28 May 2024 19:04:08
Scales for me is a terrible player for us. And his foul on Saturday was a foul all day long a stupid foul but for me that sums Scales up. But for all the Sevco fans that think VAR should have flagged it up don't know the rules VAR CAN'T FLAG UP A FOUL unless its for a penalty. And it was outside the box so they can't do anything about it. I can't believe I am defending Beaton on this considering he gave Hearts a penalty that wasn't one and turned a blind eye to a more blatant penalty clame that would still have been harsh BUT more of a penalty claim than the Hearts one explain that for interpretation of one referee to another. When it's the same guy?

1.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 20:06:30
I think you’re being very unfair about Scales.

Scales has played in 45 out of our last 47 games in all competitions and they are all 90 minutes.

Yes he tired recently but he didn’t have the luxury of being alternated with other squad players.

Our midfielders and forwards are constantly get rests but Scales is being forced to play full games.

That shows that Brendan trusts Scales and I believe he played a massive part in Celtic winning the Double.

Scales deserved his new and improved contract and maybe he can show his best again next season, when he’s not being run into the ground.

I totally agree with you about the penalty incident and Beaton.

Remember Beaton has personally only given One Penalty against Sevco in 12 years and that was in 2017.

Records will show he gave 2 penalties against them since January but that was when VAR forced his arm.

I’ve got no doubts if that same incident happened in the Celtic box, that Beaton would’ve got involved.

Beaton is biased and Hopefully Collum sorts him out.

2.) 28 May 2024
28 May 2024 21:43:42
tony2bhoy, Scales clearly has rough edges.
I'm hoping Brendan sees someone he can work with and improve, no doubt we will need very good CBs in Europe matches. Surely a good coach can take a strong fit player who wants to be the best he can be and get the most from him.

3.) 29 May 2024
28 May 2024 23:53:14
The three Celtic players who I think deserve most credit for if over performing in the season just past are :
a) M O’R who started the season as one of our best players and throughout the season with top class performances was really the star player all season
b) Liam Scales played for us occasionally in his first half season, loaned to Aberdeen for a season long loan and he told anyone who listen to him, that this was what he needed and on return would be a Celtic regular . As Buzz bomb said he was certainly a regular, & I think played the most games and very rarely got a second half substitution and rest Liam has many Celtic fans who don’t rate him, but he is an example of those who don’t like him don’t matter, and those who like him keep playing him.
c) Greg Taylor unlike Scales who has got plenty of criticism for only one season so far, Taylor has been criticised by many Celtic supporters for 3/ 4 yrs . Amongst the criticism he gets is that he is too small . Taylor cannot change his height, and there are many full backs every bit as small . Taylor is an example for every fullback, he works his socks off and deserves plenty of praise.

4.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 03:38:44
Wee des,
Those players you mentioned would be my players of the season alongside Joe Hart.

5.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 05:40:59
Not a fan of scales and Taylor at all, whenever we have to defend crosses/ corners those two give me the fear at that back post and feel it a glaring problem.

6.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 07:54:02
Scales needs to improve on his passing and decision making. He can certainly become a better player.

7.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 07:56:13
They 2 should be back up at best. If we are serious about making inroads in Europe they 2 aren't good enough but sadly I suspect most are just happy to be ahead of sevco.

8.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 08:42:05
As much as I’ve loved Joe Hart, he hasn’t always helped. As a keeper who can come and take balls out of the air would take pressure of the entire defence. But we definitely need more beef ( with quality ) in defence because we can be very fragile at times.

9.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 10:24:15
Alistair Johnstone has had a poor season a think that's why BR has publicly stated that Ralston will get more game time nxt season.

10.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 11:28:58
For me Scales only played because we never had much options with players out injured. His decision making 90% of the time is terrible at best like wise his passing forward I would keep him as a sub but not a first team choice. But then maybe that's why I am not a football manager Lol and it's just my opinion.

11.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:19:42
I note your fear Zosh 1907, maybe to help u to overcome your fear, u should look back to last Sunday’s Scottish Cup final when Rangers2012 had 11 mostly very dangerous penalties from both wings . Celtic defended all 11, so maybe u won’t have to disappear behind sofa next time our opponents get a corner.

12.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:44:45
Thing I love about TR is that he gets beyond the wingers and midfield, and he doesn’t dither, his first touch is usually a cross. LP winner being the perfect example.

13.) 29 May 2024
29 May 2024 12:47:42
Taylor has had it in the neck from a lot of us. in my view he is one of 3 or 4 who have made our fantastic team spirit these past few years. He deserves some credit

Can think of a player who tries more and does a lot of the hard graft very consistently. That mob hate him as well… he gives them it tight.

He is well regarded by BR and the coaches.

14.) 30 May 2024
30 May 2024 07:03:41
We bought 2 central defenders both of whom looked better on paper than Scales but for whatever reason/ s neither has really got near a regular starting place. What the reasons for that I do not know.

Scales panics when going forward with the ball and when he is closed down, he either turns back, passes sideways or makes a pass which puts the recipient under pressure.

Scales is good at attacking high balls from the opposition half but at corners or crosses into our box, he is very poor.

He also gets himself into great positions to have a strike at the opposition goal but never does, he just slows things down when we move forward, he never sprints forward into space, like CCV occasionally does.

I am not sure he has it in him to progress and develop more than where he is at, making a crunching tackle now and again, does not make you a great defender.

15.) 30 May 2024
30 May 2024 22:09:16
I like scales and Taylor. Both genuine young men living the dream. I’d be curious though of all the goals we have lost last season how many were crosses to the left of our box? Agree big Joe not coming off line ever didn’t help. I think both enough for Scotland but in Europe need better. I not 100% mor will leave either. Maybe one more season?

16.) 31 May 2024
31 May 2024 00:05:08
Our entire defensive set-up is based on goalkeeper basically not coming out for crosses . Our goal - keeping coach has defenders fully aware it is their responsibility to attack all crosses from play and set pieces . The worse thing Hart could do, therefore was to follow a cross until near the penalty spot and bumping into Celtic players on the way, leaving our opponent an chance to get to ball before goalie and having virtually an open goal to head ball towards.