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JFP1888's rumours posts with other poster's replies to JFP1888's rumours posts


25 Jan 2024 14:04:01
Its doing the rounds that Greg Taylor has been injured in training and will be out of action for the next month.


1.) 25 Jan 2024 14:37:50
Ohhh imagine we signed a LB before the window opened so he was prepped for the inevitable. Celtic are really badly run atm it’s a joke!

2.) 25 Jan 2024 16:29:32
Just been texted saying we have announced no more signings until n January. Anybody else heard this? If it’s true, that’s utterly shameful, hopefully just mischievous crap, but with our board of dithering s-hitebags who would be surprised?

3.) 25 Jan 2024 16:29:51
John Scales can cover LB like he did at times with Aberdeen.

4.) 25 Jan 2024 16:48:06
Obviously Celtic aren't going to pay say £5 million for a player that is valued at £1 million on the transfer market just using that as a example But its when you hear that we didn't get the player because of 200k difference in what the selling club wants and what Celtic is offering that annoys me.

5.) 25 Jan 2024 17:10:05
Just read brendans quotes and he said they're working behind the scenes but it's been challenging. doesn't sound good.

6.) 25 Jan 2024 17:27:44
The whingeing is too much. Give it a rest.

7.) 25 Jan 2024 20:19:04
@ HenriksTongue, Naw.

8.) 26 Jan 2024 08:22:56
Imagine throwing some patter aboot a patter page n getting told to stop whingeing. Wind yer neck in.

9.) 26 Jan 2024 10:23:05
Seriously. If our club can’t find a couple of players ( from the vast numbers out there ) in our price range who are better than what we have, then we’re not looking in the right place or just not looking. Forward planning is part of the business but unfortunately our board of dinosaurs escaped the ice age. Standing still in football is effectively going backwards and we are decades behind where we should be as a club.

10.) 26 Jan 2024 10:41:42
Imagine throwing some patter about a patter page and being told to wind your neck in ?

Seriously though some guys on here just want us to buy for buying's sake. We already have too many players not good enough that we can't seem to get rid of. Miovski, Shankland would be the exact same

We've a few days left so let's wait and see. We all know how hard it is to get good transfers done in this window.

11.) 26 Jan 2024 13:32:38
That’s the issue though, it isn’t hard to get transfers done. Other teams manage to do it. You should have a list of targets that meet your needs and price range and start from there. If we have a bloated squad it’s because the people doing the buying at our club are basically Shiite at what they do. Any idiot can trawl in a lot of players and get lucky with the odd one, would’ve hoped our club was more professional than that, apparently not. Also I can’t remember seeing one post wanting us to buy for the sake of it, what we want to see is the quality the manager stated we need to IMPROVE. Something we continue to fail to do and have done not for years but decades. This club has been treading water for far too long.



10 Nov 2023 14:58:11
Maeda out for 6 weeks he has may detractors but that's a massive blow for me.


1.) 11 Nov 2023 10:30:58
What's the injury?

2.) 11 Nov 2023 13:27:50
Knee ligaments l.

3.) 11 Nov 2023 13:33:55
The Maeda bashers don't appreciate what he brings to the team. Said a while back what he lacks in technique he makes up for in energy and workrate. The games we've dropped points in all lacked pace and workrate it'll be lacking more with wee Maeda out. Shame really as I've felt since he's moved out to RW his wing play has came on no end.



10 Jul 2023 12:00:54
Calum McGreggor signs a 5 year deal with Celtic.


1.) 10 Jul 2023 12:29:07
Just away to watch on YouTube JFP ?.

{Ed007's Note - ??

2.) 10 Jul 2023 13:36:52
My Celtic Pools guy says rumours of £35k plus bonuses
If True Callum will pocket over £9m over 5 years
My buddy thinks Kyogo and Maeda must be on around that also
So our Board are splashing £27m over 5 years to tie down our important players.
Well done our Board.

3.) 10 Jul 2023 14:12:27
Does anyone else think this could be a sign that we are making changes when it comes to the wage budget?

Give a boost to the established players so that we can give higher wages to a new player and not upset the rest of the squad.

It's great to see the 3 boys rewarded with a new deal regardless.

{Ed007's Note - I've just put the same point on the banter pages about a possible change in the wage structure.}

4.) 10 Jul 2023 15:50:31
It's only way we will progress as long as money spent wisely! We need to break our wage structure or at least increase it so we can make a dent in Europe. Last 16 of champions league or last 4 in europa should be our aim at least . Next year improve on that.

