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26 Jun 2024 08:08:07
Dominik Livakovic to Celtic is false news and not happening according to a very reliable journalist who has contacts with the players PR team. A Turkish media outlet reported that we had an offer accepted and that he would move, but apparently it's a non starter.

For me I can't see this move happening either. We have the money to sign him, but I just don't think coming to play in Scotland is much of an appeal for a player in his prime looking to play at the top level. If we did manage to sign him though, it would be a great signing. Let's hope.

Mick the tim 83

1.) 26 Jun 2024 08:54:08
Couldn’t have helped watching Scotland, if that was an indication of the quality of our league.

Noticed wee Strachan hoisting the white flag on behalf of the board no doubt, about, how we can't do this, can’t do that, don’t have the money, smaller teams do well but they get decimated by bigger clubs buying their players. But, they do well. They get better prices because they do well. I’ve never read such a pessimistic, sh itebag, what’s the point we are all going to die attitude. He talked of, you can spend but you have wages. No sh it, Sherlock.

This to me is the Lawell mindset and Strachan iniws there’s no effin way our board will step up. If Paddy Power had a bet that, even with all that money, we end up weaker this season, I would stick a score on it. We lose Matt and CCV there is no way we will replace them like for like. Buckle up for hard luck stories of failed attempts for top players and being taken the p iss out of yet again.

Run by ambitionless, dithering cowards and no matter how much I try to believe we will have a go, that fizzles out when I remember who we have to rely on.

2.) 26 Jun 2024 09:00:56
Thought it was too good to be true. but we need to get a keeper in soon pre season not too far away as is tour of America.

3.) 26 Jun 2024 10:27:34
I’m with you magicpole, it’s happened to us too often .
Even though Br said he wanted to change the structure of the transfer, it’s no surprise that hart was leaving so we should be well down the line with a keeper. We kept getting linked with Kellerher but for the price tag and wages we know that was a non starter. Stories going about saying we won’t sign Bernardo due to wages, we need to cut the squad by 7 . The squad id agree with but it’s never easy getting rid of players who are poor and wouldn’t get the same wages that we are giving them, not saying we pay massive wages but we are paying high wages for the standard of some of them and what they contribute. We probably all agree Mor is going to be sold, and he will negate the spend as we never seem to have a big net spend . Surely with what we have in the bank plus the champions league money we can afford to have an out lay of 30 million . If we can’t do it now we never will, I just don’t trust the board to spend . Hanging on for their bonuses again, and just do enough to keep the common folk quiet for a while.

4.) 26 Jun 2024 10:48:09
If he was available for the reported 7.5m as mentioned in the press then i would imagine half of europe would be in for him. Because the reported price for an international keeper of his calibre is so low makes me sceptical. I think we obviously hold an interest but i doubt very much we have had a bid accepted for 7.5m.
I personally haven't seen much of him other than the world cup but he must be decent to be croatia No1.

5.) 26 Jun 2024 11:15:20
We just need to wait until next week to see if it's true or not.
One report says we've had a bid accepted and we were all happy, one report from a guy on x says its not happening and everyone believes it.
The truth is, No one knows what's happening.

6.) 29 Jun 2024 08:00:54
He was just another name that until they are standing with a scarf, we shouldn’t believe. Not many will move from a better league for Lawell wages. And as long as that mentality persists, even going for these players is like Alex Rae turning up at Miss World and expecting to go home with the winner. Let’s face it. We don’t need to waste our time with the big leagues. Every team at the euros now are better technically than us. Georgia, Albania etc have players too. With a league as attractive as Rae, we need to look at places where we can spend £6-7m for their better players and they see us as a step to bigger leagues. Otherwise it will be an excercise in failure that will end with the usual, we tried. Well Alex would try to nip Miss World but it would never happen. Same for us with players already in better leagues. All the talk about signings already done? Did anybody actually believe that? Bless.

