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04 Jul 2023 18:04:50
Here's a thing, most people seem to agree that the 10 million a year tax free was too much for any player to turn down, in fact most fans seem very understanding about it.
What if BR was offered 20 million tax free 4 year contract in Saudi Arabia.
1/ would he leave again and scoop up the money?

2/ would the same fans be so understanding?


1.) 04 Jul 2023 19:17:20
Naw. Rodgers has got previous and he’s already a millionaire. What was his pay off from Leicester? £27 million? Jota is just a laddie and chance might never come again plus he didn’t spout $hite or tell lies about Danny McGrain. I’ve got my head around him being back and I’m right behind him although he’s not my friend his enemy is my enemy and all that and even though I think he’s a toad if it was my money I might have given him his old job back tae with automatic qualification for champions league and £30 million waiting. But have no doubt he’s as loyal to Celtic as I am to the crown he’d go again and for less than £20m a year in a sheik of a lambs tail (couldn’t resist that) if he thought he could earn more cash and top up his tan simultaneously.

{Ed007's Note - The way things are happening in Saudi Arabian football I would bet my last £5 that Brendan Rodgers was approached by at least one Saudi club to see if he was interested in taking over.
If it was only down to money he would have taken the Spurs job.}

2.) 04 Jul 2023 20:50:29
Thiago of Liverpool now been approached.

{Ed007's Note - A lot of this is down to agents, they know the money available to players and managers - and to them from their commission - Saudi clubs will be inundated with approaches from agents looking to cash in. I never knew Jorge Mendes was Jota's agent, once I found that out I knew he was for the off.}

3.) 04 Jul 2023 20:58:51
Did BR not knock back a managers job in china last time he was celtic manager?

{Ed007's Note - Yes and that's one of the worries about players going to Saudi, is it going to go the same way as the Chinese league?}

4.) 04 Jul 2023 21:28:55
I think it is ed007, but I can see some players who move there wanting a transfer into another league because they can't settle into saudi lifestyle.

Don't suppose you have any info on any sell on clauses included in jota transfer mate?

{Ed007's Note - Sorry I don't, Niv but I'll try and find out when the details are uploaded to FIFA's TMS.}

5.) 05 Jul 2023 08:32:20
Had the same thought about Chinese league however they had a 3 foreign player limit per team. With the addition of Jota to their squad, Al-Ittihad now have 7 players registered from Europe and South America. The point is, it could well be worse than the Chinese league if things keep propelling the way they are.

6.) 05 Jul 2023 11:31:16
Is it really any different that back in the 80s and 90s when the yanks were trying to get a higher profile with Pele, Best, Moore, Beckenbuar etc when the club of choice was New York cosmos?

7.) 05 Jul 2023 13:28:27
Cheers ed007 appreciate it mate.

{Ed007's Note - ??

8.) 07 Jul 2023 10:34:19
I think these guys went to New York Cosmos when they were by their best and it was seen as a pension top up.

Jota is a young player approaching his peak years so that's the worry re the Saudi's in that they are not only interested in the established big names who are near the end of their careers but younger players.



21 Jun 2021 08:30:09
Just saw mat ryan is on kust short of 40k a week at Brighton so we can rule him out as new keeper.




03 Apr 2021 10:30:26
Don't see the big issue about folk insisting Kennedy must go as he was part if this seasons failures.
He was also part of the previous 5/ 6 seasons success, was good enough for Rodgers, was wanted by Rodgers at Leicester, is highly spoke of by plenty of existing and ex players.
Comes across as an intelligent guy who will easily adapt to a new managers instructions and ways of working.
Also has a good knowledge of Scottish football and future opponents which could be invaluable to the new manager.


1.) 03 Apr 2021 11:35:30
I would like to see our manager bring in his own coaches but I still feel having Kennedy there would be beneficial.
I think John could get offered another managers job in Scotland in the next year.
It will depend on how far down the ladder John goes at Celtic, whether he will accept the request to be a manager.

2.) 03 Apr 2021 15:36:55
I don't rate him at all as a manager really he has done nothing to make me feel he has got it in him to step up same style substitutions as the last manager we had I sometimes think it was Kennedy that was picking the team and substitutions as its just a mirror image as what we had previously.



05 Dec 2020 21:37:40
At start of season we all said nothing else mattered except 10 in a row.
Looking at some stats and even if we averaged our league form to end of season we would finish with 87/ 88 points.
In season 17/ 18 we won league with 82 points and in season 18/ 19 we won it with 87 points.
Losing 4 games and then 5 games.
Leagues not over by a long shot, tomorrow could and I think will start a strong roll leading up to ibrox.
Tie up Cup final and start nipping away at their lead, keep the faith, 10 in a row is alive and well.


