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04 May 2024 20:57:15
Happy birthday ed, you are a legend!


{Ed007's Note - Thank you Phil, that's nice of you to say ??



16 Apr 2024 16:44:38
Hi all hope you are well.

Looks like they trying max pressure on us having us play after them each fixture.

Up to us now, keep the faith.


1.) 16 Apr 2024 17:51:13
I noticed that Sevco SLY have had a big input into the timing of our fixtures and KO times, knowing full well that Sevco have historically had a problem playing after us. All the more reason to sicken them. Celtic may only have one rival SPL team for the title but we have also had more competition from the SFA, fixture computer and Media.

2.) 16 Apr 2024 18:57:05
Bring it on.

3.) 16 Apr 2024 23:56:25
Right to the end of this season’s SPL the fixtures committee haven’t gave up and have us playing after Rangers2012 which makes it extra hard not to drop points . No doubt the Head of refereeing Crawford Allan will also contribute to our difficult end of season behaving the most bias referee that is available to be creatuing difficulty for Celtic . Despite what they try, BR will have our players in the right place with right mindset to overcome whatever difficulties that are thrown at us and we will pay them back by continue winning.



03 Mar 2024 12:21:09
Anyone else think there is no contact on that?




22 Feb 2024 17:04:10
Hi all hope you are well.

Been thinking about the state of things behind the scenes. In my eyes I think there is a power struggle going on.

It's clear from what we know, that the board had an idea of the kind of manger they wanted. Perhaps a younger more impressionable manager who would settle for 3-5m signings and develop a squad. Much as what we did with Lennon (first time) and Ronnie.
It's also clear that the board had their ideas, but Desmond wanted brendan, and because he is the majority share holder he got what he wanted. The board clearly didn't like this as Brendan means more expenditure and outlay.
I think the board have doubled down on their procedures and limits, in only allowing Mark Lawwal a certain range of age and cost for a player, which makes it harder for him to bring the quality that Brendan wants/ needs.
Brendan knowing what the board is like, has assurances that he can say no to a player, to prevent a Shved repeat. That's why we were quiet in January, mark lawwal had little by way of quality to give Brendan and he said no. I'm glad we said no and didn't sign for the sake of it
As a result we have a second string backline trying to make a system work that they technically and ability wiae can't fulfill.
I think we need answers on the power struggle as that is where the main issue is.
We can't fault desmond for wanting a better manager, nor Brendan for wanting a better player, not us for wanting better results. I'm not sure how this gets resolved.


1.) 22 Feb 2024 19:03:20
Make no mistake, if the board were not doing what Desmond wanted he would get them told and if they defied him, they would be gone.

Yes there will be times when the board disagree with him and they may advise him against a particular action but he strikes me as a man who gets his own way.

2.) 22 Feb 2024 19:27:57
Good Post Doc ?.

3.) 22 Feb 2024 19:54:23
D D is like The Wizard of Oz behind a big curtain pulling levers and strings, while detached from the real (Celtic) world.
Bringing back BR based on past glories with the players he had then has been an error of judgement and gamble with a 'marked' deck.
His previous tenure, taking over from RD could only really go in one direction - and he succeeded with many trophies and the Invincible season that will always be a part of our history. Following AP on the back of another treble won mostly with flair and style, has been a step too far, for the manager, players and supporters and whoever scouted, suggested and signed most of our new arrivals has made a difficult task, much harder, with reasons well covered on here by fellow posters for the last 6 months. Mathematically, we can win the league and still have a chance to retain the Cup, but what's the odds of everything snapping into place immediately, and winning well nigh, every game?

4.) 22 Feb 2024 20:03:14
We've got to also realise that we've actually spent around £25m, probably only getting drip fed the Jota money over a set period, with benfica getting a slice! Winning the league would obviously give huge champions league benefits but a club has to operative within its means, spending too much can be a wasteful risk, look what's happened to other clubs over the years least that isn't us. The manger outlay is probably quite expensive as well!

We don't have to spend a fortune on players, I would spend more on the right recruitment team, there's players all over Europe who would improve our team, at reasonable fees, just need the right scouting network.