7.) 29 Jun 2024 08:18:39
What we do know is his PR team called it out as BS. Hart told them he was going. If a single board member takes a bonys because the bank balance is high, especially if they fail to improve us, they are despicable opportunists and theives. They have manufactured a system that pays dividends to those and such as those. The bottom line is still, we are run by ambitionless, cheapskate cowards. And my suggestion that even with all our money, these men will leave us actually weaker, is a better bet with them in charge. They are our greatest barrier to improving. Always have been, always will. I have zero confidence in them and not much in Rogers signing record either. Everybody, myself included, thought after the last two windows would step up. But at the back of our minds was the nagging doubt about our board. Those doubts are backed up by past experience. It’s hard to be optimistic when the dithering, cheapskate elephant in the room is still wearing a blazer, with an eye on a bonus. It’s a tragic state of affairs when our biggest threat isn’t Sevco, it’s our own board.

8.) 29 Jun 2024 21:37:07
It’s a good job the Celtic Board gave some of us nameless posters a fools errand as if the Board gave everyone equal treatment, I would expect some would have to explain themselves in a court of law . It maybe debated that our Board could spend more money on players, However although spending more money on players would be an important part of Board’s duty it isn’t their most important which is. earning money for investors
So Our Board may not be made up of the type of people magicpole writes about.



06 Jun 2024 09:51:29
Crazy season has well and truly started, Peter grant now floating de gea to us, jota being linked with a return along with edouard, and the transfer window hasn't even opened yet. Celtic being Celtic though I wouldn't be surprised if we go and sign a couple of freebies like Scott McKenna.

Mick the tim 83

1.) 06 Jun 2024 10:32:10
Nothing wrong with a freebie if they're a quality player, Mick. With FFP I reckon Bosman deals will become much more common even for top players, like M'Bappe to Madrid. I also think we could do a lot worse than McKenna.

2.) 06 Jun 2024 15:54:47
I think a quality CB to partner CCV next season eith McKenna on the bench onside Scales would work.

Signing McKenna would mean we could punt Welsh and it doesn't hurt the homegrown player number.

We've still got Lagerbielke, Kobayashi and possibly Nawrocki to move on.

☘️ ? ☘️.

3.) 06 Jun 2024 20:51:35
I’m not against a freebie to be fair as long as it’s someone who can impact the team, I just always get the impression the board would rather settle for a lower quality player on free transfers instead of showing some ambition.

If we want to progress further I think we need a quality goalkeeper, centre half to partner CCV and a solid left back. I would keep Nawrocki, I think there’s more to come from him, but welsh, Kobayashi, and lagerbielke I just don’t think Rodgers rates any of them.

4.) 07 Jun 2024 00:40:37
Pedro there's 2 criteria for the homegrown rule. 4 players that came through the youth system and an additional 4 trained in Scotland. I expect both Welsh and MJ to be around because of it.

5.) 08 Jun 2024 20:30:33

so if we had;- CalMac, Forrest, Ralston and Kelly (possibly Montgomery) from the youth system.

With;- Taylor, Bain, McKenna and AN Other - we could sell the useless pair that are Welsh and Magic Mikey?

☘️ ? ☘️.



17 Jan 2024 19:19:58
Don't shoot the messenger but been hearing Josh doig for left back is a strong possibility. Not looking too much into the papers reports but he's apparently always been on the list since he broke through at Hibs. Was close to moving to Marseille for just over 4m but the deal fell apart but he looks to be on the move. I've heard we won't move for a left back unless we shift bernabie first but who knows, I would definitely take doig though, he's already gained good experience for someone who's 21 and at 6ft 2 would be a solid addition, he's a hell of a lot more mobile than Taylor anyway which is what we've lacked in recent years.

Mick the tim 83

1.) 17 Jan 2024 22:15:28
I've heard he staying in Italy bit different club. But agree I'd take him for us he's decent player.

2.) 18 Jan 2024 22:26:55
He's joined sassuolo tonight.




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16 Mar 2024 08:16:50
Can anyone shed some light on the centre back situation at the moment? I know CCV has been stop start this season, and it's affected our performances but he's back tomorrow and scales is out after picking up a slight knock in training. Lagerbielke is fit and hardly had a chance, but is Rodger's punishing him by not playing him because he wanted to leave in January?

Welsh is terrible and can't be any worse than him, yet still gets picked. Is Nawrocki injured yet again? And last of all I've now seen Kobayashi is being blocked out of a move despite the fact he hasn't played a single minute this season. What is going on?

