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16 Mar 2024 23:08:49
At the game today. Should've been comfortable but that goal we conceded is a carbon copy of a good 5 or 6 we have let in previous games. AJ and defence down right posted missing and a cross to the far post unmarked. It's cost us already.


1.) 17 Mar 2024 09:25:03
It's a huge concern that every team in the SPL can score against us so easily. The good news is we are starting to look better in attack and are creating plenty- which is probably just as well.

2.) 17 Mar 2024 11:49:00
It would help if we had a competent goalkeeper.



11 Mar 2024 13:27:20
My biggest concern after yesterday's game is the serious lack of leadership in our team. All 3 midfielders were hiding at points. It's been happening a lot lately. no one stepping up to create options and huge gaps when the opposition win the ball.

Iwata looks good at reading danger but switches off too much, MOR is on the beach in Madrid and Bernardo has regressed after looking like he might kick on. They are far too easily bullied.

We need a serious rebuild this summer no matter what happens.


1.) 11 Mar 2024 13:47:48
I think iwata holds onto the ball too long.

2.) 11 Mar 2024 14:14:13
Bite the Bullet go get Lewis Ferguson or sum1 similar and spend the money, a would also go for Danny Ings, Miovski and a Fast Hard as Nails bobo type Cb??‍♂️.

3.) 11 Mar 2024 14:42:38
For sure MF is a massive weak link

Midfield is so pivotal to any team…. The engine room as it used to be called. We have no system, pace or drive. Not one player in there can drive forward with the ball. Not one of them can tackle and worryingly don’t just lack dig…. Apart from Calmac there is serious lack of heart. Add in poor levels of creativity and low energy….

Mystifying how the football department could allow this to happen. We get pushed around by virtually every team we play.

We need a whole new football department and 12 first team players for next season.

The levels of incompetence and governance at our club is both astounding and negligent.

4.) 11 Mar 2024 14:47:43
Yes; we do look like a team of wee lost bhoys when things go against us and it's not only lacking leadership on the field when CCV and the captain are missing, but I rarely see any motivation or direction from the technical area either. This season hangs in the balance for a few reasons, but no matter what happens, the club needs a total shake-up from top to bottom after some serious mismanagement.

5.) 11 Mar 2024 18:19:42
With Juventus and other Serie A teams showing an interest in Ferguson. there is as much chance of him coming to Celtic as we have in winning anything this season.

6.) 11 Mar 2024 21:40:16
Give Kelly more game time, lads going to be the real deal.

7.) 12 Mar 2024 08:47:55
Let the Ferguson thing go. He isn’t here, was never going to be here and probably wouldn’t have signed even if we asked.



03 Mar 2024 17:34:43
Absolutely gutted about that today. Angry at the decisions but another penalty miss that has been costly and more worrying, another pretty gutless performance. Still got hope we can turn it round but this season has been a real disappointment.


1.) 03 Mar 2024 18:19:47
Hung by our own Petard Johnbhoy. Poor poor stuff.
We need much more talent on the field. We will never get a decent run in Europe with this level of player. We must really up the anti or remain an obscure team with a famous jersey basking in the glory of a Lisbon victory in another century. Results like today are always on the cards with the current squad.

2.) 03 Mar 2024 19:29:17
It's not just the players it's the coaching staff as well, what the fud do they coach, I've never seen a Celtic team so inept at dead balls, given the number of corners we get the percentage we score from is absolutely woeful.
We need the Club gutted from top to bottom, nepotism and the old pals act is killing us.

3.) 03 Mar 2024 20:42:22
I'd agree, Rodgers has been outdone twice by Naismith and McInnes this season. Dropped points to Motherwell and St Johnstone at home and to an Aberdeen side without a manager! You look at them, they're no great but their manager is getting a tune out of them.

The amount of penalties we miss is criminal for guys paid thousands of pounds a week. And corners. Be as well no taking them!



17 Feb 2024 20:29:13
Everyone could see that result coming in the last half hour. Not really a surprise anymore and that's not a feeling I've had since the C.V. season. Killie looked far more up for it than us, we don't have any player on form and our manager looks disinterested.

I hope we turn it round but you'd have to be pretty brave to bet on us winning this title right now.

Can't remember the last time I really enjoyed watching us play! Hope everyone manages to have a good night despite the result.


1.) 17 Feb 2024 21:06:46
It was a wake-up call when Celtic failed to beat St. Johnstone at home in August because they had just lost 5 goals at home to Stirling Albion.

I knew then, we would have to fight for every win under Brendan.

Our luck ran out today because Celtic were fortunate to get 7 points out of 9 since the winter break.

In those 3 games, Celtic had only scored 4 goals.
2 were deflections and the other 2 were penalties.

Maybe we need to question our winter break plans.
Why change our normal schedule with Brendan and also our schedule since Brendan.

It was a strange decision especially since we’ve only scored 5 league goals in 4 league games since.
And like I mentioned above, it could’ve be worse.

We will just need to take it on the chin and move on to the Motherwell match and take one game at a time.

I’m still expecting Sevco to run out of steam with all their extra games and the Sevco fans are ready to explode given half a chance.

2.) 17 Feb 2024 22:22:50
Since sevco got new manager in they've dropped 5 league points we have dropped 14 points. that's last 18/ 19 league games. hearts have won more points than us in that time. with 12 games to go its going to take a major collapse from them and I can't see it happening. its been dire to watch most of the season even when winning.

{Ed007's Note - what trophy do Hearts or TRIFC win for that?}

3.) 17 Feb 2024 22:36:49
The half season trophy?. naw but on recent form can you seriously be confident on winning the trophy we all want.

4.) 18 Feb 2024 02:08:20
Major Collapse ?.




J0hnbhoy_'s rumour replies


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26 Apr 2024 07:53:09
We'll still be up with Bain in goal first game of the season ?.




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12 Apr 2024 16:22:39
Maeda done his hamstring. That could be a massive blow of he's out for the remainder. Especially against that mob.




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12 Apr 2024 11:49:29
Couldn't agree more OAB. Joe hart has been huge since the winter break. Guy has pulled off some massive saves in games we could've easily dropped more points. He has his moments and I still think we should've got a keeper in the summer but he's been great over the best few years for our club.





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22 May 2024 20:43:11
Good start so far Michael!




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29 Apr 2024 08:56:57
We should have enough to beat the mini Sevconian at home. It's how little we control games that has become a huge worry.

I'd be starting with idah and iwata at the weekend. Iwata isn't perfect but he at least can break counter attacks down. With McGregor hatate and O'Reilly we look soft and rarely win the ball back.

We need to start taking our early chances. Our midfield has been non existent almost all season but they need to turn up now and just get this over the line.




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27 Apr 2024 11:20:19
Hope we start fast tomorrow, it's something we've not done much this season. Settle the nerves with a goal and then kick on and start taking our chances.




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20 Apr 2024 21:17:50
Think today was our season in a nutshell. We've shown up in spells. I'll take any win we get from now on considering the standards we've dropped to this season. Today was a tough watch but ultimately we made it to the final and we now need to concentrate on the league.

Scales and McGregor weren't to start, I think that showed. We packed control throughout but we got the job done in the end

I hope we take that as another wake up call. Nothing is a given, we need to get fit for this league and give our best until the season is done.




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20 Apr 2024 15:47:11
Feck me. We love doing it the hard way eh?! Never really in control of that and getting pegged back twice in the dying minutes sums us up this season. Thankfully it didn't cost us today. Onto Dundee, get this league wrapped up. HH lads enjoy the weekend.




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