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Rayman999's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Rayman999's rumours posts


30 Aug 2023 14:23:53
If its Palma, Phillips and Bernardo got to be reasonably happy. But Merlin too would make it a good window.


1.) 30 Aug 2023 14:41:45
reports saying merlin is not going anywhere this window.

2.) 30 Aug 2023 14:43:28
Merlin saying he is staying at Nantes

I’ll be gutted if we go with Taylor as LB.

3.) 30 Aug 2023 15:20:13
Why would you be gutted with Taylor as LB? he was outstanding the last 2 seasons and was unluck not to win player of the year last season! Maybe it's time we get behind our own bhoys for a change especially when they are going through a bad patch.

4.) 30 Aug 2023 15:37:36
It's a different system this year Tic and left back is a big problem IMO so is a GK But if I had my wish I would be a millionaire and good looking ?.

5.) 30 Aug 2023 15:45:51
well that's ok then played well last 2 seasons but now he's back to the player he was when he first signed, he will get absolutely destroyed in europe.

{Ed007's Note - CalMac has been honking in Europe for years and looked like an Accies player in last season's CL plus he has been terrible domestically so far this season as well, do you want him replaced?
Can anyone explain to me why Taylor is back to getting dog's abuse for a poor start to the season yet our captain, whose performances have regressed worse than Taylor and has been quite literally hiding during games gets a free pass?}

6.) 30 Aug 2023 16:15:49
Unpopular opinion

Cal Mac is hugely overrated and I would love to see him replaced

Bring on the “Celtic man” shouts

Being a Celtic man doesn’t make you a great baller.

{Ed007's Note - I'm not going that far myself but I have seen and heard more and more Celtic fans saying the same thing.
My own unpopular opinion is that Kyogo isn't good enough as an out and out striker for us., I'd like to see him play as a CAM in a 4-2-3-1 formation.}

7.) 30 Aug 2023 16:16:30
Taylor is an excellent left back, more than good enough for European football, Joe Hart, on the other hand, is good enough for SPL football, but sadly lacking for Europe.

8.) 30 Aug 2023 16:38:39
Our biggest fear was Taylor going back into his shell when moving into forward positions.
But he’s still very good at defending.

Hopefully he will get his confidence back in the forward positions.

9.) 30 Aug 2023 16:55:01
have a look at Greg taylors defending for the second Ross County goal first game of the season.

Have a look at Keven Van Veen;s equaliser for Motherwell at end of last season.

One on one Greg Taylor isn't very good at defending.

10.) 30 Aug 2023 17:37:05
It's about opinions and i think callum is a top player. to say taylor is cl level is nonsense.

11.) 30 Aug 2023 17:46:30
Taylor is an excellent left back, more than good enough for European football, Joe Hart, on the other hand, is good enough for SPL football, but sadly lacking for Europe.

12.) 30 Aug 2023 16:46:34
100% Edd, s eiuld like Buzz yo tell us what the win loss ratio when Calmac isng playing for us.

13.) 30 Aug 2023 18:12:07
Taylor is pish he had a ralston season last year and hasn’t kicked on the same. System suited his flaws can’t ever fault his effort. Cal has looked out do sorts for a while maybe needs to know he’s replaceable give him competition.

14.) 30 Aug 2023 19:03:34
100% agree Welshy ?.

15.) 30 Aug 2023 20:01:04
I actually disagree with Calmac needing dropped. I think he’s being asked to play a different role right now. It’s almost like he’s being asked to concentrate on breaking things up rather than getting on the ball and playing out through him like he’s used to (Buzz’s stats also suggest this) . The only game I seen Kwon he was hopeless at this as well and kept trying to get on the ball from our center halves. I think Brendan prefers a Broony type player in here that almost acts as a decoy playing out… in my mind our captain has stepped up and is BRs choice right now until someone else is ready, or we bring someone in.

Just hope the fans don’t turn on Calmac the way they turned on Taylor. Only a few weeks ago Starfelt was useless in the eyes of some fans, now the board are being seen as being at fault for letting him go.