5.) 10 Jul 2023 17:22:27
Fm24 will be out soon and I'll confirm or deny these wages then. ?.

6.) 10 Jul 2023 17:37:52
I have no doubt Cal McG has got a decent pay rise bringing him to approximately £35- £40 thousand a week . What would surprise me is that a Celtic Pool guy would have inside knowledge and would be guessing like myself.



06 Apr 2023 13:41:57
No Taylor or Hatata at training apparently.


1.) 06 Apr 2023 21:11:10
Hopefully good editing from Celtic TV.
I still think Taylor will make it.

2.) 06 Apr 2023 21:29:40
My daughter sent me a photo of Taylor training today.
Hopefully it’s real and not an old photo.

3.) 07 Apr 2023 08:22:39
Seems Reo was doing gym work but joined training later. I assume being monitored by the sports science guys.

4.) 07 Apr 2023 09:56:16
Hopefully both are fit to start tomorrow but if not we have a squad more than capable and will still win with a couple of goals to spare.

5.) 07 Apr 2023 10:56:01
Here’s hoping Hatate can at least make the bench. Even the last 30 mins he could make a big difference.

6.) 07 Apr 2023 11:09:16
Was mooy back training?



06 Aug 2021 15:27:09
Brighton back in for Eddy?

I'm busy but I've got Airdrie Taxis number.


1.) 06 Aug 2021 16:05:41
Am no busy, so I was watching a couple of games v. Sevco from 2018 and he is now a shadow of the player he was and should be.
Hopefully he gets his move, we get some cash and improve to team and everybody's happy?

2.) 06 Aug 2021 16:33:18
I think that's the main problem OAB. We all how good the guy can be but when u see the way he is now its hard to watch and not go mad. Glad to hear you have the taxi on standby JFP.

3.) 06 Aug 2021 17:23:52
Al pick him up am no daen anything 🤣.

4.) 06 Aug 2021 17:39:47
I can drop him at Cairnryan in the morning â›´.

5.) 06 Aug 2021 19:13:25
Got a mate at DHL, just make sure the box is well taped up.

6.) 06 Aug 2021 20:38:42
If Eddy starts on Sunday Then the fans need to make him up his game.

7.) 07 Aug 2021 07:10:11
Southampton are supposed to bidding too but they won't or can't offer the wages Brighton are offering eddy.




JFP1888's banter posts with other poster's replies to JFP1888's banter posts


04 May 2024 19:56:15

Congratulations and all the best on your half century.

Here's wishing you many more.

Happy Stars Wars Birthday.

God Bless.


{Ed007's Note - Thanks John ??

1.) 05 May 2024 08:39:05
JFP hope you are feeling a wee bit better
Thinking about you
hail hail.

2.) 05 May 2024 00:27:51
Happy birthday mate, Thanks for running this great forum.

{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate ?

3.) 05 May 2024 12:08:30
The Celtic family are here for you John,
God Bless ❤️.



13 Mar 2024 12:09:01
'I had a brief chat with Callum this week because I knew he was going to be missing this camp but no big issues moving forward I don't think. '

(Steve Clark)

That at least sounds potentially positive although I'm clutching at straws. Wrap him and cotton wool before Ibrox and if there's any left over use it for CCV.

McGregors availability is massive as regards where the league title goes and CCV perhaps even more so.

We have no alternatives at centre half with presence and pace that can carry the ball out of defence and pass through the lines.

We at least have midfield options.

But Calum McGregor understands the assignment.


1.) 13 Mar 2024 14:47:44
Spot on JFP

☘️ ? ☘️.

2.) 13 Mar 2024 20:38:18
JFP my friend Enrico agrees.

CalMac so influential and schools sevco players you know.

3.) 13 Mar 2024 21:38:36




11 Mar 2024 19:05:05
PS: If we can't beat the rest without CCV and McGregor we don't deserve to win the league.

Either way this season MUST be the end of the board including DD and Michael Nicholson as well as the chairman over and above the sacrificial lamb currntjy on garden leave who is Mark Lawell. The club must be handed over to a consortium who has a business strategy and direction capable of making Celtic the best we can be as a club. They have zero credibility it's inconceivable that they could even attempt to explain this season away at the next AGM. I saiid before the one blessing and saving grace here is that the Peter Lawell delusion is dead with regard to the respect he supposedly has or had. They have squandered £20-25m and jeopardised circa. £40m plus while throwing a lifeline to our biggest rivals. Incompetent, negligent and unforgivable.

