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17 Apr 2024 08:49:31
I heard a rumour that the sfa are being investigated by uefa. I don't know what for specifically, and no idea if this is common knowledge (I don't live in Scotland so hear less than most)




27 Jul 2023 17:35:49
My cousin, who is over in brazil at the moment, has said he's heard we are in for a Patryck Lanza. LB who plays for Sao paulo and Brazil u20 International. Said to be a fee of 2 million. I've tried Googling it but can't find any rumour or news on it.




13 Aug 2022 14:58:44
Rumours are that we have made an offer for Ross barkley for a loan this season. don't know if that include an option to buy. Seemed unlikely but the rumours aren't going away.


1.) 13 Aug 2022 20:13:56
I don't think it would include an. Option to buy as I read the boy is in the last year of his contract.

{Ed007's Note - Barkley signed a five and half year deal in January 2018 but there is talk that there is a years option on that. Chelsea could do what Spurs done with CCV to make sure they get a fee for him.
Like what we done with Julien before it blew up in our face.}



04 Jul 2022 14:44:59
Everton looking like the team that are replacing sevco in the Sydney Cup.


1.) 04 Jul 2022 17:22:10
That's a bit underwhelming tbh mate. Was hoping for somebody more glamorous than that. Although if it's a choice between them or their predecessors then I'd take Everton all day.

{Ed007's Note - Any Pub League team would guarantee a sell out over there, Kev and apparently Everton are a pretty big deal in Australia with folk that have emigrated and I'd think Tim Cahill will have picked them up a few fans over the years.}



17 Feb 2022 06:50:00
Anyone else seen the mental rumour gareth bale is coming in the summer.


1.) 17 Feb 2022 08:28:46
Better get the sick bay ready then, hope not.

{Ed007's Note - Gareth Bale played 34 games for Spurs last season and also managed to complete every match Wales played at the Euros (4) and 3 of their friendlies and 4 out of their 6 games in the UEFA Nations League - it's awfy strange that over the past few years he is only "injured" a lot when he is at Madrid don't you think?}

2.) 17 Feb 2022 09:15:10
I wouldn't be interested in him, mot that he isn't a great player but because he has recently said he wants to retire and if Wales don't qualify for WC I am not sure his heart would be in it. We have good golf courses which might attract him. Imagine the wages he would demand, even at 32.

{Ed007's Note - Bale lost interest in football long ago, that's the problem. I know it sounds silly because of the money he's earnt and trophies he's won but the Madrid move - or more staying there so long - has been a major mistake.}

3.) 17 Feb 2022 09:49:53
Playing in front of the celtic support would ignite anyone's passion for football.

4.) 17 Feb 2022 09:56:46
I'd take him in a heartbeat. Ed is there anything to this do you reckon or is it just paper talk?

{Ed007's Note - It's not even paper talk, Cory it's a bookies that have given odds on Bale's next destination and TRIFC are smaller odds than us - in other words it's complete nonsense.}

5.) 17 Feb 2022 12:32:30
WGS tried to get him on loan from spurs if I mind.

{Ed007's Note - Maybe he'll end up at Dundee then.}

6.) 17 Feb 2022 15:50:26
Guys even with all his talent, Bale is a fekin disgrace, he earns what about £350k a week, yet CHUCKED IT at Real Madrid, Real should have booted him out and NOT PAID rest of his contract.
No way should a clown like that even be mentioned for a place at Celtic, stealing a wage.

7.) 17 Feb 2022 19:10:12
I’d rather have his fellow countryman Christian Bale (American psycho) ?.

{Ed007's Note - Have you ever read the book, Ged? That is seriously messed up stuff.}

8.) 18 Feb 2022 12:30:21
Ah no.

{Ed007's Note - ?




Cory67's banter posts with other poster's replies to Cory67's banter posts


03 May 2024 19:20:59
Long shot but I thought I'd ask. In krakow for a few days. Does anyone know any bars that will show the game? Found a few Irish bars but thought someone might know which is best.


1.) 04 May 2024 12:31:43
Get along to Duffy's in Kazimierz, Cory. Try to stay in that area if you get a chance. But whatever you do or don't do, be absolutely certain to get a pastrami Sandwich from Mr Broda (on Krakowska) . The man is a god.

2.) 04 May 2024 14:01:44
We found duffys earlier today so will be heading there soon. Thanks for the recommendations.



27 Jun 2023 20:23:35
We may not all agree with Rodgers coming back but can we all just get behind. the fact the new home top is honking!


1.) 27 Jun 2023 21:00:00
It looks like the design for the home top is based on the Celtic FC window.
The Celtic FC stained glass window, was situated at the front of the Main Stand before reconstruction was done on the front of the Main Stand, for our Centenary season.

I also don’t like the top but at least I can see where the design came from.

{Ed007's Note - That's as bad a reason as the pink number because it was the colour of the EC Final in '67. It takes a special kind of stupid to mess up a Celtic home top imo and Adidas have seriously messed this year's up.}

2.) 27 Jun 2023 21:30:41
Definitely Ed. ?.

{Ed007's Note - ?

3.) 27 Jun 2023 21:40:32
It's not as bad as the supposed 3rd top, I'll put a pic up for anyone who's not seen it.

{Ed007's Note - Is that the black and green Hoops, AGG? I can't put a pic up as I'm on my phone but I was told that'll be a training top...?}

4.) 27 Jun 2023 21:51:53
No mate it's a two tone green wavy thing, it's awful.

{Ed007's Note - ??

