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10 Jun 2024 09:10:31
In jan, we where told the club had targets but they weren’t available mid season, I really hoped we would move quick on these targets, I also think if idah and Bernardo are deemed required we would move quick also, fact is most players are on holiday, the euros are en route with lots of other internationals getting played (and we should be targeting international) so expecting anything just now is pie in sky stuff, but here’s hoping we do some early business, in very least I’d like to see our departures done quickly.


1.) 10 Jun 2024 10:18:34
Not 100% but a think someone mentioned earlier that transfer window doesn’t open until about the 24th.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 10:41:57
As far as I know, we can agree deals whenever we want but the players can't be registered until the window opens. The first team probably won't be back training for another couple of weeks and the first competitive game is 3rd August. We should be able to get a few deals done by that first game but I could see the Idah one potentially taking a while with Norwich bringing in a new manager.

3.) 10 Jun 2024 11:30:52
Also if any players who are playing at the Euros may be inclined to wait until after the tournament as clubs hoping to boost their value?

4.) 10 Jun 2024 12:47:31
A combination of players being on their hols plus the Euros suggest we shouldn't hold our breath. That aside, there's this nagging doubt at the back of my mind that the Board won't back BR as fully as he and we would like. Aside from that and ignoring Scotland ( with apols to anyone who is Scotland inclined) , enjoy the Euros everyone. Hopefully lots of good games.

5.) 10 Jun 2024 13:02:42
Neither International managers of teams playing in Euros would want transfer talks taking place whilst player is in International Camp, nor does his club manager want that either.
Jimthetim 01 I would hate to see any of our first team players leaving early or at any time .
Of course we have always many players doing nothing to earn their wages .
Board have always tried to get rid of these as soon as possible. But if BR cannot get a game out of them, how will another manager inspire them to play.

6.) 10 Jun 2024 14:53:38
Transfer window opens on the 14th, the same day as Scotland v Germany.

7.) 10 Jun 2024 16:49:40
Yes Jonbhoy transfer window opens on Friday and a week later International transfers. Don’t worry Board and recruitment team will find plenty of reasons why deals are slow about taking place . Getting business done is all that matters.

8.) 10 Jun 2024 19:45:17
We signed Alistair Johnston while he was at the world cup in Qatar.

9.) 10 Jun 2024 22:33:07
Wee des, do you EVER have anything positive to say about the club? EVERY post is totally negative.

10.) 11 Jun 2024 14:00:31
Jonbhoy, I think if u read all my posts you will find I have more positive posts than negative. I may have been a tad negative since season ended because history has shown me that far too many of our posters go over the top in their negativity regarding transfer window. The past few windows have taught me to be more realistic about our transfers in, so that I won’t be completely heart broken when we have a normal window . U talk about negative posting, read my posts about Scales and Taylor and Harte. , and that’s just three and compare them to others . I can safely that only Buzz Bomb and I agreed and were positive about those 3 .
Go on Jon Bhoy read my posts please, and tell me am I right or wrong.



11 May 2024 16:44:01
I said in the first half season when we dropped silly points that the one team that didn’t bother me was sevco 10 points from 12 says it all.




06 May 2024 12:14:44
I’m in danger of repeating myself but our team lit my fuse on Saturday, I can’t wait for them and have battle fever a few days too soon, their gaffer showing his unhinged side again after yesterday’s game has me excited just to see his excuses and meltdown after this leagues won, I might even listen to ssb this week as well, of course it isn’t won yet I just cannot wait but.


1.) 06 May 2024 13:30:54
The bible taught us pride cometh before a fall.

Keep the powder dry until the appropriate time. ?.

2.) 06 May 2024 14:10:10
I agree Weejoe…. let’s not get carried away. We played great on Saturday…. But we haven’t exactly shown great consistency this season.

I’m certainly not thinking this will be anything easy… far from it.

Let’s be up for this 100%. Games like this one coming up are always difficult and tense affairs.

3.) 06 May 2024 15:53:47
Last two Derby games we've had a two goal lead.
At theirs ended 3-3 with them finishing the stronger side.
Celtic park cruising them down to ten men.
Tavpen scores with a free kick 10 mins to go, panic sets in and we eventually win 2-1.

If we go ahead on Saturday we've got to give another 90 mins display like they did against Hearts.

4.) 06 May 2024 16:16:10
I think Celtic have now scored the opening goal against them 10 times in our last 11 meetings.



