honestly don't know if we are interested but his agent has been trying to get a move for the summer and I was also told that we were interested in him when he left Benfica to join Arouca on loan a couple of years ago.}



30 Nov 2022 21:20:22
I see one stupid site saying Celtic have said JJ can move on and we want 5 mil. What a lot of s***e. If we sold him for that amount our CEO and board should be sacked. I would expect 3 times that amount.


1.) 01 Dec 2022 05:38:22
Juranovic's contract doesn't expire until 2026.
Celtic hold all the aces.

2.) 01 Dec 2022 10:49:07
Is that for his right leg, the fact he's played every game at a wc must add to his price.

3.) 12 Dec 2022 14:34:06
If anybody ever said JJ is only worth £5m they are either a sevconian journo, or a sevconian fan sick of seeing us getting relatively good money to help us leave their bunch of overhyped tramps choking on our dust.

Disclaimer. Leaving them choking in n our dust, will only happen if Lawell keeps his dithering rubbish to how he cleans our trophies.



27 Nov 2022 16:19:36
BBC commentator just confirmed Johnstine is coming to Celtic. He is looking good against Croatia.




29 Jun 2022 16:20:20
Ed any truth in the Malik Thiaw rumours. If there are, potential for a swap deal involving Julien? He looks a decent defender.


{Ed007's Note - It does look as if Celtic are interested in Thiaw but there is plenty of interest in him across Europe. I can't see this being sorted out quickly and I will be really surprised if we can get any deal completed.
AC Milan, Bologna, Torino, Lyon, Man City and Liverpool are just some of the teams that have scouted Malick Thiaw with Schalke 04 reportedly looking for €8 million - would Celtic spend that on a 20-year old that is likely going to be back-up to CCV & Starfelt?
As for as talk of a loan deal I can't see Schalke 04 going for that as even though they gained promotion back to the Bundesliga they still have financial problems so will be looking for as much as possible up front.}

1.) 29 Jun 2022 17:39:25
According to the DR, Celtic have triggered a one year extension on Juliens contact presumably to get as good a transfer fee as possible.

☘️ ? ☘️.

{Ed007's Note - The article on the Club's official website on the day Julien signed in 2019 says it was a 4-year deal but now the story on Twitter is that Celtic have a years option they will trigger to guarantee a fee, just like Spurs done with CCV.
This is with the years option seems to be a recurring theme at Celtic, they announce players sign deals and then it turns out there's an extra year on it, the same thing happened with Scott Sinclair and his last year here was a bit of a let down.}

2.) 29 Jun 2022 18:36:48
Thanks Ed. Be nice to think we could get him in but would he be interested in being backup to Starfelt and CCV and as you say, would we pay that price for a back up. There is no doubt we will have to pay decent money for another CB but he'll be expensive with those clubs looking at him.

{Ed007's Note - With Ko Itakura's move to Borussia Monchengladbach looking less likely every day I think he could be a more realistic - and reachable - target.}

3.) 29 Jun 2022 20:41:15
Has anyone heard anything regarding Starfelts injury.

4.) 30 Jun 2022 10:08:19
Think he's fine Oldkilly, he was running about the beach playing football on his instagram the other day anyway.

5.) 30 Jun 2022 11:05:34
I want Itakura he looks the dogs danglies.

6.) 30 Jun 2022 10:37:06
Ed, I'd have Itakura before any of the names being punted about, he is real quality. I'm surprised BM don't just pay the asking price.

{Ed007's Note - The story is that Borussia Mönchengladbach had a non-binding agreement with City to pay €6.5 million for the signing of Ko Itakura but after other interest in the Japanese defender City have upped their price - personally I don't believe a word of it and I think it is Itakura's agent that's stalling the deal and looking for more money. Can you really see City standing in a players way of a move they wanted for the sake of what. say €1 - €1.5 million?}

7.) 30 Jun 2022 11:25:47
Thanks brumbhoy .




Maedainparadise's banter posts with other poster's replies to Maedainparadise's banter posts


05 Nov 2023 09:51:15
Ed, as the SFA are ultimately in charge of our refs here, does it follow on tha Uefa are ultimately in charge of them?

