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17 May 2024 21:28:53
Just like to say I was wrong to say we wouldn't win the league this year. I did have a pretty negative view of the club and wasn't happy with performances. But I was proved wrong, thankfully!

I have to say I gave up going for about 5 or 6 home games. I have never done that before.

Apologies to all for being negative.

So just concentrating on the positives. Fantastic last month or so with the team fired up by Brendan. I do feel he has shown real leadership and made the players mentally strong. Getting key players back was pivotal and Calmac, CCV, Forest, Meada and MOR have been especially top drawer. The others have been great as well and praise to big Joe for being not just a good goalie of late but a leader in the dressing room.

Also Greg Taylor worth mentioning. he was totally exhausted after beating the Rangers last week. ran himself into the ground. He gives his all and has much more good games than bad. He shows such determination and is becoming a strong leader in the squad these past couple of months.

Well done Bhoy's.

Hail Hail.


{Ed007's Note - No need to apologise for anything on here buddy, it's all about opinions ?

1.) 18 May 2024 00:19:53
Any of us can be right some of the time . Any of us can be wrong some of the time . But none of us is right all the time and none of us is wrong all the time
If some didn’t differ this would make very boring reading.

{Ed007's Note - You obviously haven't met Grotbags!

2.) 18 May 2024 06:30:30
At celt65, it was hard not to be negative this season.

1. We brought Rodgers back and lost Ange, which ruffled a few feathers right away.

2. The football at the start of the season was dire. Lots of players under performing. Then we had the disaster in the transfer window.

3. Then we had the board ban the fans and the green shoots of a revival got mowed down and we spiralled downwards.

4. More negativity was brought on the club, when we totally blew the January transfer window and Sevco overtook us in the league.

5. The football has been dire for most of the season as well.

I was saying to my mate that while I still love Celtic, that feeling has been diminished by the board and my anger at the board overtook my love for Celtic at one point.

Only now that the league has been won, has my anger slightly subsided. However, this only buys them breathing space, as I fear another abject failure in the transfer window would take me passed the tipping point.

3.) 18 May 2024 09:07:32
Thanks for the support! Appreciated.

I was in London during the week and when there’s a game on I watch them in the Cock Tavern, which is a long term Celtic pub. When you see old guys from Ireland and young Cockney guys Cheering on Celtic with unbelievable passion, you realise we are a special club. Speaking to them they don’t get up much, but they love Celtic so much…. we are a unique club.

Enjoy the day everyone.




28 Apr 2024 17:54:25
That was simply awful. I feel strongly that BR needs to change things quite a bit.

We can't keep these types of performances going.

some will say . We won. which is correct. But that's two performances in a row when we could have been beaten.

I was cutting BR some slack, given the recruitment mess. but keeping playing guys every week who are 4 out of 10 will blow up in our faces soon. We don't have a functioning midfield. We don't have any full backs.

Why are Dundee showing more willingness and fitness than us? Why can't win any balls in midfield?

I'm can't wait until this season is over. Hard to enjoy when most of our players are not up for it.

We need changes for next week.


1.) 28 Apr 2024 18:28:48
For me personally, I would have McGregor no where near the team just now. He gets bullied to much in the middle and we started to move the ball quicker and with more purpose when Iwata came on.
Kyogo is well off it also and Idha needs to start more, especially away from home.
On a positive note, I thought Beaton had a good game and let the game flow and i'm glad Baby Dallas and his VAR team weren't involved as I had myself convinced that the way they were pumping the ball into the box for the last 5 mins that we were going to conceed a penalty.

2.) 28 Apr 2024 18:34:11
Celtic currently have quite a settled team.
Time will tell if it’s good enough.

Now isn’t the time to start changing our fullbacks and midfield.

I will also be glad when this season is over but it will still be enjoyable if we can get over the line, top of the league.

Celtic do need changes for next season.

3.) 28 Apr 2024 18:34:59
I agree it was an appalling display, couldn’t tie two passes together. Extreme lack of confidence, leadership and tactics. This season is going to the wire.

4.) 28 Apr 2024 18:39:17
There isn't much changing that can be done as they've all been as bad as each other over the course of the season.

5.) 28 Apr 2024 18:48:14
Trying to shoehorn a clearly unfit McGregor hasn't worked. If he's not fully ready, he shouldn't be starting. I'd go with Forrest, Maeda and Idah against Hearts as well if Maeda's back.

6.) 28 Apr 2024 21:37:18
Bernardo could come in. Hatate is not just not contributing but is like Yang…. Constantly giving the ball away and exposing us. A liability. Plus he won’t tackle and has low energy. Couldn’t believe he lasted the match.

Kyogo is a good player…. But for some reason his confidence is shot…. Need to Bring the Idah in.

That’s two changes that can help us.

I don’t know how we fix our fitness but every team seems to be going for us in the last 15 minutes…. Are we really that unfit?

BTW I’m not saying Bernardo and Idah are great ?.

7.) 28 Apr 2024 23:01:11
To me this is a conversation that can wait a few weeks. Let's try to be positive and just focus on cheering on the players for the next few weeks.

Players respond better to praise than they do to criticism.

8.) 29 Apr 2024 00:14:07
We have to keep changes to the minimum Buzz Bomb is right . We are a small light team and have to work harder and use more energy than the far taller and physically stronger. Dundee team .
Hatate was not at his best but he played a good ball in to Kyogo which led to opening goal and hit the post when we were 2 nil up.



