13 Jun 2024 11:08:21
It will be interesting to see who will replace Big Joe in goals for next season.

I was always confident with Hart and I put him in the same bracket as Forster and Gordon, when it came to games against the Ibrox clubs.

I want to have that same belief and confidence with our next goalkeeper.

The only previous Celtic keepers, worth a mention in the last 40 years are Boruc, Douglas and Bonner.

Boruc made too many howlers against Rangers and he was a mixed bag.
Douglas was a decent keeper but he never had the bottle for the big occasion.
Packie Bonner was hugely overrated and was also a mixed bag.

I will be happy if we can get another Hart, Forster or Gordon standard keeper.

1.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 11:50:14
Never rated Douglas gave me the fear.

2.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 12:12:18
I want a commanding keeper that isn't afraid to come out for cross balls. For his height I always thought Gordon was shocking at cross balls.

3.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 12:57:36
I always thought that Bonner played a lot better for Ireland than he did for Celtic. His managers seem to rate him him as in long careers both for club and Country, I can’t remember him been dropped from either team, maybe Celtic at end of career

Celtic goalkeepers of more recent vintage are coached by Woods, who seems to have a good reputation and it appears he doesn’t want goalies coming out to far for crosses . There are times whilst sitting in stand it is. Very frustrating seeing Celtic keeper on line and opponents getting head to ball about 6-8;yds out.

4.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 13:02:17
Biruc was probably drunk or hungover in most of our games.

5.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 13:45:41
Me too.

6.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 13:58:06
The first thing Boruc did in a Celtic jersey was save a 2nd minute penalty.

It was a pre season Friendly against Leicester which finished goalless.

Future Celtic player Dion Dublin missed the penalty.
Dublin went on to score a League Cup Final goal for Celtic, in the Jimmy Johnstone Final.

7.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 16:09:22
I cannot remember the last keeper we had that commanded their box.

None of the ones mentioned, even big Fraser were not good at winning cross balls. It is an area we have struggled in for a few years, hence half the league put the ball out wide and throw it high into our box, so their big forwards can have a go at it.

If we cannot defend high balls, we need to prevent teams getting opportunities to put the ball wide.

'They' just threw the ball up high, in all our games against them, hoping to get a flick through for their forwards, not great to watch but it can be effective.

We need to stop teams playing that that next season or we will have another season like we just had.

We need a commending experienced centre half and our midfielders need to prevent the opposition getting control of the ball, and getting it wide.

Hopefully we can get the experience in the areas we need.

We will need to buy wisely as they are filling their team with future galacticos ?.

8.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 17:11:56
Ian Andrews was supposed to be the next big thing until we got gubbed 5-1 by the original rangers. Mcneil seen how much that defeat effected him mentally but kept him as our number 1 but he ended up losing his place to Alan Rough till Bonner got fit. He got sent off after 4 minutes against them in a reserve league. He cocede 15 goals in 8 games. Nothing went right for him. He gas to be the worst I ever seen in goals for us. He eventually left on loan to Leeds then permanently to Southampton.

9.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 17:47:35
There was also Hedman. Was never a fan of his - loved the modelling and so did his missus.

10.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 17:50:14
Watched Andrews a lot in the reserves and he looked decent. Think the bright lights of first team football scared the sh! t out of him.

11.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 18:19:45
Don’t forget since S Woods was appointed goalkeeping coach in 2007 and our goalies have been trained to man the line and our domestic opponents good and bad and both Rangers clubs have tested us left right and centre with high balls driven into area, we have still managed to win a few SPLs . In fact 13 of the 17 . Numerous. doubles and trebles . Our defensive set up has often caused fans to pull their hair out, but at the same time they have been part of our most consistent winning team .
It’s lovely to see goalie coming out and catching ball over the head of backs and forwards . It horrible to see him do it half a dozen times in match and drop one at a striker foot in the last min, that wipes out our goal lead.

12.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 18:20:57
I remember Douglas sold the jerseys in a 3-3 draw with them at Parkhead. We absolutely battered them that day but Douglas was terrible.

13.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 18:50:45
Can someone name a GK that does command his box? I can't think of any. Game has change. The ball has changed. Goalies used to come out 12 yards and catch it. Then they used to punch it. Now they stay on the line because it's hard to always judge the flight if the lighter balls. If my goalie saves it, i couldn't care less if he cones out to catch a cross or not.

14.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 19:34:49
If you give teams enough chances they will score.

In CL teams need to be able to defend balls through the line, over the top and balls hit into the box. We struggle to defend high balls and lately over rmthe top. I don't want to find out time and time again, how good our keeper is, the less he has to do, the better those in front of him are doing.

You have to be solid at the back. Real demonstrated that, they are not the best footballing team but they defend resolutely and they have forwards with real pace and can finish.

15.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 19:53:32
For older posters, I thought a lot of Peter Latchford.

16.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 20:05:45
I am 51 and Barkas is by far and away the worst keeper I have ever seen in a Celtic jersey!

17.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 20:40:28
Douglas was a poor keeper even worse than Hart.

18.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 21:29:05
In terms GK's to come in, Kelleher for No.1 and Dubravka as his No.2.

Tie up the deals for Bernardo and Idah.

Then CB to partner CCV as well as McKenna for the bench, LB to replace Taylor, CDM and see how the team shapes up from there.

☘️ ☘️ ☘️.

19.) 13 Jun 2024
13 Jun 2024 21:29:58
Rab Douglas was horserubbish, a better keeper and we might have won the UEFA Cup in 2003.

☘️ ? ☘️.