{Ed007's Note - How has CalMac played under so many different managers and he's suddenly "struggling" because of the apparent changes Rodgers has supposedly asked him to make to his game even though he's previously played under him and knows CalMac's - very few - limitations as a player?
Why is the manager's fault that our captain has went missing in every game this season, not shown any leadership qualities apart from in The Huddle and is more content to hide and shout at other players about what they should do?
McGregor never has been and never will be a No.6/CDM and it's became even more obvious since Brown left, what exactly is his best position?
CalMac is head and shoulders above anyone else in Scotland when it comes to technical ability and I've said for years he has is good enough that he could play for nearly any team in the world but for me his best position is in the double pivot with a proper CDM in a 4-2-3-1 formation because that's what he done for years beside Brown when they both played the best football of their career.
This isn't a knee jerk reaction from me btw mate, I've been saying for a long time we haven't being getting/seeing the best from CalMac and last year in the CL he looked like an Accies player had been threw in at that level.}

16.) 30 Aug 2023 20:39:39
I can't believe i am agreeing with you Ed ?. I haven't seen the best of Calmac for a while. He is an excellent captain and player in the right position. He has been out of sorts playing in his current position.

In respect of Taylor, i have said aleady it has been a poor start to the season by last seasons standard and that is down to what he is now being asked to do. In a one in one this season he has looked ropey. I hope he gets himself sorted out as he deserves to be playing but at the moment he is no a CL level player.

Luca will add some flare as will the Poetugese lad if we get him, and philips will be a great addition. Hope there is an option to buy with him but probably out of our wage league.

Who is going to add the midfield steel i do not know, because at crumbledome it is going to be physical. They cannot play us off the field.

AJ back is great as I could see divewell getting pen out of Ralston but not AJ.

{Ed007's Note - ???

17.) 30 Aug 2023 22:13:50
Calmac has missed 19 games since fans have been allowed back into the stadium.

Celtic have won 13, drawn 2 and lost 4.

Three of those defeats were European games and Livingston away 1-0.

The draws were Dundee Utd at home and Shakhter Donetsk.

Celtic have actually won our last 12 domestic games with Calmac out the team.

To be fair, that was under Angeball.

18.) 30 Aug 2023 22:55:27
Thanks again Buzz?.

19.) 31 Aug 2023 13:19:06
If Taylor retains the jersey it should be on merit. What we need is competition for that jersey. Right now we have no one. I personally don’t think he will cut it in the CL, however he’s not alone there, at least for the others there is competition, bring someone of quality in and let them fight for the jersey.

20.) 31 Aug 2023 14:20:35
I’m not disagreeing that he’s been off form Ed, but then who in our midfield hasn’t? My point is he’s out of position right now which doesn’t help him. I don’t know what BR’s changes are but something doesn’t seem to have clicked yet. During preseason I thought he was trying to limit touches and play quicker through the center of the park and Hatate’s 1 touch pass that got caught out in Japan seemed to show this. Now though it seems slower in the build up.

My main point, Ed, is that I’d hate to see him get singled out right now. The whole team are still trying to find form and you have a big influence on here on how people see things. I’d just hate to see folk start turning against him like they do with some other players. He’s a talented lad and hopefully just needs a kick up the rear.

{Ed007's Note - So basically you're saying that I can't criticise McGregor in case other people's attention is drawn to how bad he's been playing?
I think anyone with eyes can see that and don't need me to tell them and as for my influence on people's opinions on players, how's that worked out for players like Greg Taylor or Stephen Welsh who I have backed for years although Welsh never kicked on like I expected or Craig Gordon who I hated being a Celtic player from the moment he signed, I don't think I influenced anyone's opinions on any them.
So it is exactly what I said, we can slag other players, say they aren't playing well or even that they should be dropped except McGregor, why is that?}

21.) 31 Aug 2023 19:57:24
All I’m saying is the whole team have been playing below par for quite a while now. And to your point, maybe as a captain you’re the first one to get the finger pointed at you when that happens. I’m just not a fan of the negativity right now. Wee Taylor done us a right turn last year and now people are calling for his head, and you always stood up for Starfelt who was vilified as well… so I agree you’ve got zero influence ?.

Point taken, you can have your say on Calmac!

{Ed007's Note - It's just all about differing opinions ?? although I am always right!}

22.) 31 Aug 2023 20:36:51
Agreed mate, it’s the main reason I visit the site. It’s about time more people listened to you as well!

