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10 Jun 2022 18:37:16
Apparently it’s confirmed ccv signed on spurs official site plus Celtic’s twitter ??.

Big p

{Ed007's Note - Signed on a 4-year deal, P ??

1.) 10 Jun 2022 18:41:01
Just seen it, superb signing ?

This is yet another sign of our serious intentions to progress on the playing front - I'm delighted ?


☘️ ? ☘️.

{Ed007's Note - ??

2.) 10 Jun 2022 18:48:03
Excellent news.

3.) 10 Jun 2022 18:50:26
ED007 and guys cannot be true as both the Record and Alan Hutton told us Levy was playing "hard ball"
After all Hutton knows you know lol.

{Ed007's Note - ?

4.) 10 Jun 2022 18:52:31
Fantastic professional piece of business. Well done to the people behind the scenes who put this together.

5.) 10 Jun 2022 19:14:44
Any idea on fee involved?

{Ed007's Note - £6 million + add ons and there'll probably be a sell-on clause as well.}

6.) 10 Jun 2022 19:17:01
100% robroy1967

☘️ ? ☘️.

7.) 10 Jun 2022 19:39:58
Get Jota signed now. Great bit of business getting CCV permanently, he's been a rock at the back. Looks like board supporting Ange.

8.) 11 Jun 2022 03:15:29
Great bit of business. He's been solid.

9.) 11 Jun 2022 11:54:57
Well done to Nicholson and the board for getting this done, certainly looks like things have changed with getting business done quickly.




Big p's banter posts with other poster's replies to Big p's banter posts


10 Oct 2023 21:31:10
Nothing more boring than politics and religion! You can tell it’s international break ??‍♂️ any chance we could get back to talking about football …. How we feel Brendan is doing? How the new guys are starting to show up in games and influence play. How do we think the others could still impact the team like tillio and big rocky … could we…. What you lot think?

Big p

{Ed007's Note - Sorry to bore you, these international breaks are a b@stard for innocent men, women and kids getting slaughtered for the sake of billionaires and their warped ideologies.}

1.) 10 Oct 2023 21:58:14
Your on a roll tonight Ed ?.

{Ed007's Note - Aw c'mon, MIP, it would be a right pain the @rse if any football got cancelled because of a potential World War or even the threat of a nuclear stand off.
Get your priorities right ffs! ??


2.) 11 Oct 2023 06:02:38
world war 3 is on its way its what the so called elites are pushing it.

3.) 11 Oct 2023 06:11:57



01 Sep 2023 21:27:21
There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright
Bernardoooo! ???.

Big p



07 Aug 2023 09:10:00
Did the big Dutch centre half we were linked with sign for anybody? Was it sampdoria that were in for him?

Big p

1.) 07 Aug 2023 10:02:24
Dont think he has signed for anyone yet a think Sampdoria had a bid accepted but it has stalled. s9me tabloids printing that Rodgers could possibly look at Souter whom he signed for Leicester, please no to this 1 for me.

2.) 07 Aug 2023 12:25:44
Dunno too much about souttar but he was outstanding and the World Cup, think he was a 15 million pound player and has the height and physicality we’re missing.

3.) 07 Aug 2023 12:34:01
No to Souttar for me. Was in Seville for zombies final.

4.) 07 Aug 2023 13:30:10
Better with soapy souttar or wullies pal.

5.) 07 Aug 2023 13:30:41
Sure the bid was only about £2m as well Troy.

6.) 07 Aug 2023 15:18:05
That should have been OOR Wullie.

7.) 07 Aug 2023 16:28:53
15 mil for Souter or 2 mil for the Dutch guy who is twice the player Souter will ever be, difficult decision then!

8.) 07 Aug 2023 21:51:28
if the dutch guy is so good why has no one bought him, let's be honest we wanted rocki so we went and got him at nearly double the money they want for the dutch lad so if we rated him as highly we would have him, i think he is probably seen as good back up not better than what we already have.

{Ed007's Note - Will we just say all our players can't be so good because nobody has bought them? Kyogo, CCV, Maeda, Matt O'Riley, Anada -who's buying them?



01 Aug 2023 19:48:49
Green brigade not turning up tonight is cringy! What do they think Celtic are going to go … you know what I get it let’s tell Brendan to pack up his rubbish… never a felt on ye go back down the road ye go Brendan we need a real Celt in charge like Ange…. Em well you know what I mean? ??‍♂️.

Big p

{Ed007's Note - You do know there is a lot more people in the standing section than just the Green Brigade don't you, what were they protesting when they didn't attend Scott Brown's testimonial?
Why aren't you mentioning The Bhoys group, they haven't taken tickets in their section for the game either?
Were the season tickets for the section even activated for the game if so why weren't they sold to the general public after a certain point in time?
Or are you telling a group of young guys what they should spend their money on?
Unless you've paid £22 + travel etc to go to the game tonight your post is cringy.}

1.) 01 Aug 2023 20:13:00
The Green Brigade put themselves up as stalwarts of the fanbase. They couldn't be bothered turning up for Jamesy. Fuckin shame on them. HH.

2.) 01 Aug 2023 20:18:41
Ange was never a Celtic guy until he came here. He did a great job but he fecked off to the pub league when he got the chance.
Good luck to him, I wish him well but he was only ever a temporary Celtic fan . and they count for zero in my book. HH.

3.) 01 Aug 2023 20:18:49
Would they not have published a statement if it was a protest against Brendan?

