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28 May 2021 15:54:22
Told Favre.




31 Aug 2018 18:50:17
Latest rumour on the French sites that Dembélé will sign for Lyon tonight and be loaned back to us until January. might be complete cross. or my schoolboy French lol. but few sites picking it up now. 🍀.


1.) 31 Aug 2018 19:01:34
If the fee is £20 million plus I’d go with that, if not they can jog on till January and try again.

2.) 31 Aug 2018 19:10:11
Sacre Blue mon amee! Ce serait bien.

3.) 31 Aug 2018 19:50:24
I’ll tell you another thing. I would play Benkovic on Sunday.


8.1 easy.

4.) 31 Aug 2018 19:51:55
Lots of rumours about him going tonight, but not being loaned back.

5.) 31 Aug 2018 19:55:16
Reports in France saying Moussa done deal.

Also another that they will loan us him back until January.

Taxi driver of long standing.

6.) 31 Aug 2018 20:02:10
On France sports news, £20 million, tonight.

7.) 31 Aug 2018 20:17:40
C’est last vie as my auld ma would say as her coupon was grubbed by a last minute penalty.

8.) 31 Aug 2018 20:32:24
He’s away.

Thanks for all the Hunskelping big man.

Bon voyage

As my old ma would say also say to her hopes of what she could do with her winnings.

That got gubbed due to that late ipenalty.

Can’t dived, she would sob.

9.) 31 Aug 2018 20:36:05
We still have two hours to spend a bit of it.

I’ll get ma coat,

{Ed002's Note - Will your mother's coat fit you?}

10.) 31 Aug 2018 20:47:27
If I wear it as a scarf.

11.) 31 Aug 2018 20:47:48
Looks like he is going.

We are the absolute masters of shooting ourselves in the foot. We could have accepted the bid 2 days ago and given ourselves a chance of replacing Moose but no. Let’s mess about until the last minute and leave ourselves with 2 strikers who can’t stay fit for 5 games in a row.

The people in charge of our club have sold the fans down the river.

12.) 31 Aug 2018 20:51:58
It would need deep pockets for Mp's "happy and his calm pills" 002 ;-D.

13.) 31 Aug 2018 21:19:52
I m a naturally pessimistic optimist. I don’t like to kid myself on rubbish is chocolate fondant.

14.) 31 Aug 2018 21:41:46
It was tactical Niall that’s the reason we never accepted it 2 days ago. Now they have the excuse of “There simply was not enough time to replace him”. I have a new found hatred for Peter Lawwell and the other cretins on the board. I would absolutely love some sort of action by the fans to be taken (without any boycott threats obviously)

15.) 31 Aug 2018 21:43:16
That's why you take the pills Mp for a bit of a break (Y)




foxiboy's banter posts with other poster's replies to foxiboy's banter posts


06 Mar 2024 22:34:50
They are correct in this Gerry. Why? Because the absentee landlord and pistol Pete will do nothing to jeopardise their relationship with TRIFC. to do otherwise would cost them money via Sly etc and so interfere with their bonuses/ share issues/ preference dividends etc. It will also be so. Celtic men. Don't make me laugh. narcissistic, self serving, greedy charlatan opportunists. WE are Celtic. They never will be!




25 Feb 2024 08:44:05
Controversial but .1. Let's win the next 12 games and win the League. I'd love it but don't think it will happen tbh. 2. Let's then address the problem of the Absentee Landlord, Pistol Pete and their acolytes. imo there is an utterly clear agenda which is keep trifc in business .5 way, no reporting to Uefa etc. Bad for business, don't you know chaps? And certainly bad for their individual pockets. And before you give me the guff about but they only get £x per annum look at how many shares they own, get per year and, surprise surprise, mostly preference with a divi. unlike us poor saps. sorry suppporters. Said this before but WE are this club. time to take back control. Cue the Board apologists.


1.) 25 Feb 2024 09:45:03
There is no doubt about the 'dirty dealings' of that infamous pact but as long as they can sponge off the season tickets, merchandising, prize money, transfers and sponsorship, they get away with murder. Because they have squeezed the life out of our club.
We are in the worst position football-wise since probably the lockdown league, but hey; they've got money pouring out their arses.

2.) 25 Feb 2024 09:48:46
Sadly I think it has gone beyond that point. The boards last chance to remedy the negativity among many fans, was the January window.

If they had gone out and splashed the cash and brought some top talent, even on loan, it would have gave everyone a lift and the mood would have been more positive.

As they failed, that negativity is now snowballing and I can't see it stopping this season. Hopefully I am wrong as I do not want sevco to get a 60 million life line.



21 Feb 2024 09:49:16
?. Cannot believe how low we must have fallen when there's a clamoring in some sections for the return of MJ ?.


1.) 21 Feb 2024 10:33:08
What section mate.

2.) 21 Feb 2024 10:42:21
MJ has only scored 2 goals for Celtic in the last 50 months and both were against Dundee recently.
He’s actually only got a couple of assists in that time also.

He scored more goals on loan in Portugal last season.
MJ has also scored 2 goals for Ireland in the last 8 months.
And now he has scored 2 goals for West Brom in 3.5 hours.

He will probably have a decent career but not at Celtic.



18 Feb 2024 19:31:07
Don't agree CC. A savvy manager would have made that call. BR didn't. says it all.


1.) 18 Feb 2024 21:20:58
I don’t think so Foxi,

A savvy manager wouldn’t put his CB for about our last 30 games, to left back for the 1st time this season.

