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30 Jan 2021 23:03:04
So I'm a newbie around here. Well in terms of an account but I've been looking at this website for a while.

I was chatting to a guy I know who is a youth coach at Celtic - he does community coaching but also shadows at the youth level for experience. He was saying that the chat is Lennon is going before the seasons out and Kennedy will be moved up to the top job till the end of the season and if he cuts the gap and has the team playing well - he might be given the job full time but on a rolling contract to avoid having to buy him out if he makes a mess of it. Seen as a great coach and well respected by the hierarchy. I think others may have said this but just thought I'd share what I was told.


1.) 31 Jan 2021 08:22:14
Regi if Kennedy is such a good coach what has he been doing for the last 4 months?

2.) 31 Jan 2021 09:59:25
Why would a youth coach be party to the boards plans? He wouldn't. Simple as that. There is no way Kennedy will become manager. That would be a disaster. Having said that, our board have a talent for creating disaster so woukd anybody be surprised? I know I wouldn't.

3.) 31 Jan 2021 10:36:35
Oh that's definitely true. I suppose it's more just the discussion around the club at varying levels that I'm relaying.




RegiBlinkered's banter posts with other poster's replies to RegiBlinkered's banter posts


13 Jun 2024 09:48:45
Any news on O'Reilly interest? I love him but I'd probably cash in - he's a wonderful player but I don't think we should be knocking back 40/ 50m for him. Take it and then reinvest - buy a world class goalkeeper and a new cm to replace him and have money left over. We have a team good enough to get to the latter stages of the CL if we invest properly and O'Reilly sale can fund that!


1.) 13 Jun 2024 10:28:03
Would rather keep him but we rarely stand in the players way. on this occasion we literally can name our price as we are cash rich. I'd be hoping we start the bidding at 30m plus.

2.) 13 Jun 2024 11:23:33
According to Salary Sport,
Matt O’Riley is on £14k a week and that’s the same wage as Siegrist, Ralston, Lagerbielke and James McCarthy.

It was mentioned that O’Riley received a big pay rise in October 2023 but his original wage, would’ve be low after his transfer from MK Dons in 2022.

If the above is true,
Matt deserves another rise if he’s to remain at Celtic Park next season.
It wouldn’t be fair for our biggest asset, only being about the 10th highest earning player at our club.

I reckon he will leave and get 5 times his wage in a much bigger league and I wouldn’t blame him for showing ambition at such a relatively young age.

3.) 13 Jun 2024 11:51:53
MOR seems an excellent professional and undoubted team player and I have heard nothing to suggest he's unhappy and wants to leave. However, I did think he was unsettled by the Athletico speculation in Januauary and it seemed to affect him for a while.
Because our club is notorious for selling off our best players, I would not be surprised to see him leave, but I really wish our club would act like the big club they think they are and bring in the additional quality to build a better team around him and progress.

4.) 13 Jun 2024 13:33:11
Surely when MO’R signed his new contract in Oct 2023 it contained a decent increase in wages and adds -on plus provision for further increases between seasons as Board would have recognised his value to Celtic and would want to keep him as long as possible. The more he is earning, the more Celtic could raise his asking price .
There are publications around that still want to label Celtic with the biscuit tin mentality. We know what Celtic pay for wages in total, individual wages are pure speculation.

5.) 13 Jun 2024 15:58:01
He should be offered 50k pw to stay. Well worth being our top earner and the team should be getting built around him.
Unfortunately he won't as we aren't ambitious enough.

6.) 13 Jun 2024 17:14:40
I hope he stays for another year.8 Champios League games this coming season and more domestic medals for him to win Then he can get his big move.

7.) 13 Jun 2024 17:57:09
Not sure what BR thinks of the Japanese bhoys or whether they fit in his system. Kyogo does it for me and should stick around but will he be the number one striker? Hatate can be decent every now and again but think he's got a lot more to give and I can't see it. Iwata is steady but is that enough? Maeda is faster than Dai Rea, the Welsh boy. We need better to give it a go in Europe so this transfer window and the next is going to be mightily interesting.