{Ed007's Note - Behave yourself ??? But thanks




25 Aug 2023 11:02:16
Im hearing KT will see out his contract with Arsenal. 3 yrs left. Loans likely till then. Then return. It was his plan all along.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 11:49:39
When his contract expires in 2026.
KT will turn 29 in the June.
He will still have 3 good seasons left.

2.) 25 Aug 2023 19:59:39
'He signed when he was seven, it filled his heart with joy'.

KT always a bhoy, he'll come home one day.

☘️ ? ☘️.



11 Jul 2022 13:19:37
Hi ed hope you are well.
Whats your take on any signings we get in now?
Is it dependent on who goes as most are gone now loan or permanent, mibi with the exception of boli and ajeti.
That must be close to 15-20 gone including young players.
No rush obv just wondering if its 1 out 1 in now?


{Ed007's Note - I don't think Jullien, Bain (who could be on his way to Dundee Utd), Bolingoli and Ajeti will be at Celtic by the time the window closes and Mikey Johnston could go out on loan.
Ange himself has said there will be further signings but I wouldn't think that they are reliant on any exits.}

1.) 11 Jul 2022 14:15:40
Thanks mate.

{Ed007's Note - No problemo, Raymundo ?

2.) 11 Jul 2022 15:34:54
An obvious observation granted but should those players you've mentioned Ed, be moved on in the coming weeks, then that's an incredible turnaround in the playing staff during the course of only 12 months or 3 transfer windows.

☘️ ? ☘️.

{Ed007's Note - Definitely, Pedro ??

3.) 11 Jul 2022 19:00:08
Were in good shape but with the loss of rogic and bitton a bit weakened from towards the end of the season.

4.) 12 Jul 2022 08:06:31
The problem with the utter duds we bought is not many are as daft to take them as we were to buy them. Hopefully they will go, but I can’t see a stampede to sign them.



01 Jul 2022 11:48:35
Thank you Jota
Thank you Celtic
Thank you Ange
Thank you board.
But most of all thank you to every Celtic supporter, without you and the experience you gave Jota he probably wudnt be here.


1.) 01 Jul 2022 15:19:43
Someone will be sold now to balance the books.

2.) 01 Jul 2022 16:28:14
Apt name.

3.) 01 Jul 2022 18:29:29
Celtic have announced today that the season tickets have sold out, once again.
The Celtic fans have paid for our new signings.
That’s why there’s no need to sell any of our superstars to balance the books.

4.) 01 Jul 2022 19:50:51
Still on the waiting list maybe next year:)

{Ed007's Note - Ach that's a bummer mate, better luck next year.}

5.) 01 Jul 2022 22:55:49
We had the season ticket belonging to my son’s friend last season because he works Saturday’s now.
This season, Celtic have allowed us to transfer the names over.
Although it’s good for us, it’s not fair to guys like David who are left on the waiting list for years.
I was surprised how easy it was.
All they wanted was an Email from his friend allowing us to have his ticket.

6.) 01 Jul 2022 23:38:28
Supply and demand get that upper stand on top of the main stand built lol .

7.) 01 Jul 2022 23:38:28
Supply and demand get that upper stand on top of the main stand built lol .

8.) 02 Jul 2022 10:18:02
If you build it they will come!

9.) 02 Jul 2022 10:43:01
I agree we should add around 15k to the overall attendance but that's from a selfish point but would finish off the stadium.

10.) 02 Jul 2022 13:15:26
David join the cov emerald they pass by you every week. Get on there points system for games. Also just drop me a text when your looking to go and I’ll see what I can do.

11.) 02 Jul 2022 18:03:47
Cheers Welshy, can you send me details on WhatsApp and I will message them.

12.) 03 Jul 2022 11:45:07
Never mind a ST, no chance of one, I think the pre season games will also be sell outs. Especially if we bring the CB, CM and ST we need.



27 Nov 2021 11:22:14
Very happy to hear about the possibility of Reo Hatate coming in Jan. He was one I spoke about months ago along with Maeda and Samper. Unlikely to get all 3 but as big Meatloaf would say 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
Ed what's your man in Japan saying?