Mick the tim 83

1.) 16 Mar 2024 08:46:31
Rodgers wanted him to leave in January, if it was not for injuries he would have gone.

2.) 16 Mar 2024 10:49:06

Welsh turned in another rubbish performance last time out against Livi.

BR clearly doesn't want Lagerbielke for reasons only known to the manager, but it's bad enough that he'll play a liability like Welsh ahead of him.

* CCV hopfully can get through the remaining games
* Scales injured
* Nawrocki injured
* Kobayashi is beyond junk

☘️ ? ☘️.

3.) 16 Mar 2024 13:41:04
The manager didn't seem to rate several of the CB's on the books, not to mention six or seven other players and that has contributed to the injury problems and form lapses of the rest being over-used.

4.) 16 Mar 2024 13:43:32
It's never nice to see a player injured but it might be a blessing for us because imo we were headed for a disaster by persisting with Scales. This takes the decision out of Rodgers' hands and hopefully his replacement can put in an assured performance. I hope it's Lagerbielke.

{Ed007's Note - It's not, it's Welsh.}

5.) 16 Mar 2024 11:20:01
Just wonder if a. johnston can go centre back with ccv and ralston rb. Pretty sure I've read somewhere he can play cb aswell.



23 Jan 2024 23:13:28
Well guys I think we can safely say we're back to the old ways of recruitment, lawwell back getting involved and Brendan pretty much going along with it. We had a solid 2 years under ange where he decided what happened and it's not a coincidence lawwell wasn't involved during that period.
Rumour has it the only incoming in this window is possibly a left back, that's it, with the focus on shifting deadwood out the door either permanently or on loan.
Brendan's comments recently about the striker situation and how it would have been different if kyogo was away to the Asian cup pretty much summed it up, he said something along the lines of the players won't be away too long, so in other words we don't need to sign a striker as when everyone is fit we'll have kyogo, oh and maeda as striking options for the second half of the season.

Mick the tim 83

1.) 24 Jan 2024 00:03:08
So far the window has been underwhelming. While I am pessimistic about signing players, I am holding my judgement until the window closes.

However I'll dust down my old sack the board banner from the 90s just in case.

2.) 24 Jan 2024 00:07:10
So that'll be 3 striking options to chose from when we only play 1 strìker? better than dessers, Roofe and Sima I suppose? Not sure if you are aware but a LB won't be the only incoming this month as we have already signed a German winger? Better than the mere loan signing of Silva I suppose?.

3.) 24 Jan 2024 05:13:30
Who's the 3 strikers I can only count 2 once oh comes back.

4.) 24 Jan 2024 05:30:25
Who says lawell is pulling strings, rumour has it from who. what a lot of mince, fact is we want players that can contribute, not more turnbulls Guccis lagerbelkes johnstones ohs yangs holms McCarthy’s the list goes on and getting these guys away should be priorIt’s also, if we sign enough (just enough) to see league out im cool with that, for me a left back and loan striker would see job done, it’s not great that we don’t seem to want to prepare for next season but the players we want need to be available also and want to come here, the dross from fans regarding Lawell and regarding ange being the bees knees when he littered squad with useless players and happily pushed giakomakis out the door when he was wangling his own move is beyond me, ccv aside our first team and bench is now fit there’s no panic, il come back to you deadline day if that’s still way I feel lol.

5.) 24 Jan 2024 08:58:53
As long as Lawell is in the building that suspicion will persist. Also the point of most of us about getting in a bit of quality is precisely to stop the club buying more or should that be different squad fillers.

6.) 24 Jan 2024 09:08:56
Boy88 your as bad as the board, when are we going to stop looking across city . Who cares what players they have or haven't bought, that shouldn't make a difference to who we sign . That's where we go wrong just doing enough to stay top and no more . We need to be more ambitious.

7.) 24 Jan 2024 09:18:12
Although PL is a non-exec chairman, I refuse to believe for one second that he has zero influence on all business and admin matters within our club. The guy has been used to power and control all his working life and was notorious for his past hands-on interference. Basically, the difference between Celtic with AND without his dominant presence in any capacity is there for all to see.