8.) 13 Jun 2024 18:23:49
Derry Tim, there is no reason with a good basic wage and bonuses for domestic trophy winning as well as progress in Europe that we couldn’t manage £50k . After all as Bertie Auld told the Rangers player before a match that the Celtic bonuses were guaranteed.



21 May 2024 23:50:14
Goalkeepers - I'm seeing the Belgium keeper being mentioned and I think it's a good signing. But what about a big name? I've mentioned him before but imagine de gea up here? It would stick it up that mob as well - we would have the GK who kept their saviour out of the team at Man U and what a keeper De Gea is as well!

Next up is CF - I'd pay what Norwich want for Idah - sell some of the fodder we have up top and push it out for him.

And on O'Reilly - I've seen rumors of 75 million and that's just stupid. But I'd be looking for 40-50 million - guys one of the best in the world at the moment. No doubt about it. And then go buy Ferguson from Bologna for a bit less than that. He's going places as well.


1.) 22 May 2024 02:21:42
Sorry regi but ferguson i think would be out of our price range. Can see us spending more than 15 maybe 20 mil at the most on 1 player and that's with the board loosening the purse strings.
I do agree with you though he would be great signing. Very similar player to oriley. Half of europe are sniffing about him too.
Imaging ferguson ndidi and oriley in a midfield 3. that's the type of players we need at the club to progress in europe.

2.) 22 May 2024 07:02:47
I never took our link with Motherwell keeper Liam Kelly serious last week.

I’ve mentioned before that Kelly has been the worst keeper in the Premiership this season with only a 63% save rate.

I’m a little shocked that Sevco are interested in taking him back to Ibrox where I think he started his career.

Kelly did play better against Sevco this season, with an impressive 81% save rate but he only had a 65% save rate against Celtic, which is about his average for the season.

3.) 22 May 2024 09:31:59
I'd rather take the Belgian keeper than De Gea tbh. He's been without a club ever since he left Man Utd which says to me he's not the keeper he once was or his wage demands are astronomical. Either way, I'd pass.

Idah, I've said before I think he'd be worth signing permanently because he gives us a different option and has proven he can come in and do it under the pressure at Celtic. Saying that, we should always be looking to sign the best we can and Idah probably doesn't fall into that category.

We're not getting £40-50M for O'Riley. I think we could possibly get very slightly more than our record fee but £30M is the absolute max we're getting for him in my opinion. Until the SP winners get more than £4M for winning the league, there's a ceiling on fees the club will realistically turn down. Ferguson is pie in the sky.

4.) 22 May 2024 10:29:39
The Turkish lad at man u would be an option.

5.) 22 May 2024 11:33:23
De Gea won the Man Utd POTY award 4 times which is a lot for a keeper and the last being only 2 years ago.

His wages would be double or triple our Cap on wages.

6.) 22 May 2024 13:23:16
De Gea is not the type of goalie I would want at Celtic . When he is good he is absolutely brilliant . However in his last season with United he displayed his brilliance less frequently and showed a very haphazard run of form, in which he was responsible for all types of exceptionally soft goals .
I fear that tendenvy may continue and taking into account his likely obscene wages that us Celtic fans would think he was on, we would soon crucify him . Getting one over on them is the worse possible reason for signing anyone . Let us look for an experienced solid goalkeeper, saying almost all that is. Expected of him and good ball delivery.



28 Jan 2024 23:35:26
I was listening to open goal with wee si ferry, and faddy plus Derek ferguson and faddy floated selling matt O'Reilly to athletico and using the money to buy Lewis Ferguson - that's a great shout and would make them across the city spit with rage. What do people think?


1.) 29 Jan 2024 01:44:51
Celtic could’ve got Ferguson for £3 Million but now he’s worth €20 Million Euro.

