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31 Jan 2024 19:56:17
Is CCV injured again?


1.) 31 Jan 2024 20:41:41
It’s looking like that but it’s not been confirmed yet.
Brendan will probably give details in his pre match interview on Friday.

2.) 31 Jan 2024 22:01:56
I hope BR has the balls to come out and lays all the blame on the recruitment team and the Board for not bringing in the quality he had banged on about for months.

{Ed007's Note - I thought it was Baby Lawwell's fault, why would Brendan blame the board?}{



30 Jan 2024 17:47:31
Don't know if this a rumour or no, my old man says he heard we signing Danny ings anyone heard this?


{Ed007's Note - All the rumours about Ings today have stemmed from Mark Guidi suggesting Ings could be a possible target in a throwaway comment when talking about Celtic targets:

"So, it could well be Sydney Van Hooijdonk. It could be Bojan Miovski or Lawrence Shankland. It could be somebody right out of the blue from down the road who isn’t featuring.
Could it be a short-term thing? Could it be Danny Ings from West Ham? Who knows. That’s where, through your contacts, you have to be creative in the market."

1.) 30 Jan 2024 18:26:25
Thanks Ed, wasn't sure where it from wasn't on any news station or that. I see Norwich in for van hooijdonk now too.

2.) 30 Jan 2024 20:29:45
Was a quality piece of generalist rubbish that was.

3.) 31 Jan 2024 05:36:07
Here is the rule of thumb for our signings.

If you have heard of them and they are good, them we won't be signing them.




Hailhail67's banter posts with other poster's replies to Hailhail67's banter posts


21 Mar 2024 10:30:29
If we win the league and Cup will Rodgers still be our manager next year? Answer has to be yes for me . Some mates feel differently what'd others thoughts? Hire top European coach?


1.) 21 Mar 2024 11:22:50
I will say yes as no one could do any better with the players he has been provided with. If we were to seriously invest in the playing squad in the summer then i would like us to go with a young coach that's won trophies and has done well in european competition. I do think rodgers will still be here in the summer.

2.) 21 Mar 2024 12:46:52
Hopefully with Hatate and Mcgregor back will take bit pressure of O’Riley and get best out him him again for end of season.

3.) 21 Mar 2024 12:49:11
Hailhail. So much for your loyalty. BR has done well.

4.) 21 Mar 2024 13:32:57
The same loyalty the new manager gave to the club and it's fans in his first spell?

5.) 21 Mar 2024 13:47:00
He's here win or lose. If we have CCV Calmac Hatate Oriley Kyogo all fit and firing on all cylinders our squad will have enough to make sure lose doesn't happen. We have beat them twice when they all thought they would gub us easily. BR has a good record against them and knows how to get the job done. If we start taking the chances we keep missing no
bias referee's or video assisting r2ngers will matter as we should be scoring 5 or 6.

6.) 21 Mar 2024 14:33:22
I feel he is staying…. Win or lose. We will find out soon.

I’m not sure any manager could have done better with the players and at his disposal.

If he isn’t staying who is planning for next season? Anyone? Word is Celtic are making a number of enquiries about players. With no senior recruitment staff left, would you let a manager do it who is leaving in a couple of months?

7.) 21 Mar 2024 16:38:35
This is a conversation for when the league is decided.

8.) 21 Mar 2024 17:11:24
Be better to concentrate on the here and now there's a league and Cup to win. and I'd hazard a guess the manager will still be here next season.

9.) 21 Mar 2024 17:49:11
I think he'll be here next season, reason being that Celtic wouldn't want to pay the compo to their highest paid manager if they sack him.

10.) 21 Mar 2024 19:36:46
Doesn't matter if we win or lose, Rodgers said himself that he will be here for at least the 3 years of his contract.
Unless the board sack him, which they won't then he is going nowhere.



07 Feb 2024 22:01:56
Papering over the cracks that's a disgraceful performance. Two penalties to beat a poor hibs . We can't go on about refs anymore out of jail big time.


