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Magicpole's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Magicpole's rumours posts


22 Aug 2023 08:24:31
Hearing CCV is out for six months. Anybody else heard the same? What a week I'm having.


1.) 22 Aug 2023 09:19:50
Out of adversity comes opportunity.

2.) 22 Aug 2023 09:38:32
I thought the rumour was bad enough when 6 weeks was mentioned.

3.) 22 Aug 2023 11:19:11
6 months out MP?
I thought the issue was his hamstring?

I Hope that's not correct or BR had better add another CB to his shopping list this month.

☘️ ? ☘️.

4.) 22 Aug 2023 18:20:12
No chance, 6 months would involve major surgery, I don't believe it.

5.) 22 Aug 2023 19:28:43
Unless he has a full grade 3 hamstring tear. Pretty much full rupture it won't take 6 months to heal. Hamstrings tend to be 6-8 weeks full recovery. If mild 4-6. Plus he'll be having top rate physios managing that recovery. Him being able to finish the half he was playing suggests your grade 1 or 2 tear. I'm more concerned the volume of injuries, is the level of training and recovery not great. Or are the players not match conditioned and picking up easy injuries?

6.) 23 Aug 2023 16:36:36
Did we not have injury problems the last time BR was here or am I mistaken.

7.) 23 Aug 2023 21:04:13
marco18888 . so injuries are all BR's fault? HH.

8.) 24 Aug 2023 07:15:08
Nesty I didn't know you were not allowed to blame Br. I mean I am sure it happened the last time he was here but I wasn't 100% sure it just seems more than a coincidence does it not.



13 Jul 2023 13:25:06
Mickey Johnstone out for 3 months with back injury. And so it goes on.


1.) 13 Jul 2023 13:55:10
Hardly injured last season. back at us and its as if nothings changed.

2.) 13 Jul 2023 14:05:11
That’s not good for someone his age to have a back injury.
To be fair, Mickey has had every other injury.

3.) 14 Jul 2023 09:52:27
BR said he needs to play to be given a chance and if he's out for 3 months, he has little chance as it gives those in front of him a head start to impress and get some form. I think he has little chance of staying with us to be honest. How many chances can we give someone with his injury record, no matter how good he could be.

4.) 14 Jul 2023 13:49:34
the the signings we are making, I don't think Mickey would have got anywhere near the team.
The injury has just delayed his leaving until January.



02 Apr 2018 20:41:37
Rogic signs three year deal. Knew he wouldn't leave. Armstrong won't either.


1.) 02 Apr 2018 22:02:10
Sorry about this, it’s a wind up by some wag on Twitter.

2.) 03 Apr 2018 09:13:19
I doubt if we will secure both of them to be honest. Big Rogic will see out his time, unless he has a storming world cup, and move on he's an Aussie that's what they do. Check any bar in Covent Garden! Seriously i don't expect him to sign an extension.

Armstrong. Bright boy who might just feel the need for a new challenge, the law studies might actually help us here, but i think he would be very selective if he were to leave.

Having said that never discount the BR factor. There seems to be a real strong bond through this team right now so 1-2 big signings might sway it for them both.

3.) 04 Apr 2018 00:06:47
Rogic is certain to sign an extension, if he doesn't get a better offer elsewhere .
If a better offer comes in he will probably go.



27 Jan 2018 10:43:50
It seems that young Mousunda is coming for 18 months. If the latest reports are to be believed. I usually take these things with a pinch of crystal meth, but, I think this could be a runner.

This is the type of quality I think will lift us. I hope it's true.


1.) 27 Jan 2018 11:07:03
Think that will be the end off rgic, he'll b away in summer then tat gives us a year to find a replacement for musanda.

2.) 27 Jan 2018 11:16:00
Rogic is class and if anybody is leaving it will be Mcgreggir who isn't good enough to be in a team that holds it's own in Europe. Rogers is twice the player and it amazes me people talk about him leaving.

The one thing that could swing it that way is he us more likely to attract a bid than Callumn.

I hope Rogic stays.

