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31 Aug 2023 18:09:38
Read a report saying there's an option to buy in the Paoulo Bernardo deal if that's true. Then Celtic should be commend as this kid is absolutely dynamite. Also are champions league group could have been way worse. Looking forward to it.


1.) 31 Aug 2023 19:18:59
Has he signed myles.

{Ed007's Note - He should be announced later tonight or tomorrow morning, he's either still in his medical or it's not long finished.}

2.) 31 Aug 2023 20:02:21
Cheers ed. Nothing to complain about this window then really. Keeper aside.

{Ed007's Note - Let's wait and see what tomorrow brings but you know as well as I do there will be plenty of complaints no matter what happens.}



14 Aug 2023 14:23:25
Bit of a random one Quinter merlin. French lb. Unsure how legit it is or if its nonsense thought I'd post it anyway.


1.) 14 Aug 2023 16:10:12
Seen that earlier mate, never heard of him but seems quite highly rated. It's going to be mental between now and the end of the window the amount of names flying around.

2.) 14 Aug 2023 16:28:25
A guy on KDS mentioned him way back along with Fabian Rieder.

3.) 15 Aug 2023 13:38:43
Fabien Reider was more pie in the sky than the Rangers are Coming.



11 Aug 2023 21:19:08
Being reported Gustav Lagerbiekle has agreed terms and will be announced next week. I guess based on our current way of working will be a 5 year contract. Guy looks really slick. HH.


1.) 12 Aug 2023 10:08:49
Absolutely great that Celtic have replaced Starfelt that quickly But we are still short as most if not all Celtic fans can see Some positions need addressed or should have been addressed and sorted out by now IMO. When Ange was in charge all the main deals were concluded at the start off the window And Rodgers has said that he has watched all the games why are we still dithering about bringing in those players for the positions we are screaming out for? Is it Rodgers that's holding up the main signing coming in or is it some one in the board?

2.) 12 Aug 2023 11:01:44
Yeah no idea Tony. We do seem to be behind where we should be in terms of signings. I'm all for making the right signings so hopefully we are just doing our due diligence. HH.

3.) 12 Aug 2023 13:47:40
When ange was in charge we made 2 or 3 signings at the start of the window just like we have this time.
We would then add 3 or 4 later on just like we are doing now.
When we signed Jota and CCV it was on the last day of the window and I'm sure O'Reily was the same.
There is just under 3 weeks to go and we have already signed 5 (6 if you want to include lagerbeilke)
There is plenty of time to get another 3 or 4 in.

4.) 12 Aug 2023 16:45:13
I agree Jonbhoy only thing I am scared of is IF we are going to bring in a new first team keeper the longer we wait the shorter time he will have to get accustomed to his new players and for the defence to get used to him also out field players I am not that worried about coming in on thelast day off the window before CL starts.

5.) 12 Aug 2023 17:35:12
You could say the same thing about every new player coming in.
They need to get used to how everyone around them plays and what kind of runs they make. But that's what training is for.
They only things a defender should need to know about a keeper is when and if they come out for cross balls and what foot they need to pass to for passbacks.



24 Jul 2023 15:19:38
Kwon hyuk kyu announced on a 5 year deal. Don't know why they weren't announced at same time. But welcome to the hoops. HH.




24 Jul 2023 12:26:16
Celtic sign Hyunjun Yang on a 5 year deal surprised the other Korean lad hasn't been announced. Anyway welcome to Celtic expecting this lad to be fire. HH.


1.) 24 Jul 2023 13:53:17
He looks like a skiller! Expect this to help settle Oh as well.

2.) 24 Jul 2023 15:24:26
I know mate he has the pace and work rate of Maeda but has the ability to turn a man inside out. Sounds like my favourite Asian horror movie. Count me in, hope he plays against wolves.

3.) 24 Jul 2023 20:11:20
5 signings in the door and it's still only July, Holm 2 Koreans tilio and the nawrocki. Still a month to go, we need to get rid of some players and before we start signing more I think. Don't think we need another striker tho, we have kyogo, oh and maeda who can play at position, even abada was banging them in for fun when he was up through the middle, IF we where signing a striker I would like a 6ft strong player for a different approach if we need it. Any sign of AJ coming back anytime soon and CCV? We all know we need a LB to compete with Taylor, but think we have enough cover till January if we pick up any injuries.