I like Ferguson because he’s an allrounder, who can play as a 6,8 or in the 10 position.

He’s brilliant in the air at corners and he also scores penalties.
Ferguson basically has all the Qualities that this Celtic team is missing.

The same figures could also be said about Hickey who can play in either fullback positions.

That ship has sailed on both unfortunately.

2.) 29 Jan 2024 07:44:47
RegiBlinkered you mentioned Faddy, I think you should change that to FANNY this is a guy who called for offside against a Rangers player on Saturday only to be told you can't be offside from a throw in embarrassing or what.

3.) 29 Jan 2024 09:43:30
Buzz getting Ferguson would have been good move at the time but he wouldn't have scored from any corners as we have no player who can put in a decent ball. They all go short and we end up back at the halfway line.

Kyogo looks flat as no one can see a pass. I saw at least a dozen times when Scales alone could have put a ball through for him as he had made a great run. As usual he went wide left.

When Hatate comes back, he can thread a pass. None of our back and midfield players look up for a run, they are so used to going across and not forward.

Our wingers come inside, not outside and get the ball in early.

Neither our backs overlap and hit the ball in. GT gets in great positions and passes inside, AJ doesn't overlap much now, so nothing for our striker and main threat to feed off.

I think the word turgid is a compliment on what we watched.

We have all said get another striker, a big player who will usual physicality but what's the ount when we don't put the ball into the box from out wide.

Not sure if the players they have got in are any good but they are out thete looking and buying.

It isn't an easy window but surely there are players of the calibre we want and need available.

I don't think anyone will accept or believe it, if the club come out after the window closes and claims we tried to get in 4 or 5 players but couldn't get 1 over the line.

If it is the board getting involved and interfering, which I don't think will be the case, will BR stay after the summer.

If it is recruitment, what has gone wrong. Was it Ange who identified all he players he took in and if so, that suggests our team are not fit for purpose.

Michael Nicholson got praise for supporting Ange the way he did, where is he now, I have not seen him anywhere, no comments, no saying he will support BR with money to improve the team.

The question now is, if we get no more in, get our Asian bhoys back, is that enough to retain the league. Is that the plan, leave improvements till the summer. Huge risk if it is.

A lack of left back progress is appalling. Bernie is nowhere near good enough. He loses the ball too often and the commits fouls trying to get the ball back. He is a risk in big games.

4.) 29 Jan 2024 11:56:44
If our wingers continue to deceive,
I would take them out of the equation altogether.

I would play Nawrocki, CCV and Scales at the back.
And hopefully Sydney partnering Kyogo up front.

5.) 29 Jan 2024 14:44:25
With regard’s Ferguson and Hickey, some people are using the value of hindsight. When they were available before going European are support was fairly evenly split as to whether they would have either of them .
Some didn’t want Ferguson at any price, but nobody is denying that the progress they have made they would be very useful to us.

6.) 29 Jan 2024 18:24:56
Buzz I totally agree with you, I can't see why don't play with 2 forwards and try a 3-5-2 formation. I feel like the 4-3-3 formation is misfiring just now due to our lack of a decent winger. It has also been said on here Kyogo makes great runs but no one ever picks him out. I think with a big striker up front with him it would ease the burden on him.



31 May 2023 15:49:04
So sky sports is saying Ange is the pole candidate for spurs. who would you guys want to replace him? Rodgers is available and I think Jose will leave Roma if they win the Europa league - I know who I'd pick.


1.) 31 May 2023 16:14:59
Won't happen but I'd love Jose. The meltdown it would cause, not just in the mob but our own fans as well would be outstanding to watch.
On top of that he's one of the best ever to manage and wins things almost everywhere he goes.

2.) 31 May 2023 16:27:33
Jose doesn't play football. It's hard to watch and grinds, turns superstars into mice.

3.) 31 May 2023 16:44:17
Kev why would you want a meltdown with our fans ?.

