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21 Jun 2024 18:47:01
any word on any incomings.


1.) 21 Jun 2024 19:51:27
I couldn't find any tumbleweed Ray to put on here Lol. We still have plenty of time for new recruits But I would have thought we would have had a New head of recruitment in by now .

2.) 21 Jun 2024 22:42:12
Plenty time yet, international window doesn't open until 1st July, unless we want to announce all our free agent signing like our neighbours at Asbestos tower's.



01 Jan 2022 19:25:20
dont know if it is true but according to sky sports maeda won't be coming until next month any one know if this is true.


1.) 01 Jan 2022 19:34:42
Maeda ayes or Maeda naws.

2.) 01 Jan 2022 20:33:19
He was cuttin aboot sauchiehall street last night was he no!?

3.) 01 Jan 2022 21:18:42



28 Feb 2021 23:35:53
dont know if its true got a text from a freind of mine who said that steve clark has apparently signed a pre contract with us to be next manager if true then thoughts bhoys and ghirls hh.


1.) 01 Mar 2021 19:31:59
I would not mind Steve Clarke, although he would not be my number one choice.

One of the main advantages of getting Steve Clarke in, is it would deprive the SFA of the best Scotland manager they have had in a decade.

2.) 02 Mar 2021 14:13:11
I'd say Clarke would be a real unambitious appointment. His style of football is as dull as his personality. Hopefully someone with a brand of exciting attacking football that can tactically organize a team to defend also.

3.) 02 Mar 2021 23:45:52
bravetart86 agree with you in a way but if we don't concede goals especially from set pieces then that is fine by me if we don't play attacking football which is the celtic way who cares its results that count.



07 Dec 2020 00:56:21
so has lenny done the decent thing and resinged. neil if you love the club as much as we all do then do the decent thing and go that way u will still be a celtic legend do you want to be known as the manager who cost us 10iar.


1.) 07 Dec 2020 09:27:28
Eff resigning he should be sacked we are a mess and he isn't fixing it.

2.) 07 Dec 2020 10:20:21
Can't believe it's 10:15 the next day and the board hasn't either taken action or publicly backed Lennon. It's now 1 win in 9. That's a worse stat than 2 in 12.

Lennon won't resign because he'll get a pay off if he's sacked. To me, he looks a broken man on the touchline and is desperate for the sack so he gets the payoff. The board is sitting there hoping he'll resign so they don't need to pay him.

I spotted the Kennedy shrug in real-time and that's a man who just doesn't care about the situation, and isn't interested in helping the manager.

3.) 07 Dec 2020 11:14:31
It’s the first time Celtic have went 5 games without a win in 23 years.

4.) 07 Dec 2020 11:43:29
It is amazing how Lennon and Kennedy are still in their jobs where it's by walking out or the sack but truly amazing both are still there . Is it pig headedness by the board thinking not to bow to fan pressure I am not sure but its just making a mockery of the club and lowering our reputation for a well run club.

{Ed007's Note - We haven't been a well run Club for years now, Tony but the board and the fans were happy with us dominating Scottish football and putting more importance on winning diddy trophies like the League Cup than really taking the Club forward.
The league should always be the priority but after that qualification for the CL should be a must and players brought in to do that. We should be seeing an improvement in the squad after every transfer window and the players improving with the right coaches in place, I'd even put getting more out of our academy above the domestic cups.}

5.) 07 Dec 2020 12:39:37
Winning the league this season could possibly gain us automatic entry next season into the CL so the board's reluctance to make changes could cost them millions if we fail to overhaul Rangers. It would make things so much better too as we'll more time to do our transfer business and bed them in for Europe, attract better quality players, it may convince wantaway players to stay, a longer rest period before next season starting, all of which will be massive after this season particularly after the revenue lost this year so the board are gambling massively on Lennon when he's showing nothing but regression at an alarming rate.

{Ed007's Note - The winners of the league this year still need to play 2 qualifying rounds for the 21/22 CL Group Stages and 2nd place will need to play 3.}

6.) 07 Dec 2020 13:24:48
I agree Ed the thing that I am weary of is If we don't win the next Sevco game I can't see them dropping many points to other teams in this league and therefore I can't see us getting 10 and if the board keeps Lenny in charge for that game say goodbye to the 10 And I would not blame Lenny for that but the board would have to be accountable for mismanagement.

{Ed007's Note - I've been saying for years that Lawwell was past his sell by date, DD has some big decisions to make this coming summer regardless of who wins the league.}

7.) 07 Dec 2020 14:12:55
I don't know if I'm in the minority or majority but after this season I'd like to see the club have a longer term project to make us more equipped for European football. We've been beaten by too many teams with similar or smaller budgets in recent seasons. I've not given up on this year's title altogether but I'm starting to let one eye wander to where we go from here.

{Ed007's Note - Sounds good to me 👍

8.) 07 Dec 2020 14:49:22
It would help if we brought new players in for pre-season training in the lead up to the qualifiers.
Instead of waiting to see what European competition we have qualified for first.
Celtic have always been slow starters for this reason and we don’t normally hit top form until about the November time.
It’s just not happened this season.

9.) 07 Dec 2020 15:09:56
The league cup should be used to give some fringe and youth players 1st team experience however the demand for trebles has meant this has been neglected
Our football model is terrible and a good bunch of youth players are seeing their path to 1st team become more difficult.
A total overhaul is required. Looking across europe ex players seem to be involved in recruitment.
Not sure if this is a role someone like mcnamara could take over for celtic or if hed be looking at self interest.

