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18 May 2024 11:56:02
To all the guys on here going today, enjoy flag day.
I'm watching on the telly as I am letting my grandson go, he is Eight and is absolutely buzzing.
Finally can we all say a massive thank you to Riley Mcgree.




04 May 2024 18:19:48
Happy to swap Dundee United for Livingston and I hope they do a Hamilton and slip further down the leagues.
David Martinjail should be Ok as he is used to being sent down.




15 Apr 2024 20:26:27
For anyone on Twitter look out for a guy called Wee Wideo who does videos about the comments on follow follow, excellent stuff.
He did however miss the best comment over the weekend with a 'well know contributor' calling his team 'cereal' losers, one answer to this thread was 'Coco flops'.




29 Jan 2024 16:06:12
As far as my recollection goes, these are the players that Celtic have spent 6mil or more on.
The only debate could possibly be over Christopher Jullien however I thought he was great and he won us a cup whilst denying them one.
So either 100% success rate or 87% if you didn't rate Jullien.
Cue the happiest of happy clappers to tell me how much Larrson, Moravcek, Wanyama and Van Dyke cost.


{Ed007's Note - I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make but Neil Lennon's transfer fee was £5.75m.}

1.) 29 Jan 2024 16:32:45
Ed, trying to make the point that if we spend decent money there is less of a risk.

{Ed007's Note - the Eyal Berkovic (£5.75m), Rafael Scheidt (£5m) and Albian Ajeti (£5m) deals says otherwise. Transfer fees are irrelevant as there are so many factors that can effect them and imo they are no way to judge how good a player is.
The wages we pay and the money we waste there are a bigger concern to me than the fees we pay for players.}

2.) 29 Jan 2024 17:06:18
I think you are saying that you get what you pay for, and it's something The Board seem to have either forgotten or abandoned?
The most recent of these was Jota and as well as signing a top class entertainer, look at the profit Celtic made on that deal.
The current squad has only maybe CCV and MOR that would make any big profit if sold with far too many that we can't even give away.
So the 'business model' seems to be failing below previous years and we are also not producing any 'gems' from our own academy.
Last summer's transfer window has really set us back a lot.

{Ed007's Note - How much profit do you think we would make on CCV? And if you get what you pay for why don't we fill the squad with players as good as MOR and who only cost £1.5m or even better on a free like Dembele was?}

3.) 29 Jan 2024 17:31:33
Afternoon All

I've got a Yoga Mat that I got from a charity shop and paid I think it was £1.50.
It's the most comfortable and professional 1 I've ever had.

I've got a Mat that I paid around £35 for and isn't that good.

Just saying.


4.) 29 Jan 2024 17:38:32
The other model that seems to be effective is the loan to buy option. CCV, Jota, Edouard and now Bernardo to name a few. The flip side it’s easier to get rid of the players who aren’t good enough.

I’d be quite happy if we get 4 or 5 of those in over the course of the next 48hrs.

5.) 29 Jan 2024 17:38:35
What I have been saying Ed, its not what you pay, its about the player, their potential and how and if they fit into your team.

Flo cost 12 mil and he was useless but great at ine time and struggling before he went to them.

We need people out there who know players, know how to spot potential in decent young players who have been or are regularly playing.

Dembele was struggling after a good spell elsewhere and someone saw something in him and he came to us.

We clearly have no one at our club who can do that. It makes me think that is maybe why Ange turned to what he knew, the league he knew.

We maybe need a review of our recruiting and coaching as we are very poor at set pieces, attacking and defending.

{Ed007's Note - Our set-pieces at both ends of the pitch are atrocious.}

6.) 29 Jan 2024 18:15:50

Whipping in high bawz for Ter who’s being marked by CampseBhoy if we can get the cross pass the first man that is.

{Ed007's Note - ???

7.) 29 Jan 2024 18:57:29
I’m sure I had a post up about concerns of set pieces under Rodgers during his appointment. If you remember back to his last squad we were horrendous then too.

{Ed007's Note - The defensive side of things obviously needs work and arranging during training/tactics but when it comes to the offensive set-pieces surely the players can work on some things themselves, planning & plotting different things to gain the advantage?
Again though, for me, it comes down to that overall lack of physicality that runs throughout the squad like a stick of Blackpool rock.}

8.) 29 Jan 2024 20:04:02
We have been lightweight for far too long ED. Even 1 big solid CDM that we’ve all been shouting for to cause unrest in the box would change the whole scope of an offensive and defensive corners!

{Ed007's Note - ??

9.) 29 Jan 2024 20:31:02
£1.50 as a percentage of £35 is less than 5%.

I propose giving Brian G £1m which is 5% of what Mark Lawell has pi$$ed against a wall and let Brian sort out our recruitment.