3.) 27 Jan 2018 11:30:53
Not seen much of Mousonda But when came on for Chelsea the other week against Birghton he did look the part. Not normally a fan of loan deals but if it is 18 months then def a good signing. HH.

4.) 27 Jan 2018 11:44:43
Rogic is a far better player than McGregor, but unfortunately he's made out of Weetabix.

5.) 27 Jan 2018 11:53:18
Just need to dry him out on a bowl and he turns into the hardest substance known to humankind.

6.) 27 Jan 2018 12:36:48
Rogic has undoubted talent and ability, but has been injured far too often and misses far too much football.
Not only is he injury-prone, but his recovery time is far too long and as much as I rate him, we can't rely on him being fit and avail.
McGregor is only playing because Armstrong, Rogic and Roberts are not available and he has been very disappointing for weeks, although on his game he can contribute with a goal or two.

7.) 27 Jan 2018 12:49:26
See this rubbish McGregor is only play because other players are injured it's nonsense.
McGregor has played and scored at every level for Celtic.
Every team needs a player like McGregor. A utility man that will make sacrifices and play anywhere the team needs him to.
Always under rated by fans but loved by manager's.
He's not long ago been handed a four year contracted.
Yes rogic in a very good player but he is no use to us sitting in the stand. His time at Celtic must be running out.

8.) 27 Jan 2018 19:27:21
He’s made of weetabix 😂😂😂 brilliant! as good as Rogic is he needs to be fit to be of benefit to the team. What was abundantly clear is that McGregor is not the answer to AM position he’s neat and tidy but even he looks jaded. squad has stayed the same for years urgently needs freshened up so many players out injured the squad at present is winning games but barely and lack confidence to take the chances and really finish teams off!



26 Jan 2018 13:14:43
I see Rogers is talking about the absolute need to strengthen now in the Evening Times.

Get ready for a bit of activity lads.

Not long now. And not projects. Quality.

I hope for three, but will be happy with two.


1.) 26 Jan 2018 16:46:35
We can all talk about it MP.

2.) 27 Jan 2018 10:59:56
I hear you Jim, but, I absolutely believe we will do it. In fact, I'm not one for increasing bookies take gone pay, as every gambler is, but I would bet good money this will happen.

Don't get me wrong I have put a deposit down in a padded cell just in case we don't, but, it will happen mate.




Magicpole's banter posts with other poster's replies to Magicpole's banter posts


17 Dec 2023 09:19:47
Again yesterday after the game, Rogers did a Pontiius Pilate by washing his hands of any responsibility, that was to me, a sickening show of abject cowardice and failure to grasp the reality. He is happy to take the plaudits, scarce as they are since he took over, but when his system has derailed a Treble winning, great to watch team and turned them into an innefective, flaccid group who pass and go back, then sideways and then back, before we eventually get forward to our wingers, who can neither dribble or make a final ball. Take a look at the corners we get. That's all down to the final ball never beating the first man.

Rogers style of play is no style or passion or even good to watch. Since pre season, we have been poor, lately oiss poor. The responsibility of that is on Rogers, yet he takes a sidestep and throws players under the bus, the reason their form has dipped, is because they, like everyone else, hasn't a clue what he is doing. What his system actually is, apart from bone crushingly boring and hopeless.

Yesterday all the chickens came home to roost and they came bearing rotten eggs. Who else felt Rogers had transported us back to the 10 season, with a truly eye watering display of ineptitude throughout the team.

I was sickened that he excepted Calum from the rubbishshow. Let's be clear, Calum has also been woeful and he hasn't a clue either what to do.

Players form dips for a number of reasons, but all at once, that's down to, it wasn't me, Rogers. His comments after every game are reflective away from him. What happened to his much vaunted, improving players mantra? not a lot of that on show since he turned up. None would be more precise, as we all have endured.

We are in a tailspin and we have a manager and a board who will not take responsibility. Let's be honest here, he has ripped out the beating heart of the club by insisting we abandon a system that worked, for his million useless passes and going effin nowhere style.

I have never liked his style of play and for me his success in the past you need to factor in Rangers we're fielding a team any decent Pub team could take on.