5.) 28 Jun 2023 07:25:41
The strip is part of our history, part of our story, so why do Adidas think that they can try and change the general design and redirect our history? Bring it up to date, modernise it, yes, but it looks like a pair of cargo trousers.



08 Apr 2023 09:52:39
My team for today

Johnston ccv starman Taylor
Mcgregor iwata mooy
Jota kyogo maeda

Only question really is iwata or oreily due to our injuries ATM.

My score prediction 3-1 celtic.


1.) 08 Apr 2023 10:04:00
I was thinking O’Riley and Mooy all week but I’ve changed my mind to Iwata and Mooy.

Only because Ange has never started with O’Riley and Mooy in the same midfield.

O’Riley and Turnbull are great options off the bench.

2.) 08 Apr 2023 10:37:14
I'd go for that team today too Cory!

I never make a score prediction for this fixture so I won't but I am confident of a positive result! ?.

3.) 08 Apr 2023 10:47:31
I'd be tempted to go McGregor mooy and haksabanovic in the middle. Either way I'm feeling confident off a victory with a couple goals to spare with every game I'd settle for any win.



30 Jun 2022 08:27:46
Berebei confirmed by lanus.


1.) 30 Jun 2022 09:52:18
Great news Cory'

It has been widely reported that it is actually tomorrow that most of the foreign transfers can officially take place. I hope that we see a few new faces being paraded in the next few days (although last day of the season will actually do for me too. Exciting times.

I am actually looking forward to seeing one of our players signed last year. Gucci. Some have said that he has the potential to be right up there with the other 3 Japanese lads - maybe even better in some respects. I just don't know though as I haven't really seen his capabilities much. Sensei Angelos signed him so he must have a bit about him I guess. Gucci has had to sit and watch his countrymen take our league by storm by and large. I am sure he is happy for them but I am also sure that he has watched them and thought that he also has the talent to smash it. I believe, in his own mind, that he feels he has a point to prove this season and will totally turn Terminator and bust a nut for us. Maybe, just maybe, the best "new" player we will see this year is the guy already here? Exciting times.

1 down - 9 to go.

2.) 30 Jun 2022 12:08:36
Lets see what Gucci i think he will be a star.
rooting for him.
Ange knows what he can do he knows best and he will def get a chance.



22 Jun 2022 12:57:02
Hi guys does anyone know when tickets for the Blackburn friendly go on sale? Nothing on website yet, I'm travelling up to Glasgow on that date for gerry cinnamon gig and was hoping to catch a game.


{Ed007's Note - I don't know mate but there's a few of us planning to meet up for it. Are you on the Discord group? If you look at the top of the page (under the search box) you'll see a link for our Linktree, click on that and there's a button to join the Discord group and we'll help get you sorted ?
Is there anyone else planning on going to the Blackburn game on the 16th July with a 12:30 CPT kick-off?}

1.) 22 Jun 2022 13:51:37
Ed, I would like to go! Been spending quite a few sheckles on gigs the last wee while and miss Paradise. Got my name on the waiting list. I live in the East end so if you let me know where you guys will be that would be great. HH! Davie.

{Ed007's Note - Will do, Davie. ?

2.) 22 Jun 2022 14:21:33
Hi Ed, I'd be interested in meeting up with you guys but I'm not on the Discord Group.
Can you email me and I'll try and join it in the meantime?
Many thanks ?.

{Ed007's Note - ?

3.) 22 Jun 2022 20:12:16
Where are yous meeting I will try to drop in HH.

{Ed007's Note - Probably in the CSC on London Road mate.}

4.) 22 Jun 2022 20:57:46
I’m gutted that I will miss meeting the guys again.
I go to Croatia on July 14th for my Silver Wedding Anniversary.
Hopefully next time.

{Ed007's Note - You need to get your priorities right lad! ? (Don't tell Mrs Buzz I said that!)

5.) 23 Jun 2022 01:12:21
Will join that now thanks. I will be their with the Mrs, its her first time In Scotland so showing her the sights. Celtic Park tour is top of the list.

{Ed007's Note - Good stuff ?




Cory67's rumour replies


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28 Jan 2024 15:31:33
Regiblinkered is a very apt name after that post hahaha. Ferguson is a 50million plus pound striker. Might as well talk about signing mbappe while your at it.




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30 Dec 2023 12:25:49
2-1 MOR and welsh to score.




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29 Sep 2023 21:06:27
Yes he is mallly.




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20 Aug 2023 14:58:17
Let's be honest though, most of the players signed by ange where "projects". Abada, jota, o'reily, bernibei, iwata, and many others. All where projects or where unheard of. Even kyogo and hatate no one here knew anything about them. Ccv, starfelt, and Hart are the only players off the top of my head that don't fall into that category. This is the markets we operate in, finding gems no one knows about, and pretending otherwise is delusional.




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06 Aug 2023 17:53:10
Sorry, I really don't see why fans like starfelt. Reminds me of ambrose. He gives me the fear anytime he gets the ball.





Cory67's banter replies


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17 May 2024 18:25:02
I think it will be C. But will dream for A.




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04 May 2024 14:01:44
We found duffys earlier today so will be heading there soon. Thanks for the recommendations.




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28 Apr 2024 17:01:45
I think forrest does tbf.




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23 Sep 2023 15:45:11
Mcgregor never got a yellow. 2 yellows for us 5 for livi. Stop looking for problems where there is none.




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23 Sep 2023 13:29:13
What you on about? It was a clear red. No excuses.




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