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12 Jul 2024 18:15:13
€5m for Oh with add ons! Well done Whoever got that deal through ?.


1.) 12 Jul 2024 21:35:45
Get that and bid for miovski. As well as Idah.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 21:51:40

where have you seen this?

☘️ ? ☘️.

3.) 13 Jul 2024 10:39:49
I really like Oh and will be sad to see him go, I will wish him all the best and think he will go on and have good career.



26 Jun 2024 14:13:10
Haksabanovic offski for €3m officially.
Well done to the CEO etc for getting anything for him at all!


1.) 26 Jun 2024 16:02:51
Hopefully this will be the start of getting the players that are not part of Brendan Rodgers plans, it was mentioned on these pages a while ago that there were about 18 players who Celtic could move on, but it is not always a easy thing to do if the player is getting a good wage, without contributing anything as a player to the 1st team squad.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 18:46:50
First of many out the door that’s needed, still a long way to go though there’s about another 10 on the books that could be classed as deadwood.

3.) 27 Jun 2024 16:17:27
I agree the clear-out was very important to reduce the squad, get rid of players who are not in the managers plans and raising extra funds. The real test for the Board will be to bring in better quality than we have and improve the team for Europe and domestic dominance.



14 Jun 2024 19:09:18
Lad Mccowan meant to be coming in from Dundee. Have to say he impressed a lot last season!

Sort of signing we should be making. Certainly a player that improves the squad depth when we have so many games.


1.) 14 Jun 2024 21:48:05
Different era but I remember Barry Robson and PAul Hartley doing great job not so long ago and both late 20s.

2.) 15 Jun 2024 14:09:50
Squad player at best. Would rather we went for watson baron or miller.

3.) 15 Jun 2024 14:23:35
Family are big Celtic fans. I went to Seville with his dad Paul. his 2 uncles n his Granda. If he has any choices, he'll pick Celtic all day long.

4.) 15 Jun 2024 17:45:38
DC, a squad player that was arguably the best outside of Celtic last season. If he improves the squad that’s all that matters.

5.) 15 Jun 2024 18:48:26
Agree to disagree kev. The 3 I mentioned were better imo.

6.) 16 Jun 2024 06:57:16
I would rather we got an effin move on. No players yet. I wonder if Lawell is involved, holding up a transfer over the price of a pint. It’s falling into the same pattern as always under his guidance. Nothing happening and wait for the son story of how no one wanted to come for a bag of shrapnel. I wonder what kind of bonus he gets if we don’t spend at all? Wouldn’t put anything past him. Dithering and dragging it out helps no one., .

7.) 16 Jun 2024 07:33:34
Magic, give it time, the window has just opened. Even Keevins is claiming we have a few agreed already but he hasn't been able to find out who.

Let's stop the PL nonsense already, Ed has explained many times his job title, it has nothing to do with the football side, that is Nicholson.

8.) 16 Jun 2024 09:00:36
Barron has been kicking about for about 5 years and he's never progressed.

9.) 16 Jun 2024 10:17:44
Malley Barron is only 21,remember him in the semi final? best player on the park, we'd be far better getting him than Mcgowan.

10.) 16 Jun 2024 11:01:43
Well he's been about the Aberdeen first team for a few years and never made the jump. you'd have thought the English would have been all over him if he was thecreal deal. good luck to the boy.

11.) 16 Jun 2024 11:13:46
He broke into their team 2 and a half year ago and only really became a 1st team regular this season. The potential is huge.

12.) 16 Jun 2024 11:49:51
Malley a couple of English clubs are in for him along with Italian clubs, probably his 15k wages putting us off.

13.) 16 Jun 2024 12:39:57
Do you not think there’s a reason we aren’t in for Barron? He’s not good enough simple.

14.) 16 Jun 2024 13:16:02
Far better player than McCowan ken.

15.) 16 Jun 2024 14:10:45
We should be aiming higher but I would prefer mccowan from whatI've seen this season from all the midfielders just my opinion.