We need owners with vision and a CEO who is an entrepreneur not a risk averse lawyer or accountant who knows as much as and no more than we know about football. We need a Director of Football with the requisite footballing acumen before we even think pf replacing Rodgers or spending another fiver to rebuild a second rate squad otherwise we can cut and paste all our collective comments from the summer window on from this season to save us typing them next season because it will be more of the same and rinse and repeat.

I pray Dermot Desmond leaves it to those who are wiling.


1.) 11 Mar 2024 22:03:51
Never going to happen bud.

2.) 11 Mar 2024 22:04:34
Good post ad be happy if half that happens.

3.) 11 Mar 2024 22:27:28
Well said JFP.

4.) 11 Mar 2024 23:42:10
Jfp ccv mgregor and hatate are the heart of the team and probably our 3 best players any team would struggle without their 3 best added to that the new manager refuses to try and play to a system that fits / helps our best striker so that's our 4 best players out . apart from. That I agree with the rest of your post.

5.) 12 Mar 2024 11:14:55
It took a total disaster to oust the Kelly dynasty and although DD, PL and others were culpable during the lockdown league and the incompetent mismanagement of this season; they will rely on bank statements and dividend payouts to defend their current tenure.
Another damning indictment is the presence of the culprit who agreed to sign the covert contract of 20i2 that keeps us shackled and weak. Most supporters would welcome a new owner with the wealth and ambition to allow the club to reach it's full potential, but we have never followed that path for one reason or another and it looks like we never will in my lifetime.
We have went steadily backwards in footballing terms; from the MON days of attracting top players and competing in Europe with a decent reputation and that is down to the current custodians.
This season has went from bad to worse due to a mixture of serious and recurring injuries, ridiculous recruitment and apparent loss of form and consistency under the reigns of the returning manager.
Much of the above can be resolved if supporters voices are heard.

6.) 12 Mar 2024 17:20:07
We are led by bonus focused cowards who know a hefty balance triggers payments. They are therefore a risk averse bunch of utter s hite bags and we will never progress with these types of cowards. If we lose the league every single one of them should he chased out of our club. I detest their reluctance to at least try to improve. This season has been an unmitigated disaster so far. We are watching paint drying most games. We used to look forward to every game under Ange, now it’s an ordeal filled with frustration and anger at how far under Rogers we have crashed. He shouid be out the door even if he wins the double. His style of play and the endless, pointless possession across out back line, is the worst football I have ever endured. And I was there in the 90’s. Totally bored rubbishless at our play and how easy we lose goals and points to utter garbage.



11 Mar 2024 17:57:10
If McGregor and CCV only have two games left in them this season it needs to be Ibrox and Parkhead against Bjorn Again.

I'd forget them for St Johnstone and Livingstone games and have them available if possible for the trip to the Bronx on the 7th April even if it means they'd lack match sharpness.

McGregor is as fit as a butchers dug anyway.


1.) 11 Mar 2024 18:25:37
CCV did something similar last season.
Celtic beat Sevco twice at Hampden and then he got his operation.

2.) 11 Mar 2024 18:28:30
PS: CCV being called up to national squad needs hit on the feckn head as well.

3.) 11 Mar 2024 18:29:38
However without McGregor, CCV and Hatate it's entirely possibly it could be as good as all over by then.

4.) 11 Mar 2024 18:42:08

I agree totally but I think its a risk worth taking because without them this Celtic team won’t beat them at Parkhead or draw at the Bronx.

Calum McGregor understands the assignment.

5.) 11 Mar 2024 18:50:50
Ccv got the op last year after we beat sevco in the semi and he's never been right since.

6.) 11 Mar 2024 18:59:12
They have as many players as us out plus playing extra games . It will catch up on them leagues ours.

7.) 11 Mar 2024 19:28:26

I’ll be one happy bunny if you’re right and I’m wrong my friend.



24 Feb 2024 11:51:18
I'm just heading to Celtic Park for the tour and meal for my sons 30th with my wife, son and daughter in law and daughter and son in law but Peters statement has put me off ma dinner.

I was anticipating that reference.

'We achieved four points in the group stages and whilst representing an improvement over last season's two points we finished fourth in the group stage. '

Deary me.


When the club has unforgivably failed dramatically to recruit the required quality requested repeatedly by the manager and captain to strengthen the starting eleven as a result of which we currently sit second in the league behind a financial basket case and rebuilt tribute act while reporting a bank balance of £67m I would suggest you would have been better leaving out the reference to the additional two points we picked up in a European dead rubber.

The January window is notoriously difficult? You didn't say much about or explain the abomination of a summer transfer window that your laddie presided over?