4.) 24 Jul 2023 22:59:26
I agree North would rather we focus on getting the deadwood out the door first then that way the free wages can be used towards a real quality addition or two. I think we're strong enough but would like a quality GK and another CB if one was to leave (Starfelt or Welsh) I'm sure I read CCV is back in full training I could be wrong? So he may get half hour or 45 against Wolves hopefully to build his fitness up. I think AJ will miss the start of the season I just hope with his injury and a lack of a pre season it doesn't hamper him all season.

5.) 25 Jul 2023 15:45:42
Focusing on getting the deadwood out the door first is arse from elbow. Focus n improving the team first . At the end of the season we aren’t going to be high giving because we got rid of McCarthy et al. The focus I s moving forward, not clearing up the utter arse of it that bought players, especially McCarthy. A sentimental sack of manure signing. Yet some thought it would be a good. One born every minute. Improve the team and if there’s anytime left then try to get rid of those who have played no part or will in the future. And please stop buying players just because they support us. An utter disgrace we wasted so much money on a four year deal., mind boggling stupidity,

6.) 25 Jul 2023 19:26:20
The expertise we have in hindsight knows no bounds . Not many people were certain before either were signed that Mooy was better than McCarthy .
Fans can praise our ridicule any signing at the time of the deal, 2 yrs later whether it works out well or badly, very seldom will the fan be held to account but the manager and recruitment will be told loud and clear if the player doesn’t do well.
I believe James McCarthy has always been a good Celtic fan, lucky for him he wasn’t known as a h. n or I don’t know how he would be described, what would be worse than a bag of manure. A tad harsh, I think.

7.) 26 Jul 2023 11:35:39
We are all Celtic fans. Being a player who is should nit be the main or any reason to sign you. Ability alone. Being able to improve us. McCarthy has done none of those things. No harm to him, he’s a good lad, but that isn’t a sound reason and it hasn’t worked and it wasn’t hindsight. These concerns were raised at the time. As I said about Ajeti, McCarthy did sign himself, and if he wants to see out his contract then I won’t complain. He has every right to. He has a family to look out for and that for him comes first. As it would me.

8.) 26 Jul 2023 12:45:09
he really wants to be here so that's a good start, have we been chasing the cm or is he a second thought and perhaps worth a punt, i'm guessing that these lads we've signed were scouted during ange's watch and rodgers will have different thought on who suits his way.




Myles_1979cfc's banter posts with other poster's replies to Myles_1979cfc's banter posts


15 May 2024 21:33:34
Chris Sutton "Thought the rangers were coming" ??? well done Celtic stood up when it mattered HH everyone have a top night.


1.) 15 May 2024 21:59:50
A statement from the champions. A big summer but party time on Saturday ????. Whatever you're doing, enjoy ??.



02 Feb 2024 15:30:56
I'll take some heat for this. But just watched Brendan's press conference. Actually find him pitiful.


1.) 02 Feb 2024 16:09:55
Agree - we’ve a good nucleus of a squad, all we needed was some strengthening in certain areas, left back, GK which the board can’t see but Rodgers does. They’ve stopped in a few short months listening to him. 2 loans would’ve done but we fight another day. Hail hail.

2.) 02 Feb 2024 16:08:12
I’ve just watched the interview myself and I’m going to put a positive spin on it.

It’s obvious he’s not happy but I was encouraged that Brendan is intelligent enough to try and be the peace maker between Our Board and Our Supporters.
Because I think that’s crucial until the end of the season.

The next 3 games are massive before our next home match because our fans are rightly fuming and this could easily get out of hand, to the detriment of the Celtic players and our future results.

I’m encouraged slightly about Lagerbielke because he can’t be that bad if Brendan chose to keep him.

I’ve previously been critical myself but the lad still hasn’t conceded a goal in nearly 7 hours of league action.
No other player has that record.

We all know that the Scottish Media are good at twisting stories.

If the lad was that bad he would’ve been gone.