28 Apr 2024 15:53:43
We may be winning. But we need to sort ourselves out.

Kyogo, McGregor, Kuhn, hatate not at the races. Most of the rest average.

Can't believe we are chasing the League and we look less up for it than Dundee.

BR needs to shake this team up.




20 Apr 2024 19:03:41
Going to move on from today. Plenty has been said.

Moving forward we need to pick our best players. BR must know by now that he can't trust Scales and Yang. Yang isn't just poor going forward he is a massive liability tracking back. Scales played well till Xmas. But you can clearly see he has lost all confidence.

Time for some key Decisions Brendan and you need to make these calls or the league will be in danger.

We also need a bit more cohesion in midfield. It's as if they are all playing on their own rather that a system. We don't look like a unit. We need to sharpen up. We have no dig in midfield so we need to be much more joined up.

Not sure what we can do with wide players but you need to pick 2 from Forrest, Kune and Palma.

Kyogo has lost confidence and he is taking too many touches. Ned to start Idah and bring the wee man on.

If Calmac isn't for enough we have to leave him out.

I feel if we play like that in our next league game we will be in bother.

Come on Brendan. we need to do much better.


1.) 20 Apr 2024 20:31:26
Unreservedly so but Scales gives me the fear anytime he has the ball I don't know why because he hasn't done that much wrong but he slows the game down to much for me. Yang he has had his chance IMO there is a player there but hasn't shown it in any quantity I think a lot of players should leave this summer and sadly we need a few good ones brought in.

2.) 21 Apr 2024 00:12:06
I thought Scales was our best defender for about an hour . As he may have tired having been out for a few weeks Celtic and a previously very good AJ allowed too much time and space to the Dons to put in very good quality crosses between back 4 and Hart . Unless we stop this flow of crosses and shots the final mins, we will need to be 2/ 3 goals in front towards end. It wouldn’t matter who was playing left sided cb if we allow quality crosses.



07 Apr 2024 14:55:49
Lots of positives from today.

A bit more fight and fitness/ energy and we can win the league. First time I have said that for 6 months!

These things lacking should be easily sorted. Although, I do think we seem out of puff for the last 20 minutes of lots of games. We also need a bit more grit.

If they don't get their usual penalty at a crucial time today (as always) they don't get back in the match.





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15 May 2024 19:01:35
Odd call to play Idah… poor performance at the weekend rewarded.

Kyogo not quite at his best but don’t understand that decision….


{Ed007's Note - Maybe we're playing more direct because of the pitch.}



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02 May 2024 14:40:23
Don’t feel we will bite …. Certainly not at the price.




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23 Mar 2024 18:54:58
Not remotely up to it… not even worth our usual £3m offering. Don’t know how he gets in the team.




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15 Mar 2024 20:50:07
? ?

For sure.


{Ed007's Note - ????



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15 Mar 2024 20:27:49
Maybe…. My son mentioned he has played an unusually low amount of games for his age as well.

Might be his fitness that has cost him. With education and military requirements in Japan they are around 20 before they can start playing for real.

Let’s Hope he hits the deck running and plays every game from next week onwards till seasons end. He could make the difference for us….


{Ed007's Note - Having CCV, Hatate and hopefully a refreshed CalMac available for the run could be crucial in securing the league and possibly the Scottish Cup as well for us. With those 3 available I'm even more confident that the league flag will stay where it has been for the majority of most of our lives ?




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29 May 2024 12:47:42
Taylor has had it in the neck from a lot of us. in my view he is one of 3 or 4 who have made our fantastic team spirit these past few years. He deserves some credit

Can think of a player who tries more and does a lot of the hard graft very consistently. That mob hate him as well… he gives them it tight.

He is well regarded by BR and the coaches.




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28 May 2024 17:33:43
Wee Des 1,

Don’t disagree with anything you say. We signed 11 or 12 players last season, which was too much and mostly relied on what we had, apart from Idah, Palma, Kuhn and Bernardo. Although none of these were always playing, but they did all contribute and played their part in our success.

I do think our recruitment was flawed this season both in numbers and personnel. My point is I would expect a better ratio on success, although as you say it’s very difficult to be successful in the recruitment business.

I actually felt we needed 3 good signings last year and maybe 2 or 3 for the future. I feel the same this year.

A little rest for most but I guess someone will be working on bringing players in for us as we type!

Certainly agree that we should build on what we have and not change things too much… incrementally and keep the good team spirit and understanding.




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28 May 2024 15:10:36

Likewise I was back out celebrating on Sunday as well. It was sweet… even agreed to go and see the Wolf Tones in Finsbury Park on 5 July (which will be a good day to be outwith Glasgow City centre) …. couple of drinks in the Cock Tavern and then a few stops on the tube?

I only got a ticket on Thursday night… so was raring to go by Saturday.

We do need to get the recruitment better. It’s never going to be perfect but we need a better spread of good signings.

I am confident of us getting 2 or 3 quality signings in and getting better.

Idah has surprised me. More composed and better on the ball that I first thought. We could do worse.




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24 May 2024 19:26:53
Hopefully prep was good this week.

Don’t know about a goal for Hatate? A decent performance would be good, as he has been well below par for the part of the season he has been fit for!




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21 May 2024 14:03:07
PL was back in his seat for the last 2 games…. Had been missing for a while.




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