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16 Jun 2024 16:09:19
I went to a game against partick thistle and at half time a woman ran on topless. Sun was shining Celtic won 3 0 I think anyone remember it?


{Ed007's Note - Miss Liz Connolly was her name, Celtic won 3-0 with a Danny Crainie hat-trick


1.) 16 Jun 2024 19:06:18
Don't remember that o e but I remember a fox in Celtic park.

2.) 16 Jun 2024 19:11:41
I remember watching that match on Sunday Scotsport because my neighbour was standing behind the goals.

I’ve always remembered Danny Crainie scored a hat trick at Firhill and he also scored a 1st minute “Old Firm” goal in a 2-0 Celtic home victory.

3.) 17 Jun 2024 08:49:15
000000000that must have brought back good "mammories" for you
It's nice to keep "abreast" of this.

4.) 17 Jun 2024 13:39:31
"Well endowed"? Looks more like flatter than ten day old coke!



15 Jun 2024 20:11:20
I thought Mark Viduka not coming out for the 2nd half against Inverness was a disgrace. Fans paid good money regardless of his fallout. Jock would have chased him.


{Ed007's Note - Jeez oh! And I thought I was bad for holding a grudge against Charlie Nicholas for breaking my 9-year old heart by leaving 41 years ago!}

1.) 15 Jun 2024 20:42:15
I still throw darts at a mutilated picture of Mo the Quisling.

{Ed007's Note - ??

2.) 15 Jun 2024 20:43:00
Ha ha lol.

{Ed007's Note - ????

3.) 15 Jun 2024 21:17:42
Yeah, the blonde one was definitely the worst. Still can't believe what he did. I was 15 years old and our modern studies teacher told me days before it was going to happen. I told him he was talking pants! No wonder he now resides in the USA. Reviled!

4.) 15 Jun 2024 21:22:39
Mark Viduka held a post war Scottish league record until 2023.

Viduka scored in 10 league matches in a row with a poor Celtic team.

Van Veen of Motherwell overtook his record the season before with 11.

5.) 15 Jun 2024 21:47:01
@celticmad - that is out of order chasing out your modern studies teacher.

{Ed007's Note - ?? That's what I was thinking but then I remembered my own Modern Studies teacher at Holy Cross and it's definitely warranted, Judas news or now.}

6.) 15 Jun 2024 22:01:42
It was one of these stories you remember where you were. Total disbelief. He could have turned out a Celtic legend but took the 30 pieces.

{Ed007's Note - If only Celtic had agreed to pay his tax bill like Murray did eh? And it was probably more than 30 pieces.}

7.) 16 Jun 2024 06:51:11
Talking about tax bills. If only oldco Rangers had paid theirs, they wouldn't have died. ??☠️.

8.) 15 Jun 2024 23:21:28
Was he that bad? ?.

{Ed007's Note - Aye!

9.) 16 Jun 2024 09:04:35
Ed Al never forgive that wee rat. even guys like macca and collins who had the chance to go to them but chose not to. the worst ever and am sure he'll be sitting now at his age regretting it. A think?.

10.) 16 Jun 2024 12:43:18
For clarity, I meant Judas now residing in the USA. My teacher was a good guy. ?.

{Ed007's Note - ??

11.) 16 Jun 2024 13:45:21
It takes a particular strange type of fraudster who pays tax they aren’t liable for, yet don’t pay their own tax .



09 Jun 2024 23:21:54
If mor leaves so be it. We replace him and go again. The most important man in the team is the manager. If you get that wrong it leads to disaster no matter who is in the team. Look how it went with Jo Venglos Tony Mowbray and John Barney's for example.


1.) 10 Jun 2024 13:07:24
If MOR leaves we will replace him with someone not as good . That is a fact, we have no need to sell him and we can’t have players dictating to club without club putting up a fight . It is highly likely that MOR would have developed as quickly and apparently enjoyed his football as much if he had gone elsewhere.