{Ed007's Note - Statement o'clock!! ??

4.) 01 Aug 2023 20:23:50
Mark, please don't side with the GB. it's not a good look.
They bring a lot of atmosphere to games from time to time but more often than not they are a disgrace to our club. Their non-attendance en masse this evening is a fekkin disgrace. HH.

{Ed007's Note - You're sitting in the house watching the game slagging guys for not going, how much did it cost you to go to the game?}

5.) 01 Aug 2023 20:31:26
Had to work to pay my bills tonight is that cringy enough for you?

{Ed007's Note - Well you best get on with it before your boss catches you.}

6.) 01 Aug 2023 20:39:15
The green brigade are working two nights and a Sunday.

{Ed007's Note - I don't know if it's more cringy or hilarious that there's Celtic fans that think everyone in the standing section is in the GB ??

7.) 01 Aug 2023 20:46:18
Mark, for your info, I bought a ticket for the game through my local club even though I knew I couldn't make it. I bought it out of respect for Jamesy.
Are you there? HH.

{Ed007's Note - No, I was taking Grotbags but none of the GB had they're tickets activated.
So who went with your ticket?}

8.) 01 Aug 2023 20:55:23
I gave it to a club member who couldn't afford the trip themselves. I also paid a portion of the price of the journey for them. Our club is very tight, and very few of them like the GB behaviour in general. What more could I have done? HH.

{Ed007's Note - Right, so you've done what people are accusing the GB of doing, buying tickets and not turning up. So what's the difference?}

9.) 01 Aug 2023 21:01:02
The person I bought the ticket for is there. That's the difference. HH.

{Ed007's Note - And that'll make absolutely zero difference to the money Forrest has for his charities. Did you tell them what sings to sing, who to clap and who to boo, what to buy etc etc Seeing as you're the judge and jury of what Celtic fans should do or spend their money on?
Did you pay for anyone to go to Japan or Dublin at the weekend, there were a few of the GB at both, oh wait they wouldn't do that because of Brendan Rodgers - silly me. ?‍♂️?

10.) 01 Aug 2023 21:35:34
And for what it's worth. I was in Dublin for the Wolves game.
I don't recall seeing you there. HH.

Ed007's Note - It's worth feck all and I don't believe you but is this you in Dublin? So was it Wolves you went to see or Celtic?

Send a pic of tour ticket in the Wolves end to prove you were there because I'm calling you a liar over this!}

11.) 01 Aug 2023 21:58:08
well what do you know, the GB have spat their dummies out again. Brendan asked about it before the game and basically says he doesn't give a toss.

{Ed007's Note -


12.) 01 Aug 2023 23:25:24
If the Green Brigade had been there with an unsavoury banner they would been called out they don’t turn up and they are being called out you just can’t win at times.



29 Jun 2023 18:15:55
Is it not a different jota who is going?

Big p

1.) 29 Jun 2023 18:42:08
It probably will be Big p.
Celtic would’ve let us down gently days ago, if there was any truth in the Jota deal.

2.) 29 Jun 2023 19:16:46
I've got to the point where I'm not bothered anymore. Rather have players at club who want to be here and see club replace with players who will be a step above.

Can see jota, hatate and abada away in next few weeks but I've faith in board and would not be surprised if deals for incoming players are imminent.

Personally I think it will be a very different starting 11 come first game of season.

3.) 29 Jun 2023 21:15:59
I think you may be right niv2023. wouldn't be suprised to see o'riley leave as well.

4.) 29 Jun 2023 21:21:22
I wouldn't be surprised either DC. I'm confident though we will be stronger next season though.




Big p's rumour replies


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25 Jun 2024 17:30:11
Aye but we’ve still to agree on wages that’s the tough bit it seems to get over the line… sane with Bernardo too.

Big p



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12 Jan 2024 18:17:17
Or he’s getting sold? Or being used in another transfer? Did I hear kwon is away to st mirren.

Big p



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11 Jan 2024 16:46:06
Because fans don’t have players in their Panini sticker albums they are classed as project players. Lots of our players are fully established internationals so that means they are in the top 30-40 players in their respective countries. Some folk really don’t get football or understand it… they just wet their panties.

Big p



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06 Jan 2024 11:15:11
We let Jack hendry go as he wasn’t t good enough for us and yet jack is a few ahead of McKenna for Scotland… so why would McKenna improve us?

Big p



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03 Sep 2023 17:13:36
This post and comments aged well… in Brendan we trust! ? I work in cardonald and was working today the bears were ragin ??.

Big p




Big p's banter replies


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03 Mar 2024 22:39:57
I think somebody smells like an undercover sevvie trying to sow the seeds of discontent ??‍♂️?.

Big p



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02 Feb 2024 11:27:31
And do we honestly feel sevco have improved during this transfer window? Long term injuries for them aswell as players reaching the end of their contracts and not being offered new ones… the players just weren’t available for whatever reason in this window … im quite relaxed we will still win the league.

Big p



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01 Feb 2024 21:49:41
All the summer signings were Ange influenced signings.

Big p



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26 Jan 2024 18:03:22
Were we not linked with a striker from Iraq in the summer?

Big p



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25 Jan 2024 09:30:42
I can’t see khun replacing Abada in the first team… if the quality isn’t available or prepared to come to Scotland why blow cash just to appease the new signing hungry fans. We have a treble winning squad so we don’t need to just get guys in for the sake of it.

Big p



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