{Ed007's Note - This guy seems to know what he's talking about, Rayman - it's the same guy that pointed out the original Hatate rumour source was just some wee random low level Twitter account. I'm not sure if it was him or I read it somewhere that said just with the Japanese way of life and their ethics/culture etc that no transfers are discussed before the window opens/season ends. Why does nobody ask the player or an official at his club because apparently they are very open about these things as it's disrespectful to "lie" to the fans. I'm no expert mate, that's just some stuff I've picked up so it might be bull ?

1.) 27 Nov 2021 11:45:58
Rayman999, 'you took the words right out of my mouth' and I really like the look of Maeda.

☘ ? ☘.

{Ed007's Note - Maeda does look classy, Pedro ???

2.) 27 Nov 2021 12:10:22
Ed has a man in Japan?

I've only got one in Greggs - back in your box Stubbsie!

The boy looks class, from what I've seen of him but perhaps the biggest plus is that Kyogo will have a countryman beside him and that can only help him too.

Anyone got any realistic idea what the budget might be this January?

3.) 27 Nov 2021 13:40:07
Meada looks faster than kyogo and says something hH.

4.) 27 Nov 2021 14:57:11
Stubbsie ? ? ?.

5.) 27 Nov 2021 14:56:43
Not sure if I read it correctly but saw an article suggesting Reo Hatate's contract ends in January 2022?

Ed, can yer man-in-Japan confirm this?

{Ed007's Note - He signed a one-year extension last January so yeah his deal is up when he J-League finishes.}

6.) 27 Nov 2021 18:08:51
Ed can you please check up on Tim? It's been 7 hours and he hasn't cracked any jokes yet. Was half expecting him to tell us he "Maeda fortune" with his tips or something lol.

{Ed007's Note - He's on the banter page bragging about his horses lol.}

7.) 27 Nov 2021 20:43:02
My man in Greggs can confirm it's true about Hatate- now set in stone (much like their cheese scones) .

What a capture this lad would be for us - it would really show our intent. Maybe keep folk off the Board's back - for a week.

{Ed007's Note - A week, you're pushing that one!}

8.) 27 Nov 2021 20:57:40
Looks like Hatate is coming to Paradise, by the dashboard light.
I'll get my Komono.

9.) 28 Nov 2021 12:00:35
If he gets the Green light, he'll be over here like a bat out of he'll.





Rayman999's banter posts with other poster's replies to Rayman999's banter posts


24 May 2024 13:18:37
One for you buzz, Im reliably informed that Celtic have never been beaten on 25th May. Can you confirm this?


1.) 24 May 2024 13:58:32
Celtic have won all 4 games on May 25th but we lost the league in 2003.

Celtic beat Rangers 4-0 in a minor cup match in 1895.
Obviously the Big One when Celtic beat Inter Milan 2-1 in 1967.

Then Celtic beat Kilmarnock away 4-0 but we lost the league by one goal in 2003,to an Ebt cheating Rangers team.
But then Celtic beat Hearts 2-1 in the 2019 Scottish Cup Final to secure our Treble Treble.

2.) 24 May 2024 15:28:04
As I said a few weeks back I'll be 67 on 25th May, so hopefully a lucky omen.
Thought it was going tits up for a while at the start of the year but hit top form at the right time.
Getting taken to the posh seats at Hampden the morra for ma birthday. So looking forward to a great day out and a few Doubles!

3.) 24 May 2024 16:23:08
Brilliant Benny,
I hope Celtic give you a great Birthday present.
You’ll never forget your 10th Birthday ?.

4.) 24 May 2024 16:32:56
Tomorrow on May 25th.

It will be ONE THOUSAND DAYS since Sevco last beat Celtic in a meaningful League Match.

August 29th 2021 when Helander scored the only goal of the match.

I hope when the new fixture list gets announced, that the 1st Glasgow Derby at Celtic Park will be in September.

Celtic have only ever played Sevco 6 times in September and we have won all 6 matches with an Aggregate score of 15-1. ?.



20 Mar 2024 21:01:36
For me this summer is going to be very interesting, it certainly could define the next 5-10 years domestically.
Win the league and get CL money with potentially denying them could certainly tilt it in our favour for the near future.
We both get in it could easilly be stalemate, whilst just them getting in would worry me as they are far more likely to spend it if history tells us anything.
But in saying that a lot would depend on a certain Mr Rodgers hanging about, if he stays and we lost the league I would bet that he gets a large chunk of change.
When you factor in we would still get Europa league money, probably 20m for Oreilly, 8m already for Abada, and add on Mikey, big shandy and a few other squad members that's a fair few sheckles along with the gazillions in the bank.
I reckon or hope that he would get the biggest budget ever.
Only this time Brendan don't feckin buy 11 players.