{Ed007's Note -


1.) 05 Dec 2020 22:19:04
I’ve Said to anyone that would listen. If Celtic had won the game against sevco we wouldn’t have had the stupid reaction from some fans . We will win the league this year and a lot of our so called fans will be eating humble pie.

{Ed007's Note - 😁😁😁😁


2.) 06 Dec 2020 10:45:35
If Celtic won the last game against Sevco. We got hammered the last game against them not just lost like we got hammered the two games before that also it's not a knee jerk reaction its fact facts that in Season 17/ 18 we had a good manager in charge since then our performances have been poor to be polite it's never a knee jerk reaction to the issues we have just now it's fact that we have very little plan when we are playing and most certainly no plan B substitutes are always 60 plus minutes and never a change in formation in state of play all other teams know what we will play it's just embarrassing.

3.) 06 Dec 2020 11:49:38
Ed is that you on Xmas day with sweeties? hh.

{Ed007's Note - that's me everyday with sweeties as soon as Grotbags goes out the door!}

4.) 07 Dec 2020 10:38:35
I bet it's her who remembers to take the wrappers of hh.



06 Nov 2020 19:10:31
Fed up hearing neil lennon was a great player and great servant to the club.
He was at best a decent player and was paid very handsomely for serving the club.
No doubt he went through a lot of bad rubbish for being a celtic player.
He has been extremely lucky to twice had the opportunity to manage us and he will probably never manage again once he leaves.
This is about what's best for celtic and at this period in time that means a change of manager and all coaching staff.


1.) 06 Nov 2020 19:43:20
Surely you are fishing here mate. He was a very good player for us and integral to the team that O'Neill had at the time. Played a massive part in us getting to a European cup final. Remember that?

2.) 06 Nov 2020 19:53:56
and very lucky? he owes us nothing he has been a great celtic manager.

3.) 06 Nov 2020 21:48:07
Totally agree Wexfordbhoy.
Yeh liamennon he was very lucky to land the managers job. He was out of a job at the time was he not and let's face it, the appointment in the 'shower room' was nothing short of embarrassing.
What sort of team do you think he'll end end up managing when he eventually leaves us? A team in the premiership, championship or what level abroad?

4.) 06 Nov 2020 22:00:25
Sorry meant I agree with Divcelt not Wexfordbhoy, that was a different post I was reading.

5.) 06 Nov 2020 23:33:11
He done what he had to do to get the job. and maybe we were lucky he was outa job at the time.

6.) 07 Nov 2020 09:54:51
Liam do you seriously think Lenny is the man for the job?

7.) 07 Nov 2020 16:15:24
nobody could argue if lennon got the sack tony.




Divcelt's rumour replies


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06 Jan 2024 20:19:54
McKenna would also help with 8 home grown for Europe.




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29 Aug 2023 11:59:56
He's 21 played 45 games and scored 8 goals, really don't think he's what we need.




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28 Aug 2023 07:58:39
Rodgers has a three year contract at 5 million a year, the chances of him walking away without severance are zero. We are stuck with him for three years, unless we are lucky enough for the Saudis to want him.




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22 Aug 2023 18:20:12
No chance, 6 months would involve major surgery, I don't believe it.




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01 Jul 2023 16:28:03 A fantasist blogger is reporting 37 million dollars plus 7.5 million add ons and cut in future transfer. 37 million is about 29 million pounds!





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02 Jul 2024 10:08:09
His age doesn't matter, every player we sign is a two or three year signing.
If successful he's sold and if he's a failure he's loaned out or sold if poss.
There are very few long term signings nowadays, team is being recreated season by season.




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20 Mar 2024 19:24:18
I think a decent % going to Celtic charities would encourage fans who can't make it to resell their ticket.
And a brilliant PR opportunity.




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07 Feb 2024 15:33:45
We've won 6 and drawn 1 of our past seven games.
If continued that is league winning form.
I'm disappointed with the window but mainly coz I wanted players in and bedded in for CL but still confident we will win the league.




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03 Feb 2024 17:12:57
It was a bad window, no doubt about it but the bigger problem is how we are being set up and how we play as a team.
Not one player in the Ross county squad last week and maybe only miosvke from Aberdeen's squad would even get on our bench.
We are far too easy to play against, no variation, no imagination and far too soft.
That's nothing to do with the transfer window and even if we had brought another couple in we would still play exactly the same pedestrian and predictable style of game.




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02 Feb 2024 16:27:17
I agree with just about everything you said but out if curiosity, who are the 3 Strachans?




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