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26 Oct 2018 15:24:57
I heard today that Griffiths has gone AWOL surely this is not true, just an injury I thought ED 007 - Any news.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - I heard that last night but Rodgers came out earlier today saying that it's rubbish and LG has been in contact with medical staff whilst being ill at home the last few days, and that he was at Lennoxtown yesterday.
If players have a flu or a bug etc it's common for them to be told to stay away so that it doesn't spread.}

1.) 26 Oct 2018 16:20:54
Cheers ED another good old tall tale put to bed they really do try anything to derail and unsettle us.

{Ed007's Note - Seems so.}

2.) 26 Oct 2018 22:15:18
Was a bit strange brendan states griff was speaking to the clubs psychiatrist or psychologist? What issues does the wee man have? Bit worrying just hope he comes back from whatever is going on soon strong and back to his best 🙂🍀⚽️.

{Ed007's Note - Or was it the physiotherapist (Tim Williamson) that he said?}

3.) 26 Oct 2018 22:45:44
Hair loss effects us all in different ways.

{Ed0333's Note - it didn’t have a positive effect on my wife either

4.) 27 Oct 2018 13:57:26
I was pretty sure he said psychologist or psychiatrist as I thought why is he getting his head checked out maybe the hair transplant has damaged his brain? 🙂🍀⚽️.

{Ed007's Note - Go and read it again.}



29 Jun 2014 09:13:01
Ed as I promised here is a quick update on the situation with youth player Denny Johnstone, apparently Dundee Utd have pulled out of any proposed deal after having to go to tribunal after paying £60,0000 for C Telfer from the darkside. No more news at the moment so Denny remains a celtic player at this time and my hope is he can sort a deal out and stay put and see what happens with new manager etc.

The Happy Turnkey

The Happy Turnkey

1.) This isn't inside news! It's new reported in the papers 2 days ago.

2.) Sorry SOS Bhoy I hadnt realised it was reported in the papers I never said it was inside information though just reporting some news on a youth player I have a connection too as I promised I would keep the site updated. Do hope I hadnt got your back up too much!!

The Happy Turnkey

3.) Fair play mate but just too many people saying they have inside info on this and that and it's just paper talk does my tits in!

4.) I get what your saying SOS Bhoy and agree wholeheartedly I love site but I try not post for the sake of it. Anyway any thoughts on our current youth set up cause in my eyes we are making big mistakes somewhere unfortunately nobody seems to know exactly what it is.

The Happy Turnkey



29 Apr 2014 18:31:18
Reading reports young u20s player Denny Johnstone has been offered a new contract but also being tracked by Dundee United. As an avid follower of the youth squads I had hopes Denny might break into the 1st team, been playing well for the u20s before and after an injury. Anyone got an update on the situation with him?

The Happy Turnkey

The Happy Turnkey

1.) 29 Apr 2014 20:02:23
Was hearing Celtic are going to loan utd the boy next season which I don't think would be a bad move to get him first team experience

2.) Apparently Utd looking to sign as opposed to loan deal.
player preference is move to utd by all accounts. Better opportunity for first team action
big difference in valuations, CFC looking for £100k, tribunial may be required




The Happy Turnkey's banter posts with other poster's replies to The Happy Turnkey's banter posts


19 May 2024
New image uploaded to the
Celtic Player Sightings page entitled,

Click picture for larger image

The Happy Turnkey



19 May 2024
New image uploaded to the
Celtic Player Sightings page entitled, What a day she had!

Click picture for larger image

The Happy Turnkey

1.) 19 May 2024 13:19:06
Brilliant photo.
The kids loved it yesterday including us big kids ?.

2.) 19 May 2024 13:37:04
It looks like a different experience than the ones I got as a kid at parkhead. Sitting outside the pub with my bottle of coke and bag of crisps. Standing at the bottom of the terracing in a puddle and crushed when we scored.

By the way did anyone ever do a jobby at the old Celtic Park?

3.) 19 May 2024 16:59:03
Only when they p*ssed in our bovrils. ?.

4.) 19 May 2024 18:16:54
A classic LP Buzz ?.

5.) 20 May 2024 07:47:37
Got ma shoes pinched when I was 13, 1970 went to toilet, young guy said love your shies can I try them on. naive me let him and the fecker ran wi ma new shoes on. Nice that he Left his old ones.
Clarks path finders by the way.
Ma Da and his mates took the piss for ages.
Life lesson.

6.) 20 May 2024 11:54:07
If anyone see a pair of Clarke’s path finders discarded, please return them to Benzar.



18 May 2024 21:05:08
Took my daughter up today (no ticket) but wow her face as only told her at 09:30am. Excellent day and she got her pic with her hero Joe Hart absolute gent by the way and just gets Celtic. Enjoy bhoys n ghirls and hail hail ???.