Some of the players getting it in the neck have been bit part players, our policy needs to be loan unproven players to an spl club to climatise to the league for a season then get them back in season after ready and hungry. So my point there is its unfair when you don't get the regular match time to make an impact. They all have something it just requires the right coaches and managers to get it out of them.

Things have to improve coz let's face it the football can't be any worse to watch, its a results based game but the most important thing is it needs to be appealing to watch otherwise why watch it, the manager needs to realise this because soon as he gets the team attacking he'd then have the crowd behind him!

It's not over till its over, let's take it one game at a time and blow the opposition away!

5.) 22 Feb 2024 20:54:41
We have 30 million pounds to spend that did not get spend. So it was possible to spend big without going beyond our means.



17 Feb 2024 23:18:54
Hi All hope you are well.

Was at the game today and genuinely think the players need to shake themselves. After 20mins we huffed and puffed and didn't do very much. We had some great build up play but Palma misplaced pass, or wrong decision from mor or calmac ruined the move. Hart kept us in it with three great saves. There were a lot of tired legs by the 70th min which didn't help us either. Thought Oh was decent and made a chance for Kuhn that was unlucky too.

At one point Rodgers, Strachan and Kennedy were all shouting from the dug out at the same time. I've never seen that before, but they were rightly rippin at the players, Kennedy even punched the dug out in frustration. Hope someone else seen that.
I'd stick with Rodgers next season, in fairness he has tried to change the formation and is trying. Just back him with the right caliber of player.

Sevco will drop points. The media love in there papers over their cracks. It on a sickening level like British media and England national side. No way is this league over! Keep the faith.


1.) 18 Feb 2024 01:36:55
I listened to the match on the radio and they mentioned that Kennedy punched the dugout.

I think it was about the 60th minute mark when Celtic failed a few times in a row to get past the Killie high press.

I’ve only listened to 4 games this season and we’ve drawn 3 and beat Dundee 3-0.
Never Again.

2.) 18 Feb 2024 07:16:35
Dr Phil Enrico agrees with you.

When we had Sinky Dembele KT, Lustig Broony. Some of the football was beautiful to watch from BR first time you know.

There is some passages of play where Enrico can see what the team will play like when the confidence is there.

BR is a winner anywhere he is go he has won with the club. Enrico stands with BR.

Sevco will drop points and Enrico also confident we beat them again and again.

3.) 18 Feb 2024 08:11:35
Stick with Rodgers next season! ???

4.) 18 Feb 2024 14:08:24
doubt that rodgers will want to be here next season.




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13 Jun 2024 22:51:59
Hi All hope you are well.

Sad to see Oh go. Think we could have loaned him out to get a good run of games. Think there is a player in there.

Hopefully proper deadwood on their way.




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03 Jun 2024 20:16:49
Hi all hope your doing well.

I remember when we signed Idah, Verona were in the driving seat, and the deal fell through as Norwich insisted in no option to buy. We agreed to the terms to get the deal over the line.

Really don't want this turning into another mcginn saga lol

Hope you are keeping well awesome people!




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01 Jun 2024 17:55:11
Hi all hope you are well

Ive been trying to get the smaller screen out up again in the south west corner. We can't see the big screen at all, and with the sound system being rubbish, we have no idea about var checks, or even messages and videos up on the screen. If anyone in south west corner feels same can you give JP a shout too?
But at least the directors are getting new seats!




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25 Apr 2024 11:12:39
Hi All hope you are well. Good post DerryTim. Out of those 18 I would keep;

Monty- (if carrer threatening injury is ok)
Holm - I think has loads of potential, a loan might be good
kwon -needs a fair crack at it, and looks promising on his loan
forest - (for a year) ,
Mikey J -if his confidence lasts
Yang -if we keep him for the right Oh - same as holm, a loan might be good
tilio - needs a crack at it, poss loan

I'm going to add vata to the list, sign him up.




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04 Apr 2024 23:25:00
Hi all hope you are well. I think we should add to the list a mental health team. Most big clubs have this, and if we had one in place during C.V. I think we would have won 10. Hetate is the latest player to mention the impact injuries had on him. We should have this in place.




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