1.) 21 Mar 2024 04:43:45
For me, this summer will be no different. We could get 100m for a player and we wouldn't spend it correctly. If we don't win the leage then Rodgers should be nowhere near the club.

2.) 21 Mar 2024 11:00:31
Rayman . I've no problem with the club buying 11 players . as long as they're good.

3.) 21 Mar 2024 19:29:10
We have 30 million left and 10 million from abada sale, so sevco won't be overtaking us, even if they win the league this season.

Our team does not need a complete overhaul, as it did when ange took over.

I would say we need a first team ready left back, goal keeper and centre back. I would also like to see a quality striker brought in, idah is not the answer imo.

4.) 21 Mar 2024 19:38:43
Unless there is a total overhaul of the footballing side of the club and a change of vision I. E. not buying under 23yr olds under £4m to sell on, then nothing will really change.



21 Feb 2024 21:40:38
Since the press no longer ask searching questions to Rodgers I will do it.
1 In the summer you said we only needed 2 or 3 quality additions, so why did you sanction 10 signings?
2 In the summer you said you only needed to tweak 1 or 2 things, so why have we changed the way we play totally.
3 Why is there no obvious patterns of play?
4 With having all this money in the bank, there is only 1 person in the building who can demand we spend on quality, why haven't we done it?
And if you have been refused why have you stood for it?
5 You held all the cards when Celtic approached you, and you had previous experience with the boards mentality, why did you not expect it and call it out?
6 You are classed as an elite coach so why can't you get a better team to beat lesser teams in this league?
7 Why is there no pysicality in the team?
8 Since september you said you needed 4 quality players in the Jan window, why did you get none?


1.) 21 Feb 2024 22:14:52
There’s no doubt Brendan has currently been made to look foolish and weak but hopefully he gets the last laugh.

2.) 21 Feb 2024 23:19:25
Buzz do you see a weak manager pulling it off?

3.) 21 Feb 2024 23:43:32
The reason he didn’t get his 4 quality players is that with very little movements in the transfer market players that recruitment team and BR agreed we’re quality players may not have wanted to play in a league that has officials decide against awarding penalties against one team to World record level . Rayman why ask BR question 6=because if he could answer it there would be no question 6 . Perhaps BR is closer and fully aware of the circumstances, and knows there is nothing to call out . Us supporters are in the dark, we know results of windows but no. Idea of any reason
Question4 is similar to question 8 . Except there could be almost everyone in buildings who could demand that we spend money on quality, but there are only a few people whose demands would be listened to and heeded . DD and CEO and possibly Manager.

4.) 22 Feb 2024 08:05:48
Currently Sevco are definite favourites but Celtic could be one good performance away from getting our confidence back.
Our form at Christmas and New Year will be good enough to win this league.

5.) 22 Feb 2024 10:51:45
Celtic can turn this situation around . We are getting our best players back . We have 12 games left and just like there are games when even the best attacking sides can’t breech defence and score . There are also games that even the most biased refs and VAR officials don’t get opportunity to affect the result of game .
Buzz Bomb is right if Celtic get a good result, and score 3/ 4 goals the confidence will flow through team and we will find our form again, winning all our SPL games and even drawing one game against new rivals Rangers2012 we can win this league . We can’t expect to win every SPL with 3/ 4 games to spare.

6.) 22 Feb 2024 11:25:25
In the summer Brendan said, he can make players better, a few months later, he said, the players aren't good enough, what's that old saying about a poor tradesman blaming his tools for his shoddy work.