The Happy Turnkey



04 Apr 2024 21:17:49
Well Bhoys n Ghirls the countdown is on to what I’m treating as our biggest game this season. For me a win and the title is ours, I’ll pray my wee granny who sadly passed a couple of weeks ago will be like looking down and sending luck ? hail hail.

The Happy Turnkey

1.) 04 Apr 2024 22:29:20
Even a draw is decent result as they've still to come to us. sorry to hear about your gran mate ?.

2.) 05 Apr 2024 02:24:32
Sorry for your loss mate.
I can't see how we win this at all.
The powers are desperate for Sevco to get their hands on the £60m prize.
They have stacked everything against us, either Ccv, Scales or Johnston will get booked within the first 5 minutes and we will need to score 4 to end up with 2.
They will get their weekly penalty and everytime they get near the box they will be throwing themselves about to give Tavpen a chance of scoring a free kick.
I will also say right now that if we are drawing or winning by the odd goal, they will get at least 8 minutes of injury time but if they are winning by one then there will be 2 additional minutes.
I also see us getting at least 1 man sent off.

3.) 05 Apr 2024 09:36:21
Grand parents parents aunts and uncles. when we're children we don't really know them they're just a constant comforting presence. when we're teens and twenties were too cool for them and they're boring old folk . and when we're old enough to fully appreciate we've not enough time left with them.

4.) 05 Apr 2024 12:11:17
Deep river bhoy 2. So very true.

5.) 05 Apr 2024 15:12:45
Thanks for the thoughts folks and absolutely true DRB hail hail ???.



20 Dec 2023 04:15:28
Just made a small donation to your food bank appeal Mark, in recognition of your efforts on this page and the great work you do each year in supporting this cause. Also a personal thank you from me for all you have helped me with through the site (tickets, memories) etc. ???.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Thanks very much, THT and you are very welcome ?




The Happy Turnkey's rumour replies


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03 May 2019 20:27:21
Thanks Ed im ok hope you are well too. Had a lot of major family stuff going on over last few months but i've been on when I can.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - I'm good, just dodging (hopping) along. Hopefully everything's OK with you now and everyone's well.}



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03 May 2019 18:59:51
Wow here we go again so much negativity around what I think is a great piece of business. Jesus guys we take up a one year extension on a guy who in my opinion has performed when ask to and has consistently proven the doubters wrong and his stats don't lie. Please just be pleased for once instead of putting a negative spin on everything the club do.

Hail, Hail we are the celtic family

The Happy Turnkey.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Now there's a stranger! Nice to hear from you mate 👍



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26 Oct 2018 16:20:54
Cheers ED another good old tall tale put to bed they really do try anything to derail and unsettle us.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Seems so.}



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20 Aug 2017 21:49:20
Whats the opinion from you all on the boy Aitcheson? I went down to Annan the other night to watch the under20s and ain't watched them for a while now but didn't think much of the boy but one game don't tell a story im sure. The boys played really well considering the ref they were up against shocking decisions!

The Happy Turnkey



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I get what your saying SOS Bhoy and agree wholeheartedly I love site but I try not post for the sake of it. Anyway any thoughts on our current youth set up cause in my eyes we are making big mistakes somewhere unfortunately nobody seems to know exactly what it is.

The Happy Turnkey

The Happy Turnkey




The Happy Turnkey's banter replies


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05 Apr 2024 15:12:45
Thanks for the thoughts folks and absolutely true DRB hail hail ???.

The Happy Turnkey



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18 Dec 2023 12:43:33
Brian G 100% correct IMO. I’m honestly hoarse at end of games wether I’m there or watching on tv shouting at every bloody corner we seem to take a short one and do nothing with it, Christ sake get ball in box. I get we don’t have height but more chance of a goal if ball in box. Surely I don’t need to teach BR that.

Merry Xmas and seasons wishes to Ed and all on here.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Merry Christmas to you and yours too, THT mate ?



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29 Oct 2023 08:56:05
Absolutely fantastic Jim an absolute gentleman. Obviously I’ve spoke to you personally but just wanted to thank you on here too. ED a fantastic site as I’ve said many times it’s a true Celtic family on here well done on the work you do and to all contributors ?????.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate ?I'm delighted that you got sorted.}



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28 Oct 2023 17:01:46
Cheers Jim I’ll be in touch mate really appreciate the offer ?.

The Happy Turnkey



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02 Oct 2023 20:54:11
Absolutely agree Bhoys n Ghirls a big round of applause from me to you Ed007. I love this site and all regular posters. I and my little girl will never forget our day out thanks to you guys and especially Lancs Celt for his kind gesture on the day. Keep up the good work Ed ?.

The Happy Turnkey

{Ed007's Note - Thanks mate ??As Welshy says, it's what we're all about HH ?



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