If that is the case, could our club bypass the SFA or do we have to go through them, if we wanted to complain about anything ref associated?


{Ed007's Note - It would have to go through the SFA unless there was hard evidence of serious wrong-doing and then I think it would be a FIFA/Scottish Police matter.
Maybe a way of bypassing the SFA would be going to The Court of Arbitration for Sport but I'm not really sure.
For me it needs to change from within, the clubs as a whole need to call for a review of the refereeing selection process and matchday appointments.
New rules need to be brought in where referees need to inform the SFA of any clubs they support or have any ties to, they need to widen the net to get more refs from up North and Dundee etc so that referees aren't reffing games in their own areas or local to them, that would be a start
The thing is, wanting better/fairer refs shouldn't be a Celtic v TRIFC or us & them scenario, every team in the land should want the system and the quality of refereeing to improve.
And if that doesn't work I'd look at the legality of replacing the refs we have with refs from other countries, even if they are as $hit as the ones we have we wouldn't be able to accuse them of bias - well to be fair this is Scotland so we'll be back to the "what school did he go to in Lithuania?"}

1.) 05 Nov 2023 12:54:53
I remember listening to an interview with an ex capo from the Colombo crime family in New York.

He was discussing the mafia's involvement in sports rigging and specifically boxing.

He made a poignant point and said, "if there is gambling and lots of money to be made you can be sure there will be corruption and organised crime involved.

Obviously there will be corruption involved in sports in Scotland but the sad part is, it probably is done as a result of bias as opposed to financial gain.

I would like to see what ed proposed but would also add an independent watchdog that oversees all refereeing matters.

One final point, corruption is often hard to catch as dodgy decisions can be excused as mistakes. However, the way to catch it is not to look at individual events, you need to forensically analyse every event, document them all and prove a pattern of behaviour.

{Ed007's Note - John Colquhoun - yes that John Colquhoun - is supposed to be at the heart of the corruption in the Pub League and Leicester winning the league was the biggest fix English footballing history.
Whether it's true or not I don't know but THESE GUYS have been all over it for years and there's a tonne of reading on there.}

2.) 05 Nov 2023 16:58:36
Thanks Ed.

I don't hold out any hope of change, as it would probably need all clubs to agree and the one that benefits all the time, will want the status quo.

Foreign refs is the way forward but as you say, many wouldn't pass the interview unless they came in the appropriate brogues and school tie.

{Ed007's Note - ?

3.) 05 Nov 2023 22:46:35
Have you not watched the refs we have had in European games lol? Very odd decisions and inconsistent for sure.

4.) 06 Nov 2023 14:08:09
Kwaj Certainly Champions League refs and VAR operators haven’t got the built in bias that Sevco’’s elite refs have in Scotland, at the same time I often feel they are a bit tough on us, maybe Dallas and Ogilivie instruct them.

Ed 07 .
I agree about referees making SFA aware of what club they supported as youngsters, but a cynic like myself would wonder if they were honest with their submissions, How could SFA verify the honesty of their claim and could there be punishment if a ref was found out.



14 Oct 2023 07:21:22
I hate the international break, not only because we are not playing matches but it gives our parasitic media the opportunity to write total nonsense about our players.

I saw an article the other day by Hutton claiming that Kyogo was angry when he came off the field in the last match, suggesting things were not right behind closed doors. How did he come up with that, other than make it up. Kyogo was probably annoyed he hadn't scored, he's a striker!

Today, they the all making comment on GG making Scales first cap a nightmare, suggesting he was at fault for GG's goal. On watching it isn't Scales fault, his defensive partner is nowhere near GG and Scales has to come off the player he was marking to try to get to GG.
Yet Scale is blamed.

An honest man would see that but it is used to create more negative headlines about our players.

They did the same with AJ the other day, he didn't single handedly get beaten by Japan but you'd think he did by the headlines.

On the flip side of that, there were no positive articles about our players from Japan and their dominant performance. Not one.