4.) 31 May 2023 16:58:10
Turns players in to winner. We don't have superstars.
What he's done at porto, inter and now Roma is outstanding.
Built Chelsea back up.
Best man utd manager since Ferguson.

5.) 31 May 2023 16:59:31
I would hate Jose, he is the opposite to what I would want as a Manager or as a Celtic employee . His team plays a lousy style of football and his behaviour and management style is such that rows between him and players and him and Board would be all too frequent. Whatever good Ange did or brought to club would have disappeared before Christmas.

6.) 31 May 2023 17:10:44
Mally there is going to be a melt down with our fans no matter what, there always is, look at when Ange arrived, look at what happened when we lost a couple games AFTER winning the league. Its mental ?.

7.) 31 May 2023 18:05:00
As a Celtic fan who also supports Roma I would have to say Jose is a winner but he doesn't win the Celtic way. I would love to see him lead Roma to vistory tonight and then stay at Roma and lead them to win the champions league next year, that would be even better than what he did with Porto and jose would be immortal.
I like his banter and headgames and love what he's doing at Roma but he is antifootball for me. If he were at Celtic we would probably have a better european record but the team would unrecognizable as a Celtic team.
Love him just keep him away from Paradise.

8.) 31 May 2023 19:37:37
Cheaters is what he actually turns players into but if that's how you'd have Celtic play and our players viewed then I guess he's yer man.

Ange won't leave for spurs and even if he did, he'd be back before we appointed another manager with how quick that revolving doors hits people on the erse at WHL.

There's no upside to being the spurs manager, they can't even keep an interim coach long enough to finish a season and Kane and likely Son will be away so yer dealing with the likes of Richarlison and Dier ? and relying on them to keep you in a job that Kane can't keep Conte in.

9.) 31 May 2023 19:41:25
Would love nothing more than a Sevilla win tonight. Although they will need to do what no team has done since us and that's score against a Mourinho team in a European final.



04 Jun 2021 23:14:18
I've just seen a quote from Ajer about how he wants to leave now to ensure we get some money for him and that he's a huge fan but he needs to make sure we get money for him! Well why doesn't he stay? If he loves the club that much - why doesn't he stay and try to become a legend. Because at the moment he's a jumped up youth who's not the player he thinks he is. He's the first 20 million pound player I've seen who's only had a handful of good games. I'd let him rot away in the reserves for that nonsense - faux care about how the club fares after you leave and supposed fandom won't get you anywhere, Kristoffer.


1.) 04 Jun 2021 23:52:43
Grass is always greener. so they think.

2.) 05 Jun 2021 00:28:29
Regi, I dunno what you're trying to say there but it doesn't look like you're a big fan of Ajer. HH.

3.) 05 Jun 2021 00:41:45
Unfortunately, rotting in the reserves does nobody any good. If he wants to go, let him, and wish him well. If he's done well for us, we make money out of him.
Maybe, at the tail end of his career, and if it's a great career, we could maybe get him back, improved, better, and he helps a bunch of youngsters progress, aka, Bertie Auld.
He may think twice though if he's severely slated for wanting to leave, or left rotting in the reserves. Chill, be cool with him leaving. Everybody does at some point. Celtic will still be there, and we should be looking forward, not back.

4.) 05 Jun 2021 07:19:08
I think a lot of people underestimate Ajer, without him last season would have been a he'll of a lot worse. The boys trying to be respectful while pushing for a move. At the end of the day, no matter how much you love your job, if you were getting offered more money elsewhere I can guarantee 99% of us would take it. Remember this is a job for these guys as well and they retire very early, so it's smart for them to try and make as much money as they can while playing. Good luck big Ajer wherever you end up 👍.

5.) 05 Jun 2021 08:57:55
I think he is trying to keep the support 'onside' with his reasons and to be honest how different is that to VVD, Hooper, KT and even way back to Dalglish. He has served the club very well - in a position that is not his natural and best - but like most of us realizes the limitations of Celtic and the SPL at this time.
We could make a couple of full teams from the players who have had 'ambition' for a higher standard and bigger pay-packet; although there are quite a few for whom, the grass was not always greener career-wise, if not financially.