04 May 2024 21:41:18
cannot express how buzzing I am for next week, imo sevco can’t live with that team, and today I can’t believe how animated Brendan was, that team had 60000 eating out palm of their hands with their play and desire, league would have been won weeks ago had we played this way.


1.) 04 May 2024 22:50:42
The Scottish football last straw was releasing comical nonsense stats about VAR decisions about 16 days before the season ends.

2.) 04 May 2024 23:09:03
We've been waiting all season for that performance Jim and it was glorious. Total dominance from start to finish. Kyogo looked like his old self at times (and Fabio Silva once or twice with his antics) , O'Riley was in cruise control, Hart was a rock in goals and McGregor got stronger as the gane went on. Really good stuff.

3.) 05 May 2024 06:10:28
Agreed mcgregor did take five or ten mins to wake up but after that he was outstanding (I wander if he’s still carrying an injury and it was the crowd that got him through today and drove him on)

4.) 05 May 2024 12:58:41
Yesterday was probably the day when almost our best team, all hit form for the same match, injuries and players just returning from injuries would explain why at least some times when we had a full team out, we didn’t as a team play as we should and as we did yesterday. Maeda came on in 2nd half and I imagine Tavernier is already getting a sick feeling in the bottom of his stomach.
Nothing is won yet, but the road to success is not as steep up hill as. it was a few weeks ago .



08 Apr 2024 15:36:10
Wish I knew what calmac said to TikTok.


1.) 08 Apr 2024 16:58:17
You couldn’t lace my boots Todd Phelps.

2.) 08 Apr 2024 17:44:16
Probably said his hair was a mess.

3.) 08 Apr 2024 19:25:53
Supposedly, Calmac told Ticktok that the league was now over.




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14 Feb 2024 07:38:36
Any uplift like this to match the euro allocation is a real step forward and undoubted admit to error from rangers, the 8k won’t happen again in my view, all I care about is Celtic stick to our guns and give them nothing until they put measures in place at ibrox first as we know this is there doing, does anyone else think they will try and not give us the allocation for next game seeing as how close the league is and will delay until next season.




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03 Feb 2024 12:10:37
Defo looks better, an option for Kyogo and 2 guys in Kuhn and vata that should be dying to make an impression, defence is scary tho.





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30 May 2024 20:55:08
Personally I think he was rubbish for 1/ 3 of the season, and for me needs to prove to big guns he’s real deal, teams with money ( prem) panic and will want him regardless but if he wants to progress he should prove he has it for full season and cl,

I love the guy, he’s naturally gifted but I see so much improvement in him that’s needed and if happens then who knows wat he could achieve.




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05 May 2024 16:10:46
Agree, I can’t mind who was on var, but my god they wanted to make sure they didn’t slip up, well done ref in first instance for not giving pen, on second I was ok with pen but red card I don’t understand, I thought it was changed from double punishment, fact is tho, we give them a doing every time.




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05 May 2024 06:10:28
Agreed mcgregor did take five or ten mins to wake up but after that he was outstanding (I wander if he’s still carrying an injury and it was the crowd that got him through today and drove him on)




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23 Apr 2024 06:06:42
Put Kyogo, Idah, oh, in an Aberdeen or hearts team playing most mins of every game against teams that look to play against you and not low block and all score as many as Shanklin and miovski, of the 2 I’d want miovski and they would be to come off the bench.

if we want a new striker, we need to be looking at better quality. eddy was a loan fee followed by a hefty price there’s no reason while Kyogo still in building we aren’t using same method to find a striker, yes there’s an argument that we developing other teams players, but top teams are littered with youngsters that won’t kick a ball for them.

jota, eddy are proven examples of the method perhaps Bernardo will be also, ntcham, frimpong great examples also of types of player available from top young teams, we should sell that pathway to young talent while developing some Scottish players and making sure we have some experience about, we should have money to ensure our core team has quality.




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21 Apr 2024 08:50:45
Agree with you ed, but u made a good point about not losing goals if starfelt in team, does that not highlight if we got his replacement correct then we could accept ccv’s failings, id address what we definitely know is poor which is Taylor and scales, ccv rightly shouldn’t get let off hook when he's has a bad game but he is head shoulders above the rest back 4, our inability to spot Kyogos runs and find him is my main issue, seems we look for that pass only when we are chasing a result towards end of games as yesterday we saw it played to idah several times but at start games we play our usual width based game which with players we have wide is just pretty rotten, no doubt on a day we can perform but I don’t see consistency or form in our wide players, meadas work rate aside I wouldn’t think teams are scared of our wide guys.




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