2.) 10 Jun 2024 22:47:32
Wee Des, here we go again with the negative posts.
you state that its a fact that if MOR leaves then whoever we bring in won't be as good, How do you know that for a fact.
When we signed MOR for £1.5m, no one knew who he was and in fact he was only brought in because Ange's first choice signing (McCree) signed for Middlesborough instead. Did you know at that point how good MOR was?
What if we signed someone else for £1.5m from say the English Championship, League One or the Italian reserve league, will you automatically complain before you see him play?
Also you mention that we can't have players dictating to the club, did you only start supporting Celtic in the last 3 years. Do you not remember what happened in the Covid season when Lennon said that were a number of players that didn't want to be here and the club refused to sell them.

3.) 11 Jun 2024 14:16:57
Listen Jonbhoy, Firsr I started supporting Celtic in mid 1960’s . My point is that when we bought MO’R three years ago he was probably the best young player we signed that summer. In my opinion Ange and BR as well as a lot of hard work by Matt, has developed Matt into a much superior player in 2024 than he was when first signed . I can say that for nearly all youngsters bought and sold to EPL after a few yrs . It is only natural.
I don’t know why I am replying to u because u say yourself MO’R was an unknown when we signed him . He is well known now because of his improved ability . Celtic are approximately 136 yrs old and u pick the one peace-time year that is different from all others to argue a point, quoting a Manager who I was one of a small % of Celtic Supporters backed him to the end . It is a very bad argument to argue the complete unusual “season without fans”against all other peace time seasons played in front of fans .
I would love if Celtic were to buy a player as good or better than M O’R in season 24/ 25, but I won’t get my hopes up.

4.) 11 Jun 2024 17:41:48
You said you know for a fact that any player we bring in will be worse than MOR.
My point is that you can't state that as we have no ideas who we will bring in.
we could spend £1m or £15m on a player but according to you he will already be worse than MOR before a ball is kicked.
No matter who we bring in, Just give the player a chance before you start compairing him to other players.

5.) 12 Jun 2024 00:20:02
Jonbhoy, I don’t want to Labour the point but it took 3 years with first class managers who have a reputation of improving players to build up strength stamina, team work, timing his runs to suit his teammates, and many other atrIbutes that make MO’R. an outstanding young footballer worth far in excess of £20m . We don’t. buy anywhere in that price bracket. So our recruitment team could do an excellent job and pick a brilliant young player at £10 m the very top of our spending on new player and CEO could do an excellent job and get this starlet signed, but without the C L and SPL experience he will be starting off not as good as MO’R was in the last 6 mths of his third season with us .
The way our recruitment is we start with our scouts think is good young talent and management and coaches improve them.



09 Jun 2024 16:45:35
Football insider do they ever get a rumour right?


1.) 09 Jun 2024 17:16:05
No mate.



28 May 2024 23:55:37
Brendan's just won a double he was a brilliant appointment. As for us only winning it cos Blueco are poor they were in a European final not so long ago. Give the boys some credit. liam scales is young and has scope for improvement under Brendan. Even mighty Cesar didn't do anything of note till Celtic god Jock Stein arrived and made him and others around into gods.





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01 Jul 2024 15:07:33
Murdo McLeod had a goal chopped off which would have made it 2 1 to Celtic start of 2nd half. I remember a lot of anger coming out of the Celtic camp it was never offside and it cost us big time.




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01 Jul 2024 15:02:05
The above game Celtic had goal chopped off for offside which clearly wasn’t if my memory is correct.




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17 Jun 2024 13:58:06
DC you are a super fan no doubt about that. Welcome to the site no need to apologise.




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16 Jun 2024 16:19:43
I was a super fan when you had 12,000 going in the early 80s With Celtic top of the league. We have all played our part in Celtics continuity from 1887.But at the end of the day supporters are paying customers. Nobody is entitled.




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15 Jun 2024 20:43:00
Ha ha lol.


{Ed007's Note - ????



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