15 Jun 2024 09:21:29
Am not a tartan army luvvie by any stretch of the imagination but like to see Scotland do well along with Ireland. but what the feck did porteus do to start that game that tackle has been his trademark since he went pro and he gets away with it down south due to no var. Clarke had a howler last night and so many players looked out their depth including our own.

1.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 09:36:00
Tierney is worth a million never mind 10 million watching him last night.

2.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 10:23:09
Couldn’t agree more Mally …. Granted the Germans have some top performers but OMG Scotland were miles off it… Will do well to get a single point out there!

3.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 10:35:42
The daunting thought for me was how bad the Celts and ex-Celts in that team were so outclassed and made to look very, very ordinary.
The warning signs as a Celtic supporter have been there for years in the CL and UEFA League, now that we have fallen far below the quality and standards set during the MON and WGS days.
The decline started after the 2012 deal with the devil and it's alarming how much we have slipped and what we are settling for these days - even though we profess to be a big and progressive club.

4.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 12:58:58
That's what I'm thinking. Calmac and co are good domestically but that's all. From a Celtic slant, last night was another indicator of what we already know what's required to improve in Europe.
Off an a tangent here. I didn't watch the game last night (I watched a rerun of the 1980 cup final) but did McKenna get minutes last night? In a domestic context only, he may be worth a pint if he's a free.

5.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 14:31:31
I agree. If we are ever to truly get a team who can compete in the CL then neither Calum or Tony showed they can handle that level last night. The whole team were an embarrassment. Bottom line is, our best players are mediocre in the grand scheme of things and last night, that truth was hammered home.

6.) 15 Jun 2024
15 Jun 2024 17:52:27
The biggest problem last night wasn’t the performance of any individual player, but the lack of teamwork and understanding of each others play .
We appeared to be a team that had met up on Friday lunch time and forced to go out and play . Scotland made Germany look a far better team than they really are . No matter how many games Germany have in the Euros they won’t come across any opponents as badly prepared as Scotland,