16.) 16 Jun 2024 14:23:20
He might be like John McGinn, just not good enough for us.

17.) 17 Jun 2024 08:20:52
Maedin, Lawell haunts me. I hear what you’re saying though. I will believe it when I see it. I’ve been waiting since Seville for us to take Europe seriously. Confidence in Rogers signing record, especially at us, which was pretty awful too, isn’t high. His one signing Philips, was by far the worst of a bad bunch. I will get back on the glue for a few weeks to calm me.



21 May 2024 11:37:49
Note we are linked with Casteels the Belgium keeper. What a signing that would be, we should be all over him!


1.) 22 May 2024 11:24:51
Coming to Scotland? I doubt that very much. Every goalie who has anything about them will be quoted as a target. Buckle up lads, the insanity is about to begin.

2.) 22 May 2024 18:32:51
If we offered him 40k a year n a decent signing bonus why not?!

3.) 23 May 2024 07:46:36
Listen I hope he does, but, on the balance of how good he obviously is, the offers he will have, the money he will be offered (40k is chickenfeed) the league we are in and how it is perceived, makes me think he may go elsewhere. Our ace is the CL, but, there are another 35 teams in there, in better leagues who may want him. I can’t see it, but, who knows.

4.) 23 May 2024 12:15:46
£40k pw might be chicken feed in today's market but not if you're picking up a juicy signing-on bonus like Ken suggested. £2M up front and £40k pw over a 3 year deal takes you to around £52k pw. If the rumours about £7-8M for Cakir are accurate then you're saving yourself a good few million while still getting a very reputable player. If the Saudis or somebody else comes in with £80k pw then so be it, at least we put our best foot forward.

5.) 23 May 2024 19:32:36
That’s the main thing Kev! Asking the question we are far too late in making offers it seems.

{Ed007's Note - I said last week about Ndidi, offer him £40k a week and a £6 million signing on fee paid over a 4-year period takes him up to about £70k a week, we'd immediately improve the midfield quality wise and tactically with a proper CDM.}

6.) 26 May 2024 08:50:50
Well nobody thought we’d have ever been able to lure someone of the stature of Joe Hart and look what happened there -a top bloke and keeper he’ll be missed.
Celtic are still a big name in Europe and that is a lure for any player.



18 May 2024 10:24:24
Rumours of Jake Clarke-Slater gathering pace. Looks like we are in for him!

ED this one seems to be a solid link. Do you know much about him and are we interested?

One for buzz. Have we ever had a double-barrel named centre back pairing? lol.


{Ed007's Note - Clarke-Slater was considered a bit of a wonderkid but injuries held him back although he seems to have got over that. Celtic are one of the teams that have scouted him and he seems to be a bit of hot property with teams going up to the Pub League and teams at the bottom who have managed to stay up so it's obvious that he's seen as a player ready to step up a level.}

1.) 18 May 2024 20:28:10
I don’t think we have Ken.




KenLikeEh's banter posts with other poster's replies to KenLikeEh's banter posts


24 Jul 2024 09:55:10
It's nice to beat Man City obviously but have to remember we were playing there u21s with a few senior players thrown in.

Feel there is a bit of an over reaction going on.


1.) 24 Jul 2024 11:02:43
The Man City reserves is higher quality opposition than we'll face anywhere in Scotland so it's nice to get the win with Kilmarnock next week. We didn't really learn anything new, our forward players are a serious danger on the counter and the defence stands out as an area of concern. Schmeichel imposing and impressive.

2.) 24 Jul 2024 11:23:32
Yes Its only a friendly ken but they had haaland (arguably the worlds best player) ortega, ederson, grealish, and phillips all seasoned veterans play at least a half. Rico lewis, bobb and mcatee all had decent experience playing EPL and or CL football last season and are all very very highly rated.
Dont forget ken we were missing CCV and johnston and had 1 striker available. Not to mention some of our own kids getting a run.
Take the win mate, might not mean much but will be a very valuable experience to some of our players and great for confidence.

