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12 May 2024 07:13:35
Can any of the EDS or anyone with knowledge, tell us how the new Champions League format will impact Celtic once we win League thanks.

{Ed007's Note - The 32-team group stage will be replaced by a single-league of 36 teams that is split into four pots for seeding. Each side will then play 8 different teams - two teams from each pot, one at home and one away.
The top eight teams in the 36-team table will qualify for the last 16 of the competitions, with places 9 to 24 playing off to join them. Positions 25 to 36 will be eliminated from Europe with no drop-out to the Europa League.

Surely Celtic's aim MUST be to finish in the 9-24 places and at least play in the knock-out round, that would give us 10 CL games next season.

Financially - all this talk of an instant £60 million is wide of the mark:

League phase qualification: £15.9m
League-phase win: £1.8m
League-phase draw: £0.6m

Top 8 eight league finish: £1.7m

Bottom28 league finish: £0.9m

Round of 16: £9.4m

Agree1 Disagree1

12 May 2024 13:13:34
Cheers ED007
Will you be doing tutorials around Hanilton lol.

{Ed007's Note - No probs Timbo ?Buzz could probably come up with rough figures of our potential earnings from tickets etc, TV money and I'm sure there is a payment in accordance with your positioning in the coefficient.
It could well end up at £60 million but I would be really surprised - and delighted - if it was that high.}

12 May 2024 13:27:42
Thanks for the insight ed. I naively thought 60 mill was a given.

{Ed007's Note - ??

12 May 2024 13:34:13
Now the burning question, how much of that will the board use to buy quality players?

12 May 2024 13:37:34
Whatever we make, ED007 the big question as always is, will our Board back the manager and will Brendan be allowed to bring in HIS players.
Also if we shift some present squad players off the pay roll either on loan or permanent, it would free up both spaces and wages.
We know we need a goalie, maybe two, another CB, midfielder and a CF
Make those players a priority then bring in good squad players around them.
Our other problem in my eyes is replacing Kennedy with a proven defensive coach, all season we have been poor at defending corners and free kicks, as yesterday proved again with us failing to win headers in the box.

12 May 2024 14:23:28
Tim maybe it's just the players and we need better with more physicality scales is poor on crosses abd ccv ain't the tallest but is a unit.

12 May 2024 14:49:57
Add in a Left Back and Right Back. New spine to the team with a new GK CH CM Striker.

12 May 2024 17:27:01
Definitely need quite a few new players, with pace and physicality. We have so many free kicks and corners especially domestically and we are not even a threat.
So much so that you basically know we aren’t going to score. I said in a previous post about us hiring a dead ball specialist, arsenal done it and have scored more from set plays than any other team. Normally a massive chance to get a goal especially for us in Europe if we are playing against better players.

13 May 2024 01:03:57
The Board will probably look at this new Champions League money as income to assess how much to spend on recruitment beginning in June 2025 window.



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