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Lancs Celt's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Lancs Celt's rumours posts


05 Jun 2023 23:39:15
So it looks like our journey with big Ange at the helm is over. To say I’m disappointed is a massive understatement.

It’s been a wonderful, thrilling ride with the most high octane, attacking football I’ve seen from our team with trophies almost every 4/ 5 months under the big affable Aussie ??

Unfortunately, I think we have to accept that due to the limited appeal of our league any manager we employ who enjoys a period as successful as this one by demanding such high standards of performance will inevitably attract attention from the English PL. That entertaining football was Ange’s USP and Rodgers invincible season was his.

I fear there will be a lot of interest in our players from English clubs. Players like Johnston, Reo, Kyogo, Jota, Abada and possibly others and maybe Ange’s departure will act as a catalyst for this.

I hope I’m wrong, but I think this is our new status, therefore our recruitment both for manager and incoming transfers needs to remain as it is, both imaginative and extensive, scouring the globe for emerging young talent to develop and sell at a huge profit. Similar to the Ajax, Porto models. Whoever comes in will obviously get our backing, even if there remains considerable anger should it be BR after the way he departed.

I would go for Potter as my choice for manager, but whoever it is, we might have to accept that 2-3 years seems to be the average tenure for any manager who is successful at Celtic, Scotlands most successful club. ?.

Lancs Celt

1.) 06 Jun 2023 11:02:10
Fair to say I'm gutted big Ange is gone. Honestly one of the most entertaining brands of football brought to Scotland. Excellent scouting network, superb attitude to the game and I genuinely felt that the longer we have him the more progress and development along the way. I recon he'd of done is a better turn in the CL giving us some form of European football after Xmas. But it was not to be. I said earlier in the week couldn't grudge him. He takes over one of the "top 6" will be given a ridiculous budget and have better facilities and resources. He'll have a change to try to do something down south. I wish him all the best and hope he is a success.

The next stage for us will be interesting, we need a manager with authority, with the tactical ability and drive for us to progress. I'd also like to see us keep our wider scouting network. I hope who ever comes in gets financial support that allows us to progress.

2.) 06 Jun 2023 13:41:18
Outstanding coach and he will be missed but as mentioned before money talks.
Going from a 1yr rolling contact to a 4yr £6m per year deal if reports are true.
Maybe we need to get away from this 1yr rolling contract thing.

3.) 08 Jun 2023 15:31:21
From what I understand Ange was happy with the 1 year rolling contract and that Celtic offered him a new contract which he refused.
Remember he has previous with this type of thing, when he won back to back titles with Brisbane Roar he stated at the celebrations " let's make it three" two days later he was gone to a new club.
You mention money i. e. the 4yr £6 million a year contract, I don't think was the only reason, I think there was also the history bit as well i. e. he would be the first Australian manager in the EPL and not sure but probably the first Australian manager in the so called big 5 leagues, that would have been a huge temptation as he knew he was regarded as a bit of a joke when he came to us.



21 Jul 2022 13:07:50
Down in midlands in England today with work. Some talk down here of Leicester being interested in Matt O’ Reilly. First whisper I’ve heard. Can you shed any light on it Ed? Cheers.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - Leicester and umpteen other clubs are probably interested in wee Orally if he was available, remember his data/stats at MK Dons had put him on the radar of most clubs - Liverpool, Leicester, Newcastle, PSV Eindhoven, Bordeaux and Torino amongst them. Clubs having an interest in a player doesn't mean that they are ready to bid for him, Celtic will hold an interest in literally hundreds of players across the globe.
Ange himself said last night that he didn't see anything in wee Orally to suggest he is interested in moving on.
One consolation if that changed I have no doubt we would get a substantial fee but it's not something I'm worried about happening tbh. Like every player at Celtic he will have a price where the board leave the decision up to the player.}

1.) 21 Jul 2022 13:28:24
Ange mentioned it last night he's quite calm about it, and he's saying it's a compliment.

{Ed007's Note - ?