He would also then have to play Welsh out of position on the left side of defence.
Welsh has previously played there but it’s not ideal moving 2 players about.

The reason we dropped 2 points was because we never signed a much needed left back in January,
especially when our Board knew Taylor was injured before the window closed.

No excuses from the Celtic Board.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 22:35:12
Also think we aren't taking chances. Idah, calmac, Palma, mor, Bernardo all had chances. We take one of those we get three points. That's the difference between us and sevco, they shoot from outside box, get a pen or deflection. We walk it in and over play everything.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 23:25:54
Dr Phil there’s a name missing from those you mentioned Kyogo and the reason why is because he gets no service whatsoever from the above named.

4.) 19 Feb 2024 02:21:34
Buzz players can adapt there's no way bernie should have came on.

5.) 19 Feb 2024 07:13:58
Still seems to be a lot of rhetoric around left back, defenders on bench that cost us money etc, I don’t have an issue losing goals i definitely think the Scot prem has some dangerous forwards too, my issue is Celtic aren’t scoring goals, we have a front 5 and 2 3 more from bench not doing it at all, it’s a huge worry and that’s where improvements are needed, style play, pace play, bravery on ball, all a disaster.

Celtic should be cruising by end of games, and why first time on sat I thought managers to blame, this has been coming for months as we blamed no gb for some flat performances and wins against Feyenoord and Rangers masked the problems, against better opponents we seem better equipped and now I wander if only thing we’re going to win is old firm bragging rights.

6.) 19 Feb 2024 10:25:21
I'm with Foxi on this. I'd much rather see Scales move across to LB and Nawrocki come on than have Bernabei playing.

7.) 19 Feb 2024 13:57:38
Bernabei was rated by very many posters on here as very good in the game last week against SMirren . He was brilliant at taking ball forward. On Saturday he brought the ball forward as well, it wasn’t his fault that team weren’t able to hold the ball up front longer.



17 Feb 2024 18:06:44
Incompetent Owner, Incompetent Board, Incompetent Manager, mostly Incompetent players.


1.) 17 Feb 2024 19:52:40
I am fed up with this incompetent owner and incompetent Board, if they are so incompetent how could we have won 11/ 12 SPL titles plus 5 or 6 trebles no team not even Rangers EBT team who also had their referees helping them could win 5/ 6 trebles in 12 yrs .
If we are too begrudging to not show appreciation for a job done well, then do we deserve success

Incompetent Manager and incompetent players, that is at least up for debate and based on performance this season so far u are probably correct.

{Ed007's Note - You trying to punt Viagra?}

2.) 17 Feb 2024 21:40:55
CC You make my point for me . I'm also fed up with the Incompetent Owner, Incompetent Board. it's a matter of opinion. Always just enough to be in front of TRIFC. as our European adventures show. If you're happy with that then fine, I, for one, are not. Here endeth the lesson ?.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 09:36:36
Celtic calling what is it with you and your constant praise for the board and this team constantly defending the indefensible this is becoming a comedy show from top to bottom what other club in our position would throw away an 8 point lead to potentially be 2 behind. Anytime someone questions this team, the manager or the board you try to tell them they are wrong. It's all about opinions so let people have theirs.

4.) 21 Feb 2024 20:01:20
Foxibhoy 11 SPL wins to 1 from the cheaters, looks to me we are just ahead of them.

5.) 21 Feb 2024 23:28:36
It’s good according to you for people to have opinions, except u don’t think I should express mine .
Just to let u know, I think a forum like this is better with a balance of opinions, while u seems to think negative opinion is all that is needed.




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04 Jul 2022 18:41:02
Xcellent Hoops ?. I was up in Oban the other day. Quite a few ferries up there with Calmac on them too ???.




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29 Oct 2020 17:59:22
Unbelievable. But then perhaps not!




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05 Jul 2019 15:37:40
Guy called Lustig. 😂.




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23 Jun 2019 00:33:07
Well let's be honest about this. Did anyone expect anything else after we appointed NL full time. It is patently obvious that a lot of our young talent don't rate him or his methods and are looking elsewhere. I for one don't blame them.




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11 May 2019 13:06:57
While I don't disagree with the sentiment behind your post, I for one, will be glad to see the back of LC. At the same time don't want a PL/ JP double act scenario where the manager perhaps has no impact at all. I am also aware that modern football managers identify positions to strengthen and the recruitment boys/ Ceo's deal with it from there. Interesting times ahead. HH🍀.





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11 May 2024 19:49:05
These are our colours This is our City ???.




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11 May 2024 11:35:37
Have a mate in Tenerife who is a Palace fan so kept in the loop. definitely NO from me.




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03 Apr 2024 14:14:56
There is the 5 way Agreement for starters but primarily it's financial and more personally than for the good of the club Gerry.




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02 Apr 2024 12:22:12
Yes but we get what we deserve imo. We do nothing about this time and time again because of the greed of the Absentee Landlord, Pistol Pete and the rest. History tells us Appeasement never ends well.




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17 Feb 2024 21:40:55
CC You make my point for me . I'm also fed up with the Incompetent Owner, Incompetent Board. it's a matter of opinion. Always just enough to be in front of TRIFC. as our European adventures show. If you're happy with that then fine, I, for one, are not. Here endeth the lesson ?.




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