6.) 05 Jun 2021 09:08:07
8 to 10 million I would take. He's vastly overated. The amount of goals he cost us last season was shocking.

I also never understand why fans say let him rot in the reserves who does that benefit? Take the money and run I say.

7.) 05 Jun 2021 09:50:16
First Edouard and now Ajer - stupid comments they are over rated and get them out. The 2 best players at our club over the last few years and they want better than playing in the SPL.

The fans have been fuming since Lennon returned and brought the standards down maybe the players are just as scunnered.

8.) 05 Jun 2021 09:46:15
Regi WTF? He's the worst 20M player you have seen then you say - why doesn't he stay and try and become a legend? Then you pathetically say we should let him rot in the reserves? What is wrong with you? Seriously? Spiteful and petty BS. Sure Ajer makes mistakes he's a young CB. He has been nothing but committed to Celtic and hasn't down tools once.
In a season which was less than stellar he played reasonably well in an underperforming team. We should be complementing the effort when our players try their very best. Not tearing them down at every opportunity. You can love a club and still have ambition to test yourself. I wish him well and thank him for his service to our club.

9.) 05 Jun 2021 11:39:29
Im not quite sure what the problem is. If kt can leave, where he’s a massive fan and loves the club, to progress his career, we have to accept we aren’t going to hold onto decent young players for a long period of time.
Even when we were dominating, it maybe became too easy for some of these players . When we made the jump to European football we generally failed and failed miserably . The players aren’t stupid, they can only progress so much with us and the league we played in. It hurts to say it but the the difference in quality between some of these leagues and ours are massive. As much as we get attached to these players they aren’t going to stay for more than 3 seasons. I appreciate we offer the chance to win trophies, play in front of big crowds, and possibly gain experience of euro football. On the other side, on 3 or 4 pitches they are playing on crappy plastic, come through what looks like some pensioners sitting room to come out at rugby park.

10.) 05 Jun 2021 11:41:58
I personally like Ajer, he's played well on the right side of the defence and scored some goals from there.
I would have made him Captain for next season because I think there is a player there.
As has been said before, he's young and he will make mistakes, but so does everyone else in the team.
I will be sad to see him go, so wish him all the best if he does.

11.) 05 Jun 2021 11:53:24
Good replies from SOS-BHOY and Kev T2 👍.

12.) 05 Jun 2021 12:54:21
Ajer had his worst season with us and fans were calling him player of the year. It shows how bad we were. He has regressed in the past 18 months and 8 to 10 mil is a good deal. His commitment can't be questioned but I don't think he is as good as people think.

13.) 05 Jun 2021 12:55:02
That’s the thing about Celtic in the SPL I know we’re a Scottish club but we are one of the biggest in the world and it’s only when players leave for a Newcastle or Norwich that they realise this. Good riddance he not committed.

14.) 05 Jun 2021 15:51:25
I agree. Dc. He has went backwards Found wanting on numerous occasions I take on board he’s had different partners / team mates and a lack of strong keeper behind in a team underperforming but can’t justify some of his glaring individual errors I wish him all the best for the future and thank him for efforts It’s for the best he moves on. we really don’t know and are not likely to find out till he publish memoirs how not getting leave last summer affected him and his role in squad in early months of season. I think had impact on his and hence our performances. IMO He lacks the instinct of natural defender As others have posted I think he be best in holding midfielder role where he’s not the last line of defence I. Think regi was getting at he’s the first 20 million pound player who in truth has had a small number of good games at top level champs league/ Europa and I think more than a bit tongue in cheek with if u so concerned on us getting a good transfer fee then why not stay Rot in reserves a bit much tho regi 😀. All in all Times right for him to go.

15.) 06 Jun 2021 00:41:17
We need to remember that ajer is out of contract next summer and if we don't sell now then he will leave for free.