2.) 21 Jul 2022 13:36:35
Cheers Ed. Just talk in the Metro free paper which is normally yesterdays news tomorrow! ?.

{Ed007's Note - That's still better than the Daily Record ?

3.) 21 Jul 2022 16:05:40
Ed i think you will find his real name is Matteo Orilio ???.

{Ed007's Note - As soon as we signed him I couldn't get the wee dodgy Irish builder from Fawlty Towers out my mind and Manual calls him Mr Orally, that's where I got it from ?

4.) 21 Jul 2022 16:22:06

☘️ ? ☘️.

{Ed007's Note - ???

5.) 21 Jul 2022 21:06:22
Not sure who scouted Matt O'Riley but what a find, his technique is next level and we should all enjoy him while we have him here, this lad will make some serious cash in the future for our club and I hope from now until then he has many a trophy to lift in the green and white, another young hungry talent of this quality is what we should be clammering for as a CDM, Mcarthy looks miles off, Aaron Mooy should be cover, let's get one more unearthed gem in before the window shuts HH.

{Ed007's Note - Wee Orally first caught Celtic's eye when we scouted Dembele at Fulham and by the looks of it so did Moritz Jenz.}

6.) 22 Jul 2022 09:43:24
Wee Orally??the guys 6'2", I must be a dwarf at 5'10"??.




Lancs Celt's banter posts with other poster's replies to Lancs Celt's banter posts


24 May 2024 23:29:24
Evening Bhoys and Ghirls. Just watching the season title race on sly and one things stands out, apart from the obvious. Our manager and his hard core approach to the narrative being written by the media from February thru to Sevcos May collapse. Quotes like “ the season story has already been written, but we’ll write our own story”, and the confidence he spoke with after the 3-3 game when he said we would prevail in the game at home against them. I believe this positivity was seized on by the squad to finish as strongly as we did. The “ fun” comment really enraged the serial losers and he got right inside their massive, empty heads. Rodgers has got the full measure of all 5 previous sevco managers and seen each and every one of them off. He alludes to this when he says “ each time we play rangers they’re supposedly coming “.

I think he’s developed a steely side about his dealings with the media and I get the feeling he seems more invested in Celtic now than ever before. Got to admit I wasn’t sure about him returning, but he has really won me over, and we seem to be stronger now than any time this season. Hope that is demonstrated tomorrow at Hampden ??.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - Brendan Rodgers is used to dealing with the media in the Pub League, players and managers do courses down there on it. The SMSM are WAY out of their league trying to play him, he's far too "cute" for them.

1.) 24 May 2024 23:51:19
Totally agreed Ed. He’s like a cat playing with the vermin and toying with them. Hope you’re keeping well.

{Ed007's Note - I''m good mate thanks, had a wee medical emergency with Yoda yesterday but all good now. ? hope you're the same.

2.) 25 May 2024 08:54:13
When I was a manager in Cairo (oil rigs) .
The company sent us on a course to deal with the media.
The instructor opened her presentation with the words.
"Always remember, the media are "b*st*rds" have sold their souls to the devil and will do whatever it takes to get a story"

Pretty much sums them up for me and I had a few occasions having to deal with them.

If they do not do similar with our managers up here then they are failing the clubs.

3.) 25 May 2024 09:35:09
I agree Ed, I think it was pretty evident the first time Rodgers came to Celtic. I felt the media played Ronny Deila every chance they got, but BR certainly showed them he's too clued up to take any of their p*ss poor "journalism"

{Ed007's Note - Down south the managers are playing mind games with some of the best journalists in the world, up here we've got lumps of wood like Keith Jackson.}

4.) 25 May 2024 12:50:55
Remember the club signed someone, a girl named Summers, to help the younger players especially, how to conduct themselves in interviews. Unfortunately one of our older players, Gordon became too much attached to her and the experience ended and was never repeated,
Ange and BR handle the media almost perfectly. I think especially when we employed Ange, they they thought they would have a field day.

5.) 25 May 2024 13:39:29
You thinking of summer harl, the celtictv presenter?