It's just a joke and getting less funny by the day, however I manage the anger by just looking at their pain, as we race towards another title.


1.) 14 Oct 2023 07:46:07
I get satisfaction from their obvious pain when they write these articles.

Kyogo was subbed after 88 minutes with his club leading 3-1.
Hutton is only suffering like his other bluenoses.

It looked like AJ was playing at CB when he was punished for his mistake.
It’s not a bad thing because he will think twice about taking such chances, when he’s playing for Celtic.

2.) 14 Oct 2023 08:03:53
Celtic domination kills them. Long may it continue.

3.) 14 Oct 2023 09:44:06
Ex-Sevconian failures have to earn their money somehow, and not doing a good job of it either.

4.) 14 Oct 2023 11:17:50
The less Celtic fans follow the SMSM the better . We should avoid them like the plague, if we do we can push SMSM further into the gutter and hopefully into Liquidation. If we can’t prevent ourselves from following Scottish Main Stream Media, the least we can do is not quote them and give them publicity.



07 Oct 2023 20:07:28
Gents, on VAR again!

Having seen the shambles down south last week and our issues mid-week and today, there needs to be change, I think we all agree.

In the Liverpool game, it became clear the VAR ref and others were scared to stop the match after it had restarted. Why?

I have referred to Rugby a few times on how open and transparent their system is and how everything is out there for us to see, live time decision making explained.

Well today Samoa got a try, first review confirmed it was a try and it was given. After they had their kick for extra points, the video referee came back, explaining that they had reviewed one again and it was a knock on and it was no try.

Samoa accepted the decision and they played on.

That was minutes after having the try confirmed, so why can't those who runs football not accept that decisions can be changed once all the facts are reviewed.

The Liverpool game could and should have stopped, the goal confirmed and the ref, mic'd up should have been allowed to explain the decision change to the stadium.

Might there be reasons why this doesn't happen!


{Ed007's Note - Terence is always talking up rugby's version of VAR on the podcast, MIP and it sounds ideal to me. Didn't FIFA test a system a while back where the VAR discussions were heard live?}

1.) 07 Oct 2023 20:42:48
I'd like management to have 3/ 5 whatever. var checks per game. This every incident var check is ruining the game.

2.) 07 Oct 2023 23:31:15
I was sure the rules in Rugby Union were specific. that. the. Video referee couldn’t cancel try or had no power once conversion was attempted . Refs often take up position to stop kick. Rule must have been changed for World Cup . Seems to be a general policy in many sports that they continue to change the rules .

3.) 08 Oct 2023 01:02:02
People would understand if they stopped the game after it restarted because they made a mistake but just to let the game go was unbelievable!

4.) 08 Oct 2023 12:14:53
I just want to hear in real time why decisions are made, not after games are finished and people have time to consider their decision making.

I listened to Angs recent unterview on VAR and he thinks some people are looking for the perfect system which will never happen and he said if we go down the road some people have suggested, games will last 4 hours.

If we keep VAR, it needs to be transparent. I don't know if games should continue and VAR refs have a set period of time to review and confirm a decision, or we continue to stop games for what sometimes is an unusually long time.

The communication needs to be clearer when reviewing decision, but refs should not be allowed to have personal interpretations of incidents. That is where problems arise, particularly up here.

I know I am asking a lot up here but we will only feel trust in the system if changes are made and we get honest admissions if things go wrong.

5.) 08 Oct 2023 14:58:54
There are two huge differences between Rugby (Union or League) and football, when discussing Var or the TMO.

(1) the crowd can see the incident that's being checked on the big screen -usually several times/ slow motion, different angles etc

(2) the crowd also get to hear the conversation between the ref on the pitch and those checking the footage of the incident in question

That means it's transparent, therefore, I can't see the Lanarkshire Ref's association signing up to that anytime soon.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

6.) 08 Oct 2023 17:57:18
Totally agree Pedro, that's what I was saying also, transparency only applies to how biased our refs are.

