19 Jun 2024 21:20:59
Slightly worrying that Roger’s said that ralston will be a main player for us next season, he is a shocking player and footballer.
Also tierney going off injured again, hits it home that we can’t take any risk with him in signing him . In fairness we probably ruined him playing so many games when he was young and he was being singled out in every game by hatchet men and now he’s obviously paying the price. Shame for the lad that his injuries will prob finish his career.

1.) 19 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 22:32:54

Your comments about Ralston make me sick.

Hold off until tomorrow there will be plenty slaughtering 'the Celtic right back' and you can join in with Souness and the rest of the MSSM.

How many ragers players let us down Graeme? You’re a disgrace.

Ralston was excellent in the second half as was attested to by Andy Robertson but what does he know compared to you.

Switzerland are a top side who've qualified for the last five tournaments.

2.) 20 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 23:13:58
Did Rodgers not just say that he would play more?
If we have at least 8 CL games then we would expect to see more of a rotation. Especially in cup games and after a European game.

3.) 20 Jun 2024
19 Jun 2024 23:44:24
Spot on JFP he had a great 2nd half against a top side. bad enough the pundits giving celtic players a doing never mind our own.

4.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 07:01:28
Just my opinion to be fair, but he’s just not a very good player, regardless that he plays for Celtic . I’m not Scottish so tbh I don’t care if he plays well or not for Scotland, my opinion is that he isn’t good enough for us as I’ve stated before. For us to improve we need better players and he’s not at the level to improve us. He gets found out, I appreciate he’s living his dream and ours of playing for his team, but he is targeted every game he plays for a reason. Just going forward we need a better option at right back. Sorry to make you feel ill with My opinion .

5.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 07:55:18
Who targets Ralston? Is it the boo boys who regularly pick on players and not for lack of ability, just for boos boys perceived lack of ability.
We must have built a good team, as u are now criticising, back up players letting us down in Europe.

6.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 08:31:27
Ralston isn't good enough to be our main Rb but we certainly won't find a better more reliable back up than him. he's a very important squad player and will be for years to come i feel.
His graft is only exceeded by maeda and i wouldn't be surprised to see ralston at celtic til he retires. Hed be nailed on future captain if he just had a little bit more quality.

7.) 20 Jun 2024
20 Jun 2024 14:48:05
I’m not picking on him for no other reason in that I don’t think he’s the quality we need. I have no doubt he will be at Celtic for an awful long time as there isn’t a club in England or Scotland who would give him a contract as big as what we have gave him.

To improve as a team and squad we need a decent 11 and decent subs, who when called upon there isn’t any difference. That’s what big teams do, when other so called big teams bring subs in against us in Europe, they don’t say it’s ok he’s not as good as the other player but he’s good around the squad.

There subs normally make a difference in games as they are good players and normally come on against tired players. I appreciate it seems like I’m picking on him but I just feel for our team to grow we needed a better squad, I know the majority won’t agree with me . It’s also no fault of his as he’s living every one of our dreams, so I can’t slag him off for that.

8.) 22 Jun 2024
22 Jun 2024 21:22:14
Our squad is good enough to dominate domestically, paying more money to some players in key positions won’t necessarily bridge the gap between our current squad and a team that are regularly going to win in Europe . To win regularly in Europe we have to get our squad to mentally become confident of winning . We can beat Rangers2012 even with many of our top players missing and we need to be able to overcome set backs in Europe and win games we are currently losing .
Bringing in European experienced players may benefit in a few European games but break the togetherness that have us succeeding domestically.