8.) 24 Jan 2024 12:41:36
P L will always be involved as long as some people have it in their heads he involved . Many Companies and Organisations have people working from home, to my mind it is totally irrelevant whether P L is in the building or not, as if he and Celtic wanted him to act as CEO for the purpose of completing transfer, he could do that job at home and receive another £500k on top of the £140k that he is currently earning as Chairman .
I haven’t heard any rumours of Nicholson accepting £500k pay cut and giving his transfer portfolio to big Peter.

9.) 24 Jan 2024 16:38:43
GB1888 I think you're miss reading my post lol.



05 Oct 2023 04:44:17
Disappointing result, it's so frustrating when you shoot yourself in the foot and concede self inflicted goals, a set piece and then giving ball away poorly for the second. The day those players switch on and realise they can't make mistakes like that at this level is the day the results start to come. I thought we played really well, kept the ball and just lacked that extra but of quality in the final third.

Nothing against Greg Taylor he's improved with us but tonight showed he's just not cut out at this level, scales was brilliant again and would love to see him at left back.

Mick the tim 83

1.) 05 Oct 2023 06:11:43
I have sad before Scales could do a job at left back. How many times did Taylor come inside and leave their winger ion his on and in the first half they played the ball out there all the time. They clearly saw he was the weak link prior to the game, as he comes across the pitch too far and doesn't watch the player he us supposed to be marking.

2.) 05 Oct 2023 09:56:32
I put this in chat last night. I think Scales has been very good this season. Still a bit rough but improving every game.

3.) 05 Oct 2023 12:13:09
Maeda couldn't agree more, i've been saying it since Taylor came to us. He should never be more than a backup. Teams attack us down our left constantly because every team know he's the weak link, too small, too slow and gives the ball away too much and constantly leaving his man in acres of space out wide. When Scales is on the ball he needs to have Taylor out wide giving him an easier option but he's never there. I also thought McGregor could have been more positive on the ball, so many times in the second half he had 25 yards of space in front of him and he just goes sideways or back instead of driving into the space. It was a good game last night and we competed really well but Lazio will do nothing in the CL, we have to be getting points against these teams.

4.) 05 Oct 2023 13:24:22
Taylor got tore a new arsehole first half but thought he grew into the game and played well 2nd half once he adjusted his positioning.




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26 Jun 2024 18:46:50
First of many out the door that’s needed, still a long way to go though there’s about another 10 on the books that could be classed as deadwood.

Mick the tim 83



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06 Jun 2024 20:51:35
I’m not against a freebie to be fair as long as it’s someone who can impact the team, I just always get the impression the board would rather settle for a lower quality player on free transfers instead of showing some ambition.

If we want to progress further I think we need a quality goalkeeper, centre half to partner CCV and a solid left back. I would keep Nawrocki, I think there’s more to come from him, but welsh, Kobayashi, and lagerbielke I just don’t think Rodgers rates any of them.

Mick the tim 83



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31 May 2024 13:28:20
Sounds good but we can forget about it. I know there’s the link because Rodgers is here but several teams in the top 5 leagues are after him including Juventus and atletico, and with him being 27 he’s simply not going to come to Scotland and play at this standard even if we are in the champions league.

Mick the tim 83



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24 Jan 2024 12:41:49
Life changing move for him if there is any truth in it, thankfully the club are in a very strong negotiating position with the new deal he signed. It would be a major loss to lose him in this window but there’s nothing the club can do if Matt decides he wants to move in this window, a midfield three of mcgregor, hatate and bernardo would still be strong enough to go and win the league, we would however need to sign a quality replacement for depth.

Mick the tim 83



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24 Jan 2024 12:12:41
I just hope Kuhn wasn’t signed to replace Abada but I think we need to remember that liel might be feeling the pressure at the moment and has asked for a move away, he’s still a young lad and for all we know he could be getting threats and abuse left right and center so it’s one we need to put ourselves in the position. The Green brigade should really take notice of this one though, their actions have fuelled anger towards our club and it’s now affecting the playing squad which simply shouldn’t be allowed. Anyone can have there own beliefs and opinions I’m not saying the GB aren’t entitled to theirs but inside a football stadium should only be about the football and creating a good atmosphere but the lines been crossed now.

Mick the tim 83




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