3.) 02 Feb 2024 16:29:57
I wish he would just leave and take the recruitment team with him.

4.) 02 Feb 2024 17:38:43
Weejoe I don’t think BR can take recruitment team with him if he leaves.

5.) 02 Feb 2024 17:43:33
Buzz Bomb . I agree completely with your views on B R interview . whether we like it or not we must concentrate on winning our games . We can win this SPL and we must win it.



24 Jan 2024 12:10:55
Being reported that Athletic Madrid have bid for Matt orielly loan with an obligation to buy. If we let him go we are in my opinion throwing the title away. So heres hoping we say naw.


1.) 24 Jan 2024 12:33:27
Matt still has 3.5 years left on his contract.
The only problem I can see and that’s if Matt sulks and insists on going but I don’t think O’Riley is like that.

2.) 24 Jan 2024 12:53:27
It would be a ridiculous decision to loan him out in this window even though we are half expecting him to leave in the summer.
He has been one of the few highlights in a - so far - inconsistent and disappointing season and we are a better side with him in it.
It's bad enough seeing us plod through this transfer window without the quality arrivals we had hoped for, without losing MOR as well. However, nothing shocks or surprises me any more with our Board.

3.) 24 Jan 2024 14:12:15
Only way it would happen if he really pushed for the move . Which I don't see him doing he will have his pick of clubs in summer.



03 Jan 2024 13:02:27
Sorry lads really late. Wish you all a merry Christmas and happy new year. Hope you all had a brilliant time with family and friends. Mark mate hope you had a good one and a rest as one of your favourite times of the season is now underway. Hope your feeling better as well Timalloy. HH.


{Ed007's Note - Hi Myles, the same to you and the family mate. ?

1.) 03 Jan 2024 17:21:23
@myles hope you had a good Festive period too
I am getting there healthwise (touch wood) although still have more Hospital appointments scheduled for January/ February.



28 Nov 2023 11:52:31
Hopefully we can get a good showing tonight. But if a have to watch another game we're Kyogo gets zero service I'm going to lose the plot. Anyway have a good night everyone. And stay safe if you are over at that fascist cauldron in Rome.


1.) 28 Nov 2023 13:43:01
I try my very best not to become over concerned about Champions League games. I sweat over SPL and in my stupid opinion they are all that matter . I hope that we do ok tonight but haven’t a lot of faith with so many of our more attacking players missing. I always feel to get anything in Champions League everything must go right . Tonight we are starting from a poor position missing players that we are.




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03 Dec 2023 09:12:04
Celtic calling you are one misery of a poster drb was making a suggestion. And having somebody big and strong player to hold up the ball wouldn't be a bad thing. You have to chill out when your posting replies your talking to fellow celtic fans.




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17 Oct 2023 10:35:16
Aye good keeper Mally. Doesn't get any game time would be a cracking signing.




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01 Sep 2023 10:33:27
Turnbull will be kept for champions league home grown status. Won't be leaving mate.




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27 Aug 2023 14:24:48
Kwaj I hope you are correct mate that transfer has been a three part trilogy.




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26 Aug 2023 13:58:43
Nice one Mark mate. Great to see Johnston back and yang starting I've done us a favour and not put Celtic in my coupon so guaranteed win. HH.


{Ed007's Note - ??




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20 May 2024 12:40:48
Ryan segguson and fraser Foster being released by Tottenham mate. I've sung so many hours in to football manager mate I think I'm probably good enough to get The rangers to 4thnext season. Even though I wouldn't would be funny seeing Jack butland up front with 1 of his legs tied to Todd can dive wells pony tail.




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16 May 2024 02:55:49
Straight in mate.




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04 May 2024 14:44:58
Sorry been busy happy birthday mate hope you have a great one.


{Ed007's Note - Cheers Myles



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29 Apr 2024 16:38:39
The problem is how can Kyogo be expected to score when we don't play the ball in to space for him to run on to. I've never seen a celtic striker get so little service it's apauling. Our play under Rodgers is a pretty tough watch.




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25 Apr 2024 17:07:58
Terrible news never knew him but read his posts. My condolences to his friends and family.




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