20 Feb 2024 14:04:25
My solution for the time being if I was manager would be to strengthen the team up a bit.
I would move Scales to LB, so a back four of AJ, CCV, Rocki, Scales when fit.
I would also move Taylor to cdm and move Calmac up 1. Also have Tomoki and Taylor fight it our for that position.
Taylor is very comfortable in there and loves a tackle. Wud also eliminate other teams targeting our lb position.
Good height in defence which would help set pieces against which we look nervous on. Maybe even set pieces for.
Play Oreilly as a 10 as he is the best at pressing successfully, often nicks the ball and gets him in the box often. Play kyogo up top with Idah on the left.
Idah looks more comfortable facing the goal and running at players, play a sinclair role if you will. He is not a goal scorer naturally and may suit him more. Also helpful at set pieces for and against.
On the right i would play Palma, yes I know he is very hit and miss but he would be given a specific role of getting the ball into the box quickly as possible. His best asset is crossing, so would have Kyogo, Idah and Orielly busting to get in as soon as Palma gets the ball. Palmas instructions would be 1 touch then cross. Simples.


1.) 20 Feb 2024 14:21:35
When can you start?

2.) 20 Feb 2024 14:35:00
Well though out, as Oab said, When can you start, please send all information to Celtic Park, for the attention of Brendan Rodgers.

3.) 20 Feb 2024 15:31:39
Wouldn't argue with that Rayman.

4.) 20 Feb 2024 16:51:47
Should have tried scales at lb long before now, especially when Taylor was out.

5.) 20 Feb 2024 17:32:01
Would also think of putting Ralston in with CalMac. He can put his foot in and isn't scared of a tackle. Could be cover for right back later on in the game.

6.) 20 Feb 2024 17:45:50
Scales should have moved to LB when Taylor went off on Saturday with Nawrocki taking his place at CB. Don't know why BR couldn't see this as it's hardly rocket science.

7.) 20 Feb 2024 18:51:15
I am sure Vosabhoy, BR would have thought about it, but may have been reluctant to have 3 non regulars out of 4 in defence with 2 playing out of normal position . Welsh and Scales .
I am sure in hindsight BR would also be tempted to go with your defence . However in the previous game a lot of supporters rated Bernabei very highly . He was excellent at taking ball away from own goals bringing it into other half and passing to team mate .
He wasn’t alone responsible for goal, poor work defending ball earlier by a central defender left Kilmarnock man clear to have plenty of time to make cross, that was unbelievably bad defending.



19 Sep 2023 22:39:41
Strangely enough I thought we defended well tonight. They are not the top CL team we normally face.
Stupid decisions cost us, what's obvious to me is we need athleticism in the right areas. Def need it in midfield and left back. None of our midfield ran past theirs, taylor cannot go on the outside overlap. Def missed Abada as having pace on both flanks are a big advantage, Palma and Yang want to cut inside all the time.
Above all we have not strengthened, we didn't need to sign so many players.
Celtic learn from this and sign less players but with quality that we need. Its pretty clear to me BR never got what he wanted.





Rayman999's rumour replies


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24 Jan 2024 13:32:23
Only way im selling him is 25m up front and they have replacements on stand by. So not going to happen.




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06 Jul 2023 14:50:46
Celtics trading model is so good we managed to get the same money for Barkas as they got for Morelos and Kent. ???.




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28 Jun 2023 12:46:05
Jashari is a cracking player, one I wanted for a while. We will do really well to get these 2. U never know.




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14 Feb 2023 22:18:35
Buzz you are so inconsiderate, there is no need to bring up the words 'new club' on feb 14th. ???.




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14 Feb 2023 21:40:05
Buzz, kerching kerching kerching Im going to need a new abacus at this rate.
Thoughts for the summer?
With about 10 loanees coming back and probably sold, ok not worth lots but poss 5-6m between all.
Gazillions in the bank.
Potential CL Money 40m.
Far east tour 5m?
Im also thinkin potentially someone sold?
We are going to have mega bucks for new signings, now I know we are never going to get a superstar, but Im thinking 2 or 3 players in the 6-8m bracket similar to Jota and CCV who will walk into the team.
Not easy to choose positionally but imagine finding a midfielder who could walk in that team, maybe a left back and a striker?





Rayman999's banter replies


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28 Jun 2024 23:14:53
Yea i watched him and the first thing i thought was Matt Oreilly with pace.




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25 Apr 2024 13:30:49
Dont forget the possible frimpong money.




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21 Feb 2024 23:19:25
Buzz do you see a weak manager pulling it off?




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02 Feb 2024 10:20:01
Its quite obvious Maeda is a quality player, just not with the ball tho. ?.




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18 Jan 2024 17:40:46
Good luck timbo, wishing u luck and hopin to see u back on here soon.




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