19 Jun 2024 22:33:49
A hammering incoming……

Calum McGregor I know he set up the goal….

Is he really the level we require to run the engine room to go well/ far in Europe.

Watching him at Europe or international level… I just feel he out his depth. Just does not seem to impact the games at such level.

I am ready…. I think… hit me.

1.) 20 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 23:10:44
Celtic are a long way from doing well or going far in the CL.

Celtic have dominated domestically but we’re miles behind a CL standard.
Especially with Brendan Rodgers as our manager.

I felt more confident with Lenny as our manager in European matches than I do with Brendan.
I just think Celtic are too easy to play against when Brendan is in charge at a higher level.

But no one can argue with Brendan’s domestic record and his Derby head to head record.

2.) 20 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 23:29:04
Ill be in the minority as well but i agree we need better players than callum to progress at european level. that's not a knock on callum, just an honest opinion. To be fair probably only oriley is CL quality. IMO that's how far off we are with competing at that level.

3.) 20 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 23:42:43
Hexwas as good as any Scottish player tonight including the ones from the best league in the world.

4.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 07:00:51
I thought McGinn was invisible last night, so no one can say CM or whatever his name is. ? was worst on the park.

Feel sorry for AR, he struggled against the pace of their winger and his pass back for their goal is something he won't forget in a long time.

Bet their pages are blaming Celtic players for Scotlands position but it was a fighting performance, with no no real quality on show from Scotland tbh.

5.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 07:49:55
Last night was the type of performance Celtic must give when we are playing obviously better teams in Europe . Scotland fought for every ball and made it difficult for the Swiss to use ball when they had it . The left side of our defence always helped teammates out and took up position. The RHS hadn’t any system and it was everyman for himself . Tony Ralston did well to settle down after that pass
There isn’t much of a goal scoring threat in this Scottish team and that means he can’t give away soft goals . A little bit of pride restored.

6.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 09:02:44
The reality with their goal was that Grant Hanley gave him a pass he shouldn't have, when there was an easier one down the middle for Gilmour.

That happened a lot last night with Hendry and Handtey putting AR into a corner on several occasions with no ball out.

7.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 10:12:24
Celtic had been trying to find a replacement for Scott Brown for years, when he was coming to the end of his career and constantly failed.

That replacement ended up being Calmac and now history is repeating itself because no new signings have been as good as Broony or Calmac, since Wanyama left 11 years ago.

It’s easier said than done that we need to upgrade Callum McGregor.

8.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 10:52:44
Callum McGregor had a 95% passing accuracy last night and he committed Zero fouls.
He also had an assist.

9.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 11:29:44
Buzz, Its only "easier said than done" because of our very poor recruitment in recent years and board unwilling to target ready made players. Instead they targeted unknowns like holm, iwata and kwon never mind arguably our worst signing this century in mccarthy.
It would have been easier replacing brown if the board showed some ambition.

10.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 13:01:54
Giving an alternative striker a position on team isn’t necessarily going to improve goal threat. Did Adams get a half decent opportunity to get a strike on goal in either of the two matches.

Instead of joining with well known Celtic haters and pointing out A Ralston areas that he could improve, I have been particularly pleased that a Celtic reserve who has only played in a handful of matches all season could do us all so proud.

A Ralston has had to put up with plenty of rubbish during his short spells on Celtic First team has often come up with important assists and goals. The least any Celtic supporter can do is shut down criticism from Rangers EBT recipients and SMSM bigots. Are own should always come first.

11.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 15:22:45
Stuck. Agreed.

12.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 16:19:30
“ Callum McGregor had a 95% passing accuracy last night and he committed Zero fouls.
He also had an assist” Calum was awful. 95% of that 95% was passed straight back to who he received it from. Both McGinn and him were nowhere the whole game. All I seen him do was point. He never turned and ran at them once. My cat could have made the passes he made. He needs to turn up on Sunday because the two games so far he has been awful.

Tony is out of his depth too. He shouldn’t start on Sunday.

13.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 19:30:05
Who would you play then at rb mccrorie please no.