We’ll maybe still be $hite but the players will be the utter bollocks at the downward dog and will have improved flexibility way daen the auld Pontius Pilates.

Brian. ??.

{Ed007's Note - So are we not blaming Daddy Lawwell now? I thought he was running the show..... I can't keep up!}

10.) 29 Jan 2024 21:07:00
And Jullien was a big fearty of a CB! Total waste of money!

11.) 29 Jan 2024 21:12:54
Ed007 is 100% right the wages we pay are a better indication of how we value our player . I asked last week what was our wages cap?
I got no answer which is typical of our Board who in their “ business secrecy” keep us in dark about everything. I don’t think they are fooling anyone as clubs and agents of players we want to buy know our limits.

I would hope our wages cap was not set in stone as it could be a real deal blocker . If we had a cap at for example £40k per week and if we were to go another £5K, and that would get us a striker we wanted, it might be real stupid to not go the extra £5K .
Relations between our Board and many fans are rarely good, I think that’s because us fans are kept in the dark about too many things . Board have a right to confidentiality, but surely we also have rights.

12.) 30 Jan 2024 07:38:35
The below average wages, Celtic are paying ALL of our 9 summer signings proves Celtic downsized.

The question needing answered,
Why did Celtic downsize?

13.) 31 Jan 2024 09:30:36

I appreciate your trust in me.

I could go wild in a charity shop or bargain basement with £1m ?




19 Jan 2024 10:30:20
Bayern Leverkusen were in the relegation zone when Alonso was appointed as head coach/ Manager.
Previously they had been a club that developed and sold young talents such as Havertz to Chelski.
Alonso changed that and as well as buying Boniface 22 for 20mil he brought in 3 experienced internationals as free transfers, Grimaldo 27, Hofmann 30 and Xhaka 30.
They now sit top of the German league just above Bayern Munich. just saying.


1.) 19 Jan 2024 13:15:20
I get what you’re saying mate but let’s look at what Bayer Leverkusen offer players compared to us. Grimaldo is on 99k a week, Xhaka is 68k and Hoffman is 66k before we get into the fact that the Bundesliga is a massive league with big teams and the lifestyle in Germany is completely different to Scotland.

I know you mean that we should do something similar but the potential pool of players we would be in for is players that lower championship and league one teams are competing for. Our best bet is to try to buy young promising players but also trying to find players like Juranovic and in the past Hinkel who are competing in European leagues but aren’t at clubs who can promote them internationally or offer CL or EL.

2.) 19 Jan 2024 13:57:55
We could easily afford to pay 70k per week, 2 things need to happen 1/ trim the squad to a manageable level. 2/ remove the wage cap which incidentally doesn’t extend to the boardroom.
I would also consider scrapping our youth set up for all the good it does us.

3.) 19 Jan 2024 18:11:55
Things don’t look great at the moment, there aren’t many deals completed anywhere yet. It’s pointless getting all worked up at this stage with two weeks left we could have a good window or a bad one . The fact that when Ange came in we were in need of a total rebuild, meant that his first 2 windows were very busy as we needed players all over Park . Things safe more specific now which might mean that transfers are slower coming in . Everyone connected with transfers knows importance moving on up to 8/ 10 players to make training more manageable.

4.) 19 Jan 2024 18:22:57
This has to be the most ridiculous thread I've read on here! You are compairng Bayer Leverkusen to us??????? No wonder they couldn't pay the facepainter!




Paythefacepainter's rumour replies


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01 Mar 2024 18:36:38
One down many more to go.




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03 Feb 2024 12:23:47
Penny for Lagerbielkas thoughts.




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21 Jan 2024 10:36:24
One of the best lines ever…. take a bow.




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31 Aug 2022 22:21:30
Better than Kilmarmock!




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26 Aug 2022 18:35:39
No one in the airlines head offices to push the prices buzz.





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02 Jul 2024 19:46:46
I’ve completed this weejoe
Plenty of opportunities to give comments on issues you might be unhappy with, I’ve given feedback on need to prioritise first 11, how poor the main stand facilities are, how poor the board especially Lawwell is, how the wage cap (which doesn’t apply to the board) has held us back in Europe.
Would encourage everyone on here to go fill it in.




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30 Jun 2024 14:35:06
The best indicator of future behaviour is past behaviour.
Until our useless board put the product on the park before the bank balance then the majority of our support will be negative during any transfer window.




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05 Jun 2024 18:15:06
Don’t think the Titanic turned Keev83.




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13 Apr 2024 19:04:51
Nawrocki was a head injury Turner.




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22 Mar 2024 17:59:50
JMHO but I think the current squad would beat the 2003 team, they are all in their late forties now.




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