10.) 07 Dec 2020 16:28:33
Totally agree Buzz Bomb. Although every season when we get papped out the qualifiers I do argue that the players are the same ones who won a domestic Treble and qualified for the knockout stages of European competition. Our lack of CL football and EL campaign this season could well be the difference between the next Edouard choosing us or another club. We should have ambitions to get towards the level of an Ajax or Salzburg. I think after the 10 is decided either way the fans would be willing to accept a longer term project if it was geared towards better results in Europe.




ray1963's banter posts with other poster's replies to ray1963's banter posts


18 Feb 2024 19:12:29
think its time that the board and brendan stepped down the league is now over. i love my team but the last transfer window was the straw that broke the camel's back.


1.) 18 Feb 2024 20:31:58
End game is approaching.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 21:10:56
I don’t understand why our fans are saying the league is over when Celtic are only 2 points behind.

Our fans are too used to constant success and are not up to a challenge.

The Celtic fans need to support our team and take one game at a time.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 21:20:52
The league is far from over. BUT a few more results like yesterday and it soon will be.

We have to win every match up until we play them away then see what happens.

But the team needs a rocket up their a***.

4.) 18 Feb 2024 23:21:26
Like game at rugby park. 2nd half we didn’t show up. I was quite upbeat first half, there was a good atmosphere and we looked busy with intent in our play, just missing a bit of finesse in final ball to finish off few nice moves. 2nd half we like different team nervous jittery and most worryingly for me our experienced players making In play shocking decisions. Twice in twenty seconds our normally cultured captain hacked at ball in centre of pitch when calmness required Ball fell to normally steady Anthony he hacks at it too? Matt o Reilly 3 times in a minute made 3 crazy and poorly executed decisions one after other as wasn’t dealing with pressure of Kilmarnock either? Joe hart who been keeping us in games recently I know but made two inexplicable decisions for such an experienced player Once when everybody in stadium glad he can catch easy high ball choosing to punch? Which culminated in corner next he races to try to release kyogo when again everybody in stadium glad he got ball and has time to reset to ease pressure Falls over trying to do so? All these decisions brought additional pressure it’s so unlike us . It was as if we were playing the top ranked team in champions league game such was the nervousness. Not Kilmarnock who in fairness pressed us well . but we just couldn’t deal with it. Bernabei never a left back never will be. I’d try him on wing so many decisions being made poorly individually and collectively at every level of club this year. Most fans seen this coming. As posted couple weeks ago I just don’t understand why Brendan came back I don’t understand why we have strategy we do. I thot 100% we would sign some quality in window just past as it was obvious we needed it. In short players need step it up. and Brendan needs step it up . A long way to go yet.

5.) 19 Feb 2024 20:03:27
Yesterday in Perth we seen why Rangers 2012 are playing with a swagger, they know they have more than one way to win, more than one ace up their sleeve . In the first half there was only one shot on goal by either team, a great thunderbolt after both teams had stopped for a free that ref didn’t award against Rangers2012 striker . Deep into the second half, just in case St Johnston shook themselves into playing, VAR operator awarded to penalties to Rangers2012 to send the Sevco fans back to Glasgow happy that team and officials haven’t lost it.



19 Dec 2023 19:02:43
steve cooper next manager lol.




30 Apr 2023 19:05:40
my 60th birthday tomorrow and what a great present sevco winning 0 trrophies.


1.) 30 Apr 2023 19:39:14
Happy 60th Ray.
Have fun celebrating. ?.

2.) 30 Apr 2023 22:51:27
Happy Birthday my friend.

Enrico has had good day and some nice grape juice to celebrate ?.

{Ed007's Note - Happy birthday, Raymundo hh ☘️

3.) 01 May 2023 00:04:50
Happy birthday young ray. hope you enjoy many more of the same delight for years to come.



02 Apr 2023 22:41:54
so the rat has been sacked by leicester would anyone take him back i wouldnt.


1.) 02 Apr 2023 23:00:13
Is that a joke?

2.) 03 Apr 2023 09:10:38
We have ange enjoy while he's here, let brendan get on with it.



11 Jul 2021 23:00:37
not celtic related but thank god football is not coming home enrico my friend have lots of grape juice.


{Ed007's Note - Football's went to Rome....

1.) 11 Jul 2021 23:09:49
Well said Ray.
Enjoy your finest, Enrico my friend 🍷🇮🇹.

2.) 12 Jul 2021 05:12:48
Like the Italian defend shouted down the carmea " football ⚽️ coming Rome" 🤣🤣👍👍.




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05 Aug 2023 18:50:08
mckenna i hope not.




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14 Nov 2021 19:09:54
so sad to hear about bertie auld met him a couple of times and he was a true gent rip bertie ynwa.




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02 Mar 2021 23:45:52
bravetart86 agree with you in a way but if we don't concede goals especially from set pieces then that is fine by me if we don't play attacking football which is the celtic way who cares its results that count.




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08 Feb 2021 01:05:36
keane as manager sorry but know way the guy is an absolute dick and in my opinion couldn't manage a piss up in a brewery if he gets head coach job then i will support my local team east kilbride.




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27 Jan 2021 01:57:07
rip dr jo.





ray1963's banter replies


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14 May 2024 19:00:14
absolutely brilliant.




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27 Mar 2023 19:05:13
congratulations michael to you and your wife.




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16 Feb 2021 01:41:58
hope not guy is an ass and would lose the dressing room within a couple of months as he is nothing but a bully.




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05 Feb 2021 00:54:57
just wish apart from kt that we could find someone who could put a cross in like tosh mckinlay.




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02 Feb 2021 23:07:12
yeah sevekev 67 agree but when was the last time we kept a clean sheet?




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