Your and the board are at the limits of your capability Peter both incompetent and negligent with the prize at stake for automatic European qualification this year and the financial resources we have available. For the good of Celtic FC it's time for new blood with the requisite football and business acumen to take us forward and make us the best version of ourselves we could be worthy of our global support and financial backing.

Here's hoping despite their failures Brendan and the Bhoys can get three points at Fir Park tomorrow.

God Bless the Celtic.


1.) 24 Feb 2024 12:25:22
Enjoy good memories with your Family JFP ?.

2.) 24 Feb 2024 12:34:23
Thanks very much Buzz ?.

3.) 24 Feb 2024 12:34:25

with any luck if PL manages to get a squint at your post he'll choke on his prawn sandwich.

On the money as always

☘️ ? ☘️.

4.) 24 Feb 2024 12:55:39
Have a great day John and All the best to your bhoy.

5.) 24 Feb 2024 13:10:28
If you see any of the board, tell them weejoe wants them to get their belongings and leave the building. ?.

6.) 24 Feb 2024 13:18:35
Have a brill time in Paradise JFP ?.

7.) 24 Feb 2024 13:22:31
Cheers Campsie Bhoy!

Pedro. ?.

8.) 24 Feb 2024 13:38:18
Wee Joe

I’ll pass on your message.

9 iar ?

I dug a photograph out this morning of the last time I was in the trophy room.

The new north stand was under construction and there is nothing at traditional Ragers end.

Unsure what year that would be.

A piece of history in photographs.


9.) 24 Feb 2024 13:55:09
Enjoy your day with the family JFP and let us know if PL's office will be suffice once you replace him ?

☘️ ? ☘️.

10.) 24 Feb 2024 14:13:00
Must have been around 94/ 95.

11.) 24 Feb 2024 14:21:11
Have you a pic of the Wayne Biggins stand at the other end ?.

12.) 24 Feb 2024 14:53:39
Have a blast mate.




JFP1888's rumour replies


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20 Dec 2023 22:40:58

You’re bang on 100%.




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15 Aug 2023 21:38:05
£150k in Euros.


{Ed007's Note - Transfer fees as always recorded in Euros by UEFA and on the that FIFA TMS. Some posters think I'm being a pretentious sod when I put figures up in Euros but it's just what's written and I don't keep up with exchange rates to know the difference.}



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08 Aug 2023 21:26:43

Agreeing or disagreeing great tae see ye beck on the banter page ye were missed. ☘️ jfp.




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08 Aug 2023 18:23:21

When you look at the number of midfielders we have McGregor, O’Riley, Turnbull, Holm, Kwon, Iwata etc. if we’re looking at another midfielder it makes the think Hatata is away particularly given Turnbull starting against Ross County.

I don’t think we’re looking at two centre halves because CCV is likely to leave I think it’s more in case one falls through that we don’t have all our eggs in one basket with only three weeks of the window remaining.

I wouldn’t expect us to sign both the Dutch lad and the Swedish lad it will be one or the other particularly as we’ve just signed Rocky. Not sure all would be happy chasing two starting places either.

Really like the look of the Swedish boy he can play football and head a ball my prayers would be answered.




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07 Aug 2023 17:21:07
It’s been rumoured it’s the last of the DMcK low release clauses whether that’s true or not who knows the last of which is Abada I believe as the others have signed contract extensions and Abada is about too as well by some accounts.





JFP1888's banter replies


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25 Jun 2024 22:08:00
How do ye know you’ve got it?




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25 Jun 2024 20:36:57

So why is he willing to play at Ibrox?




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19 Jun 2024 22:32:54

Your comments about Ralston make me sick.

Hold off until tomorrow there will be plenty slaughtering 'the Celtic right back' and you can join in with Souness and the rest of the MSSM.

How many ragers players let us down Graeme? You’re a disgrace.

Ralston was excellent in the second half as was attested to by Andy Robertson but what does he know compared to you.

Switzerland are a top side who've qualified for the last five tournaments.




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17 Jun 2024 18:03:55
Administration was unthinkable it would have been a slur upon the name of the club.

(John Keane)

requiescat in pace.




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13 Jun 2024 21:32:30

You’re probably right just the wrong place at wrong time for the laddie.

I’ve never doubted he did his best every time he pulled on a Celtic jersey. For that I wish him nothing other than well.

More than can be said for Edouard that many would like to see back. The person downed tools.

Ed can go back through archives but I think I offered to run him down tae London Road and hame masel.

And don’t start me on bring back Kieran Tierney.




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