7.) 09 Oct 2023 00:12:33
100% MIP

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

8.) 09 Oct 2023 08:29:35
Aye, Imagine,
"Brother Beaton, that mob at Parkhead have scored another goal better get yer finger out and give sevco a wee penalty as they are looking like they couldn't score in the proverbial. "

9.) 09 Oct 2023 10:12:32
VAR in Scot Will always operate under different set of values and different rules and aims . The very definition of level playing surface in Scotland is also defined differently in Scotland. Even some Celtic fans bend over backwards to make a Scottish explanation.
On Saturday, many Celts were convince we should have a free instead of Killie breaking away for goal. One or two thought it wasn’t a foul. Surely VAR’s duty is to check, to determine if game should have been stopped and goal disallowed .
Fans shouldn’t be discussing if it was foul or not.



25 Sep 2023 08:17:24
I just read 2 stories this morning, with the usual banner headlines, one by Keith Jackson who is trying to be a psychologist and reading subliminal messages from our Manager and the other from Alan Hutton, who is trying to suggest our players ignored the Manager by their defending of the free kick which led to the first goal in our CL match.

BR said on Saturday there is no rift between him and the board and that the media are trying to create a false narrative and Keith Jackson is gnoring that and trying to prove there is by saying our Manager is so happy to be back here he will just accept what he gets player wise but you can read in his eyes and by what he doesn't say, he's not happy with what he's been given.

Hutton is also clearly trying to push the narrative that BR is not happy with the players he has been given and they are not listening to him and both these stories somehow suggest he is somehow being isolated at the club. Absolute drivel.

These guys need to look across the city, there is a Manager that is isolated and in trouble and that is probably why these stories have been written, to take eyes off Govan where the fans are not happy and accepting the poor football that they are watching.

As BR has said, no Manager is ever totally happy with their transfer window business and would have liked more.

I think we all accept we would have liked more but we are where we are and I for one think that we will go for a couple of more experienced, team ready players in the next window. A bit late for the CL games this year but hopefully we will still be playing European football.

Unfortunately for us we may need to have European football to offer the types of players we need to recruit to get them to come to our league and the club may also have to review our wage structure.

We are in a really strange position, we are successful doing our business the way we do, buy low and sell high, with wages on a lower scale compared with many leagues but higher than some.

Sevco have a history of paying more than us and I suspect some of their current team are paid more than our top earners and they are nowhere near the level of player we would want to take into our club.

It really is a complicated, difficult position we are in but imo the level of our league must be the hardest thing to sell to any potential player we look at.

Time will tell us how ambitious we really are as a club or how we and our league are viewed by players and their agents.


1.) 25 Sep 2023 14:26:24
Typical Sevco loving Newspaper Person, and a ex sevco player, stiring the S. T.

2.) 25 Sep 2023 15:44:36
It's absolutely possible we tried to get a few more in but for one reason or another the transfer didn't materialise now that could be because a olayers club couldn't find a replacement or a deal they were working on collapsed. Transfers have a domino effect and sometimes that effects us. Rodgers knows our limits in the market and serveral new signinggs came in all with his approval.
As a forward thinking and properly run club we absolutely should be planning for the January transfer and summer windows wheras their skint club lives hand to mouth and their envy is evident.

3.) 25 Sep 2023 17:27:59
Why do people evenread that scumbag newspaper/ online drivel.

Jackson became irrelevant with the wealth off the radar nonsense.

Like many Sevco biased media outlets they do The Rangers no service by bigging them up each year. Hopefully this year is the same.

hutton just another baldy bluenose looking with an opinion to be ignored.

4.) 25 Sep 2023 18:06:42
Their opinions regarding anything Celtic is based on hope, the hope that somehow their pain will be eased!

5.) 25 Sep 2023 18:52:42
Hutton talks like he played, garbage.

6.) 26 Sep 2023 00:16:25
Saturday’s game shows BR is fully committed to the players he has, and on a terrible pitch and referee going card crazy after he just had to award us a penalty, our players showed great faith in BR by some changing their roles and dominating the 2 nd half with 10 men.

7.) 26 Sep 2023 07:42:26
The penny has dropped that two decades of domination is about to become three. The press have nothing else and to me, these sorts of stories clearly illustrate the level of pain they are in. It warms my heart actually.

