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18 May 2024 19:31:37
Good day just got better, caley thistle been relegated. Yesss.




07 Apr 2024 13:19:35
Same old rangers, / beaton always cheating. couldn't face to give Celtic a pen and not the orcs, I'm surprised jonstone wasn't sent off too.




25 Feb 2024 13:13:08
Just saying, big Mick got the dunt from the buns for losing less points than brenda has this season.
Why is he still in a job, do the board actually want to hand the title to them.
This team is completely devoid of ideas, no player wants to step up and take games by scruff of the neck, we keep saying the same things, as fans, surely an elite manager and business men can see this is not working.
If Rodgers had the guts he should walk tonight, he says he loves the club, well it's time to go.
Derek Adams could do better and that's saying something.


1.) 25 Feb 2024 13:39:11
Can see this getting dragged out with Brenda as he’ll be wanting his severance and the Tory board will be boakin at the thought of it.

2.) 25 Feb 2024 13:50:44
He should walk with no severance package. Football management is the only job, apart from a politician where you get paid for failure. He has failed in his job, he deserves no more money than he has already gotten.

3.) 25 Feb 2024 14:40:35
Brendan isn’t Michael Beale he has given us many happy memories. You don’t sack a manager of his calibre at the first time of trouble. He deserves some respect surely? Even Jock Stein had his troubles you can’t constantly win it’s pretty much impossible.

4.) 25 Feb 2024 15:25:38
Gaz my friend Enrico agrees. BR is still the man to take us forward.

5.) 25 Feb 2024 15:31:48
I don't expect to win every game, but what bugs me is this type of football we are playing, all the players don't/ can't play, to his system, now we won today, but it was poor, will we be as bad ex baby buns, or will they be as bad as they were yesterday. That's what bugs me, a game lasts 90 mins or 100 like today, why can't we be that intense for a while game
And my point about Beale is he lost 3 and drew 1 and got the dunt, we have drawn 5 lost 2 that's us lost 16 points to his 10, that was my point.

6.) 25 Feb 2024 16:18:32
There is no comparison, Beale lost the points over the space of 7 games and while BR has lost 6 more points he has managed over 20 more games. If the players approach the rest of the games with the same attitude as the second half we may just win this league.

7.) 25 Feb 2024 16:57:49
Enrico I don't think BR is the man to take us forward, but we stick with him until the end of the season at least.

8.) 25 Feb 2024 17:17:25
You should when you have the best team and squad and most money but board screwed him over.



17 Feb 2024 18:11:36
At the end of the day, if we get beat or draw, having giving our all, I've no issue with that, I applaud the team, but this shower of incompetent clowns don't even seem to want to try, what they forget is the fans have to graft for there cash, to pay for tickets to pay there wages of these imposters who claim to be footballers.


1.) 17 Feb 2024 18:27:24
Celtic have now conceded more points this season, than we did for the whole of last season and there’s still 12 league matches remaining.

2.) 17 Feb 2024 18:37:14
Well Said.



17 Feb 2024 17:09:55
If I was lawell I'd go into showers tonight and give Rodgers his jotters. His results are almost as bad as Mick's and he got punted. What a disgrace, he couldn't manage a p#ss up in a distillery. He should be sacked now. Rodgers out tonight, if he had any decency he should walk tonight. I mean 3 games against that shower and no wins, embarrassing doesn't cover it .


1.) 17 Feb 2024 17:21:00
The real problem is the DD/ PL axis.

Don’t think many managers could do much with the team at hand. Defence is poor, midfield doesn’t work, no wingers and rely on Kyogo up front. Nothing in reserve.

Team is too small to play in Scotland. To weak as well.

Manager isn’t great but the whole club is a mess ans has been since the summer.

Time for action from the fans…. I have been saying for sometime now that we don’t have the players to wiln the league.

2.) 17 Feb 2024 17:25:18
Can't get my head around the subs made today. Everyone could see Kilmarnocks tactics by bringing on every 6ft they had on the bench. What does Rogers do, takes Taylor off and puts Ann even smaller guy on basically inviting Kilmarnock to pump high balls to the back post.

3.) 17 Feb 2024 17:40:02
Although Celtic need a new manager for next season,
I don’t think a new manager will make any difference because it’s our players that are not good enough.

Celtic have signed multiple amounts of players that shouldn’t be anywhere near Parkhead.
And when Celtic have half a team of them playing at the same time, we get results like today.

4.) 17 Feb 2024 20:51:10
Getting rid of Rodgers won’t help us win league and getting rid of a manager with reputation of Rodgers in mid season would leave it very hard to get a decent replacement. Rodgers reputation with Celtic fans may be in tatters but his reputation in uK football is quite high.




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26 Jun 2024 21:11:24
How about buying the club and transfer any cups and titles, that's what the Devs do, apart from buying of course???.




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19 Jun 2024 19:12:48
Gerry, does your point mean, that Celtic will never beat a top team in Europe again? If the players and management feel the same, then they be better off just getting out of Germany right now.
Surely every player, should at least give 100 %, there wasn't many pass marks on Friday, hopefully tonight we get a result and a performance.




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05 May 2024 20:37:03
Went to summerslam in wembley in summer 92 was awesome, wife won't let me go to wrestle mania I love the WWE, I know it's scripted but it's my gig.


{Ed007's Note - I don't even accept a slagging over watching it mate - do people think that folk that get shot in a TV show or film really die? I've been to it a few times in Glasgow over the years and we went down to Birmingham in 2013 I think it was to meet Ed001 who paid for VIP tickets for us.
As I said, it's the best soap opera that's ever been on TV.}



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25 Feb 2024 15:31:48
I don't expect to win every game, but what bugs me is this type of football we are playing, all the players don't/ can't play, to his system, now we won today, but it was poor, will we be as bad ex baby buns, or will they be as bad as they were yesterday. That's what bugs me, a game lasts 90 mins or 100 like today, why can't we be that intense for a while game
And my point about Beale is he lost 3 and drew 1 and got the dunt, we have drawn 5 lost 2 that's us lost 16 points to his 10, that was my point.




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25 Feb 2024 13:50:44
He should walk with no severance package. Football management is the only job, apart from a politician where you get paid for failure. He has failed in his job, he deserves no more money than he has already gotten.




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