6.) 25 May 2024 14:24:53
Wyllie, that’s the girl, I couldn’t remember whether her Christian name or Surname was Summer (s)



13 Apr 2024 00:00:38
Late shout, but if anybody is needing a ticket for tomorrow’s sell out game I have a spare. My Bhoy is learning the harsh lessons of working on a Saturday ?.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - Email me in the morning at ed007@live.co.uk and we'll arrange it. I'm going to the game too if anyone wants to meet up for a soda water n lime before it ??

1.) 13 Apr 2024 09:01:50
Enjoy the match Ed.
I’m going to “The Square” in Santa Ponsa with my Daughter to watch the game.

I fancy 3-1 but I had to bet 5-0 @ 15/ 1
Because I’m here for my 50th.

{Ed007's Note - Thanks Buzz, you have a great time too ???

2.) 13 Apr 2024 12:23:59
Happy birthday buzz.

{Ed007's Note - Happy birthday Buzz.}

3.) 13 Apr 2024 12:34:53
I’m heading there too Buzz, Hail Hail.

4.) 13 Apr 2024 13:24:34
Buzz are u making an away game out of a home fixture ??.

5.) 13 Apr 2024 17:58:09
BuzzBomb ? ? ?

☘️ ? ☘️.



28 Oct 2023 19:13:29
Happy Turnkey…. I think I’ve got you 3 together. Confirm later, probably tomorrow ? ? ?.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - Good man ??

1.) 29 Oct 2023 08:56:05
Absolutely fantastic Jim an absolute gentleman. Obviously I’ve spoke to you personally but just wanted to thank you on here too. ED a fantastic site as I’ve said many times it’s a true Celtic family on here well done on the work you do and to all contributors ?????.

{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate ?I'm delighted that you got sorted.}



10 Oct 2023 20:53:03
International week holds very little Interest for me. Therefore to alleviate the boredom I have gone all ‘Buzz’, our resident statto whose informative posts and trips down memory lane are always an interesting read. I won’t make any claim to Buzz’s crown but thought this was interesting what I discovered. Special mention to Wee Joe who also posts some fascinating stats. I looked into our league cup and Scottish cup draws and those of the Govan beggars, from their post LIQUIDATION season 2012/ 13 up to present day, in order to see about home ties. I have obviously not included games at hampden, it being a neutral venue. Replays are also not included. In the interests of fair representation I have done the same for seasons 2001-2012.

2001-2012- Pre Zombie existence

*League cup*
CELTIC - home ties 12. Away ties 12- 50% home.
Rangers- home ties 11 away 13- 46% home.

*Scots cup*
CELTIC- Home- 10. Away 24- 29% home
Rangers- Home 11. Away 17- 39% home.

The post apocalypse years to follow….

2012- present day

*League cup*
CELTIC- Home 14. Away 7. 66.6% home
Rangers- Home 18. Away 10. 65% home

* Scots cup*

CELTIC- Home 15. Away- 17. 47% home
Rangers- Home 21. Away- 11. 66% home.

Stats and damn lies, make of them what you will, but it really is nice to get nearly 2/ 3 home ties when finances are tight.

Told you I was bored, thanks for reading! ???.

Lancs Celt

1.) 10 Oct 2023 21:38:28
Keep it up mate, you buzz wee joe should get a quiz going faster finger 1st?.

{Ed007's Note - I have PAGES... and I mean serious paper of quiz questions Buzz done for me but I don't know the best way to use them, a quiz challenge on the podcast was a thought but obviously I couldn't enter or Buzz.
If enough folk got involved we could do a winner stays on and after so many rounds of winning you get a prize........... a nude pic of me ?

2.) 10 Oct 2023 22:07:08
Good post Lancs Celt.

Sevco first ever league cup tie was in the 1st round.
How is that possible it they were the same club because Rangers finished 2nd in the 2010/ 11 season.
It’s a seeded competition and they should’ve been seeded 2nd, so obviously not the same club.

Sevco also played their 1st ever Scottish Cup tie in September, months before the Premiership clubs.
How was that possible if they were the same club.