I know the board will not act, they never do, happy as they are with their self awarded pay rises snd fancy blazers. Anybody else hear the sack the board chants on Celtic TV? Me neither, it seems that they are censoring the support and that sickens me.

Rogers, so far, to me has been an unmitigated disaster, yet he takes no blame. Shameful and now I dislike him for two reasons, his tactics that ruined us and him being a coward who doesn't take the blame for what we all see. He has imposed a system that neither works, nor is good to watch, but it's not your fault, Is it Brendan?

Well I have news for you Mate, it is, and even if you can't see that, the rest of us can. Stand up and he counted you coward and stop blaming everything on the players. It's you. It's all you.


1.) 17 Dec 2023 11:18:41
His success the last time was down to having quality. guys like dembelle sinclair broony Griffiths eddy to name a few.

2.) 17 Dec 2023 12:02:20
Agree with both posts above. As some of the players maybe aren't to the quality of his previous spell surely he should be getting more out of the squad he has.

3.) 17 Dec 2023 12:17:50
Rodgers played some wonderful football his first season and while Sevco were a joke its nearly impossible to go invincible in all domestic competitions.

Taking Mally's points into consideration he also had quality players that fit the system. Tierney, Roberts, Forrest and Sinclair all provided creativity on the wings. We had grit and workrate in the middle with the likes of Armstrong, McGregor and Christie along with a true captain in Brown. Add in the quality of Dembele and Griff up front we had a fantastic backbone to the team.

It went downhill when Lawwell started selling assets and not replacing with Rodgers chosen targets.

This time it's obvious that the Ange players don't fit the style. We should have allowed a clear out and replaced with suitable players. We done that for Ange albeit with Edouard, Ajer and Christie wanting to go.

Rodgers doesn't escape blame though. He's meant to be a tactical expert yet refuses to play a system to suit the available squad. We are crying out for a 352 as we do not have the quality on the wings.

Big couple of months coming. This season reminds me of Sevco imploding in Ange's first season when after a slow start we ran away with it after December.

4.) 17 Dec 2023 12:25:09
It helped that Rangers were utterly woeful. His record in Europe was abysmal. He bought some absolute duds too let’s not forget and at the end of his tenure we were, just like now, utterly without excitement or flair, just constant possession at a snails pace. The difference from where we are now to where we were at under Ange can he explained by my Sky Planner.,

Under Ange I was in constant trouble as I had the whole 100 hours mostly of our games that I loved to watch over. Right now, nearing Christmas I don’t have a single game recited and kept, the reason for that, I s apart from a few periods of excellent play, it isn’t worth watching the whole thing as it is dire. Nearly the same team, nowhere near the same standard. People talk about the lack of atmosphere, but who get excited by the utter slow dross ge has replaced Angeball with.

He has put us in a title race and it’s all down to him. If we were flung and ten points first he would see that as a vindication of himself, funny how when he has lost some many points, lost 6.0 in Europe and has bored and frustrated us all at how poor and innefectual his system is. That sums up the man to he. Not a man at all.

He has the opportunity to bring in quality, that doesn’t fill he with hood as the only layer joining in the summer who was his direct choice was Philips. The worst player we bought and I’m including skein in that. The question is, will the board do another Kenny during the 10.? Yes they will. They don’t have the balls to sack him if results continue to go south. One thing about our board is their consistency at being useless, ambitionless cowards. Still, they should have a lovely Christmas with the pay rises they awarded themselves. Imposters to a man.

5.) 17 Dec 2023 14:38:07
first of all it wasn’t a Rangers pub team it was Blueco Sevco Glasgow blues call them anything you like but not Rangers. Celtic won 4 trebles then nothing then a double and a treble Europe not so good. I would say that was a decent return remember the 90s? . We will find out what Brendan is made of now that he is up against it. I think he is the man for the job time will tell.

