04 Jun 2024 20:08:50
Just wanted to ask if you have heard anything regarding the staff recruitment, is there any further news regarding the head of recruitment and head scout?
Also do you think there is anything in the Kelleher rumour.

{Ed007's Note - Most of the footballing world are on their summer holidays, I'm hoping there are people lined up to take up official posts on the 1st of July but there's no gossip of who Celtic are bringing in or their plans, it's a bit concerning for me tbh but enough to panic about considering the season and contracts are only officially up by a couple of days.
There's definitely been contact with Kelleher's agents in the past and I wouldn't pay too much attention to the £15m talk, if Kelleher wants the move to Celtic it will come down to negotiations over a fee, Liverpool wouldn't have the premium of selling to an opposition club that could cost them points or a cup run.
I honestly wouldn't completely write it off - would another CL team offer him their No.1 shirt - but I would be surprised if it happened.
Does he not play golf with Baby Desmond and his wee brigade??

1.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 13:36:28
Thanks for the reply Ed
Keep up the great work.

{Ed007's Note - No probs Jon ????

2.) 05 Jun 2024
05 Jun 2024 20:20:08
work with a liverpool fan he says kelleher is a bombscare alsorts a mistakes in him.

{Ed007's Note - Fraser Forster was a kid playing for Newcastle reserves, Craig Gordon came here with the knees of 60-year old man, Joe Hart thought the best move he would get was as a benchwarmer for Jose in Italy and one of the top Greek GKs that we scouted extensively turned out to be a dud for us who then went on to become one of the best GK's in Holland - every single one of them made plenty of mistakes
Kelleher has wasted a lot of years being Liverpool's No.2 when he should have been out playing and learning to iron out the mistakes in his game.
People that know more about football than me and you, John say Kelleher will become a top 'keeper, he needs a manager to put faith in him as his No.1 choice.
Does anyone ever hear good things about players we are linked with?}

3.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 03:14:13
Id take kelleher all day long. Fantastic shot stopper but does need to work with distribution. he's Definetly my top choice from the Gks mentioned.
It probably pie in the sky but if de gea fancied it for maybe 40k a week i wouldn't say no either.

4.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 07:29:19
De Vries was poor.

5.) 06 Jun 2024
06 Jun 2024 10:36:04
I wasn't overly impressed with Kelleher when he was playing the odd game for Liverpool but when he got a proper run due to Allison's injury he really came on to a game. Not sure he'll be within our price range, even without the PL premium.