1.) 07 Feb 2024 22:30:31
So we're rubbish and hibs aren't due a good game we are garbage we won why is hibs poor they played good but our team isn't any good teams have switched on to celtic it ain't easy anymore you keep saying poor hibs well we played good things ain't easy now not a stroll in the park everybody wants to beat us regardless if there poor that's it stop saying we're bad teams try against top teams that's reality sevco are not champions we are believe in your team we will win the league.

2.) 07 Feb 2024 22:31:26
To be fair they were both the right call but yet again seriously struggling to create. McGregor, Bernardo and O'Riley as a trio really aren't producing at all at the moment.

3.) 08 Feb 2024 00:29:33
Kev bhoy Our centre midfield was about the one area we were unanimous throughout transfer window, that we didn’t need to bring in recruits.
These three are certainly not playing anywhere near their best and are affecting our whole performance.
Funny enough the more Bernabie plays, he actually looks like he might be a footballer, after all.

4.) 08 Feb 2024 06:42:34
Chalky your missing the point pal that was dung last night . Take away the two penalties we never really looked like scoring . Things need to change cause teams will smell blood. If you have a go at us you get joy. I'll start by saying our problem is defensive midfield. Callum mcgregor us out of position in there. Doesn't give our defensive any cover at all.



05 Feb 2024 10:18:35
What's people's thoughts on idah starting on Wed? With khun in one wing and kyogo the other?


1.) 05 Feb 2024 11:07:07
Maeda will also be back.
A few options.

2.) 05 Feb 2024 11:08:47
For me, we've got to have Kyogo and Idah both on the park in some form. I'd be up for trying Palma in the 10 role because he struggles to beat a man out wide.

3.) 05 Feb 2024 11:13:08
Not going to help on weds but mate at work is a st mirren fan and said kwon has been really good in his first two games.



03 Feb 2024 20:33:17
Another thing I'm annoyed at the way Rodgers keeps digging fans for fall out with board. Grow a back bone and stand up to board fans would think more of you . Its as if he's blaming the fallout for affecting players performance.


1.) 04 Feb 2024 14:46:03
Whilst not supporting B R, it’s worth remembering he is still a relatively young manager who has managed at the highest level in both England and Scotland.



03 Feb 2024 19:59:46
Our defence is a disgrace, soon as I seen it I knew Aberdeen will at least score . Most games we'll need to score at least 2 to win . Today we missed far too many chances. A good striker would have had a feast that first half . A thought new bhoy upfront looked good linked up well when he came. Surely we could start both him and kyogo upfront. Please Rodgers change the system before its too late. 2 up top is needed at times .





Hailhail67's rumour replies


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31 Jan 2024 20:39:54
More money for under boards mattress.




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31 Jan 2024 15:00:36
It was the Summer that we made a mess of things . It's hard to get best players in this window . But no excuses for last Summer .




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30 Jan 2024 21:59:25
Know nothing about the boy, I might be bit off the mark here. But is it just cause the Irish connection. I don't see anything in his career stats to say he's earned a move to us.




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30 Jan 2024 18:26:25
Thanks Ed, wasn't sure where it from wasn't on any news station or that. I see Norwich in for van hooijdonk now too.




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27 Jan 2024 21:23:45
Hopefully no sure how good he is but we need a target man.





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08 May 2024 19:22:12
I we go after them from the start like last game we win. Though we need to be more clinical, we should have been 3 or 4 up at halftime. They struggle when we start so fast always have done.




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06 May 2024 20:46:36
I'm pretty sure it's about 50% win ratio.




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19 Apr 2024 19:03:11
Thanks for good advice Tim I know only too well as my dad wouldn't go with chest pain and passed away. He was stubborn old git who didn't want to bother doctor. I only wish I made him go!




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16 Apr 2024 21:06:40
I know thinking that myself . We can't complain about fixtures sevco away to hearts last game lol.




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13 Apr 2024 12:12:38
Just seen the story behind kitty's light, heartbreaking but uplifting. I'm rooting for kitty's light.




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