3.) 24 Jul 2024 13:15:12
I think your post practically summed up my point DT. Nice to get a win but by no means the real Man City.

4.) 25 Jul 2024 16:55:41
As has been posted by someone here . The Manchester City manager has beaten every UK team he has played except us and Wigan . I suppose City played shadow teams in the Champions League home and away.



23 Jul 2024 14:01:20
I know Palma got a lot of stick last season but his Goals and Assists were impressive for a winger. 41 Appearances, 12 goals 13 assists.

Either he improves on his off the ball game namely tracking back in defence.


He gets moved into the No10 role sort of a Rogic style. Player.

Either way I think he'd be successful.


1.) 23 Jul 2024 17:54:14
Absolutely Ken. All his strengths point to him being more effective centrally. He's not quick and hasn't tricky so he struggles on the wing against decent full backs.

2.) 23 Jul 2024 18:34:32
I am not saying we don’t want players in, we certainly do and at least a couple that can play a role for us on August the 4th
However I am quite confident that we will have as many as 5 players who will contribute quite a bit more than last season . I would like to think that CCV, Hatate and McGregor will also not miss as many games in the coming season as last season and will play better because of not having the injuries of last season .
If we get the transfers in, and there is still no reason why we won’t we will be noticeable stronger than last season.



15 Jul 2024 20:12:06
The Villa keeper we look to have signed looks like an absolute beast of a shot stopper and can save a penalty!


1.) 15 Jul 2024 20:55:47
Are Celtic finally doing transfers right . an experienced keeper on a short term deal and bringing in a highly rated young one as his replacement. I think it was Celtic mad manager / coach Steve evans who was singing this Finnish boys praises. he was also praising the boy Conway highly.

2.) 15 Jul 2024 22:38:12
Conway looks worth signing as well. ?.

3.) 16 Jul 2024 08:14:08
KLE maybe the Villa keeper will know someone who can take a penalty.

4.) 16 Jul 2024 10:36:40
Don’t know anything about the Villa lad but if he’s as good as some are saying, great news. Now that Rogers has ruled out both Holm and Lawal aren’t ready, when Matt leaves that's three we need to ensure we have cover. All very well saying they aren’t there yet, it’s getting in the players who are that is the worry in time going by the time we’ve taken so far and not one player actually signed yet.



12 Jul 2024 13:55:30
So here is the generic posts that continue to raise their head across all Celtic forums. Also a wee snippet on how I react each time I read this drivel.

1. We should pay top dollar for every single player and trying to get a good price is now considered penny pinching.

Players are valued by a club, that does not mean we will pay that price for them. £2m here and there soon equates to tens of millions. If Norwich Value Idah at £8m and we sign him for £4m with add ons. Will the board be praised by the Celtic fan base for Co-ordinating an unbelievable deal. No. The average fan will slate the board comments like "should've had a loan to buy for £3m last year". They can never ever win.

2. Young players leaving to sign for others teams are considered idiotic and should be at Celtic for ever and ever. Because we are the best team in the world at developing youth.

There is no pathway for these young players at all. They're playing against part timers and have absolutely no structure or format to streamline them into the first team. Our youth set up is unbelievably amateur and it's almost embarrassing.

3. Every player we are linked with is rubbish or "shampoo" (I hate it when anyone says Shampoo it is terrible patter) . A player shouldn't be signed unless he is worth £8m and plays for a top 10 club!

Players are literally deemed not good enough before they've kicked a ball for us. It's a disgrace. This is just unrealistic. We don't have infinite spending power and need to spend wisely or we will end up with more Ajetis, Barkas' and Lagerbielkes. The whole writing players off early is ridiculous and shows how impatient and utterly spoiled some of our fan base are.

There's plenty other things out there that just have immediate insane reactions with absolutely no thought on the matter.