Long may it continue.

8.) 26 Sep 2023 07:55:27
Rodgers has said many times he's a coach. He will try to improve what we have.

He has definitely been let down in the transfer window. We have bought 9 players and lucky if 3 will work out.

9.) 26 Sep 2023 12:19:53
Surely Auf , do you not think you are a bit premature with your assessment. In total we have played 7 domestic games and 1 European Games . Many of our new players were not here for more than half these games . Many players have travelled from far overseas and naturally need time to get use to fellow players, tactic and climate . In an ideal world without shock departures and injuries, I don’t think BR would have wanted his signings any more playing time more than closing minutes of game . All but 2 players have four/ five yr contracts and I am sure neither BR or themselves are panicking because of their form or playing time just yet .



31 Aug 2023 17:54:08
Not the worst draw. I was panicking after seeing group F.

Probably ine of the best groups for us.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 17:59:18
Excellent draw for us!

2.) 31 Aug 2023 17:59:25
It could’ve been worse but we had a 50/ 50 chance of getting the group I wanted, with Donetsk in it.

3.) 31 Aug 2023 18:00:14
Excellent draw for us!

4.) 31 Aug 2023 20:06:21
Who did the Sevconian get I missed it?




Maedainparadise's rumour replies


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20 Jun 2024 15:08:18
Talke everything you read about us with a pinch of? until the club announces it.




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20 Jun 2024 15:06:26
Funny how hoops88 didn't predict them signing a few worldies, one that's even so war hardened we will need body guards in the SPFL next season.




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16 Jun 2024 07:33:34
Magic, give it time, the window has just opened. Even Keevins is claiming we have a few agreed already but he hasn't been able to find out who.

Let's stop the PL nonsense already, Ed has explained many times his job title, it has nothing to do with the football side, that is Nicholson.




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04 Jun 2024 21:39:49
Terrible disease that for years was ignored with literally no investment to find a cure but thanks to these strong, amazing, great people, money is finally being invested and hopefully people's lives will improve.




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04 Jun 2024 21:36:32
Jota, Eddie, Ajer and KT. Be great to get them all back but realistically it is all nonsense rumours and we couldn't afford any of their wages in any case.





Maedainparadise's banter replies


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02 Jul 2024 22:04:10
Did the same. Gives plenty opportunity to let them know what needs updating, replacing and improving, apart from the team.




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02 Jul 2024 18:45:51
I would have either of the CB's of Slovakia. They are 2 monsters and are playing at average teams. They made Portugal look like amateurs.

Either is better than McKenna who is, as his recent national team performances show, really slow. He likes a tackle which will get him punished regularly in the SPL.




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29 Jun 2024 16:12:52
What a combination that is guys. If a serious offer comes in for MOR, anything north of 25 million, our board will take it, so the club will be aware and I am sure looking at alternatives, if not that is neglect.

Going to have a look at the guy your suggesting ?

I still have hopes that Holme will get a chance this season and take it. He does have something.

If MOR goes, that is 25 to 30 million we can safely spend with without major impact on money in bank, if we continue to get rid of players outwith first team squad, which will cover increase in wages.

The board just need to have the 'minerals' to go for it.




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28 Jun 2024 07:18:12
Here we go, 2 months to go, window not officially opened yet and 'we haven't signed anyone yet' starts.

If anyone on here seriously thinks the club haven't been working hard and doing their homework on players, then they have sevco and their malicious media living in their heads.

The players we are after, other teams will also be interested in and they will cost decent money, not the bargain basement galacticos they are buying and who no one else were interested in.

It takes time, it takes will on the part of the players to want to come here and players, their agents are either at Euros or on holiday.

John Kennedy said they are talking to players and their agents and things should probably start happening in the next week, so have patience.




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27 Jun 2024 12:36:36
Why announce that you are going to sign someone weeks before you officially can, unless it's a player no one else wants, like the ones sevco are signing.

We always do it quietly, without the fanfare that comes when they sign their war hardened 300-400k galacticos.




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