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18 May 2024 19:59:58
"He who laughs last, laughs longest" springs to mind. Not too long ago the Clement revolution had turned over a big deficit to Celtic and won the league (or was it the champions league) with a 3-3 draw at Ibrox. And today they finished off further behind that they were when Clement took over. Reality is a bitch. Looking forward to next week. What a year, an emotional merry-go-round but the Bhoys did us proud in the end.

The one real piece of sadness for me in the midst of the celebration is that Big Joe is not hanging around for #55. How do we replace him? can we replace him? Even though he has only been here for a short while I don't remember another player having that effect on me. I know he is only retiring but the effect on me is more like when King Billy or one of the lions died than when a great player has left. I wish him all the best for his future. Hail Hail.


1.) 18 May 2024 20:32:33
This one killed them. ?.

2.) 18 May 2024 23:02:43
The Clement revolution " steadied the ship" which the gullibles now view as a successful season lol.



21 Apr 2024 09:51:28
Yesterday we booked our place in the cup final and yet almost everything I have read here has been negative. Celtic have been bad all season and are not going into the split 3 points clear of rangers because we have turned a corner and have suddenly gelled and become better but because rangers are, as we all know, perpetual bottlers. I do believe we have a fantastic oppertunity to do the double and not because we are a better team than the rest but because unlike the rangers they are not bottlers in the face of adversity. Yesterdays win was not beautiful and when i saw Hart line uo for a penalty my heart was in my mouth and when he missed i thought well there's still the league. And somehow we won. This season has not been plain sailing but a rollercoaster of emotions. I now hope that negative criticism of individuals does not have a negative psychological effect on them.

Now for todays match and i'm thinking, even though it verges on blasphemy, I might prefer the rangers to Hearts on the 25th of May as they haven't managed to beat us this season whilst Hearts have.


1.) 21 Apr 2024 10:25:04
The hard facts are we were rotten yesterday and the punters are telling the truth. what's wrong with honesty they get praised when they play well. you can't ignore what you see.

2.) 21 Apr 2024 11:57:01
Was more worried when Palma stepped up, to be honest. Would have no problem with Hart going again in the final as he threatens. Pick a corner, hit it as hard as you can.

3.) 21 Apr 2024 12:56:44
We are far from consistent that is what gives me the fear going into the last 6 games ( cup final included) We have the best players in the league. But this season we have been far off the pace in some games terrible decision making has cost a few points. just when I think we haveturned a corner we put in a display like yesterday.

4.) 21 Apr 2024 13:42:22
I think we'll win the league but we'll also drop points. But they'll drop points as well. If we win the league we've got out of jail big time coz we're poor. For the time being, let's give the team 100% backing even if we're struggling in particular games. HH.

5.) 21 Apr 2024 13:49:37
Why is it only the negative that fans talk about. We scored 3 and made many more chances. We were the better team and most importantly we are in the CUP FINAL!

6.) 21 Apr 2024 17:53:10
Mallythetally 67, the punters you refer to, our mainly our supporters, I think that as season isn’t over we should try to lift each other and maybe create a positive atmosphere. Negativity won’t help us, positivity might do something.



07 Nov 2023 21:46:37
To be fair I didn't see a lot of difference between Maeda red card and the Ross County red card on saturday so not going to blame red card for defeat. Like it or not I don't think we would have got a draw even with 11 v 11. What is the good about this is that many of our separated brethren are watching the game anxiously worrying that we might beat their champions league record set last year. Someone should tell them that we already have a point.


1.) 07 Nov 2023 22:26:55
There was a big difference because Yang’s foot was planted and he nearly got his leg snapped.
Tonight the Atletico player swung his leg and both players clashed.



05 Oct 2023 17:56:13
9minutes O Noooooooooo.


1.) 05 Oct 2023 18:36:41
Can Steve Davis get out of this snooker?

2.) 05 Oct 2023 19:00:56
Hope lamps gets it ?.

3.) 05 Oct 2023 19:17:06
They must have let Alex Rae do the tactics. ?.

4.) 05 Oct 2023 19:42:28
I want parker mally.

5.) 05 Oct 2023 19:50:17
Wonder if they'll be posting on their SPFL section tonight?.

6.) 05 Oct 2023 20:49:18
Sevco have their Aris handed to them in Cyprus. Now that's Progres ??.

7.) 05 Oct 2023 21:31:09
I like your style Kwaj ?.

8.) 06 Oct 2023 11:31:22
Ditto Buzz.



03 Sep 2023 12:45:57
Think we might need to say a rosary for the VAR assistants.


1.) 03 Sep 2023 13:41:30
Getting a VAR decision means you get absolutely no decisions in the second half. How many feckin fouls has Robertson ignored . Maeda gets a yellow for one non-foul We need to cut out the mistakes and slackness and concentrate for a huge last 20 minutes here Bhoys.