I welcome anyone else's suggestions and input of these repeat posts/ topics, I also welcome being slagged off for the slight satire I have written above!

Again I'll state I'm pretty optimistic about the season going forward and think we will be stronger at the end of August!


1.) 12 Jul 2024 15:12:37
Unfortunately historically our board go for quantity over quality or try and haggle down and lose the player . no we don't have to spend excessively for every player but we penny pinch but then seem to overspend regularly on duds that we know are duds and whose claim to fame is they toured the San siro or camp nou . agree with your youth statement . but a lot of our fans just seem to write off every player in it before seeing them then rave about some so called wonder kid who they say will tear our league up and who almost every time are crap.

2.) 12 Jul 2024 16:43:03
If the coefficient drop doesn't concern the board nothing will. And I do blame the board for the drop. I am by no way panicking about us not bringing in new players YET, But we do have to get quality players in and some dross out. Time the board ern their big pay.

3.) 12 Jul 2024 17:21:13
@tony - I was reading an interesting article about wage to revenue ratio.

The article correctly said that you do not want the ratio to be too high as it can lead to debt spiralling out of control. However, they also said that having a low ratio is also problematic.

They stayed that a low ratio tends to lead to the signing of sub standard players as you won't meet the wages required to bring in the correct standard of player. It can also lead to unrest in the squad as the best players are not being paid what they should and this can lead to players wanting away.

Our ratio is below 20%. To put that into perspective Tottenham has one of the lowest of the top teams and theirs is more than double ours.

This shows that the board are risk averse and have no intention of trying to improve our fortunes in Europe.



10 Jul 2024 19:06:01
David Strelec plays for Slovan Bratislava.
11 goals 10 assists last season.
Looks like a right good player and capped for Slovakia.

I'd take a punt on him as a Youngish 3rd choice.


1.) 10 Jul 2024 20:31:54
A right good shout ?

☘️ ? ☘️.




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12 Jul 2024 18:01:07
Do you not think he would have came on leaps n bounds if there was an actual system in place to produce players Mally. Think how good he would’ve been if that was the case!




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12 Jul 2024 13:35:42
It is absolutely mental how our fan base think Celtic is the be all and end all of football. This boy probably sees the crap pathway Celtic have gave him and realises his potential is best served elsewhere.
No wonder they are leaving, don’t blame the player blame the board and the structures they have failed to put in place.




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03 Jul 2024 17:31:52
To be honest Pedro. Cal Mac failed to impress a lot last season, he was abysmal apart from 3/ 4 games.
We should be actively looking for our next captain right now.




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01 Jul 2024 18:07:22
32 year old Armstrong who would be as good a signing as James McCarthy! Aye great shout! I’ll chime back in a year when he’s making 15k a week n has played 3 games for us. Talk about regressing.




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30 Jun 2024 18:34:45
Absolutely not his best years are way behind him.





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24 Jul 2024 13:15:12
I think your post practically summed up my point DT. Nice to get a win but by no means the real Man City.




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24 Jul 2024 09:57:27
This is another scenario where the board can only do wrong!

We sign him on an improved 3 year deal, the Celtic fan base would lose the plot and say he’s rubbish etc again.


We let his contract run out and the haters say “we should never have let Taylor go especially for free”.

I can literally see it now. The Taylor hatred needs to stop.




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20 Jul 2024 10:12:57
I still have no idea why 90% of our fan base can’t see the quality that Taylor brings to the team. In reality can you pin point where he has went wrong. Maybe found out in Europe but so are the rest of the team. He’s a huge voice in the changing rooms and a great player to have around the club.

If we can improve on him great. If not I’m happy with him at LB next season.




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17 Jul 2024 20:08:11
Tbh Des I think Shamrock Rovers would beat most teams outside of Celtic. I even think they’d give rangers a game.




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17 Jul 2024 20:06:31
I reckon they’ll all be complete by start of next week. I don’t think there is a delay in the Schmeichel deal either. Patience is needed.




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