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Robdoc21's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Robdoc21's rumours posts


11 May 2019 11:42:59
Congerton leaving celtic to go to Leicester. Never did understand what he contributed anyways.





Robdoc21's banter posts with other poster's replies to Robdoc21's banter posts


25 Jul 2020 20:53:12
What about Enzo Zidane?
Out of contract and if he's half the player his dad was then he'll be top player.


1.) 25 Jul 2020 22:39:20
Is he any good? We can't be signing players cos their dads were good, bert kontermans maw was good.

2.) 25 Jul 2020 23:59:53
He's not even a 10th of the player his Dad was.

3.) 26 Jul 2020 00:36:11
Is he as good as kontermans maw tho.

4.) 26 Jul 2020 06:38:36
No chance she was some finisher.

5.) 26 Jul 2020 06:56:16
Apologies guys, I meant his other son Luca Zidane. I didn't realise how many sons the guy had!
He made 33 appearances in the Spanish second division last season and is being linked with montpellier at the moment.

6.) 26 Jul 2020 11:16:48
rob ask yourself this. Would you have asked about signing that player if he wasn't the son of Zidane?



25 May 2020 17:31:24
Kouassi away to Genk, I don't think anyone is surprised by that.


1.) 25 May 2020 20:27:55
Genk are willing to buy Kouassi after he played only 4 games for them.
Doesn’t say much for Hagi if they are willing to let him go.

2.) 25 May 2020 23:45:10
Our reject signed by Genk. Genks reject 5million🤣🤣.

3.) 26 May 2020 08:36:10
Kouassi didn't really get a chance here, I would have benched Brown and given him a good run of games to see what he could do.



19 Sep 2019 19:53:12
What a farce that referee made of the game. Fair enough ajer was stupid and conceded the pen and the one with Christie happened very quickly so it was hard to tell. But, the keeper clearly was looking for some sort of contact from bayo, bayo kicks his hands and the keeper grabs his face? Referee doesn't give it then gives in to the pressure from the fans.




20 May 2019 18:09:40
Wouldn't mind Moyes in as a DOF IF we bring in a decent head coach.

Lennon is too hot headed, which at times can be a good thing, but there's been too many instances of him falling out with players and not treating player correctly.

Bring in a good coach to deal with the team and let Moyes deal with the transfers.


1.) 20 May 2019 18:54:18
Lennons subs tactics and selections are bizarre IF he was still at Hibs would we be wanting him?!?

2.) 20 May 2019 19:14:16
I wouldn't have Moyes in to clean the bogs. Moyes could be the rests best chance of stopping the 10, when was the last time this guy had any kind of success? On top of that he has in the past shunned us and is as charismatic as a brick. Just no no no no 😠😠😠.

3.) 20 May 2019 20:06:39
Lenny has been calmer in the dug out than I've ever seen him.

4.) 20 May 2019 20:07:33
Moyes and Lennon might even split the dressing room as much as the support going by mixed opinions and comments.

5.) 20 May 2019 20:26:44
Holy Mary Mother of God don’t give Davie Moyes the nod.

6.) 20 May 2019 20:50:14
Jesus Mary and Joseph am with you jfp.

7.) 20 May 2019 22:31:07
Robdoc, I imagine the Board will decide who they want as manager based on facts and not on rumours started by anti Lennon critics .
Although I think N L could well be one of the best men for the job, I hope he doesn't get it as too many fans have already decided he isn't the right man for the job and will give him and the team dog's abuse even if he is winning the games .
I just couldn't go on to Celic Social media with so much negativity in it.

8.) 21 May 2019 06:35:47
If you look at Moyes signings in the past it's clear he can uncover a gem fellaini, mirallas, seamus Coleman, Leighton baines etc.

Lennon's tactical ability is lacking as we've seen in recent games and the only reason he's been "calm in the dugout" as you say mally is clearly because he's been told he isn't getting the job.

Chris, I don't think it's rumours started my anti Lennon supporters. If it is then there's been anti Lennon supporters at every club he's managed who all happen to come up with very similar stories and manage to get players and staff to confirm it.

As much as I love lenny for what he's done for the club, he's not the man to take the club forward. However, this new look setup of a DOF and head coach is working elsewhere in Europe so why not give it a go?



26 Feb 2019 10:02:04
There's no doubt that BR has done great things for our club, however I feel betrayed by him.

If we're going to hire someone from the SPL then I'd take Clarke over lennon. Lennon has shown previously that he can only take our club so far so I think a fresh challenge for Clarke would be a good shout.

Look at the team he has with a budget which is a fraction of our own.





Robdoc21's rumour replies


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02 May 2024 14:36:28
5 mil in today's market is peanuts. get him snapped up.




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15 Jul 2023 22:30:03
Apparently he's going to everton.




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03 Aug 2021 11:34:42
The people moaning would be the same ones that would be hailing us resigning Forster. Hart is one he'll of a keeper and the stats don't lie.




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19 Jul 2021 12:06:15
Lucky if you get 10 degrees in dundee.




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15 Jul 2021 19:10:41
I don't remember ajer ever causing trouble apart from his agents antics? I might be wrong but I thought the big man was one of the only players to show any kind of passion last season. Would love for us to tie him down to a long term contract and make him captain as crazy and unlikely as that sounds.





Robdoc21's banter replies


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20 Apr 2024 18:35:21
Clear and obvious that scales isn't at our level. We can appreciate that he's grafted for us this season but change required. I agree about Miovski, quality player and would love to see him in the hoops.




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11 Feb 2024 08:00:27
If celtic had signed an injury prone Nice flop the fans would have been having a meltdown.




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12 Jul 2023 00:33:08
At the end of the day he can push for bigger titles at spurs. Bigger chance at a European trophy and challenging for the trophies down south which, as much as we hate to admit it, are a bigger draw for managers. Now, let's get the nut screwed back on and support our boys that are here, whether that's kyogo, ccv or even McCarthy. Ange is a cracking manager and I wish him all the best at spurs.




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15 Jun 2023 17:50:21
Div you're mental, Maeda plays that modern defensive forward role perfectly. Think he was probably our most underrated player last season.




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04 Jun 2023 08:57:31
£3m a year is crazy for us is it not? 57.5k a week?




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