Sevco also played in League cup section games because they didn’t qualify for Europe.

3.) 13 Oct 2023 13:03:40
AI bots are wonderful eh!



21 Aug 2023 17:29:32
That was a sore one yesterday, but after a few cervezas on the beach where there were plenty of cheap castore wearing knuckle draggers gloating this is my take on the way forward.

We need a GK who is comfortable with the ball at his feet to challenge big Joe who is starting to show signs of heading towards a well deserved retirement. However, we definitely need a ball winning, no nonsense CDM. We also need a striker to take the pressure off Kyogo who carries the burden of getting us a goal out of nothing. This No 9 should be in the GG mold and able to play to a plan B when plan A is not going to happen. That's if BR has a plan B.

We are still the dominant force in the league even with the obvious anti Celtic sentiment that pervades 99% of the refs in our bigoted league. Keep the faith Bhoys.

Lancs Celt

1.) 21 Aug 2023 18:02:46
Good post Lancs and enjoy the beach life.

2.) 21 Aug 2023 18:30:33
Good post lancs, spot on in what’s needed brought in…. But add to that a LW to replace jota who’s now out the door what 5/ 6 weeks now.




Lancs Celt's rumour replies


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20 Aug 2023 14:34:52
Cheers Ed. Much appreciated. Red cow just round the corner. Cheers ? ? here we go!

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - ?



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20 Aug 2023 14:15:47
Recommended bars to watch in Gran Canaria please? Playa de ingles.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - According to the CelticBars website there's 3:-

The Red Cow & Shenanigans.
The Irish Tavern.
Patrick's Bar.



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04 Jul 2023 21:55:57
Be very surprised if Broony is still at FTFC by Christmas. Their owner Andy Pilley just been sent down for 13 years! The EFL have announced that they won’t sanction his son as the clubs new owner having been appointed by his dad 6 weeks ago. Fleetwood are going back to non league at a rate of knots. Virtually zero budget and the vultures circling to buy the club for peanuts.

Lancs Celt



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21 Jul 2022 13:36:35
Cheers Ed. Just talk in the Metro free paper which is normally yesterdays news tomorrow! ?.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - That's still better than the Daily Record ?




Lancs Celt's banter replies


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24 May 2024 23:51:19
Totally agreed Ed. He’s like a cat playing with the vermin and toying with them. Hope you’re keeping well.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - I''m good mate thanks, had a wee medical emergency with Yoda yesterday but all good now. ? hope you're the same.



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28 Oct 2023 16:42:03
Alan. I’ve got one ( adult) you can have.

Lancs Celt



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26 Aug 2023 23:35:55
Charles 67. You should have put that up as a stand alone post. Completely nailed the difference between older fans who have lived through very dark times and some of those who have never experienced anything but Celtic being the dominant force without a real challenge. I still think we are top dogs but the beggars have their tails up and sense blood in next weeks derby. Your point of view sums it up perfectly when it comes to a reality check for some ?.

Lancs Celt



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25 Aug 2023 21:25:43
THT. My missus is going in for a serious brain Op in September meaning I’ll be very limited in the games I can go to for a couple of months. Drop me an email if you still have it. If not I’ll contact you. Should be able to sort out at least one or two for you depending on when my cousin is back from work from Dubai, as obviously he’ll be going to the games when home. I normally give him £45 for me n the Bhoy. ? ??.

Lancs Celt

{Ed007's Note - ??



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14 Jun 2023 14:36:39
I manage a high level u14s team and have to attend the impressive ( for their size) training ground at fleetwood town FC 3/ 4 times a year. The current owner Andy Pilley has just been convicted of money laundering and improper business practices. He is looking at a not inconsiderable prison sentence. The general feeling is that the club will fall into the non league abyss within the next 3-4 years from whence it came. They already operate with the smallest budget in the division and the lack of capital will clearly affect the ability of the club to operate in the EFL pyramid. The shout for Broony to return as an assistant would be heard loud and clear down here…. imo.

Lancs Celt



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