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26 May 2024 17:42:56
I've watched umpteen reruns of our goal from yesterday.
Without the resilience of Bernardo in shaking off that tackle/ foul, and his determination to advance on goal and shoot, we'd have been in extra time.
I hope we can retain Bernardo.

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26 May 2024 18:07:59
I think it will depend on the fee.

26 May 2024 18:31:22
£3-4m the very tops for Bernardo as a don't think he will be a regular starter. Ndidi for me unlees the pull of the premier league keeps him there and if we do go for Idah a don't think Miovski will b an option so how about Vardy for a yr.

26 May 2024 20:00:30
Brrnados an average player and imo not worth the £6-7million supposed transfer fee. Troy vardys wages if he wanted same for a year here as he's on now would buy miovski with money to spare and he's 12 year older . no thanks for me.

26 May 2024 21:50:20
Bernardo is worth every penny of the £6m.
He was trusted by Brendan to play in the CL games and we will see him play a lot more next season.

26 May 2024 22:26:31
Opinions jonbhoy.

27 May 2024 09:44:47
Can’t believe people are saying Bernardo isn’t worth the £5m. Seems a lot of us are still wired to the early naughty’s prices for good players. He changed the game and there is much more to come from him.

27 May 2024 12:06:01
On the WL for a ST so I only see Celtic on TV. In the albeit limited game time he's had, to the guys who go to the games, what does Bernardo bring to the team (I don't just mean his contribution to the goal on Sat) ? I get the vibes a few if us aren't fully convinced but the flip side is we need to be realistic in our expectations of the market we're in and there could be a player in there with nurturing from BR?

27 May 2024 12:13:08
When the Board and who ever else is involved in deciding whether we should buy Bernardo, they should ponder have they got a better player than. him who they know they can sign . if they have let them sign him this other option right away and secure that position. if they haven’t they should buy Bernardo, there is speculation of a price range between £3 m and £7 m, if the speculation is correct, it’s up to our chief negotiator to get him at what ever price we can . As supporters we shouldn’t care too much about price, as club have a transfer war chest, and the more we spend, the less the dividends the shareholders may get .
Don’t say no to Bernardo until we have signed better.

27 May 2024 12:36:21
I agree that there's a player in there and I'd be OK with paying 5m. However if we sign Bernardo, Idah (maybe another 5m) and any GK (possibly upwards of 7m) then that's 17-20m of our budget gone and the team maybe ain't much better.

27 May 2024 18:39:53
Ok we may have spent £17 -£20m of our budget and the team is better than before window, with our goalkeeper replaced . We can’t start making budget for Board that’s playing into their hands if they are going to have BR short of quality players . The £17 -£20m doesn’t take into account the money we should raise without weakening BR ‘s hand which hopefully will be in excess of £12-£15 m and now we are in a position to really spend to strengthen our team for new season.



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