Beside that, we have a massive rebuild ahead and that will take up a huge chunk of change. For that reason alone, we need to sell for as big a fee as we can get for all our departing players. Suggesting we let him rot in the reserves is showing a lack of foresight.

P. s. ollie mcburnie cost around 20 million, who would you rather have from these two?

16.) 06 Jun 2021 08:43:51
Ducking out of the shot from Morelos summed him up for me. He celebrates when he makes simple tackles and it's always someone else's fault when he messes up. Let's just get the best amount of money for him we can and move on. A really committed player takes that shot in the face and should be happy to do it, especially against them.




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28 Jan 2024 19:18:00
Mbappe and Ferguson in the same sentence is wild, Cory mate. Ferguson is gettable - we sold Jota for 25m, we could be selling O'Reilly for 30m + - why can't we go spend that money on Ferguson, Mctominay, and pay De Gea to get him back into football? It's clear the board don't care here.




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27 Jan 2024 19:57:45
Definitely should be after someone like him! 19 and would bully Goldson etc! Push the boat out and bring him in - then build a team around him. He's affordable if the board care enough to give us what we deserve. Ferguson and Mctominay in, CCV signed up long term and then bring in another world class GK like De Gea and the blue side of Glasgow won't know what's him them. I'd also like to move Abada on and bring another player in as he's never going to be happy here now.




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13 Apr 2021 23:08:38
I can see either. Leicester have to start building for life after Vardy and Eddy can do that. Similarly, Arsenal will probably offload either Aubemayang or Lacazzete - eddy can fill the void left (although not necessarily a like for like swap with either) .




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13 Apr 2021 23:06:56
Iheanacho or Doidge 🤣🤣.




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31 Mar 2021 20:42:28
Been a season ticket holder for nearly 20 years pal. Laxalt is garbage and so is Taylor. Taylor is Aberdeen/ Hibs level - imagine settling for him in a celtic team. Sad state of affairs. Laxalt is a squad player at best.

Look across the city - put Taylor or Laxalt against Barassic and tell me they are good enough to challenge that mob?





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04 May 2021 01:19:23
It comes down to whether the referee judged mcgregors tackle to be stopping a promising attack or a reckless tackle/ foul. If it was deemed to be in an attempt to break up a promising attack and fails (as in Rangers continue the attack and score) he cannot book him as that attempt failed. But if he deems the foul to be reckless or dangerous then he can still book him even after Rangers score.

Madden therefore deemed that Welsh's tackle on Kent was an attempt to stop a promising attack and then when rangers scored - he didn't book Welsh as that attempt failed.




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02 Mar 2021 13:11:46
How much do you think it will take to sign Moi? And I just don't see a way back to playing for Ntcham. I think his attitude is poor and it's shows. Don't get me wrong - he's a talented player but I don't see him getting back to playing well with us because I don't think he wants to do it.

What about looking at some signings? We need a centre half (or two? ) , A GK, a centre mid, strikers, and more. I think we need to spend quite a bit or use loans with option to buy to see how players settle etc.




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16 Feb 2021 12:39:39
Why are they taking the piss?

Zidane will probably be out of a job and so will Mourinho.

Mourinho looks to have been found out at the highest of European level and will probably look for a project next. Maybe back to his Porto roots.

Zidane will cost a hell of a lot of money but I think we can get him with a challenge of getting us back to a European powerhouse.

I'd approach Zidane before I went to Benitez. I don't see why Benitez is a realistic target on here but Zizou isn't.




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15 Feb 2021 23:27:12
What about zidane? He'll be out of a job at madrid at the end of the year with either a weak Barcelona team winning the league or athletico winning it. Even either of those running madrid close will probably cost him the job I think.

Spend the money and watch a true midfield master outclass slippy G.

Or how about someone like Mourinho? I think he'll be gone from spurs at end of season. Again, he'll outclass Slippy G and restore us to the dominant force.




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