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05 Jun 2023 11:20:06
I try to respect everyones opinion and over the years many on here have spoken negatively about John Kennedy and i have never understood why. I was wondering could you explain why you don't rate him because against this opinion there is the fact that Rodgers (an extremely successful manager for us) tries to take him to Leicester and now Ange (another extremely successful manager) wants to take him.




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25 Aug 2021 01:21:31
Must say I was half expecting Anne Robinson to make a post on this thread. If I think back, as someone else has said, anyone of our players could at some stage or other been considered the weakest link. It is true that at the moment the backline is weakest but ceertainly since Jow Hart came in that has been changing. In the game against hearts Celtic had 74% possession with 19 shots but only 7 were on target resulting in 1 goal for Anthony Ralston. Perhaps the forwards are the weakest links because if they scored with their shots the fact that hearts got two goals wouldn't have mattered as we would have scored more. Interesting that our goal came from a defender that until his recent performances most would have considered not good enough for Celtic.




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28 Apr 2021 09:48:14
or Stephen KENNY ;-D.




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24 Feb 2021 18:47:09
Agree with you Corey that NL's departure was overdue but better late than never. I believe he finally realized that he wasn't the man to turn things around. I am glad he resigned rather than being sacked as I hate the way things are going, particularly in football with managers not really being given a chance and getting sacked within monthesof their appointment. I know this is not the case here but I am glad he chose to resign.
Agree also that he should be thanked for his services to Celtic both as a player and a manager he can hold his head up. Both appointments as manager came at difficult moments with the departures of Mowbray and Rogers and I don't think he did too bed until things unravelled this season.
This is a strange season without fans etc and the effects can be seen around europe with various teams one would expect to be winning easily being upstaged such as Liverpool but also Juve who are going for 10 in a row this year (and are still in a position to do it) are 8 points behind Inter.
I just hope Celtic don't rush an appointment and get the right man for the job as he will have to do some rebuilding and get the players who want to stay on board and also win over the celtic fans who are not the easiest to please.




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05 Jan 2021 15:34:17
There are bombscares all over the pitch it's just that general opinion is that if a defender makes a mistake which costs us a goal and ultimately the match we are all over him even though in the same game 2 or 3 sinners missed by a forward are overlooked. We never think that it was the 3 mistakes of the forwards which cost us.





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05 Oct 2023 18:36:41
Can Steve Davis get out of this snooker?




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05 Oct 2023 00:39:45
I feel tonight just like the Lazio fans did four years ago when Nitcham got the winner in Rome in the 95th minute. I watched the game tonight with some friends who support Lazio as I live in Rome. Before I had a chance to say anything they admitted that they had stolen the game as Celtic were by far the better team. The Lazio team we beat home and away just four years ago was far superior to this team. It's true they are not some Cypriot mob but they aren't far of it. Unfortunately in football the better team doesn't always win.




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03 Oct 2023 00:24:04
Just saw Ed's post that Timalloy is having difficulties with his health and I was sorry to hear it and want to assure him of my prayers for him, Mrs T and the ghirls. In my recent reflections I came to the conclusion that silence is more important than the word. The word is founded on silence as it comes first. In the deep silence God spoke "Let there be light". Without silence words don't exist as there is silence, even if just a fraction of a second, between one word and another or it would just be a continual noise which makes no sense. In times like this there are no words just silence and in that silence we find meaning for everything. Get well soon.




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30 Sep 2023 18:24:38
Ah you forgot that we're all in 7th heaven. that would be four 7's, fantastic if you want to poker some fun at The Rangers.




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23 Sep 2023 10:10:41
Even an unmarried single person has to budget and this is even more important for the father of a family. I can only imagine how vital it is for a football club, so like it or not Money is important. If all money raised is put jnto the team who pays the tealady, and army of people who work behind the scenes.

In all walks of life management of funds at our disposal is vital otherwise we start to spend funds we don't have and The Rangers can tell us what that leads to. Of course for things to happen on the field we need the best management etc behind the scenes otherwise as has happened a fortune is spent paying waged to people who never should have been signed.

Both sides of the discussion on this thread make valid points but we are all fans and want what's best but there needs to be harmoly and realizing that every cog is important. Would i sell our best players: without a second thought if they don't want to wear the jersey.

My memory goes back to the Lions so i can say supporting Celtic has been a rollercoaster of highs and lows. let's just enjoy this time and let the guys behind the scenes work to keep the quality on the pitch up and ensure that we generate the money to do that.




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