6.) 17 Dec 2023 16:22:23
I have a feeling that Magicpole isn’t a fan of BR managerial skills, he is quite entitled to his views, which will become the popular view if BR’s doesn’t have an immediate and consistent change of fortune .
My concerns are not what Sevco can do, they are very poor in football and financial terms . However they have very consistent a bias in their favour from Head of Referee’s Crawford Allan and his elite. refs and VAR operators.
We could laugh at the penalty or two or that John Greig was one of the last Rangers player to concede a penalty .
We have no further margin of error, as they will not be allowed to lose many points.

7.) 17 Dec 2023 20:00:40
M8 I work with rangers fans and your comment about refs penalties ect doesn't wash do you watch our games? We get more penalties than them you try go into work on a Monday with them after all this conspiracy rubbish get back to me.

8.) 18 Dec 2023 00:16:42
While Celtic are having a wee setback on the pitch. I hardly think anyone will surpass our achievements. Rangers cheated for a lot of trophies then went west. And Blueco I don’t see them winning 50 odd titles in my lifetime. let's enjoy Rangers extinction and stop panicking.

9.) 18 Dec 2023 03:37:43
Been saying it all season. magicpole HH.



01 Oct 2023 14:24:45
Just heard Frank McDougall passed away last night from heart troubles. It was a message from a family friend posted online. I'm hoping it's not true. If it is, sad news indeed.


1.) 01 Oct 2023 15:22:44
Frank McDougall also wasn’t keeping well with cancer.

He was a big Celtic fan and I remember he scored 4 goals for Aberdeen against us in a 4-1 defeat.

RIP Frank.

2.) 01 Oct 2023 16:04:01
Was there that day he/ they ripped us apart.

3.) 01 Oct 2023 17:22:39
I was also there at love street that night… he was indeed a top bhoy.



16 Jul 2023 07:09:01
Johnny Evans. Are you feckin kidding us Rogers?


1.) 16 Jul 2023 08:22:50
Story came from the Liverpool echo, would take it with a punch of salt.

2.) 16 Jul 2023 10:52:08
This person will never be within 100 miles of us. he is a desperate H—. He has a hatred and contempt of all the values this club possesses. He is up there with Lafferty and his Gang.
This is some kind of press invention. He’s cringing in a dark room now at even being mentioned in the same breath as us.
Scumbag, I know what I’d do with him and his kind.

3.) 16 Jul 2023 12:38:38

I take it I’m not likely to bump into Evans in Paeders or Tracey’s?

4.) 16 Jul 2023 16:54:18
Hopefully it’s just a wee Orange joke . Take it like the 2 bandsmen on a wee break on Wednesday.



02 Dec 2022 13:08:35
Hearing awful news that Lawelll is about to return to the club. I hope this isn't true as we don't need his effin ego and dithering cheapskate FIFA Manager approach. Just when things were looking good since the door hit his arse a n the way out, he's coming back. An absolute terrible decision if true. The great businessman m, whose dithering, cheapskatery and god awful recruitment of a train load of abject duds ensured we missed the biggest market of all 9 out of 13 attempts. An absolute regressive move of true. No thanks Peter we don't need you, in fact you will probably feck everything up.


{Ed007's Note - Sadly it's true, MP. ???

1.) 02 Dec 2022 13:20:48
Yip. Mr Mediocre himself is back. The Ego has landed ?.

2.) 02 Dec 2022 13:29:05
I think that will be a bad decision, if it's true.
The atmosphere and the relationship between the Celtic board and our fans has improved since Lawwell left the club.
It's a step backwards.
I thought the Lady on the board was getting promoted.

3.) 02 Dec 2022 13:54:12
I said it before, I always thou8ght there was a strong possibility of this happening.
I don't think he will yield, or want to have, as much power on the playing side this time. HH.

4.) 02 Dec 2022 14:03:18
He is non Execuive Chairman, so hopefully he cannot/ will not interfere with what our CEO is currently doing. You just get the feeling DD is behind this, wish he would sell his shares as he has not really contributed anything, even with all his wealth.

5.) 02 Dec 2022 14:45:27
All the good work in the last 18 months could unravel with him brought back in. The Board got praise for backing Ange and the fans where back on side. This is a disaster waiting to happen if he gets involved thinking he's the Director of football and the main man. Cronyism at work. Ange will be off down south next season if he does get involved due to his massive ego. Like a boot in the balls to the fans. The Board using Ange to welcome Lawell thinking all will be fine. They won't have expected the backlash that's coming. Ed what does his job require from him? As Bankier done feck all!

6.) 02 Dec 2022 14:56:47
Afternoon All

I have no real opinion 1 way or other regarding Peter Lawwell being appointed chairman of Celtic PLC.

As I understand the non executive chairman role of any PLC board is that it's a figure head role, supporting the board / company, offering guidance etc.

I'm sure Peter Lawwell has many faults (as we all do) but there's no doubt in my mind he has the best interests of the whole Celtic family at heart.

Personally we are at our best when we are all United.
We are top of league, are in a position of strength and things can only get better.

1 thing which is very easy to predict is that if we lose a game or games, VAR remains an issue or we sign a cheap player then Peter Lawwell will get all the blame.


7.) 02 Dec 2022 16:44:04
If he returns he better keep out of the way, we wouid have tens of millions in the bank if he wasn’t in charge missing out on 9 CL group stages by being a hesitant, let’s wait and see, we can put in Bitton and all the while pocketing £3n bonuses. He’s a feckin conman, a useless conman at that. If I were to list the utter crap players he recruited I would need a week to list them. You had your time apeter and for me you failed. Good businessmen don’t miss out on the most lucrative market for our product 9 years in 13. I know there are some among us who think he was a good businessman, well, never go into a venture with them is all I will advise. I feckin knew he would emerge to jump on the bandwagon now it’s going forward. You aren’t wanted Peter, every one of my mates has reacted thus, GTF! We are better off without him. What a week to give up sniffin paraffin.

8.) 02 Dec 2022 20:25:06
Settle down lads, he isn't returning to the role he was in before.
He won't be involved in football stuff. HH.

9.) 03 Dec 2022 00:10:02
How dismaying. Hard to see what useful purpose this backward step could possibly serve, or what he has done since stepping off to merit a return.

But he won't be involved in the football stuff FOR NOW.



22 Sep 2018 11:08:06
Reading Rogers thinks the slump in attacking form may last all season. That's the spirit.


1.) 22 Sep 2018 12:10:14
Magicpole, try reading or watching the whole interview instead of reacting to the media spin on what the manager said!

2.) 22 Sep 2018 12:14:03
If it’s not mind games to get the attacking players to sort themselves out then this is worrying.

3.) 22 Sep 2018 12:14:28
That's not exactly what he said MP, That's just what the papers want people to believe he said.
Whats he did say was.
“We haven’t been as dynamic as we have been in the last couple of years, It might be a season for us like that"

The media missed this bit out though.

"We will always find a way and try to find a solution to perform well because performing, for me, is very, very important, Being able to win and not give away much is important because that helps your confidence and you grow and grow from there. Will the dynamism return as results improve? Absolutely. ”.

4.) 22 Sep 2018 13:10:20
Unless it's a live interview; I would ALWAYS totally ignore or disregard anything offered as 'fact' or 'quote' by the hostile media in this country. They will print or 'report' slanted and biased interpretations/ speculation aimed purely at distraction and antagonism.

5.) 22 Sep 2018 14:47:50
Am just thankful he sees what we're seeing and it's an honest and accurate assessment. no point waxing lyrical because we've been rotten apart from sevco game. definetely miss wee paddy and Armstrong and anno they were injured a fair bit and eddy is really struggling for some reason, but it can only get better.

6.) 22 Sep 2018 22:06:57
It's obvious the negative gullible fans are the fans that give money to MSSM and pick up their negative views from our enemies, which is bad enough but these clowns try to spread the media nonsense.




Magicpole's rumour replies


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29 Jun 2024 08:18:39
What we do know is his PR team called it out as BS. Hart told them he was going. If a single board member takes a bonys because the bank balance is high, especially if they fail to improve us, they are despicable opportunists and theives. They have manufactured a system that pays dividends to those and such as those. The bottom line is still, we are run by ambitionless, cheapskate cowards. And my suggestion that even with all our money, these men will leave us actually weaker, is a better bet with them in charge. They are our greatest barrier to improving. Always have been, always will. I have zero confidence in them and not much in Rogers signing record either. Everybody, myself included, thought after the last two windows would step up. But at the back of our minds was the nagging doubt about our board. Those doubts are backed up by past experience. It’s hard to be optimistic when the dithering, cheapskate elephant in the room is still wearing a blazer, with an eye on a bonus. It’s a tragic state of affairs when our biggest threat isn’t Sevco, it’s our own board.




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29 Jun 2024 08:00:54
He was just another name that until they are standing with a scarf, we shouldn’t believe. Not many will move from a better league for Lawell wages. And as long as that mentality persists, even going for these players is like Alex Rae turning up at Miss World and expecting to go home with the winner. Let’s face it. We don’t need to waste our time with the big leagues. Every team at the euros now are better technically than us. Georgia, Albania etc have players too. With a league as attractive as Rae, we need to look at places where we can spend £6-7m for their better players and they see us as a step to bigger leagues. Otherwise it will be an excercise in failure that will end with the usual, we tried. Well Alex would try to nip Miss World but it would never happen. Same for us with players already in better leagues. All the talk about signings already done? Did anybody actually believe that? Bless.




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26 Jun 2024 08:54:08
Couldn’t have helped watching Scotland, if that was an indication of the quality of our league.

Noticed wee Strachan hoisting the white flag on behalf of the board no doubt, about, how we can't do this, can’t do that, don’t have the money, smaller teams do well but they get decimated by bigger clubs buying their players. But, they do well. They get better prices because they do well. I’ve never read such a pessimistic, sh itebag, what’s the point we are all going to die attitude. He talked of, you can spend but you have wages. No sh it, Sherlock.

This to me is the Lawell mindset and Strachan iniws there’s no effin way our board will step up. If Paddy Power had a bet that, even with all that money, we end up weaker this season, I would stick a score on it. We lose Matt and CCV there is no way we will replace them like for like. Buckle up for hard luck stories of failed attempts for top players and being taken the p iss out of yet again.

Run by ambitionless, dithering cowards and no matter how much I try to believe we will have a go, that fizzles out when I remember who we have to rely on.




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19 Jun 2024 08:00:10
Haven’t bought a Daily Ranger for 25 years. Sevco in print.




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17 Jun 2024 08:20:52
Maedin, Lawell haunts me. I hear what you’re saying though. I will believe it when I see it. I’ve been waiting since Seville for us to take Europe seriously. Confidence in Rogers signing record, especially at us, which was pretty awful too, isn’t high. His one signing Philips, was by far the worst of a bad bunch. I will get back on the glue for a few weeks to calm me.





Magicpole's banter replies


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24 Jun 2024 09:36:31
Well now that we are out, after three games that showed how technically bad we are is over. Time to buy foreign players to help us improve in Europe. Scotland produces journeymen. We were by a distance, the worst technical team in view. Our midfielders did nothing but pass it back or sideways. We were utterly woeful all three games. Up front absolutely nothing.

I like to have Scottish players in the team, that’s ok for domestic issues. In Europe, we aren’t at the races.

Come on Celtic, get us quality to forget all about it.




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20 Jun 2024 16:19:30
“ Callum McGregor had a 95% passing accuracy last night and he committed Zero fouls.
He also had an assist” Calum was awful. 95% of that 95% was passed straight back to who he received it from. Both McGinn and him were nowhere the whole game. All I seen him do was point. He never turned and ran at them once. My cat could have made the passes he made. He needs to turn up on Sunday because the two games so far he has been awful.

Tony is out of his depth too. He shouldn’t start on Sunday.




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15 Jun 2024 14:33:00
Shows the p Rick is still hurting badly, that’ll do me.




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15 Jun 2024 14:31:31
I agree. If we are ever to truly get a team who can compete in the CL then neither Calum or Tony showed they can handle that level last night. The whole team were an embarrassment. Bottom line is, our best players are mediocre in the grand scheme of things and last night, that truth was hammered home.




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13 Jun 2024 13:45:41
Me too.




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